
Oct 25, 2017
good lord some folks are internet-sheltered if they've never heard of shipping


Oct 26, 2017
This is a flip ship, it's the weirdest ship I've ever seen.

(and yes, I know what 'shipping' means)


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Ok, I thought shipping was for relationships that did not happen(not clearly at least) in the series, movie, etc.

But now people use it for all the relationships? Is the term updated or used in the wrong way technically?


Mar 18, 2018
I never understood shipping two characters when there's no basis in the story or their characterisation to support them even liking each other. Like shipping two characters that never met or interacted with each other.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand any of the this shipping nonsense. One of the weirder and creepier things I see on the internet tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece

I cant understand why they could not send for the eagles.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a weird subset of people who desperately want horrible villains to get with the hero.

When I went to Japan, Dio and Jonathan Joestar was one of the most popular pairings in the entire non-official publishing areas. "You poisoned my family and burnt my dog to death, you get me so hot Dio."

Like... fucking why?
I can kind of get it? Like DIO has sexual tension with literally everyone. Now this shit, this is disgusting:
Jessica Jones and the Purple Man


Jan 1, 2018
Newmarket, UK
Surprised there's so many people here that don't know what ships are, I could've sworn it's been around since the late 90s(?), but maybe you guys just don't really go into those internet circles/make those kinda friends. Thanks for keeping me feeling young though haha.

I don't really have any ships I don't like, I think the only annoying ones are when a character is LGBT+ and they get paired with someone that doesn't correspond with their sexuality (unless it's shown they could be bi/have some close connection with that character, etc). Otherwise it's the usual stuff, like characters who clearly hate each other getting paired. Even if the characters aren't even from the same franchise I tend not to care. Life's too short.


Oct 26, 2017
I've been on the internet since the early 90's, and I've never heard that once.
The term actually originates from the internet in the early-mid 90's. The concept of 'Shipping' has a very interesting history. Despite popular belief that it's an anime thing, it actually started with fans of the X-Files who were frustrated by the endless 'will they or won't they' between Mulder and Scully (they were the first to call it 'shipping'). It was also pretty popular amongst female and queer fans of tv shows as a protest movement against the straight male-dominated relationships in media. I had to read a bunch research papers on it in college and that's how I learned about the term and practice.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been on the internet since the early 90's, and I've never heard that once.
I first heard about it when Avatar: The Last Airbender started. It was the same time I was free to explore the internet on my own, and I was actively searching for related news on the show, anywhere I could find it. And it was then, on some obscure fan forum, where I laid eyes on the term "Zutara". I had to go looking for more to figure out all the terminology at play. Any relationship, canon or otherwise, was defined by a combination of the couple's names.

I kind of take my knowledge of it for granted. I notice the word immediately when I see it, but I can't really imagine how easy or difficult it is to learn about it.


Oct 27, 2017
A friend of mine used to ship Elizabeth and Booker from Bioshock Infinite.
She deleted her Tumblr account which she had be reblogging/posting Booker/Elizabeth stuff on when she got to the twist of the game and realised what she had done was accidentally the worst thing ever.


Oct 25, 2017
I disagree,

The pace of change the language is going through is too fast for the non-millenial

The term shipping has existed since the '90s. It's been a thing for pretty much the entire existence of online fandom. You HAVE to be internet sheltered to have not heard it by now.

Oh, another one: Finn and Rose. I know there's a lot of people out there wanting this and Rose is adorable and all, but if we don't get Rey + Finn at the end I'll scream.

I won't but still.

Honestly, I don't get Rey/Finn. TFA didn't really hint at any romantic feelings and they don't really have much chemistry. Feels like people only pair them because their the main girl and main guy and almost all media has taught us that they're suppose to get together just because of that.

Now Finn/Poe, on the other hand...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll never understand how this forum can get 10+ pages on which Broly design is better, but the very idea of character shipping is like some absurd niche thing for weirdos.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Lois Lane and Superman.

She loves superman, and tolerates Clark Kent


Oct 26, 2017
Oh wow, this is actually disturbing to focus on. freaky
Kind of the point, actually. A ship can't hide in open water, so the goal was to make it unclear which direction the ship was headed. Old-school cannon fights required dueling ships to anticipate the next move well ahead of time, so any successful deception would get the enemy ship badly set up for the next shot. These days everyone just uses radar and guided missiles.


Oct 27, 2017
People have been shipping characters on the internet longer than some people in their 20s have been alive.

Deleted member 27246

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017

I don't see the fun in 'shipping'.

I know EVERY character gets coupled with EVERY other character on the internet though. So I guess some ships are worse than others.