
Oct 25, 2017
I love PUBG,

But I must say I never liked the fact that there is a fully modeled american style high school in the game, complete with a gym, a common speech hall, classrooms, a basketball field and so on. The game is set in a way that you will always find some of the best weapons, ammo , items and armors, next to the military base. I'm not sure if its some weird meta social commentary that the creators wanted to make, almost..

With all those american school shootings, it just .. kinda feels wrong. You walk around, picking up abandoned backpacks, M16A assault rifles, and track down the other survivors who are hiding in the classrooms and you gun them down. Every game, that zone always has the highest body count.

It also does not help that the game has specific items that allows players to wear school uniforms, for males and females

I was playing with a friend yesterday and within moments of landing, we both commented that it just felt.. Wrong. It's pretty ironic to complain about this in a violent battle royale game, but eh.

BlueHole should replace the School with a factory or something really neutral. It could be easily avoided with a quick editing job.

What do you think?
Oct 25, 2017
The world is not america, sorry. America has had mass shootings in military bases as well, so do they remove that too.

And it's an abandoned school, there are no npcs anywhere.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I mean, if a tragic shooting happened at a hotel - you'd feel the same way about a hotel in the gamr. There's nothing about the school location itself that implies anything worse than the rest of the war-torn chaos seen in the rest of the map.
Oct 27, 2017
I think if you're going to censor every backdrop to a mass-shooting in the US, there wouldn't be an awful lot left...


Dec 5, 2017
I dunno. I'm not a big PUBG player, but from what I've seen, it's just an abandoned building. Not really any context that makes it inherently bad in taste.

If the context were that you are going to shoot up a school with a bunch of students in it. Yeah that would be a huge problem. But as it stands it's just a hollow husk of an institution that no longer exists.

Just my two cents though.


Oct 26, 2017
What should be removed is the guns in your country, not some fucking textures in videogame.


Oct 25, 2017
If this was 1998 and we only really had Colombine under our belts, sure.

But honestly where hasn't there been a mass shooting in America in the last decade? Malls, schools, concerts, parks, churches, businesses...


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I'd be totally ok with them changing the school into something else while retaining the geometry of it. I'm not outraged or upset about their being a school on the map (before anyone suggests that!) but yeah, would totally respect the PUBG guys if they reskinned it.

The flip side of this line of thought is that it's a Battle Royale game and Battle Royale was about a class of school kids shooting each other to be the last one standing. So kinda fits the theme...


Oct 29, 2017
Greene is irish, Bluehole studios is korean, Erangel looks like eastern Europe. Not everything is murica and shoud be taken as such.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
So a school is a no go but a hospital and prison are okay?


Oct 27, 2017
I love PUBG,

But I must say I never liked the fact that there is a fully modeled american style high school in the game, complete with a gym, a common speech hall, classrooms, a basketball field and so on. The game is set in a way that you will always find some of the best weapons, ammo , items and armors, next to the military base. I'm not sure if its some weird meta social commentary that the creators wanted to make, almost..

With all those american school shootings, it just .. kinda feels wrong. You walk around, picking up abandoned backpacks, M16A assault rifles, and track down the other survivors who are hiding in the classrooms and you gun them down. Every game, that zone always has the highest body count.

I was playing with a friend yesterday and within moments of landing, we both commented that it just felt.. Wrong. It's pretty ironic to complain about this in a violent battle royale game, but eh.

BlueHole should replace the School with a factory or something really neutral. It could be easily avoided with a quick editing job.

What do you think?

I don't think I ever made the connection since obviously the entire island is kind of hollowed out. I think it would be in poor taste if their were kids in the school maybe, but as is, I think it's fine?


Oct 31, 2017
I understand where you are coming from but this is a pretty specific American problem. If you extend that line of thought every war scenario is sensitive to people who live in war thorn countries and that have that reality way closer to them than other countries.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I'll take every possible opportunity to shit on PUBG. There is 0 reason for them to remove the school.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
No they shouldn't, and you're acting as if pubg is the only shooter with schools in it

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it's an abandoned island with no living beings besides the 100 people dropping from a plane to murder each other. If it was a GTA-like game where you could blast into the school and murder kids, I'd say you have a point. As it stands, it's literally a place as any for duking it out with guns. I see nothing wrong with it.


Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much agree that a school is kinda tastless. I think that's why there's no kids in GTA, shooting kids seems too evil, even for games with evil people in them.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it an "American style" school? I thought it looked like the abandoned school(s) in Chernobyl/Pripyat .


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
PUBG should not have to censor out a school building just because we can't get our gun fuckery under control.


Oct 26, 2017
In light of what happened in Florida this week, I can understand how you feel. But the school, and the rest of the map, is completely devoid of NPCs. The only people who you attack in the game are other PCs who may also be armed and have the intent to take you out as well. There are also small towns with houses, farms, and other buildings, and the new map has high rise apartments. Shootings have happened in these types of places before. PUBG is a violent battle royale video game. People find that fun, but (I should hope) people are smart enough to distinguish a fictional video game from real life.

People point at violent video games as the problem, but rarely (if ever) consider stricter gun control. That's something our politicians sorely need to discuss.


Nov 13, 2017
No, what an asinine idea. There are hospitals, homes, etc. in the game. No one wants real life shootings in any of those places, but that doesn't mean they should be taken out of the game. These buildings are nothing more than backdrop, a play area, regardless of what their real life purposes are.


Oct 30, 2017
The world isn't based around the US you know. There are other countries outside your borders, and ones that have the common sense to ban guns.


Oct 25, 2017
We are a group of gamers who play video games for fun and understand that thy are not depictions of reality. We are able to distinguish the two.

Removing the school in PUBG will not make Americans feel better. It will not prevent school shootings. We might as well remove all rifles from the game since that is the American school shooter's weapon of choice.

We as a community should be able to understand the differences, and convince those, especially lawmakers, that our hobby should not be associated with those monsters and it doesn't spawn them.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I totally get the logic for thinking it might need to be, but I honestly think it does not for a few reasons.

1. As it's been pointed out, it's an abandoned run-down school with no NPCs, children, or the like to shoot at. Shootings happen in many places, many of which are in PUBG's Engrangel and Miramar maps.
2. In PUBG it's more akin to a post apocalypse scenario. There's schools in lots of post apocalypse games.
3. Even if they did change it to something else (which I would not mind if they did), the community would still stick to calling it "school". It's like how some people (me being one of them) still call "Prison" the "Crater", because everyone called it that before it was labeled on the map. There's some other locations on the map I have an old name that was commonly used.


Oct 25, 2017
America has done a fine job tainting all types of buildings with gun violence. Not sure any structure would be safe if they went with this mentality.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
No. It's just an abandoned building.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
PUBG should not have to censor out a school building just because we can't get our gun fuckery under control.
This. It's no one else's fault that for some bizarre reason the USA insists on not having gun control.

Should we ban every location type in where a shooting has happened from videogames? What would be left then? These orange custom maps from TF2?


If the USA values its """"freedom""""" to have guns more than the life of children, well, it's their laws, but don't bring anyone else to your problem.


Oct 30, 2017
It's only a problem if you make it a problem. It's an empty building and there is inherently nothing in bad taste about it.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah no.

Our country doesn't dictate the rest of the world, or actions therein. Like others have said 1. It's abandoned and 2. There wouldn't be anything left on the maps but fields if we removed everything a shooting takes place in.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Should they remove the European map because the vaguely European map is reminiscent of the Ukraine which is currently under some form of Russian government control?


Oct 25, 2017
This. It's no one else's fault that for some bizarre reason the USA insists on not having gun control.

Should we ban every location type in where a shooting has happened from videogames? What would be left then? These orange custom maps from TF2?
cp_orange_x was a great map

yes i know that this is one of the 204973896 variations on it, im just sayin

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah no.

Our country doesn't dictate the rest of the world, or actions therein. Like others have said 1. It's abandoned and 2. There wouldn't be anything left on the maps but fields if we removed everything a shooting takes place in.
Fields wouldn't be left either, since shootings have also occurred on fields.

Sorry, the school shooting from Wednesday sickens me to my core, but the premise of this thread is ridiculous.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Don't ban guns, ban schools. It's a russian school to begin with, the world is not the US and PUBG is mostly played by Chinese.