
Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I'd play it again, but you won't catch me asking for this game.

I'm more surprised Nintendo didn't do a port of the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time for Switch this holiday season - being that it's the 20th anniversary and all. It looks just fine upres'd from the 3DS version:


No real reason to do that when they're still selling the 3DS game.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Skyward Sword's painterly, pastel filter on the DOF is criminally underappreciated. It scales magnificently in Dolphin and the visual identity it gifts is otherworldly.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Remember the very first piece of art work we saw before anything else?

This artwork is exactly why I said the GDC tech demo screens make me want it to be an internal project. The Fi shading is damn close to this, and I would love it if they redo Skyward Sword with a less saturated, deeper color look more in tune with this early artwork. I really feel like reworking Skyward Sword after gaining experience from BotW is passion project tier work for them.


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Skyward Sword's painterly, pastel filter on the DOF is criminally underappreciated. It scales magnificently in Dolphin and the visual identity it gifts is otherworldly.

One of the problems I remember a lot of people having is that they were playing the game on fresh new HDTVs, and with composite cables at that. Few things in this world appear quite so ugly as a Wii game made to dance that jig. But more specifically, Skyward Sword's artistry seems to just crumble spectacularly without the right hookups.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Sword's painterly, pastel filter on the DOF is criminally underappreciated. It scales magnificently in Dolphin and the visual identity it gifts is otherworldly.
That watercolor DOF looked terrible on the Wii, like the world was a blur

And yet on Dolphin the shit looked AMAZING. Like a big veil on this games art direction got lit up. I love flying off or looking off into the distance at this fairy tale fable world, that shit was dope.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Sword's painterly, pastel filter on the DOF is criminally underappreciated. It scales magnificently in Dolphin and the visual identity it gifts is otherworldly.

Dolphin not being able to emulate Wii Motion Plus is the biggest reason I want the game on the Switch with a similar upgrade! I saw how beautiful it can look but my disability and a Wiimote just don't get along :(
Jun 23, 2018
I'd rather another new Zelda, a smaller title in a LttP or Zelda II vein. Skyward Sword was the weakest 3D Zelda iteration. They would have to cut 90% of Fi's dialogue to make it even remotely worth a replay.


Oct 29, 2017
I actually never played this game.. so I'd be happy if it is true =)

Is the Anouma comments and the gameinformer hint the things that are the main leads for this possible game? Or are there anything else as well?


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
Needs traditional control options or no buy from me. I know it was designed around motion controls and couch play but I want to play portable on a plane plus I generally hate all motion controls. Just give me the option and I'm in. Unless it's $60, in which case probably not. SS HD is worth $30 to me and I probably would begrudgingly cave at $40.


Jun 12, 2018
worst Zelda coming to Switch.

I'll pass. i was tortured enough playing it the first time.

the subpar motion controls completely ruined it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe motion control technology has advanced enough between the Wii and the Switch that the game could actually follow your movements reliably this time.

Still wouldn't be enough to make this game worth the $60 they'd surely end up charging for it though.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
I actually really want this to come out. If they fix up some of the annoyances with Fi, and get us on the more reliable Joycon better motion controls I'd be totally up for replaying this. I loved the dungeons and atmosphere in Skyward Sword. Probably my favorite Zelda dungeons of all time.


Dec 5, 2017
I'd play it again, but you won't catch me asking for this game.

I'm more surprised Nintendo didn't do a port of the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time for Switch this holiday season - being that it's the 20th anniversary and all. It looks just fine upres'd from the 3DS version:


Nintendo doesn't really pay too much attention on anniversaries, saying that,
OoT/MM 3D ported in HD for Switch sound like no brainer.

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd play it again, but you won't catch me asking for this game.

I'm more surprised Nintendo didn't do a port of the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time for Switch this holiday season - being that it's the 20th anniversary and all. It looks just fine upres'd from the 3DS version:

Nintendo are doing a really good job at making sure classic games are available on either Switch or 3DS. But they are showing no inclination to migrate 3DS games to Switch. I don't see that happening until 3DS is literally dead in the water. Shame!


Oct 28, 2017
I've got to say, Nintendo have been overwhelmingly terrible at exploiting their pre Wii U legacy with the Switch.

Not that I disagree but I think they're focusing on what they've got for now and giving space to other companies like the Arcade Archives stuff.
Lack of VC is so frustrating though.


Dec 5, 2017
I've got to say, Nintendo have been overwhelmingly terrible at exploiting their pre Wii U legacy with the Switch.

To be fair, Wii U totally failed and had very limited install base while it did had some great games, so makes most sense to focusing and port first most of best Wii U games because huge majority of Switch owners did not play those games and they will look and feel like brand new games.

Saying that Nintendo already ported most of best Wii U games, only few potential very good games left, Zelda WW/TP HD, Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World, and I guess we could see some of those games next year, and soon they will start porting games (if they already did not start) from other platforms.
I mean games like Metroid Trilogy HD, Galaxy 1/2 HD, already mentioned Skyward Sword HD, OoT/MM 3D HD...are all strong contenders for future Switch ports.


Mar 1, 2018
Which do people generally prefer? Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword?

Most people loathe skyward sword on here.

It's my favourite :p people love twilight princess even though it's dungeons and overworld are drab in comparison

Don't get me started on wind waker either! People love that one even more and yet the above areas are much, much worse.

They tout motion controls and Fi as it being a shit show but one of those can be fixed and the other vastly improved upon. True innovation with 1:1 sword combat and fans hated it

That's why people love BotW, it embraces modern day gameplay design. It's one of the best Zelda's (up there with SS hehe) but yeah

Sorry had to get that off my chest lol

*for anyone who completed SS and had controller difficulties throughout, fair enough, I feel you, that must have sucked. I hope if you play the remaster that you get the intended experience that I had on release, the controls truly elevate the game :)


Dec 5, 2017
What do you think they gonna show at TGAs?

Maybe something like this, Metroid Prime 4, Metroid Trilogy HD and some Smash Bros fighter/DLC.

I could see SS HD at TGA only if they announce some kind of new Zelda alongside.

Which do people generally prefer? Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword?

I personally prefer more SS over TP even SS had some bad backtracking, on other hand TP world is so empty and boring.
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Jun 10, 2018
Would be nice to see it come in a HD pack with a couple of others (Windwaker/TP) but it would probably just be this edition.


Oct 25, 2017
one of my biggest gaming regrets was when I passed over the special edition of this game with the controller for a copy of...Rage.

Never played this, but I will be changing that on Switch.
Oct 28, 2017
if Fi would shut the fuck up, the text scrolled faster, no more repeat notifications, and refine the controls (or make a standard set up) then i might would be down to play it again.
What, you don't want Fi to explain to you what a bow is for? (Seriously, it's in the game)

This game shows such an utter contempt for the player and their intelligence, it's baffling.

I played it recently again and thought "it can't be that bad as I remember." Oh boy was I wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
What, you don't want Fi to explain to you what a bow is for? (Seriously, it's in the game)

This game shows such an utter contempt for the player and their intelligence, it's baffling.

I played it recently again and thought "it can't be that bad as I remember." Oh boy was I wrong.
My first play through was on wii with codes to fix most problems, faster text, disable fi warnings, no notifications all the time, damage multiplied by 2 which was ok, the game still has some major problems like the imprisoned boss, silent realm rubbish and the music note collection.
I later played it on wii u without the codes and couldn't even last a few hours, i was gobsmacked at how badly the game was treating the player, it's as if it wasn't a final release but one long tutorial demo for a trade show, it simply did not want to let you play.
How nintendo didn't release a patch for it is beyond me, even the codes i used on wii at least made the game playable.


Oct 28, 2017
Most people loathe skyward sword on here.

It's my favourite :p people love twilight princess even though it's dungeons and overworld are drab in comparison

Don't get me started on wind waker either! People love that one even more and yet the above areas are much, much worse.

They tout motion controls and Fi as it being a shit show but one of those can be fixed and the other vastly improved upon. True innovation with 1:1 sword combat and fans hated it

That's why people love BotW, it embraces modern day gameplay design. It's one of the best Zelda's (up there with SS hehe) but yeah

Sorry had to get that off my chest lol

*for anyone who completed SS and had controller difficulties throughout, fair enough, I feel you, that must have sucked. I hope if you play the remaster that you get the intended experience that I had on release, the controls truly elevate the game :)

I couldn't agree more. Skyward Sword is an amazing game. I believe that with better motion controls of the switch, many will finally "get it".


Nov 13, 2017
Its simple nintendo; release all the zeldas on the switch. I'm no business analyst but i have a feeling they will sell well and you more than make your money back from porting them.
Oct 28, 2017
My first play through was on wii with codes to fix most problems, faster text, disable fi warnings, no notifications all the time, damage multiplied by 2 which was ok, the game still has some major problems like the imprisoned boss, silent realm rubbish and the music note collection.
I later played it on wii u without the codes and couldn't even last a few hours, i was gobsmacked at how badly the game was treating the player, it's as if it wasn't a final release but one long tutorial demo for a trade show, it simply did not want to let you play.
How nintendo didn't release a patch for it is beyond me, even the codes i used on wii at least made the game playable.
What's more is that while progressing through the game, I actually felt Fi explained more later in the game than in the beginning. Like actually regressing. Usually in games it's the other way round. As if the player becomes dumber and more inexperienced has he or she progresses through the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how they'd do it. Motion controls are so essential to the game that handheld play would basically be impossible.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there any real reason to think this is teasing Skyward Sword? Didn't he just say we might get more Zelda sooner than we think? Why does that mean Skyward Sword?


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Would there be any point in playing this game without motion controls? It was the main driving force for a lot of its design.

smart patrol

Oct 27, 2017
Is there any real reason to think this is teasing Skyward Sword? Didn't he just say we might get more Zelda sooner than we think? Why does that mean Skyward Sword?
I think you're thinking of something else. This is what Aonuma said:

Translation: Aonuma said "We know what you are thinking, Skyward Sword on Switch, right?" Then the audience were clapping like crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
They tout motion controls and Fi as it being a shit show but one of those can be fixed and the other vastly improved upon. True innovation with 1:1 sword combat and fans hated it

See this is wrong, though, because those two things are not the main issues people take with the game. While yes, the motion controls and Fi might have put people off from playing it further and thus they don't get very far there are people like me who had no issues with the controls and "tolerated" Fi still dislike the game a lot. And it's because Skyward Sword has a myriad of game design issues. Backtracking is a common thing the game does, not just once but more than once. Then, there's the awful fetch quests (which are abundant in SS)... and then there's the escort mission in the Eldin area (god this is actually not a fun part of the game), the tadtones, how swimming works (nevermind the fact swimming is tied to motion controls, how they make it work with them is frustrating), recycled boss fights in general (not only the imprisoned but also Ghirahim), the Stamina Meter is completely arbitrary, etc. There's a zillion issues with the game from a core level that for someone like me to like it (which there's a good portion of people who feel the same way I do) they would have to completely overhaul the game.

The point I'm making is that those two things you stated are not the only issues with the game and if that's all they do to "fix" it, they aren't winning back people like me. Nor do I expect them to fix all of those things I listed above anyway with something in the scope of just a HD re-release or even just in the scope of a Wind Waker-style HD re-release.

I really wonder if people who hold SS so highly have replayed the game in the last 5 years. Or, even seen the game recently. I remember all these very bad parts of the game over anything the game did well and I played it when it came out. Meanwhile the dungeons people praise as the best part of the game are completely forgettable to me. I only remember the two Desert dungeons because those are the only two that actually stand out and probably the only two parts of the game I actually enjoyed for the most part (barring any backtracking and/or fetch questing at that part of the game). Well, except probably the overworld part of the desert (that area is not fun due to the stamina meter I talked about above).

I mean, if you like the game that much despite all these flaws alright you do you. But to me, SS is worse than TP and WW because it uses up so much of your time to open up areas more by having you do extremely tedious stuff that isn't actually fun to play and only exists to pad the game out.
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Oct 26, 2017
I think you're thinking of something else. This is what Aonuma said:

Translation: Aonuma said "We know what you are thinking, Skyward Sword on Switch, right?" Then the audience were clapping like crazy.
Ok cool. Would be nice if OP had anything other than a tweet by someone who wasn't there saying it seems like it was teased at a concert.
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that Mr. Aonuma's suggestion was apparently met with applause makes me so happy.
I'd LOVE to see them do this, Skyward Sword is the business!
It easily takes the third spot in my top 5 LoZ games, bring it on Aonuma!

All they need to do to truly improve the experience for me is:
- Make the "Hero Mode" available from the start.
- Shorten the number of tears that Link has to collect to 10. The "Silent Realm" sections are great imo, but they go on for a little longer than they need to.
- Remove the scrapper escort mission, it's dumb. Just have it so Link's Loftwing drops him and scrapper near the entrance of the Fire Sanctuary, and have it be guarded by a gauntlet of enemies that Link has to get rid of.
- DELETE that dumb tad tone mission. Make it so Link has to swim through a flooded Faron Woods to get to the water dragon's lair and fight a bunch of monsters (and a mini boss) that are holding her captive.
- Connect Skyloft and the Sky, make it one seamless area now that you're free of the Wii's limitations. Add in a day/night cycle too.
- Don't ever have the "You got a treasure!..." text pop on treasures Link has already collected.
- get rid of the second Imprisoned battle, it's entirely unnecessary.
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