
Oct 27, 2017

Second Extinction Coming to Xbox Game Preview Spring 2021 - Xbox Wire

Hello all! A lot has happened since our lead producer, Brynley, last spoke to you back in May 2020, when we had just revealed our Dino-guts stuffed shooter, Second Extinction, during the Xbox Series X First Look event. An event that saw us all at Systemic Reaction virtually huddled around our...


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The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really excited to dig into this.

Praying for cross-play with PC!


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Review of the Early Access PC build from late last year here if anyone hasn't seen it. Looks like a ton of fun



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Oh right, this game. It looks cool. I'll try it out for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
It looks WAAAAAY better in that new trailer than it did at the Xbox event last year. Good stuff I'm in if it's decently priced.


Nov 17, 2017
This comes out next week. Any hype for it? I'll give it a try for sure, looks fun.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 11, 2017
It's on Gamepass, so I'll definitely check it out.

Although I didn't realize the Xbox release was still early access.


Feb 13, 2019
I bought into the early access but haven't played much because my WWZ/L4D buddies are on Xbox.
Looking forward to starting this up with them!


Oct 25, 2017
It's...not bad. I'm having decent fun with it. In a lot of ways it feels like if Apex Legends was a PvE co-op game and had Destiny's patrol mode. The map is pretty huge (I assume there will be more later) and there's a decent variety of objectives to accomplish within them (though 90% of them largely boil down to "grab this here then place or grab that there" so far). There are enough smart auto call outs to let everyone know what to do or how to help without having to voice chat and it has an Apex style ping system to cover the rest. Explosions look great as expected from an Avalanche game. There's a decent variety of enemies so far though I haven't seen anything I'd call a boss level enemy yet. It also has an upgrade loop here for weapons that could be cool and I could see lead to some healthy grinding for materials if you're in to that.

I just wish the hero design was better. Has some good representation so far but design wise they're all really generic and boring which I could see limiting the appeal of a game like this. Some more out there weapons would be cool too but not all the weapons are unlocked at the start so those might be there (or could be added later). I could see it getting repetitive in the long run but so far I'm having a fun time with it and will come back to it.


Oct 27, 2017
It's...not bad. I'm having decent fun with it. In a lot of ways it feels like if Apex Legends was a PvE co-op game and had Destiny's patrol mode. The map is pretty huge (I assume there will be more later) and there's a decent variety of objectives to accomplish within them (though 90% of them largely boil down to "grab this here then place or grab that there" so far). There are enough smart auto call outs to let everyone know what to do or how to help without having to voice chat and it has an Apex style ping system to cover the rest. Explosions look great as expected from an Avalanche game. There's a decent variety of enemies so far though I haven't seen anything I'd call a boss level enemy yet. It also has an upgrade loop here for weapons that could be cool and I could see lead to some healthy grinding for materials if you're in to that.

I just wish the hero design was better. Has some good representation so far but design wise they're all really generic and boring which I could see limiting the appeal of a game like this. Some more out there weapons would be cool too but not all the weapons are unlocked at the start so those might be there (or could be added later). I could see it getting repetitive in the long run but so far I'm having a fun time with it and will come back to it.
Sounds like a good time pass. Does the gunplay feel good?


Oct 25, 2017
I played a bit of it over the weekend. It's a L4D like with enough interesting elements to set it apart from likes of stuff like World War Z or Payday 2.

There are like 5 characters you can choose from each with their own unique abilities. The map is fairly large and while you have one main objective you have to do, there's a bunch of optional side objectives scattered about that give additional upgrade points and allow you to change the tide of the conflict so to speak. The map is divided up into zones and each zone has a different danger level that constantly fluctuates, the more objectives you accomplish in a zone the more the danger level goes down. It's a neat idea having the map change like that and it's not too big that you'll get bored from constantly hoofing it around.

Enemy variety could use a shake up though. 90% of the enemies you fight are various kinds of raptors with some big armored ones (forget the proper dino name) and the occasional T-Rex. I had fun playing it with randoms but playing solo is a bit of drag. But it's still early access and theres a lot of potential here so I'd check it out if you're curious about it.


Oct 25, 2017
This game is not solo playet friendly at all. A few other things i didn't care for was how dark it was at night and how had it was to see the dinosaurs. The last was getting hit by some hard shell cover dinosaur and how you would get knocked over and as soon as you recovered yhe dinosaur would hit you again.


Oct 25, 2017
Enemy variety could use a shake up though. 90% of the enemies you fight are various kinds of raptors with some big armored ones (forget the proper dino name) and the occasional T-Rex.
*pushes up glasses* That would be the ankylosaurus. Pretty cool mechanic there where it's armored until you flip it with grenades and can shoot the weak spot on the underside.

This game is not solo playet friendly at all. A few other things i didn't care for was how dark it was at night and how had it was to see the dinosaurs. The last was getting hit by some hard shell cover dinosaur and how you would get knocked over and as soon as you recovered yhe dinosaur would hit you again.
That is where Amir's ping ability makes him pretty valuable to the team. Without him though, I agree that it's probably a little too hard to see them in dark areas. I feel like they could use a Halo style radar at least.
Apr 12, 2021
Been playing this for about 10 hours now thanks to Game Pass Ultimate.

I get that it's in preview, but there isn't much going on at the moment to warrant a purchase of any kind. Maybe in a year, if it's at least 50% off.