
Oct 30, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

There is nothing objectionable about this post given what this thread is about.


Oct 27, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
Will probably get banned for this myself, but I have to say, what a ridiculous and egregious ban. At no point does the poster imply that religious fundamentalism is an Islam-only problem, they clearly referred to blasphemy specifically, which is indeed a problem with some Islamic countries handing out international death sentences for.

It's also ridiculous that Islamophobia, on its own, is a bannable offence in a thread about an ex-Muslim atheist being grievously wounded for writing fiction considered by some to be Islamophobic. The same man who wrote "Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect."

stump sock

Oct 25, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
mods have some x-ray vision here to read things that aren't even in the post


Oct 25, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

This ban is ridiculous.


Nov 9, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
Yeah I'm going to have to second that a three month ban over this post is kind of insane.

Nothing in this post qualifies as any of the supposed offenses.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
Holy fuck why was this guy banned? Jesus fucking Christ.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Don't want to turn this thread towards an other topic but that ban is ridiculous. I hope some Admin had the balls to justify its reasoning publicly.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
This is a really fucking stupid ban.


May 21, 2021
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

Ridiculous ban


Oct 25, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

This is a ridiculous ban.


Nov 13, 2017
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I'd love to read a further justification of that ban, not that I'm entitled to it or anything. All I read was fact, fact, fact, informed opinion, neutral observation and fact.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope he pulls through, he's a brilliant author. Fuck these thin-skinned dumbass religious cunts and the gods they worship.


Jul 21, 2020
Also want to say the ban is disgusting. I teach subjects like this as part of a Sociology degree and the arguments in that post are part of commonly taught, respected peer-reviewed articles and monographs. If the mod wants to let us know who they are I could send them over and they could try and get the authors of those banned too if they like.

Perhaps the mod could have just posted an analysis of why exactly that post seemed problematic to them, with a rebuttal using their own evidenced argumentation, if they were capable.
Last edited:


Nov 9, 2017
I'd love to read a further justification of that ban, not that I'm entitled to it or anything. All I read was fact, fact, fact, informed opinion, neutral observation and fact.
There's definitely a mod here who lacks any semblance of objectivity and is prone to childish knee jerk reactions whenever something they don't personally like has been posted.


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
So which mod is responsible for this ban?


Oct 26, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

I'm sorry, banned for what?


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe it was the night mod and he clicked the wrong ban reason from a dropdown menu


Nov 9, 2017
Also want to say the ban is disgusting. I teach subjects like this as part of a Sociology degree and the arguments in that post are part of commonly taught, respected peer-reviewed articles and monographs. If the mod wants to let us know who they are I could send them over and they could try and get the authors of those banned too if they like.

Perhaps the mod could have just posted an analysis of why exactly that post seemed problematic to them, with a rebuttal using their own evidenced argumentation, if they were capable.

Look you're asking for an objective discussion of an issue when clearly immediately silencing all thought crime is the more appropriate way to go.


Jul 9, 2018
Most of the 3 month bans I've seen on here have been justified. This one? Not so much.

Add my name to the list of those who'd like to hear an explanation from the mods.


Dec 6, 2018
i don't get the ban either. The poster was literally referring to blasphemy laws which is a big thing in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

in fact the fatwas were issued by Iran who puts a bounty head on this guy.


May 29, 2019
Surprised and disappointed by Acetown's ban. Really the first one of this severity I've seen on this site that I thought was completely unwarranted. Do better, mod(s).
Oct 27, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.
Can't personally see why this is at all deserving of a 3-month ban, especially for the reason cited.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn no wonder there were helicopters and cops everywhere. The attacker's last known address is not even 2 minutes away from me.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidents like this really shouldn't be shocking to anyone at this point. We had the Charlie Hebdo massacre a bunch of years back, Jyllandsposten, the Asia Bibi case, Samuel Paty. Those are the big ones. In Sweden we had a guy who lived under 24/7 police protection over some dumb drawing (he died in a car crash just recently).
I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world, certainly a very symbolically loaded one, and at least in Europe it's come to animate a lot of the far right discourse. The Salman Rushdie case is pretty much where this conflict started.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

Nowhere in Acetown's post is it framed as being 'exclusive to the Islamic world.' You're imagining something that isn't there.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
Nothing about the quote you're focusing on implies anything else you said to be untrue.


Oct 26, 2017
Man the Fatwa against him was never rescinded and they have been after him for years because of the Satanic Verses book.

A lot of history to this a Japanese translator was assassinated simply for translating the book into japanese and there was an assasination attempt on a Norwegian publisher in the 90's who simply wanted to publish the book in Norway.

Rushdie said in an interview a few years ago he was not worried about the immediate threats on his life but that 20 years from now someone would finally get him while he least expected it.

Fuck, just read about the Japanese translator being murdered like that and the Japanese government being too cowardly to extradite the suspect. POS.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
Nobody, including the person who was banned, said or implied it's an exclusively Islamic problem. Focusing specifically on the topic as it relates to Islam in this thread makes sense, considering the thread's subject., but that doesn't mean anyone here thinks the rest of the world doesn't have similar issues as well, nor does it mean that anyone here is thinking or implying that all Muslims or the Islamic religion as a whole are at fault or something.

Mr Satan

Oct 25, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
How hard is it to admit that a mod fucked up?

This is a dogshit reply.
May 14, 2021
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
Here's a thought, maybe instead of dropping a 3 month ban over something you feel was implied, ask the user to clarify first. Holy shit.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
Nowhere in the posters comment did they imply religious fanaticism was a solely Muslim problem.
The ban makes no sense at all.


May 18, 2018
Rushdie is one of my favorite authors. Remember when he was banned from book festivals in India and Islamists wanted him to be banned from visiting India and Rushdie was like fuck you, I can visit whenever I want, I am Indian. He did get banned from book festivals however, for safety and security reasons. Brave man. I hope he pulls through and is able to recover from his injuries.

Deleted member 1849

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, let me point out that the user literally says, "I feel like the question of blasphemy and free speech has become one of the biggest points of contention between the west and the islamic world." We have this same issue IN the western world. It manifests itself as transphobia, homophobia, book bannings across America, anti-choice rhetoric, misogyny, and various other bigotries. A vast majority of it is religiously driven. Violence against LGBTQ+ people is religiously driven.

The poster was banned because they implied the religious fanaticism that results in violence was just a problem in Muslim countries. They said it was a point of contention between the West and the Islamic word. It very clearly isn't, we have the same issues to an extent, and the implication that it is exclusive to the Islamic world, is kinda bigoted.

If you'll notice, plenty of posters talked about religious fanaticism and didn't get banned. It's more than possible to have this discussion without white washing anything or implying that the problem is exclusive to one group of people.

Salman Rushdie did not deserve to be attacked and Iran was in the wrong for putting out a hit on the man just because he criticized their leader. What's happened to him after writing that book is unconscionable and indefensible, but that doesn't make bigotry ok. We can criticize the actions that led to this attack without being bigots. It's not a high bar to clear and pretty much everyone else in this thread has managed to clear it. We aren't asking a lot.
I am really sorry, but this is absolutely insane. Both the initial ban and this awful response.


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
The logical outcome of the justification for the ban would be that in any discussion of the growing threat and reality of neofascist, Christian-inspired violence against marginalized groups in the United States would have to be accompanied by a disclaimer about Islamist-inspired violence elsewhere.

Which is simply ludicrous.