
Oct 28, 2017
For me, of course. I know many of you like these vast open worlds of new AC games.

But I just fell in love in Siege after returning to the game couple of weeks ago (after ~2 year break). The gunplay, the possibilities, the strategy, tense gameplay, learning maps and then knowing exactly where to look and how to approach - this is so freaking engaging. Gameplay-wise it's perfect for me. And it's the best example of fixing something that was barely working at release day.

I also love how it's teamplay oriented but I feel like I can really play very well with randoms - right now I feel like less and less people are trolling etc because of possible penalties. I just think devs don't really have much more good ideas for Operators because every archetype is already filled. I wonder if there's maybe a sequel possible? I would love to play something similar but in different time perdiod, Cold War for example. The same gameplay but without gadgets and cameras would be interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
Great game. It was a rough game when it first launched but dang Ubisoft really outdid themselves on getting to where it's a today. I was really good at the game when it first came out but if I were to play to I would get crushed.


Sep 4, 2019
It's the best tactical shooter by a mile. Even with my aging slow-ass reactions, as long as I take it slow and think about what I'm doing I can have a pretty decent game. Whereas on COD and CS:GO I often die before I've even thought about pulling the trigger šŸ¤£.
I just wish they'd make the operators cheaper to buy, I've already got them all on Xbox and recently started playing PC again and holy moly I am not paying that much to unlock characters.


Oct 27, 2017
For Honor is the best for me.

I do get you though, it's a fantastic game I just prefer a different genre more. Ubi really had some winners over the last few years.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Siege is a generation defining game. It gets missed a lot by people who don't follow multiplayer gaming but it's without a doubt one of the biggest successes of this gen. Its a massive game that has built itself up over time to be this behemoth. I got into it pretty late and I kicked myself when I finally put the time aside to play it properly. I wish I'd been playing since the start.

I'd put it up there with Rocket League and Destiny and one of the most important new games of this generation.


Oct 31, 2017
Siege or The Division 1 to take top spot for me, happy either way.

Outside of them though....AC, WD, Ghost Recon and The Crew have all been deeply disappointing for me. Although I loved the part of Watchdogs where you hack someone else's game and try to hide.


Oct 26, 2017
Not played since November because my PS+ ran out, and I literally only play Siege online so decided to take a break.

But yeah, played Siege basically since launch. It has a steep learning curve that may turn off some, but once you get going and the game starts to click it's incredible. It's actually hard playing other shooters after how smooth and dynamic Siege is. Definitely game of the generation for me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Been playing consistently since December 2015. Awesome awesome game. I just wish my friends played it more often.


Oct 27, 2017
Great game. It was a rough game when it first launched but dang Ubisoft really outdid themselves on getting to where it's a today. I was really good at the game when it first came out but if I were to play to I would get crushed.

this is my biggest problem with the game. It's got great depth and a high skill ceiling, which makes it very hard to come back to after you put it down for a while. I'd love to get back into it, but I am not thrilled by the prospect of getting stomped while I re-learn the game.


Oct 25, 2017
this is my biggest problem with the game. It's got great depth and a high skill ceiling, which makes it very hard to come back to after you put it down for a while. I'd love to get back into it, but I am not thrilled by the prospect of getting stomped while I re-learn the game.

Its great they keep adding more operators but at some point they should stop and just focus on gameplay and more maps. So overwhelming on which operator to pick.

Dark Mantonio

Nov 1, 2017
Great game. I really loved it the first few years after release, but sadly have lost the thread since then. Feels like there's way too many variables to keep track of now.
Oct 27, 2017
Played a bit when it launched and liked it but fell off of it. Came back to it last year and I'm completely hooked. I play daily now. It's an incredibly deep game and I can't wait to see how they continue to expand on it.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

Its great they keep adding more operators but at some point they should stop and just focus on gameplay and more maps. So overwhelming on which operator to pick.

Hell no. They shouldn't add more maps to the game. Learning the maps is the overwhelming part even for veteran players. Reworking and balancing current maps is the way to go.

How would they focus on gameplay without adding new operators with new interactions?


Oct 27, 2017
Gears used to be my crack when it was all 1 life rounds.
Still love it but that died off for more accessible tdm modes.

Siege scratches that original itch of intense 1 life precision or die gameplay.
I love it so much.


Oct 27, 2017
Before the last PS4 sale, I would've agreed, but now I know it's actually Starlink.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Yes it most definitely is. I bought an Xbox One in 2015/2016 for Battlefront. Once I got R6 Siege it was over. I'd be scared to share how many hours I've put into that game.


Nov 5, 2017
Yea Siege is the game my group of friends and I where looking for the past couple of years. We bounced from competitive game to competitive game but it didn't quit offer what we wanted.

First we tried CS:GO and we loved the tactic and vibe but it was far too hard and punishing of a learning curve so we eventually fell off.

Then we played a ton of Overwatch because it was super accessible and the zeitgeist was exciting. We also liked the constant character and updates. But the respawning and general meta made us fall off kinda hard.

Then we got into PUBG and the high-stakes, variety, and tactics hooked us for a long while. What killed PUBG was perfomance and the inconsistency of matches. Too much RNG for me and my group.

Finally Siege had all we liked of all the previous games. High stakes no respawn gameplay, constant updates and characters, variety and spontaneity, and generally a vibe and aesthetic we liked. And unlike BR we got to play a full game every round, not having to worry about bad drops or where the circle shrank or not loading in before the air plane flew by the part of the map you wanted to drop at.


Oct 27, 2017
As much as I enjoy the other Ubi games, Rainbow Six Siege is amazing. I wouldn't argue against anyone saying it's the best Ubi game this gen.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favourite multiplayer games ever. It is a shame about parts of the community, though I do appreciate Ubisoft trying to combat toxicity and bigotry.

Dark Mantonio

Nov 1, 2017
If you're under level 50 there's Newcomer mode - just 3 maps. Good to learn the basics again.

Oh that's pretty cool. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I'm over 50 since I bought it at launch. But thanks for the heads-up.

My wish is that the successor makes good on Siege's reveal and leans into things like destructability, lighting and sound design over a zillion single-user operators/gadgets. Given the operators are how they're seemingly making their money I'm not terribly hopeful but you never know.


Oct 26, 2017
100% agreed, OP. Not just Ubi's best but a contender for game of the generation. Been playing it since launch and even with a few breaks here and there I have consistently kept it in my rotation because of just how good the base gameplay is. They knocked it out of the park in making a character based tactical shooter that doesn't let any one facet overcome the others, where gunplay and FPS skills still matter the most. Then they set the standard for consistent game support in their first year after release with 4 great seasons of new content and have continued since then.

It's an amazing game and up there in the pantheon of top tier MP shooters. I'm glad I got to go along for the ride.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I've thought about giving it a shot because it looks fun as hell, but I'll admit I'm concerned that I'll be damn useless after hearing about how steep the learning curve is. Especially since I'd likely play by myself and don't have any friends who'd be interested in checking it out.


Oct 25, 2017
Best multiplayer this generation. I would even go as far as to say best in the last decade surpassing the likes of CoD4, MW2 and Battlefield 4.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just picked up Siege in December on PC and have been loving it so far. It took a bit of time to get used to each of the maps, but I think I've finally got it down to the point where I'd be looking to try ranked. Just need to learn some of the more common call-out locations now.
Feb 5, 2020
I've thought about giving it a shot because it looks fun as hell, but I'll admit I'm concerned that I'll be damn useless after hearing about how steep the learning curve is. Especially since I'd likely play by myself and don't have any friends who'd be interested in checking it out.
As a guy who goofs around by himself and occasionally plays with friends you can def get into it by yourself


Oct 25, 2017
It's up there with For Honor for me. Both exemplary games in their respective genres. Both very unique and unlike anything else out there.