
Oct 29, 2017
The only one I can think of right now is Tyrael from DIABLO

The one true rival/archnemeis of Diablo himself and ostensibly the guardian of Sanctuary, and mentor for the Nephelim.

So who are some others like this guy below? And what makes them so cool/badass?



Oct 28, 2017
I like Lucifer in the comic named after him. He's technically still an angel.


Oct 27, 2017
Does Angemon count? (Digimon)


My favorites: basically all angels from Darksiders, namely:
The Archon from Darksiders 2

Abaddon from Darksiders 1 (avoid Googling him unless you want major Darksiders 1 ending spoilers):

Azrael from Darksiders 1:

EDIT: Of crap, forgot about Uriel:


Oct 25, 2017
Lucifer Morningstar, one level below God.
Some of the angels from Darksiders

And that's about it I


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure where he ended up before the show got weird, but castiel from supernatural was cool.

I'm drawing a blank, but I know there's one or two others.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
There's Zauriel, a member of the late 90s Justice League:




He was pretty fun at the time but they haven't done much with him since.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Castiel from Supernatural is pretty awesome.


Oct 28, 2017
Not edgy enough and usually fiction uses Angel as the authoritarian type of character and demons/devils as the rebellious type which makes for a better protagonist

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I'd like to mention Pit from Kid Icarus.

Pit's setting is mutated Greek mythos, but he still counts.

And despite being a dork and butt of everyone's jokes, he's still a one man armada at the end of the day.

He has fought armies of darkness, forces of nature, corrupted armies of light, otherwordly parasites, aliens and Gods and their champions.

He's actually a beast.

Still a fucking dweeb though.
Last edited:


Sep 21, 2018
The archangels from Supernatural were pretty good, but for reasons I can't remember all the angels become lightweights later on.

Quite liked Swinton's Portrayal of Gabriel in Constantine too.


Oct 29, 2017
Does Angemon count? (Digimon)


My favorites: basically all angels from Darksiders, namely:
The Archon from Darksiders 2

Abaddon from Darksiders 1 (avoid Googling him unless you want major Darksiders 1 ending spoilers):

Azrael from Darksiders 1:

EDIT: Of crap, forgot about Uriel:

Honestly the Darksiders ones kind of come off as try-hard at times but still I appreciate the attempts
I'd like more noble Knight-Templar types.

SCP guys are often so creative but I dislike the fact that a Christian Angel inspired the organization.
Still the actual entry is very well written.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Castiel's first appearance in Supernatural was bad ass. Probably best entrance in a TV show.

His second appearance was also bad ass. Got Dean shook. Of course he's silly now.

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My picks have been mentioned, the Darksiders Ángels(Archon Lucien, Uriel, Azrael, etc.) and Tyrael

So I'll put my favorite MOBA skin

Archon Thanatos



One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Akroma, Angel of Wrath


Akroma, Angel of Fury


There are more cool Magic the Gathering angels, but Akroma is the most badass of them all


Feb 14, 2018
My favorite book series is Mortal Instruments. They made a TV show called "Shadowhunters" after it. Its about the decedents of Nephilim, group of people who fight demons and other supernatural entities in the world. Very good book series, dont know how the tv show does.


Oct 28, 2017
North-East England
Angela from the Spawn and Marvel comics, originally created by Neil Gaiman, more recently (and definitively) written by Marguerite Bennett. Her original visual design's... not great, but the 2015 version's slightly better:


Oct 30, 2017
Tabris the Chronicler. Dude took his heavenly mandate to scholarly study all of the multiverse - even the evil aligned ones like Hell and the Abyss - to the extreme. He succeeded where armies of angels failed and actually gained enough trust from fiends to pursue his study. After eons of suffering has passed, he returned to Heaven to present his life's work . . . . only to be summarily trialed and exiled by the heavenly host and his research destroyed due to its very detailed and blasphemous content. They succeeded in exiling him but his research disappeared before Heaven had a chance destroy it.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I like rank and file demons and angels looking like humans. It speaks to them approaching humans in a comforting form. Wait I remembered my favorite angels The Rock Transformers from Noah



Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
most angels from smt arent so much about good as they are about fascist-like order

not counting lucifer, i guess my favorite angel from smt is probably metatron and their noble voice ("FUCK YOU")

or hey, metatron from dogma, i like alan rickman


Oct 27, 2017
Akroma, Angel of Wrath


Akroma, Angel of Fury


There are more cool Magic the Gathering angels, but Akroma is the most badass of them all
I read these books as a kid. Akroma's story is so stupid.

At one point she gets swallowed by a wurm and parts of her body/ wings melt so Ixidor summons a giant magical jaguar and cuts its head off and grafts her upper body onto it making her a cat-taur. For good measure he made its feet into metal spikes though I forget why this is.

Serra was a much more important angel than Akroma. She was a one of the original Planeswalkers.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I recommend you read Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.


THis might be being turned into a TV show or it already is a movie or TV show or something, but one of the main protagonists is an angel and it's great. I haven't read it in.. 10+ years but I loved it when I did.


Oct 30, 2017
Uriel (Bastard!! manga), was a tragic yet extremely powerful character:


Sanguinius (Warhammer 40K), the fastest and more skilled Primarch, natural born with wings, probably the most noble amongst them. Unselfish, altruistic, merciful, compasionate to humans (very rare feat in 40K) capable to fly so fast that air caught fire around him... Dies fighting against chaos empowered Horus, but now without making a indelible dent:


Mephiston, Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Astartes Chapter (founded by Sanguinius), the only of their kind which mastered the Black Rage and one of most powerful psykers and hand to hand fighters in the whole grimdark universe of WH40k. Think of Him like a cross between a Varalaukar from Tolkien's lore and Meier Link from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust:


Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Someone should read Topcow.
I present to you THE ANGELUS
(art by Stjepan Seijic!)
the wiki breakdown of how "wreck your shit" The Angelus is said:
the wiki breakdown of how "wreck your shit" The Angelus is said:
is one of the two primal forces of the universe and is the embodiment and ruler of the Light. She has been at war with her equal and opposite, The Darkness, since the Creation. At some point she and The Darkness forged a truce to avert mutual destruction and in so doing conceived The Witchblade.[1]
Each generation, The Angelus takes a human host, though such hosts have always been little more than puppets to the will of The Angelus.

Powers & Abilities
The Angelus is the embodiment of light and totalitarian order. As such, she possesses many supernatural godlike powers even under dark conditions. The exact ferocity of her power and beauty remains unknown, though she has been described as being as beautiful as The Morningstar and more violent and bloodthirsty than Kali.
  • Invulnerability - The Angelus is Impervious to mortal weapons such as gunfire. Being a force of pure light, she is immune to the harmful effects of fire, heat, and electricity.
  • Possession - The Angelus, as a spirit, requires a human vessel to exist in the physical world. While possessing someone, she has access to the host's memories.
  • Immortality - The Angelus grants her hosts eternal youth and beauty. They do not age, weaken, or die from old age, so long as The Angelus force remains within them.
  • Telepathy - The Angelus can communicate with and hear her sentient creations through telepathy, either through thought or even verbally speaking into their minds, even from across great distances.
  • Flight - The Angelus can fly both in her true spiritual form and in a human host. She does not need her wings to fly while in her spiritual form.
  • Superhuman Strength - The Angelus is a physical match for any supernatural force that opposes her. She can overpower humans with no effort. She is known to have destroyed many great things with her might; including the Tower of Babel, the Walls of Jerusalem, and the island of Krakatoa. Her strength is superior to that of any of her creations, including Angelus Warriors. The Darkness is the only physical match for The Angelus.
  • Superhuman Stamina - The Angelus can remain active for 21 years strait without nourishment or sleep, sustaining herself on the will of The Almighty alone. This implies that she draws her strength from the will of God Himself. Her host's muscles do not produce fatigue toxins, this gives her much more stamina in all physical activity.
  • Holy Light - The Angelus possesses the powers of the sun and can project powerful (even destructive) beams of light from her hands. She can also channel her energy through her weapons. She has also been seen to radiate powerful blue light from her whole body capable of searing The Darkness's armor.
  • Pyrokinesis - The Angelus can create and breathe fire. She can also manipulate fire and light to form solid physical objects such as swords, shields, and razor-sharp bladed spears. She can also turn these weapons back into light and/or fire anytime she wishes. While in her disembodied form, she appears as a being of pure living flame. She can reduce a human to a burnt skeletal crisp with a single touch.
The Angelus moves with superhuman speed.
  • Superhuman Speed - The Angelus can fly at speeds besting the hands of time. Danielle was able to decapitate two rebellious Angelus Warriors with a single blurring dash that sent her across the room.
  • Healing Factor - The Angelus heals her hosts of any physical wounds, even fatal ones such as torso impalement. This rejuvenating affect also heals psychological trauma endured by the host and gives them fortitude in battle.
  • Teleportation - The Angelus can teleport both herself and other beings to any location, either one that she chooses or any random location. She can also open portals to ethereal planes such as Angelus Realm and Hell. The Angelus also has used her tactile-teleportation abilities to summon powerful light to overpower and banish her opponents, as she did with Glorianna Silver.
Weaknesses & Limitations
Despite her divine powers, The Angelus does have weaknesses.
  • The Dark: The Angelus can still function in dark conditions, though she cannot recharge her strength from the light and as she uses her powers, she grows weaker until she eventually loses all of her strength. If her host is of an ancient age, she will age at an accelerated rate util she turns to dust within seconds after losing her power.
  • Supernatural Decapitation: The Angelus host can be killed by decapitation from weapons like The Blood Sword.
  • Electromagnetic Energy: The Angelus seems to be vulnerable to electromagnetic energy while within a host, as Cyblade was able to purge her essence from Velocity by "stabbing" her with her EM "blades".




Oct 26, 2017
Sanguinius (Warhammer 40K), the fastest and more skilled Primarch, natural born with wings, probably the most noble amongst them. Unselfish, altruistic, merciful, compasionate to humans (very rare feat in 40K) capable to fly so fast that air caught fire around him... Dies fighting against chaos empowered Horus, but now without making a indelible dent:


Can't mention Sanguinus without bringing up his rivalry with one of the most powerful Bloodthirsters that ever existed:

On the battlefields of Signus Prime, Sanguinius came face-to-face with the powerful Ka'Bandha, a Greater Daemon of Khorne, for the first time. The daemon taunted the Primarch, revealing Horus' planned treachery against the Emperor. Enraged, the angelic Primarch fought the brutal Bloodthirster in single combat. Seizing the initiative during the battle, he surprised Ka'Bandha with his frenzied assault, stabbing his Power Swordinto the daemon's chest, ripping open a gaping wound. The massive creature roared in fury and pain, lashing out with his whip at the Primarch's legs. Sanguinius was momentarily unbalanced as his legs were crushed in the whip's coils. The daemon then smashed Sanguinius to the ground with the flat of his axe. The winged hero of the Imperium was stunned, helpless before the Bloodthirster's wrath. As his vision cleared, he looked up at the monster that towered over him. The Greater Daemon taunted the Angel one final time, let out a mighty bellow and then struck out across the battlefield, slaughtering 500 Space Marines with huge swathes of his massive axe. They psychic backlash of the deaths of so many of his sons traumatised Sanguinius, and the Primarch fell into unconsciousness.
It would not be until the closing days of the Horus Heresy that Sanguinius would once again confront the savage Daemon Lord. During the Battle of Terra, the Bloodthirster confronted the Primarch atop the Eternity Gate of the Imperial Palace which guarded the way to the Emperor's throne room. The Greater Daemon struck Sanguinius, casting the angel upon the broken stone. Preparing to strike a killing blow, the Primarch called upon his last reserves of strength and power. With a massive effort, he confronted the Greater Daemon for the final time and leapt upon the Bloodthirster, seized him about the wrist and ankle and rose up high into the air. Sanguinius slammed the great beast across his knee, breaking the creature's back with a powerful crack. He swung the body of Ka'Bandha around and hurled the broken behemoth into the midst of the daemonic host, slamming the Eternity Gate shut against the ravening hordes of Chaos. The servants of the Ruinous Power would not claim Terra that day, and the Traitor Legions were ultimately defeated when the Emperor bested their Warmaster Horus in single combat aboard his flagship the Vengeful Spirit.


Oct 25, 2017
The angels of Bayonetta are pretty great. They draw more from the Old Testament view of angels as incomprehensible, monstrous beings cloaked in divine light than something more human and familiar.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018

I'm shocked SHOCKED Gabriel hasn't been mentioned yet from The Prophecy.

But damn do I also love Gabriel from Constantine too.