Fiery Phoenix

Oct 26, 2017
Happy to see Fallout, but I'd rather have a Prey patch over Skyrim. Not sure if that one is happening at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Wonder why Fallout 4 seemingly has more enhancements when it's obviously a more demanding game than Skyrim. Or did Skyrim SE already have those features 'maxed out' on base hardware?

Or is it a priority issue of Fallout 4 being a newer game?


Oct 27, 2017
No reason for Skyrim not to be 60fps. If it's just a resolution bump with the available specs, that's pathetic.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome, been waiting for Fallout. Going to go download that


Oct 26, 2017
Happy to see Fallout, but I'd rather have a Prey patch over Skyrim. Not sure if that one is happening at this point.

Yeah, I am hoping for a Prey patch. I waited till the last hour of the MS Store Sale and bought Prey in hopes of a patch. It was a great price, but will feel a bit burned if it never gets a patch.


Oct 25, 2017
I am about halfway through Fallout 4 from launch (took a huge break). Going to dive back in now


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised they didn't go for 60fps, at least on Skyrim. I would expect the X could do it pretty handily.


Oct 27, 2017
No reason for Skyrim not to be 60fps. If it's just a resolution bump with the available specs, that's pathetic.
The game ran on last gen CPU's so I don't see why a 60FPS option at least wouldn't be possible. A damn shame, hope there's more to each patched than the notes, really underwhelming otherwise. Fallout 4 downloaded two updates, one 1.8GB and one 17GB, must be higher resolution textures?


Oct 25, 2017
Man the FO4 patch is 18GB. Are there higher res textures too or what?

The game ran on last gen CPU's so I don't see why a 60FPS option at least wouldn't be possible. A damn shame, hope there's more to each patched than the notes, really underwhelming otherwise. Fallout 4 downloaded two updates, one 1.8GB and one 17GB, must be higher resolution textures?

The PC high res texture pack was over 50 GB but it's possible the Xbox One X doesn't have enough memory to run those textures.


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I am hoping for a Prey patch. I waited till the last hour of the MS Store Sale and bought Prey in hopes of a patch. It was a great price, but will feel a bit burned if it never gets a patch.
Pete Hines kinda hinted at a Prey patch during the Xbox One X launch stream but no definitive word


Oct 26, 2017
Based on the size of this patch for Skyrim, I'm guessing there's more to the enhancements that just a render resolution change.

Assuming it means it avoids the framerate jumps from the Pro version, I'm actually glad to hear there's a dynamic scaler for the 4K output. Ideally, there would be an option to choose optimization depending on your display res, though supersampling to 1080p can give incredible results.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It's strange to see a native 4K Pro game be dynamic resolution on the X. Bethesda gonna Bethesda I guess.

The Pro version runs like crap. I image the X version is dynamic just incase, I'm willing to bet it doesn't drop from native 4k except in the most extreme cases.


Oct 26, 2017

I figure they're implying that if previous-gen console CPUs could handle a close-enough 30 fps target, mid-gen upgrades to the current round of consoles should be able to handle the additional computations. Assuming the issue is processing power, and not engine-level bottlenecks.

The Pro version runs like crap. I image the X version is dynamic just incase, I'm willing to bet it doesn't drop from native 4k except in the most extreme cases.

Your points aren't mutually exclusive, lol

Also, I agree that it's likely a "safety net" to try to avoid the hitching in the current Pro version. This is the sort of thing that could easily be implemented there too, if it gives a smoother result.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah. I'm sorry, that's not an excuse on the X.

It really is. It's still just a Jaguar CPU with a minor upclock over the PS4 Pro.

PS4 - 1.6 GHz
XB1 - 1.75 GHz
PS4 Pro - 2.1 GHz
XB1 X - 2.3 GHz

I would educate yourself if I were you. Yes, the X is impressive and 'beastly' in the graphics department for a console, no one's debating that. But the CPU is an albatross around it's neck.

These mid-gen upgrades are specced for graphics upgrades, with a minor performance boost owing to the CPU upclock. If you're expecting 60fps patches for every X title then you're going to be sorely disappointed with your purchase.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a 2011 game. CPUs managed to do 60fps 6-7 years ago, I'm sure the X could as well if Bethesda actually put effort into these patches.

The difference being that those CPUs 6-7 years ago were desktop-class and most are still relevant today. The Jaguar CPUs in the consoles are laptop-equivalent and were outdated and outspecced prior to the consoles launching.


Oct 26, 2017
It really is. It's still just a Jaguar CPU with a minor upclock over the PS4 Pro.

PS4 - 1.6 GHz
XB1 - 1.75 GHz
PS4 Pro - 2.1 GHz
XB1 X - 2.3 GHz

I would educate yourself if I were you. Yes, the X is impressive and 'beastly' in the graphics department for a console, no one's debating that. But the CPU is an albatross around it's neck.

These mid-gen upgrades are specced for graphics upgrades, with a minor performance boost owing to the CPU upclock. If you're expecting 60fps patches for every X title then you're going to be sorely disappointed with your purchase.

Holy shit, Vashetti, dial it back a notch.


Oct 27, 2017
These both read exactly like the Pro updates. Right down to the extra god rays and draw distance on Fallout 4. Seems like they didn't do anything extra beyond those.

Fallout 4 runs at 1440p on the Pro IIRC. I imagine it runs higher on the XBX with similar visual settings. Also wonder why they both say "Dynamic resolution", even Skyrim says that when it runs at a constant native 2160p @ 30 FPS on the Pro.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, Vashetti, dial it back a notch.

How so? I don't think I was rude at all. Merrill is saying that 60fps should be no problem for the XB1 X's CPU for this game when that clearly is not the case (and the same for the majority of games). If it came off as rude that wasn't my intent and I'm sorry.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
The Pro version runs like crap. I image the X version is dynamic just incase, I'm willing to bet it doesn't drop from native 4k except in the most extreme cases.
They might've learned something from the PRO version. Apparently it doesn't run very well (worse performance than the standard PS4 version) because of the commitment to native 4K.
I did not know that, I was under the impression it ran fairly well. It's still strange though, X should've taken care of the performance issues on Pro anyway.

How so? I don't think I was rude at all. Merrill is saying that 60fps should be no problem for the XB1 X's CPU for this game when that clearly is not the case (and the same for the majority of games). If it came off as rude that wasn't my intent and I'm sorry.
This would apply to most current gen games, not so much for ports of last gen games.


Oct 27, 2017
It really is. It's still just a Jaguar CPU with a minor upclock over the PS4 Pro.

PS4 - 1.6 GHz
XB1 - 1.75 GHz
PS4 Pro - 2.1 GHz
XB1 X - 2.3 GHz

I would educate yourself if I were you. Yes, the X is impressive and 'beastly' in the graphics department for a console, no one's debating that. But the CPU is an albatross around it's neck.

These mid-gen upgrades are specced for graphics upgrades, with a minor performance boost owing to the CPU upclock. If you're expecting 60fps patches for every X title then you're going to be sorely disappointed with your purchase.
The game ran at 30FPS on Xbox 360, I doubt this is a CPU bottleneck but keep arguing that it's always the CPU. I had a lot of similar people telling me the same thing when I said I wanted a performance mode for Gears of War 4, and well we got one and it runs great.


Oct 27, 2017
The game ran at 30FPS on Xbox 360, I doubt this is a CPU bottleneck but keep arguing that it's always the CPU. I had a lot of similar people telling me the same thing when I said I wanted a performance mode for Gears of War 4, and well we got one and it runs great.

Of course it's not always the CPU. Some games are GPU-bound, some are CPU-bound. In Skyrim's case, it's an open-world physics-based game that is heavily CPU dependant.


Oct 27, 2017
The difference being that those CPUs 6-7 years ago were desktop-class and most are still relevant today. The Jaguar CPUs in the consoles are laptop-equivalent and were outdated and outspecced prior to the consoles launching.

If the CPU is the excuse, how are the same CPUs running Doom 2016, Battlefield 1, and MGS V @ 60fps?


Oct 27, 2017
Of course it's not always the CPU. Some games are GPU-bound, some are CPU-bound. In Skyrim's case, it's an open-world physics-based game that is heavily CPU dependant.
It's not doing anything overly different that's CPU heavy to the 360 version besides higher LOD. I think this is just a case of Bethesda not wanting to have two different graphical modes in the game.

If the CPU is the excuse, how are the same CPUs running Doom 2016, Battlefield 1, and MGS V @ 60fps?
Those games have been designed around the consoles CPU limitations to hit 60FPS.


Oct 27, 2017
I did not know that, I was under the impression it ran fairly well. It's still strange though, X should've taken care of the performance issues on Pro anyway

They run fine. Skyrim Pro has received further performance improvement patches and no one's done a FPS counter after that. I have that game and it seems to always run at a solid 30 FPS.

Fallout 4 Pro is a weird case. If you run the base game without the Pro patch with boost mode, it runs at a better locked 30 FPS. With the Pro patch it doesn't run solid and can drop *BUT* even with the Pro patch, it still has better average performance than the OG PS4... that part is straight up misinformation.

You can read more about it here:

The frame rate only seems to boggle in the stress test areas, other than that the Pro patch is a huge improvement. Higher resolution, better god rays, increased draw distance and generally better performance than the OG PS4 version in all places.


Oct 26, 2017
The game ran at 30FPS on Xbox 360, I doubt this is a CPU bottleneck but keep arguing that it's always the CPU. I had a lot of similar people telling me the same thing when I said I wanted a performance mode for Gears of War 4, and well we got one and it runs great.

If doing a 60 fps mode was simple enough, I think they'd have done it. I'm personally assuming the reason is more to do with bottlenecks in the engine itself more than there not being the raw overhead to double cpu calls since last gen. As much as the 1X CPU is still built around a value-price CPU, I'm under the assumption that it can handle at least double the calculations of an Xbox 360. If someone knows otherwise, then that would be an answer in itself.

Beef Stallmer

Oct 27, 2017
If the CPU is the excuse, how are the same CPUs running Doom 2016, Battlefield 1, and MGS V @ 60fps?
The CPU combined with the developer is the excuse.
If it was developed in house then yes, maybe this game could have run at 60fps. With the developer and their engine however, it was never going to happen.

Although.... Skyrim PS4 VR runs at 60 minimum right? Please tell me that it does ....


Oct 25, 2017
The game ran at 30FPS on Xbox 360, I doubt this is a CPU bottleneck but keep arguing that it's always the CPU. I had a lot of similar people telling me the same thing when I said I wanted a performance mode for Gears of War 4, and well we got one and it runs great.

The Xbox 360 had a 3.2-GHz Tri-Core Xenon CPU. It was arguably as powerful as the Xbox One's/PS4's Jaguar CPU.