
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't seen a thread for this, searched with no hits.


Sarah Silverman took the decision to show kindness to a total stranger who called her "c***" on Twitter - with surprising results.

After tweeting that she was always "open" to trying to understand the beliefs and motivations of Trump supporters, Twitter user Jeremy Jamrozy responded with the vulgar term; Silverman chose to confront her troll, but not with anger.

"I believe in you," Silverman wrote to him instead. "I read ur timeline & I see what ur doing & your rage is thinly veiled pain. But u know that. I know this feeling. Ps My back F*cking sux too. see what happens when u choose love. I see it in you."

She then turned to her 12.3 million followers, sharing his GoFundMe page with them and asking whether they could help him find a specialist. Jamrozy told that Silverman has now offered to pay for the man's medical treatment and that he, in turn, will use the money he'd already raised to help others who need help.

"I was once a giving and nice person, but too many things destroyed that and I became bitter and hateful," Jamrozy said. "Then Sarah showed me the way. Don't get me wrong, I still got a long way to go, but it's a start."


Personal take:
This is nowhere near an overall viable strategy, and anyone using this to suggest victims of bigotry should hug it out with the Alt-Right, Trump voters, etc... needs to back up.

Sarah is both a victim and in a position of privilege, her choice to do this is an admirable one, but expecting other victims to understand why they're being hated, or to acknowledge that people who voted for Trump or bigots spewing hate "are human beings too" is pretty disgusting.

Lovely gesture, but this is a Hollywood ending for one example. Kumbaya isn't going to work on the Alt-Right, and victims shouldn't be expected to educate their abusers.
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Phire Phox

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, read about this a couple days ago. Interesting to see how responding to trolls with kindness works out.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.


Oct 28, 2017

"internet troll calls celebrity a cunt and gets his medical treatment paid for"


Oct 25, 2017
It would be nice if we could replicate this millions of times over.
By this, we really are talking about affordable healthcare, given the particulars here.

Unfortunately there's a large intersection between the trolls who would attack someone like Silverman and those who cheered a huge backslide in that goal as it all comes burning down.


Oct 25, 2017
how about we don't reward dickheads for their shit behavior with thousands of dollars


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.
nah fuck that, their lives are fine.

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck him, lot of people get it bad in their lives they just choose not be fucking assholes. Silverman you dumbass.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.

What about alt righters that aren't poor though?

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
It's your money do what you want.

But this is not scalable, without policies (that are mostly supported by the Left), and should not be viewed as the pristine example of what should be done in these situations.

I don't react to intolerance with charity. Nah.


Oct 28, 2017
So all I have to do is be an asshole well enough and I'll get people to pay for me needs?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
nah fuck that, their lives are fine.

This attitude is only going to make everything worse. There's going to be a time after Trump and if we don't acknowledge why all these horrendous people are out there, the next generation is at risk too. Don't put your head in the sand.


Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.
The problem is that "things that make people republican" is now "growing up in a place where you don't interact with minorities on a day to day basis ever" which tend to be the hyper-rich 1% and a lot of rural america.


Oct 25, 2017
how about we don't reward dickheads for their shit behavior with thousands of dollars

Well, the problem is that you're thinking of it in monetary terms, rather than the relief from the physical pain the person was enduring, that was causing their caustic lashings out online.

There's now one fewer bitter, hateful person online, which is to the benefit of us all.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I think these guys may have found a faster solution...



Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.

Not all of them. See: Stephen Miller, Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes, and many others who grew up well-off, attended good schools, and are financially successful.

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
Well, Obama tried to give all of these fuckers healthcare and in the end they decided to go with the other side so let them eat shit and be in pain for the rest of their lives.


Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.
Yup yup. Shit's fucked due to those at the top, not those at the bottom.


Oct 25, 2017
These sorts of situations are nice and all, but also very frustrating, because they allow fence-sitters to insist that the onus is on people who are victimized to reach out and change their abusers. It's the Daryl Davis thing all over again.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
nah fuck that, their lives are fine.
They really aren't, by-and-large. My wife's family is entirely made up of Trump supporters, and their lives are shit.

What about alt righters that aren't poor though?
This is a great video series I recommend to anyone interested in the alt-right phenomenon:

Watching it helped me contextualize what I've been seeing on the internet. To respond directly to you, the alt-right is made up of two groups: angry people who don't know where to direct their anger, and people who are utilizing those angry people as tools for their cause by giving them a direction. The latter group is a vile minority that has to be extinguished, but the former group will return to being normal productive citizens if we find ways to resolve their anger.

The problem is that "things that make people republican" is now "growing up in a place where you don't interact with minorities on a day to day basis ever" which tend to be the hyper-rich 1% and a lot of rural america.
By "make", I didn't mean those things which ingrain and teach from a young age. I was talking about this series of studies:

Well, Obama tried to give all of these fuckers healthcare and in the end they decided to go with the other side so let them eat shit and be in pain for the rest of their lives.
I wonder if you realize that you are using the same kind of thinking those you hate use.

"Well, she chose to have kids without getting married, so fuck her and her children - it's their fault".

The general notion of something being a person's "fault", and therefore they have to suffer, is dangerous and unhealthy. We will all do better if people get rid of the notion of blame and instead focus on what kinds of things actually improve our situation. It might be satisfying to see people you hate suffer, but you will be happier if you instead have fewer things to be hateful about (like Nazis). It isn't that these people aren't deserving of your hate, but that your hate is not going to resolve the problems that are causing you to be hateful in the first place.


Oct 26, 2017
Let's be real guys. This is news not because responding with kindness is rare, but because it's rare to achieve a positive outcome after doing so. You're not going to fix the world's problems by hugging all the Nazis. The vast majority of these instances don't result in a change of heart.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people in here lack the foresight to see how events like this one can be used to justified the hate and bigotry of others.

"Well they are just poor and miserable, but when you do something kind to them they change. Just give them what they want or need."

These sorts of situations are nice and all, but also very frustrating, because they allow fence-sitters to insist that the onus is on people who are victimized to reach out and change their abusers. It's the Daryl Davis thing all over again.
I expect this story to be cited in the next presidential race. "Just be kind to the bigots!"

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
These sorts of situations are nice and all, but also very frustrating, because they allow fence-sitters to insist that the onus is on people who are victimized to reach out and change their abusers. It's the Daryl Davis thing all over again.

Exactly, it changes the narrative to that if liberals were nice to these people maybe they wouldn't be this way.


Nov 11, 2017
i try to be kind to my enemies, so long as they ain't violent we cool.

ad hominems are just fucked tho, man. i'd warn the shit out of this board if i was one of the robot mods. they're all robots.
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.

i'm not sure redistributing the wealth is the answer america needs, we're competitive tribal people. like, if trump gets the economy to 4%, the established republic will have done its job.


Oct 25, 2017
By "make", I didn't mean those things which ingrain and teach from a young age. I was talking about this series of studies:
I didn't say conservative. I said Republican. There's a distinct difference between the two right now. (See: the neocons fleeing the party.) The GOP is the party of white nationalism. Nixon's southern strategy has taken over the party.


Oct 25, 2017
These sorts of situations are nice and all, but also very frustrating, because they allow fence-sitters to insist that the onus is on people who are victimized to reach out and change their abusers. It's the Daryl Davis thing all over again.

This is my take too. It's a wonderful gesture, but the center have an appalling tradition of blaming the Left for not reaching out to educate/accepting that people are flawed, etc...

I could see this fueling that fire.

Besides, ultimately Kumbaya won't work on Nazis, and changing the hearts of people like the troll in this story isn't going to get rid of the Alt-Right.

Can't fault her for her gesture, but we need to remember understanding used in this way is a tool of the privileged.

Ogami Itto

Oct 25, 2017
You said you want people to spend their lives in pain and misery. How are you better than these people?

Who said I was better than them? I want them to suffer as much as they make the rest of us suffer by voting for trump.

I am an asshole, but I'm not an asshole to women because they have a vagina, I'm not an asshole to a black person because of his skin color, and I'm not an asshole to a gay person because of who they wanna fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
Sometimes works, sometimes not. Sometimes trolls had a shitty life and that shapes how they act. Sometimes they are just shit persons for no reason.

These sorts of situations are nice and all, but also very frustrating, because they allow fence-sitters to insist that the onus is on people who are victimized to reach out and change their abusers. It's the Daryl Davis thing all over again.

Yep, this happens so fucking much.


Oct 29, 2017
I think a lot of people forget that the hate coming from the alt-right has some kind of real-life basis that isn't simply "I hate". Their lives are miserable, and they, like us, are victims of the wealthy in America that strip well-being from the rest of society. However, they have bought into a meda-fed scheme that gives them an enemy that is easy to grasp - things foreign to them. Redistributing wealth away from the wealthy and to average Americans would solve most of our social problems. I think the recent studies regarding how you can "make people Republican" in a laboratory setting show this to be true.

I don't think it has as often to do with money. Sexual frustration, self-loathing, and various other non-monetary issues are often at cause. I could very well see a world where everyone has a decent guaranteed income, and all the current trolling would still be present, maybe even worst since people would have less to lose by being vitriolic towards others since their reliance on social cohesion would no longer be needed to sustain themselves.