Mar 3, 2018
went to a special IMAX screening and it was completely packed. There was a 15 minute intermission in the middle so I went to the bathroom. I was waiting in line to use the urinal when I started noticing most people were not washing their hands. Just doing their business and the fuck. The worst ones were the pople who did a quick rinse of their hands for one nanosecond without soap and walked out.I know theres folk out there that dont wash their hands after touching their junk, but seeing so many people do it in unison and back to back really threw me off. Went back to my seats after I was done and noticed some of the same people just eating their popcorn and food with the same filthy hands as if nothing had do you walk upon this rock we call earth for decades and not wash your hands after you go to a public bathroom and touch literal doodoo? then use the same hands to eat nachos and popcorns and then lick your fingers. No wonder the coronavirus is spreading everywhere. I work with children, and some of them have behavioural and developmental disabilities, and even they know to wash their hands without me telling them. Adults are the fucking worst.



Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I was in a fast food place a few years ago and one of the guys from the kitchen walked into the restroom, went into one of the stalls, and then walked back. I walked back to my table and my friends were apparently ok with it. I was the only one freaked out.

Maybe the person washed their hands in the kitchen sink or something?

When I'm in public restrooms in restaurant I see that all the time. People walking from the urinals to the door, not washing. Then I have to use a paper towel (or my elbow or shoe) to open the door because to hell with touching that handle after I've washed my hands.

People are nasty.

Fright Zone

Dec 17, 2017
Yeah it's gross, but then the whole world is literally covered in shit. Everything you're touching is covered in germs and bacteria.
The average phone has more fecal bacteria on it than a toilet seat.

So unless you're washing your hands/sanitising after touching anything you just can't really avoid it.
And I think if you were that much of a germaphobe you'd probably have a terrible immune system due to lack of exposure.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Touching a little pee on the restroom door handle isn't going to give you an std. The human body is more resilient and tough than that. We're not made of glass.

That being said, I wash my hands about 20 times a day. Just cuz.


Oct 27, 2017
I have the urge to post signs in bathrooms reading:

If you don't wash your hands now,
when do you wash your hands?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I always wash my hand out of habit, but if I stop at a urinal, touch my dick to pee and zip back up, what exactly am I washing off my hands that I'm probably not picking right back up when I grab the door handle to leave?

what exactly creates this anxiety in people, especially in the OP's example where these are complete strangers you aren't going to interact with in any way?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean I always wash my hand out of habit, but if I stop at a urinal, touch my dick to pee and zip back up, what exactly am I washing off my hands that I'm probably not picking right back up when I grab the door handle to leave?

what exactly creates this anxiety in people, especially in the OP's example where these are complete strangers you aren't going to interact with in any way?
It's knowing. If I watch someone leave the bathroom without washing their hands, I KNOW he literally touched his dick 2 seconds ago and just left. It's worse at the gym or something imo, because all those same weights I'm using are being used by people who touched their dicks not too long ago.


Oct 25, 2017
It's knowing. If I watch someone leave the bathroom without washing their hands, I KNOW he literally touched his dick 2 seconds ago and just left. It's worse at the gym or something imo, because all those same weights I'm using are being used by people who touched their dicks not too long ago.

there is way worse shit on those weights than whatever dick microbes you are worried about.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean I always wash my hand out of habit, but if I stop at a urinal, touch my dick to pee and zip back up, what exactly am I washing off my hands that I'm probably not picking right back up when I grab the door handle to leave?

what exactly creates this anxiety in people, especially in the OP's example where these are complete strangers you aren't going to interact with in any way?

yeah wash my hands too but I have the same concern. Taking the movie theater example the same people who didn't wash their hands are touching everything in the movie theater. Figure I'm screwed even after washing my hands


Jan 28, 2019
Yeah it's gross, but then the whole world is literally covered in shit. Everything you're touching is covered in germs and bacteria.
The average phone has more fecal bacteria on it than a toilet seat.

So unless you're washing your hands/sanitising after touching anything you just can't really avoid it.
And I think if you were that much of a germaphobe you'd probably have a terrible immune system due to lack of exposure.
That's where I'm at.

I don't wash after using the urinal because I initiate the flush by kicking the lever or giving it a quick tap with my elbows. If your genitals are so unsanitary that you've got to wash your hands after touching them, then you've got other problems.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
it's actually funnier when they wash their hands with soap, then dry their hand on their clothes then start fixing their hair

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
I'm one of those guys who only rinses for like two seconds a lot of the time and no soap. I don't get ill very often so I don't see the need to change things.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I give people shit about it bars all the time. If I see someone leaving without washing I just go, "He didn't wash his haaaa-aaands" very loudly so everyone can hear, including people standing just outside the bathroom. Totally obnoxious but whatever maybe it'll shame at least one motherfucker enough to change. Disgusting pricks.


Oct 27, 2017
there is way worse shit on those weights than whatever dick microbes you are worried about.
Yeah probably. Like shit microbes because people aren't washing their hands. Ignorance is bliss in this case. It helps that most of the time I didn't just witness someone use the bathroom and walk out to touch weights without washing his hands.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom AND/OR cough without covering their mouths are filthy cunts that deserve to be outed.


Oct 27, 2017
ehhh its really not that big of a deal. i usually wash my hands but if i really dont feel like it I'll just spray a bit of cologne on them

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
I've worked with people that walk right out of the restroom without washing their hands, so yeah, agreed.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen it multiple times with people from other offices. They just use the urinal, then once they're done, they walk out. Its gross and I mentioned it to my friends then. I would use a paper towel on the door handle. It got brought up to management multiple times over the years. People are disgusting.


Aug 18, 2018
I wash my hands frequently at work but then I punch out at a time clock where everyone has to put their fingers on a fingerprint reader and I realize all that personal hygiene is an empty gesture and I'm basically already dead.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
And when you call them out for it they are bullish about it too. Proud of being filthy. 'Germs are good for you' as they sneer at my alcohol wipes and antibacterial gel.

Deleted member 1086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
one time while I was in the Navy I was using the restroom when a Marine entered the bathroom and proceeded to do his business in the urinal next to mine. I finished up and started to walk out the door, when the Marine said to me "Don't they teach you sailors how to wash your hands?". Without missing a beat I replied "Yeah they do, but they also teach us not to piss on our hands! Do they teach that in the Corps?" and walked out leaving him with a dumb look on his face.

(note: this story may or may not be true, you decide)


Oct 27, 2017
I've worked in deli's before and have watched co-workers not wash their hands. Called them out on it too. Think about all those times you eat out and those people with shit smears on their fingers prepping your cilantro.


Oct 27, 2017
We should wash our hands before going to the urinal so as not get gross hand germs all over our pristine dicks.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
One of my roommates doesn't wash her hands half the time and does that useless two second rinse bullshit when she does, and I just. Try real hard not to think about it. :')
Small blessings that she does absolutely no cooking or dishwasher emptying and practically never leaves her room, I guess.


Nov 13, 2017
Obviously everyone should be washing their hands regularly, but most people are ignorant of how much disgusting shit (literally and figuratively) you are getting on your body and ingesting literally everywhere you go. It's inevitable. 99.99% of the time you're not tasting anything or getting sick. Trust in your immune system and just learn to not care, everything and everyone is inherently filthy.


Aug 18, 2018
one time while I was in the Navy I was using the restroom when a Marine entered the bathroom and proceeded to do his business in the urinal next to mine. I finished up and started to walk out the door, when the Marine said to me "Don't they teach you sailors how to wash your hands?". Without missing a beat I replied "Yeah they do, but they also teach us not to piss on our hands! Do they teach that in the Corps?" and walked out leaving him with a dumb look on his face.

(note: this story may or may not be true, you decide)
That Marine's name? Albert Einstein.


Jan 8, 2019
A lot of people here talking about germs, but they miss the psychological part. Germs or not. It's gross.


Nov 6, 2017
It's so fucked that it's so common...

Meanwhile here I am washing my hands multiple times in a day...

You can actually feel dirty hands, your own and others... its fucken gross.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Saw a dad just walk his son out of the bathroom one time after taking a shit without washing their hands and I'm like "this is how the world ends."