
Nov 4, 2017
Of course there is....
Washington Post has issued a correction. Looks as though Phillips never served in Vietnam:

Correction: Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips said he served in the U.S. Marines but was never deployed to Vietnam.

He was either grossly misquoted by CNN and others or he lied or I'm misunderstanding something

I'm a Vietnam veteran

And it's because I'm a veteran -- I'm a Vietnam veteran -- that these two groups even have the right in this country to have protests, to have conflicting opinions.

Theres another interview floating around where he claims to be a Vietnam veteran. So not sure what to think there.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
The OK symbol I'm torn on, I think it's possible it's something that is done (especially in basketball) AND something co-opted by racists/MAGA/Fascists either unironically or not.

But who the fuck has ever heard of a 'blackout' game where white people go in blackface wtf how dense are you people.

Just disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
Washington Post has issued a correction. Looks as though Phillips never served in Vietnam:

He was either grossly misquoted by CNN and others or he lied or I'm misunderstanding something

Theres another interview floating around where he claims to be a Vietnam veteran. So not sure what to think there.

Ugh, this story keeps getting worse and worse
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently the twitter account that linked the initial short video was banned and is being investigated for being a russian bot.

I heard this and googled and found this article supporting that angle.

Twitter has suspended an account with thousands of followers for violating its policy against "fake and misleading accounts," after it posted a brief clip of the now-notorious encounter between a Native American elder and several high school students wearing Make America Great Again hats.

The @2020fight account, which had more than 40,000 followers before it went offline, shared a minute-long video of the incident between Nathan Phillips, a Native American veteran, and protestors from Covington Catholic High School at the Indigenous Peoples March last week. The video sparked an outcry on Twitter, with many users calling the students racist and pushing for their personal information to be leaked online. The clip shared by @2020fight was retweeted more than 14,000 times and racked up 2.5 million views.

The account was suspended on Monday afternoon, however, after CNN Business noticed the account was not authentic. The account had a profile picture of a Brazil-based blogger, despite claiming to be run by a California schoolteacher named Talia. A Twitter spokesperson, after confirming the account had been suspended, did not tell TheWrap how long the account would be offline.

...(goes on)


Oct 25, 2017
Washington Post has issued a correction. Looks as though Phillips never served in Vietnam:

He was either grossly misquoted by CNN and others or he lied or I'm misunderstanding something

Theres another interview floating around where he claims to be a Vietnam veteran. So not sure what to think there.





Oct 25, 2017
It seems like Phillips never made this claim, just that he's a vet and Washington Post got it wrong.

Guess we'll see what he says. Did he serve during the time but never actually was deployed to the war? Though I'm not sure how much that actually matters. He's still a vet and this still happened.


Oct 25, 2017
Clearly if it's proven that he's not a vet or served in Vietnam, my poor boys are in the clear! Turns out their silent prayer worked. They're such good little choirboys.


Alt account
Jan 18, 2019
CNN quoted him directly as saying hes a Vietnam vet.

Who cares if he lied about being a vet or not? It isn't material to the discussion surrounding the behavior of the brownshirts, doing nothing to acquit them of their guilt. Why are you running cover for MAGA wearing brownshirts and feebly attempting to tarnish the character of an innocent man who was racially taunted by them?


Oct 25, 2017
Who cares if he lied about being a vet or not? It isn't material to the discussion surrounding the behavior of the brownshirts, doing nothing to acquit them of their guilt. Why are you running cover for MAGA wearing brownshirts and feebly attempting to tarnish the character of an innocent man who was racially taunted by them?
It does seem like he is a vet. He served in the marines, maybe just not that war. So yeah it really doesn't change anything. Just another talking point to excuse what the boys did.


Oct 25, 2017
Who cares if he lied about being a vet or not? It isn't material to the discussion surrounding the behavior of the brownshirts, doing nothing to acquit them of their guilt. Why are you running cover for MAGA wearing brownshirts and making this feebly attempting to tarnish the character of an innocent man who was racially taunted by them?
Victim blaming. The media will transform this into "he's dishonest, maybe his account isn't true". I guarantee this will happen if it turns out he either his statement wasn't true or that his truth can be stretched into a lie.
Oct 25, 2017
Really good piece on this:

One lesson of the past two days is that you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so; that does not mean that there is anything to be seen but what is there. I see a frothing mass of MAGA youth—who, since we're taking in all angles here, go to a school where students fairly recently wore blackface to a basketball game—frenzied and yelling and out of control. I see four black men who seem to belong to the Black Israelites—a threat to women in their orbit, but not to random white people they're heckling—yelling insults at the students. Then I see Phillips, as he has stated from the beginning that he did, walk up to the teens, in what seems to be an attempt to diffuse the situation. I see them laughing and dancing, red MAGA hats bobbing up and down in glee. I see them yell in Phillips' face, and I see that he doesn't falter. I see the smugness of a group secure in its relative power over someone more vulnerable than they are. Nothing about the video showing the offensive language of Black Israelites changes how upsetting it was to see the Covington students, and Sandmann in particular, stare at Phillips with such contempt. I don't see how you could watch this and think otherwise unless you're willing to gaslight yourself, and others, in the service of granting undeserved sympathy to the privileged. Many were more than happy to do just that:

And the video the author is referring to:
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit that's a hell of a quote. I suggest anybody who still wants to defend this trash to read it. Will check the rest of the article.

I saw that quote and thought "FUCK" as it perfectly summarized how they kids look. This isn't 3, 5, 10 kids. It's an entire hoarde chanting and acting like a mob. They're gleefully cheering each other on like a bunch of barbaric morons and enjoying in their rally.


Oct 29, 2017
NPR is disgusting for letting that guy they have on air completely turn this story around. They tried to discredit Phillips, "self-defense" for the boys, and.. blame the blacks


Oct 25, 2017
What'd the Native American guy do that was bad?
walked up the boys playing his drum. Oh noes! Nevermind it was a crowd, there was some arguments going on between two groups and he meant to calm things down, and the guy was trying to make his way through. Literally just as bad as the magaheads and the Black group throwing around slurs.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
"These poor kids don't understand racism and black face... they're just kids"


"These kids know that women shouldn't have reproductive freedom"

Funny how this all works.
Going with what someone on twitter said, just wait. America has had its pavlovian response to defend white privilege and bigotry triggered hardcore, and is bending over backwards to make this all go away. And these wonderful little monsters are going to be paraded around as heroes and probably given a set of medals by Trump.

And with so much attention on them, even more horrible things they've probably done will suddenly get uncovered, maybe something shocking, something that should be investigated legally, and the media - not just fox, but all the media - will swerve away like panicked motherfuckers to distract everyone with some random bullshit in the 24 hour cycle.


Oct 27, 2017
These people always have an excuse for their actions...always.

"We feared for our lives so we had to shoot"

"We were smirking because it was to defuse the situation"

"They were dangerously loud while having a picnic so we had to call authorities"

"His head ran into my fist"
