
Nov 4, 2017
First part of thread title is confirmed. The game won't be releasing in China for at least a few more weeks. Via Reuters:

HONG KONG, June 20 (Reuters) - Internet and gaming giant NetEase (9999.HK) delayed the rollout of its video game Diablo Immortal in China three days ahead of its official launch, a move that comes just after the game's official account on Weibo was banned from making new posts.

That social media post, which reads "why isn't (Winnie) the bear going out of office yet?":


And NetEase's statement regarding the matter:

China-based NetEase, which was set to release the game on Thursday, did not provide a new launch date, but said on Sunday it wanted to make changes such as improvements to the game-play experience and conduct "multiple optimization adjustments".

There are multiple rumors going around about this. Some people suspect that the CN Diablo community mass reported the game to the CCP government for its unfair gambling practices, but I haven't been able to find reliable sources on that. I'm sure we'll know more about this in due time.


Oct 29, 2017
Oh boy, if they lose out on their prime market for this game it's going to be bad. I am betting that this alone is costing them a shitload of money.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm continually amazed by how thin-skinned some world leaders are, given how much power and resources they wield.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice to see Blizzard piss of the Communist Party regime. Not sure it's a great business move, but I sure approve.


Jan 27, 2018
Would be funny if the chinese version is less pay2win than the western version. dawning echo's being paid only is bullshit.


Jun 19, 2018
In an ideal world, companies would learn from this that there is no point in appeasing dictators.


Oct 28, 2017
Didn't realize it wasn't out in China which semi-explains it "only" grossing 24 million dollars in two weeks.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'm not familiar with the layout of Weibo, but the circled characters say "America". So.. iono.


Nov 1, 2017
Wondering if Blizzard really approved of that message or it was just some rogue social media staff.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
Wondering if Blizzard really approved of that message or it was just some rogue social media staff.
Probably the latter, and more specifically someone forgetting they've logged into the work account rather than their personal account. Either way, zero chance this was a deliberate protest from either Blizzard or NetEase.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
i would die laughing if blizzard made this terrible game for China and then couldn't actually release it there


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised Diablo: Immortal even has a chance of release in China despite the Xi dig. The game is full of material that would need to be censored in order to get a Chinese release. Things like blood and skeletons have been censored in games like WOW and DOTA, so what kind of changes would D:I have to do to get released there?

The post almost feels like self-sabotage. Like, they knew there was no way that game was getting past censors.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised Diablo: Immortal even has a chance of release in China despite the Xi dig. The game is full of material that would need to be censored in order to get a Chinese release. Things like blood and skeletons have been censored in games like WOW and DOTA, so what kind of changes would D:I have to do to get released there?

The post almost feels like self-sabotage. Like, they knew there was no way that game was getting past censors.

You'd assume all those fixes like blood and skeletons were already "fixed". The main development team was a Chinese team weren't they? I feel it would make sense they already have a version to pass the censors in their own country.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I really want to believe that this game was mass reported due to the greedy MTX.

The radio silence from Blizzard since launch also speaks volumes.

Massive hopium, but I sincerely hope a major overhaul is coming to the game soon with all the negative reception surrounding this game.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
You know its wild the situation that the actions of an intern can stop the release of game on a country

But still the game and the ccp sucks so is not that big of a loss


Oct 27, 2017
You'd assume all those fixes like blood and skeletons were already "fixed". The main development team was a Chinese team weren't they? I feel it would make sense they already have a version to pass the censors in their own country.

True, but it's just such a tone deaf post. I mean, throughout the lockdown in Shanghai, I had a lot of friends post shit about the government in creative ways so as not to get them in trouble, but no one would ever straight up say "Winnie needs to go". That kind of talk gets you in big trouble.

The Weibo post was either posted by the stupidest employee ever or they somehow knew it wasn't getting released, and just said "Fuck it".


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda figured Diablo would already have a hard enough time in China due to the ghouls and skellingtons in the game


Oct 27, 2017
I really want to believe that this game was mass reported due to the greedy MTX.

The radio silence from Blizzard since launch also speaks volumes.

Massive hopium, but I sincerely hope a major overhaul is coming to the game soon with all the negative reception surrounding this game.

I'm going to have to go with a Nope on the rework. Just the title alone of this thread has 100% of all the necessary details as to why, no need to even click on it-



Oct 30, 2017
Hope game companies start learning the lesson Hollywood has slowly learned over the last few years. that it's not worth appeasing dictators.


Oct 25, 2017
Tacoma, Washington
Hahahahaha, oh man it would be so good if they couldn't release this psychologically exploitative pile of shit in their primary market, that would just make my day.


Oct 28, 2017
There seems to be another angle as to why it's being delayed and that is that it was reported for predatory mtx. People suspect this because they released a statement in Chinese that said this.


"Diablo: Immortal"

Delay Announcement 2022-06-19

Dear Adventurers: We are sorry to inform you that the original launch plan of "Diablo: Immortal" on June 23 will be delayed. The development team is making a number of optimization adjustments to the game: support for a wider range of models and devices, the highest quality rendering on more models, a lot of experience, network and performance optimization, and more.

We believe that the game experience in the official online version will become smoother and bring better game content to everyone. In order to thank all adventurers for their patience, we have specially prepared an exclusive thank-you package containing legendary equipment and rich props and materials.

After the official launch of "Diablo: Immortal", all adventurers can receive the above rewards through the in-game mailbox after registering their characters in the game. In addition, we will also add more welfare activities and generous rewards in the game. Thank you for your support and understanding, we are doing our best and look forward to seeing you in Sanctuary soon! "Diablo: Immortal" project team

Both theories are speculation of course but putting out a statement promising more "welfare activities and generous rewards" is more in line with fixing monetization rather than insulting Xi.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
It would be some real sweet karma if Diablo Immortal was forced to miss out on one of its biggest potential markets especially after the shit Blizzard pulled with that Hearthstone player a while back.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
How does the necromancer even work in a Chinese game? Aren't skeletons and spirits like super taboo to portray in media there?


Oct 27, 2017
That seems to be english version of the news? Doesn't just refer to China. Sounds legit enough that it isn't happening because of goverment issues and vague enough that you still can call bullshit on it.


We are delaying the launch of Diablo Immortal in the regions of Asia Pacific to July 7 PDT. Having a staggered launch for our debut mobile-first game gave us an opportunity to learn and optimize between each phase. We believe that our players will benefit from optimization that would make the download and playing experience much smoother.

Among the features we are working on are:

  • Initial build package optimization: Reshuffling the assets downloading sequence so relevant UI would populate properly to improve user experience in-game.
  • Android device performance optimization: The install base of mobile devices in Asia Pacific regions is very diverse. Using learnings from the first phase of our launch, we are performing additional compatibility tests to optimize the launch experience.
  • PC experience improvements: Including fixes to potion and skills lockout issues, Auto-Navigation, Demon Hunter primary attack, Xbox controller input delay, and more.
  • Performance and network optimization: Improvements to deferred multi-lighting particle tech, bug fixes, and more.
We appreciate your patience, and we will be providing each player in impacted regions with a package consisting of one piece of Legendary Gear, 100 Scrap Materials, and 10 Enchanted Dust. To claim these items, visit your in-game inbox after you have created your character and begun your journey into Sanctuary on July 7 PDT.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
It would be pretty hilarious if Blizzard somehow missed a Chinese release on Diablo Immortal after collaborating with a Chinese developer and torching so much of the Diablo brand to target the Chinese F2P market. Sadly, given the amount of money involved, I expect these issues to be resolved.


Jun 3, 2020
There seems to be another angle as to why it's being delayed and that is that it was reported for predatory mtx. People suspect this because they released a statement in Chinese that said this.


Both theories are speculation of course but putting out a statement promising more "welfare activities and generous rewards" is more in line with fixing monetization rather than insulting Xi.
This makes more sense. Chinese government has been cracking down on microtransactions and addiction, even limiting the amount of money minors could spend in mtx in a month.


Oct 27, 2017
Whoever is managing the account deserves some respect. Though it has to be ab individual though as Activision Blizzard are such CCP apologists and NetEase probably didn't do it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised Diablo: Immortal even has a chance of release in China despite the Xi dig. The game is full of material that would need to be censored in order to get a Chinese release. Things like blood and skeletons have been censored in games like WOW and DOTA, so what kind of changes would D:I have to do to get released there?

The post almost feels like self-sabotage. Like, they knew there was no way that game was getting past censors.
All of that work was already done for Diablo 3. Immortal reuses a ton of enemies stuff from D3, so I don't imagine it was especially difficult to censor.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how much better the microtransactions will be in the china version. Im like 90% sure thats the real reason its delayed