
Nov 2, 2017
Some new GOTG 3 info from James Gunn's brother:

Said Sean Gunn: "I don't really know yet what's going on with 'Guardians 3.' I know that Disney still wants to make the movie. I know that they have every intention of using the script that my brother wrote. Obviously, that was a very unfortunate situation for everybody, most of all him, but I am also somebody who had been preparing to spend half a year making that movie and now that's up in the air.

"Obviously, I think it's a tricky proposition for them to find another director to step in — and also the scheduling of a lot of other actors who are incredibly busy can't be easy. But I know that they plan on making the movie. I had not been contacted at all for a while, but I was recently contacted by Marvel saying, 'Yeah, we do plan to make this movie. We're just not sure when yet.' "

It's good news for the film that Disney still wants to make it. I wonder if this means we see a scenario where James Gunn serves as a behind the scenes director or consultant for the film.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd feel kind of dirty to watching it.

Kind of like when watching the NFL Right now.

You know someone is getting screwed. :/


Oct 25, 2017
Of course they want to use the script. They know the reason the films worked was Gunn, but can't look weak getting him back.


Dec 5, 2017
Ugh, not gonna bother with how this whole thing has gone. They'd probably take out Kraglin completely and sweep Drax aside somehow.


Nov 9, 2017
If they'll use his script, then why shouldn't he direct? This is a have your cake and eat it to situation.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
If they use his script, and all of the cast are back, I feel like you'll get something at least reasonably close to what the movie was intended to be, as long as the new director is appropriately deferential to the groundwork that's already been laid and doesn't try to shake things up too much.


Nov 3, 2017
If Gunn publicly vouched for whoever the new director is I think that would go a ways to smoothing things over for Disney, which may be what they're trying to do right now w/regards to finding a new director.

Using the script is a relief though. Like, no duh you gotta keep that to keep it good.


Oct 25, 2017
If they'll use his script, then why shouldn't he direct? This is a have your cake and eat it to situation.

I don't see how it is. It's a compromise. He became a liability to Disney's image by the actions of unscrupulous people, so this would be a way for them to try to bring his ideas to film without the publicity that the director position entails.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I still fully believe that James Gunn will be the director of this movie.

If he's not, then they shouldn't use his script. Firing him as director for 10-year-old tweets but using his script given the reason they gave for firing him would be hypocritical and a really bad look.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
They have to use the script. Otherwise they might as well just end the current Guardians arc as is and start fresh with a new team handpicked by a new director.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny, Disney could've easily let this blow over and it would be a non-story like with Dan Harmon. Instead they decided to fuck everything up without looking into the optics of things.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't quite get the logic of not wanting to work with him, but also being fine with a huge SCREENPLAY BY JAMES GUNN in the credits.

Wonder if Sean Gunn has any interest in sitting in the chair...


Jun 20, 2018
Of course they want to use the script. They know the reason the films worked was Gunn, but can't look weak getting him back.

And also it's pretty obvious that MS probably wasn't ok with him being fired in the first place. With the Roseanne firing there was a public statement from the head of ABC about it. Gunn's firing only had a statement from Alan Horn and nothing from Feige or anyone else on the Marvel side at all, they still haven't made a public comment about it, and even Dave Bautista said earlier this month in an interview that his anger is not with Marvel's execs. I wouldn't be surprised if MS insisted that the script should still be used at least.

Considering Horn's contract is expiring soon I'm guessing they are going to wait and see what happens if he leaves and if they can rehire Gunn then, even if it's just to finish 3 and not as a longtime consultant after that like they'd originally planned.

(The interview I mentioned earlier in this post: btw)


Oct 25, 2017
I still fully believe that James Gunn will be the director of this movie.

If he's not, then they shouldn't use his script. Firing him as director for 10-year-old tweets but using his script given the reason they gave for firing him would be hypocritical and a really bad look.

I think it would be more a case of them trying to maintain a relationship they value in an under-the-radar way. It would be a bad look to the same people who targeting him.

I would see it as them testing the waters of how controversial his reinstatement would be for future projects.

Deleted member 4372

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If they use his script, then technically 'he is back,' isnt he? His name will be on the credits. So why is it OK for Disney to use his script but not his direction? Fucking stupid. Hire him back ffs

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
There's a way for this situation to get...unfucked without bringing him back, which Disney insists on doing.

1) use his script, as intended. He gets the writing credit and the ever important royalty

2) James Gunn is hired as a "hiring consultant" to select a new director. If it's someone he picked/nominated he will come out in public support. That will do alot to soothe the fans (not all)

3)James Gunn is hired, again, as a "consultant" during filming. Now that could go one of two ways, he could Shadow direct but if he had an active hand in helping pick a director that's SUPER awkward. He could also unofficialy co-director. Again, without the actual title.

Now the easiest thing is to just being him back, but life is not that simple


Oct 29, 2017
This whole thing is a shit show. They should just put GotG on ice for a bit. Maybe kill them off in the next Avengers movie and then do a reboot in a few years


Oct 30, 2017
They should rehire Gunn or kill the movie. No one will be able to watch it without remembering Disney's moronic alt-right pandering.

Those asshats managed to permanently taint one of their most special properties, and throw away millions if not billions in the process. Nice. A+ business strategy. They sure did dodge a bullet.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
And also it's pretty obvious that MS probably wasn't ok with him being fired in the first place. With the Roseanne firing there was a public statement from the head of ABC about it. Gunn's firing only had a statement from Alan Horn and nothing from Feige or anyone else on the Marvel side at all, they still haven't made a public comment about it, and even Dave Bautista said earlier this month in an interview that his anger is not with Marvel's execs. I wouldn't be surprised if MS insisted that the script should still be used at least.

Considering Horn's contract is expiring soon I'm guessing they are going to wait and see what happens if he leaves and if they can rehire Gunn then, even if it's just to finish 3 and not as a longtime consultant after that like they'd originally planned.

(The interview I mentioned earlier in this post: btw)

Haven't seen this before, thank you for bringing to my attention. It makes me relieved and makes me more focused on my rage. I'm happy to have confirmed by Drax himself that the assholes are the Disney execs, not really Feige, D'Esposito and others. Here's the moment where he talks about what you just mentioned, if anyone else hasn't seen yet:



Nov 1, 2017
What about Bradley Cooper? He's looking to get into directing and he's got that Lady Gaga movie coming out.

I doubt he's as invested in the franchise as the live action members of the guardians, but it would be some consistency.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah for real. It's basically the same thing, he's still attached to the movie. Just rehire him for fuck sake.

It isn't basically the same thing. Name the writers of the last five MCU movies. Think of the last interviews you've watched with them.

There are expectations on directors way beyond writers in interacting with the media. And interacting with the media is an opportunity to bring attention to controversy.

Him as a writer gives Disney and Marvel Studios the opportunity to gauge the potential for drama. And it opens the door for their next move with Gunn.

They didn't fire him arbitrarily. They have obligations to their shareholders, decisions are made based on avoiding risk. This move would give them enough information about his future with the MCU to make the next move.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
While I'm not happy with the circumstances that led to Gunn's firing, after finding out how hard he tried to screw over Nicole Perlman for her role in Guardians of the Galaxy 1 I'm a little more okay with Gunn not being involved anymore. I'd like to see Bradley Cooper or Taika Waititi get a crack at Guardians 3


Oct 27, 2017
I kind of want to see them bring back Nicole Perlman to give a treatment to Gunn's script. I enjoyed Gunn's solo attempt at writing Guardians 2 less than Guardians 1.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
While I'm not happy with the circumstances that led to Gunn's firing, after finding out how hard he tried to screw over Nicole Perlman for her role in Guardians of the Galaxy 1 I'm a little more okay with Gunn not being involved anymore. I'd like to see Bradley Cooper or Taika Waititi get a crack at Guardians 3

He didn't screw up with Nicole Perlman. He has reportedly rewritten her whole script, something she already mentioned in the past. Guardians are his baby, and Perlman was properly credited by her original contribution of writing the first screenplay.

What you are saying is like saying Taika Waititi and Eric Pearson screwed up Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost by altering their original screenplay for Ragnarok, but I don't see anyone doing anything but praises for Taika and barely no one remembers the screenwriters.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
He didn't screw up with Nicole Perlman. He has reportedly rewritten her whole script, something she already mentioned in the past. Guardians are his baby, and Perlman was properly credited by her original contribution of writing the first screenplay.
The only person who says this is Gunn himself. Perlman and others have said that Nicole's script is still mostly what is in Guardians of the Galaxy 1. Gunn actively fought against Perlman getting any kind of story credit for the original movie, even though Nicole (not Gunn) is the reason Guardians of the Galaxy even got green-lit by Marvel in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
i don't understand how people are seeing this as a self-inflicted wound. they dropped a guy and people are upset. they pushed back the movie he was on to find someone new. it's not like they're hurting for talent, i'm sure almost anyone they ask will drop everything to work for them.