
One Winged Slayer
Sep 12, 2018
After a lengthy debate overnight, today the Senate passed President Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid relief package on a straight party-line 50-49 vote (one of the Republican Senators was absent, so Vice President Harris was not needed to break the tie). After some negotiations with Joe Manchin, Democrats have reached a new deal on unemployment benefits, detailed below.

Next, the bill will go back to the House where the final version will be voted on, and then President Biden is expected to sign it next week. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer expects that last vote to take place as soon as Monday. What that means is the bill could become law as soon as next week — and you could get your $1,400 check during the second half of March.

The New York Times reported that key elements of the plan include:
  • Extending expanded unemployment benefits with a $300 weekly supplement through September 6th with the first $10k not taxable for households making $150k or under
  • $1,400 direct payments to individuals
  • $20 billion for a national vaccine program, including preparation of community vaccination centers
  • Funding for 100,000 public health workers for vaccination outreach and contact tracing
  • Funding to help address disproportionate impact on people of color, for community health centers, prisons, and jails
  • Emergency paid leave for over 100 million Americans
  • Tax credits for families to offset up to $8,000 in annual child care costs
  • Aid to renters with unpaid debts to landlords
  • Grants to small businesses
  • Funds to accelerate vaccine deployment and to safely reopen most schools within 100 days
  • $350 billion to help state and local governments bridge budget shortfalls.
  • $3,000 total per child to tens of millions of American families over $250 per month to millions as part of the relief package
  • The bill will also allow the Internal Revenue Service to provide $3,600 over the course of the year for children under 6

Eligibility for $1400 direct payments:
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The Fallen
Dec 5, 2018
Does this go back to the House now for final passage in case anything (Carper amendment I'm assuming) is new?


Oct 27, 2017
Great work to the Biden admin.

While not perfect, it's good. Which is a much needed word I need to see more of lol


Oct 27, 2017
That $350 billion for state and local governments is going to be a big deal. If done right, it means we won't see massive state budget crunches and layoffs (since state and local govts hire a lot of people) that would have appeared way later in this crisis due to how revenue collection and state budget cycles work.


Oct 25, 2017
An absolutely amazing achievement. With this the United States has unrivaled economic response to COVID. This is going to help so damned many people and while I can be frustrated with one or two democrats this bill is crazy fucking good.


Mar 5, 2018
My unemployment benefits should last until around the end of May, so the boost is very helpful. We'll be able to save enough to carry us through the summer. I'll likely be unemployed from June to August, but I should be starting as a full time educator in August. At the very least, I can stop stressing so much about money knowing that this passed.


Oct 25, 2017
So if I understand this correctly:

- taxes won't be taken out of the $300 + additional UI, meaning no deductions/withheld stuff
- when doing 2022 taxes, I won't have to worry about paying them back/getting a lesser refund?

My benefits from last year end on the 13th, but considering I clean a school and have weeks/months where I need unemployment, I'm content with the taxes not being taken out since that's still more I'm earning a week via UI than at work.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the most consequential bills to ever pass the Senate. Estimated to cut childhood poverty in half.

This is a big deal.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Hell yeah. We qualify in 2019 but not 2020 and haven't filed yet. The timing is perfect.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
So they approved a Mukoski amendment and she didn't even vote yes in the end?


Oct 25, 2017
Sent my brother a text just to let him know the money he will be getting, my brother that is a single parent and asks for money all the time

"not a COVID bill, a Democrat wish list"
"I like free money but we're spiraling out of control under Biden".

Some people are fucking lost and will hate Democrats even as they send them checks.


Oct 25, 2017
nicely done!

ohhh very nice!! need to find out more

this is what i'm worried about

Yea pretty sure we're outside some of the limits I've seen in some news articles but hard to keep up.

Here's what the income limits are for the checks specifically:

Yea based on this tweet we don't qualify at all. Is there any specific income limits on the childcare credit or they using the existing child credit amounts?

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Like I said in the other thread, Democrats negotiated against themselves to give the people less. In the middle of a pandemic which has decimated the economy and millions of people through no fault of their own. Full party line vote in the end. It's grim for things like voter rights and DC/PR statehood and minimum wage increases, moving forward.

It's still a solid bill. Personally for me it's going to be a help. I'm married, with three children still home. This bill gives me $7000 up front and an extra ~7500 9000 over the next year. I just wish it had done more to help the unemployed, much of the economy is devastated and a lot of the devastation is small businesses which will never return.
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Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Oh my god, this means my state's furlough ends. We can finally hire the staff we need to fix shit and get paid our regular salary. This is fantastic.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Good. Glad they did it, now just waiting on the House


Oct 25, 2017
It's been so long that we should be passing a completely different stimulus check at this point.