
Oct 30, 2017

If you can't read the tweet, Sinister and Doctor Strange director Scott Derickson says:

If you're looking for a script consultant who is a disgraced hack writer and sociopathic sexual predator/rapist — Max Landis is back online and open for Instagram business.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How the fuck is this fucker not in jail after that article? So fucking gross that he still is getting jobs in Hollywood.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I enjoyed Chronicle at the time, and hear good things about his Superman comic.

Shame he's a feculent scum bucket who deserves to be left at the bottom of a ditch.


Nov 1, 2017
I liked the 2 youtube videos about superman and wrestling, but he seems like a spoild know it all douche/daddy's boy on top of the sexual misconduct allegations.

Also I insulted him on reddit once saying he seems like a douche (before the sexual assault stuff came out) and he directly replied to me defending himself. So he seems like he might have pretty thin skin. This wasn't on an AMA or anything it was just a topic someone made about him, I had no reason to expect he would read, much less be deeply offended by, my post.
Oct 27, 2017
Hollywood/social climbers. His dad still has influence, I believe.

Which will always be baffling to me because not only has he not made a good movie in like 31 years, or anything of particular relevance for 31 years, but his negligence also got two children and an adult actor killed in a horrific accident that could've been avoided.

Why he would have any clout at all at this point is completely beyond me. I would've distanced my ass from him like Spielberg did as soon as the truth about the Twilight Zone situation came out.

Not surprising to see Max pop up again though, I figured he would have to go a route like this though, there's no way he's getting his previous prominence back, if you could call it that. Pretty sure his reputation is thoroughly thrashed at this point, and there's quite a few Hollywood people that seem to be outspoken enough to make sure that he doesn't slip back into the limelight unnoticed. Seems like his career was indeed hurt.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the 2 youtube videos about superman and wrestling, but he seems like a spoild know it all douche/daddy's boy on top of the sexual misconduct allegations.

his video on wrestling became kinda weird now since pretty much every woman that came foward saying he is a predator is featured in that video


Oct 25, 2017
Thank god we once again have someone to tell us which female characters are mary sues

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I opened the thread, saw Scott Derickson posting "If you're looking for a script consultant..." and was scared for a minute. Good guy Scott.


Oct 27, 2017
It's straight up bizarre to me how his father could possibly have any clout in Hollywood to protect him with, John Landis has not done anything of note in decades.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
He's definitely got some kind of scary clout, a couple of years back a bunch of LA folks were tweeting about how awful he was and within a few hours they'd all nuked their stuff and pretended like it never happened

it took the last blow up for it to actually stick
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
When the conditions of your consulting service sound like a kidnapper's demands.

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Nov 1, 2017
His dad isn't the one that protected him. He has a fraught relationship with him and they aren't actually close. They have a weird narcissistic quasi rivalry thing. His Mom is who protected him. She's well respected and well connected in the industry, has a great reputation among people she worked with, and coddled Max his whole life.


Oct 25, 2017
Which will always be baffling to me because not only has he not made a good movie in like 31 years, or anything of particular relevance for 31 years, but his negligence also got two children and an adult actor killed in a horrific accident that could've been avoided.

Why he would have any clout at all at this point is completely beyond me. I would've distanced my ass from him like Spielberg did as soon as the truth about the Twilight Zone situation came out.

Not surprising to see Max pop up again though, I figured he would have to go a route like this though, there's no way he's getting his previous prominence back, if you could call it that. Pretty sure his reputation is thoroughly thrashed at this point, and there's quite a few Hollywood people that seem to be outspoken enough to make sure that he doesn't slip back into the limelight unnoticed. Seems like his career was indeed hurt.
I don't know anything about John Landis's particular situation, but perhaps this can help with your bafflement.

John Landis made some of the biggest movies in Hollywood. You can't do that without having the right connections. Connections are power in Hollywood. John Landis's name may be mud after the fatal incident, but that's only if his name is spoken loudly in public.

Let's say that you're some rookie writer/director who would like to make a great movie using this idea that you have, and you hope that maybe if it's good enough Disney will see you and you'll get to make the next Marvel movie. LOL, fat chance. Your best bet is to film your friends using your smartphone and upload your home movies to Youtube.

But now let's say you met John Landis. "Oh, you want to make a Hollywood movie? Okay, first up you need to go talk to this guy and this guy and this guy. Normally these people would laugh and tell you to get lost, but if you tell them I sent you, they'll give you 20 minutes to hear your pitch. Here's how you make your pitch."

And now that you've made it big and are making those Marvel movies, John Landis owns you. Oh sure, you don't actually give a damn about him, and you sure as hell won't do anything unsavory for that asshole, so there's no way he "owns" you, but maybe one day some kid comes along and he says "John Landis sent me." Ehhh... he looks like a good kid. Maybe you should hear him out. John Landis does have a pretty good eye for talent, and if this kid's going places, it'd be nice to get in with them on the ground floor. It's got nothing to do with John Landis. Fuck John Landis. You're just gonna give this kid 20 minutes of your time and listen to his idea.

That's a possible way for John Landis to wield influence, even 31 years after his last movie.

And considering that Max Landis is apparently now selling himself as a "consultant", it's probably not far from the truth.
Jun 22, 2019
Ah fuck.
And aside from how horrible of a person he is, much of his work comes off like it was done by a self-righteous edgy 15 year old who considers himself hilarious.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
I knew about the Landis accusations before the big expose article but just read the article now. My God is this man the biggest scum fuck gross horrible amalgam of meat and emotions and nothing else. It seemed like he literally had no humanity with what he did to so many women and how he carried his 'friend' group.


Oct 30, 2017
So now you're giving him more exposure? Okay.

Seriously...? Raising the alarm that this unforgivable asshole is back and still trying to gain income in the periphery of the industry that has shunned him, given the utterly abhorrent accusations against him, and your angle is that highlighting his return to the public space is in some way bad?