Scrap daylight savings?

  • Yaaaaay ☺️

    Votes: 617 78.0%
  • Naaaay 👎

    Votes: 121 15.3%
  • I like the suggested method 👍

    Votes: 7 0.9%
  • I have an alternative daylight savings method 🤓

    Votes: 21 2.7%
  • The Eternals wasn't bad 🤷‍♀️, I don't get the hate

    Votes: 81 10.2%
  • The Eternals was awful 🤬

    Votes: 57 7.2%
  • The Eternals was fantastic 💦

    Votes: 26 3.3%

  • Total voters


May 20, 2019
Daylight savings in the summer fucking sucks if you have small children. My kid's bedtime is 8:00 and in May and June it's still light until almost 9:00 here. So when I'm all, "It's bedtime!" my five year old was all, "What are you talking about? The sun is still out!"


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
We don't need to scrap DST, we need permanent DST.
In the US, this would be difficult as the federal government would have to approve it for permanent DST. Its easier to opt out of DST year round than make it permanent here.

You would have to convince UK to pick Daylight Saving Time. Good luck with that. Both sides prefer their time as example of this thread.

I wish California would adopt Arizona and Hawaii's stance and ignore Daylight Saving Time. We don't really need more sun here either.


Oct 25, 2017
Either scrap it entirely or after summer solstice turn the clocks back one hour every month until winter solstice before turning the clocks forward by an hour each month. For me the latter is the only way daylight savings truly works.
what the hell?

we should stay permanently on day light savings time. More light in the afternoon, evening means more outdoor activities, less depressing too.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
One of the many reasons I love Hawaii is that they don't observe daylight savings time.

Yep. I live in AZ, the other state with no DST. Its great.

I don't understand people that don't like summer time, like, I genuienly don't. Who wants sunrise at like 4 o clock in the morning? Are you going for a barbecue before work? Isn't it much nicer to have the sun go down past 8 o'clock in the evening, so you can, you know, do stuff outside in summer? Going for a nice evening with friends at the lake? Sitting in a cafe with the sun still out after work?

I really don't get it, unless you never leave the house outside of work. In that case, yeah, I guess the mild inconvenience of resetting clocks twice a year is worse.

It all depends on where you live. I don't live far north enough for the sun to ever be up at 4 AM. Wouldn't it still be light outside past 8 PM anyway if you're north enough? Or at least still light out.

Its also too hot outside in the summer do to outside activities, so people wait for the sun to go down anyway. I think most people that live more south can relate that summer weather kinda sucks unless you're in a pool. Also the sunrise and sunset time differences between winter and summer aren't even that big.
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"This guy are sick"
I don't understand people that don't like summer time, like, I genuienly don't. Who wants sunrise at like 4 o clock in the morning? Are you going for a barbecue before work? Isn't it much nicer to have the sun go down past 8 o'clock in the evening, so you can, you know, do stuff outside in summer? Going for a nice evening with friends at the lake? Sitting in a cafe with the sun still out after work?

I really don't get it, unless you never leave the house outside of work. In that case, yeah, I guess the mild inconvenience of resetting clocks twice a year is worse.
Quoting because this is the reason summer time/dst is superior. I'm not fucking up at 4am, but I bet I'm fully woke and still active around 8pm. Like a majority of the planet.


Oct 26, 2017
Getting done with work at 5pm and it already being dark or close to it is fucking depressing. I hate it so much.


Aug 13, 2020
As someone who doesn't sleep well and rises late, BST is a godsend for making sure I get enough sunlight. You can pry that hour of sunlight away from my cold, tired hands.


Chicken Chaser
May 3, 2018
Scrap the change but go to daylight savings time permanently to keep some daylight in the afternoon during midwinter.


Oct 25, 2017
I would want daylight savings time and scrap the winter time. It's not cool having it be dark outside right at 5PM.


Apr 26, 2021
I prefer DST. Getting home after 6p in the summer and I still have plenty of time for outdoor activities in the light, whether it be a family walk, bike, playing sports, a little yard work, etc. Sure some of those things can be down after dusk, but that's when the most bugs come out.


Mar 2, 2021
I like longer days during the Summer. It's nice to be done with work and still be able to chill outside on a nice day afterwards. On the other hand, shit is depressing when as soon as I finish work, it's dark as hell outside lol. I always feel like my whole day got wasted


Oct 25, 2017
Why you making me choose betweeny eternals opinion and answering the question in the poll lol

In any case I just want tons of daytime all the time now so count me in


Oct 27, 2017
Yes but US Eastern Time needs to be split up. Everything east of Pennsylvania should be on UTC -4


Oct 28, 2017
The only way I'd accept the removal of DST is if DST was permanent year-round.

Winter at my latitude sucks - you literally drive home during the sunset, and arrive when it's dark.
That is tremendously soulcrushingly depressing.

And having the sun up til 8:30PM-9:30PM during Summer is kickass.


Oct 25, 2017
This not even exist in my country, but I like earlier NBA games because of this. So just keep going pls.


Dec 12, 2017
If you want more or less daylight just shift your own life schedule accordingly. Arbitrarily changing what time it actually is is completely nonsensical.


Oct 27, 2017
Faith in Era restored by how poorly "I like the suggested method" is doing on the poll.


Oct 27, 2017
If you want more or less daylight just shift your own life schedule accordingly. Arbitrarily changing what time it actually is is completely nonsensical.
I'm not going to start biking early in the morning when I can post actually waking up and post that thing people are enforced to do with work. Evening hours are more precious than waking up and getting your shit together and getting to work.


Jan 10, 2018
Stupid archaic system. I start working at 7AM and while I can understand wanting to transition to an earlier start time, I really hate it when I finally have some sunlight outside when I wake up only to have to start waking up in pitch darkness the next day. Let me progressively get up earlier using flexible work schedules instead.
Feb 9, 2018
DST, i.e., "summer time" should just become the new standard. I prefer the extra daylight in the evening hours anyway, and would especially like it in the winter because I hate when it's dark out by 6 PM. During standard/winter time, it was always getting close to nighttime by time I got home from school when I was a kid, and as an adult it's dark out or close to it if I have to work first shift (usu. 9-5 or 10-6). Winter is already gray, cold, lifeless, and depressing enough without it being dark out before I've even eaten dinner, so having that one extra hour of daylight in the late afternoon would be nice, and I love it in the summer when it's still light out at 9 PM. I've never been a morning person anyway and don't have to get up at 6AM or some other super-early hour, so I'm almost never up before the Sun is up.

Next time we spring forward, we should just stay there and not fall back again. Twenty states, including Georgia and South Carolina (I live in the Augusta area, which straddles the state line), have passed or have pending legislation that would move us to permanent DST, but cannot yet go into effect because it would need approval from the federal government.
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Oct 25, 2017
I used to hate summer time, then I started hanging around with all my Japanese friends online and realised summer time meant I got more time in the evenings to spend with them as they don't do DST so my time difference goes from 9 to 8 hours. I'd be happy to keep summertime now.


Oct 27, 2017
As long as the permanent time is Daylight Savings, yeah, go ahead and scrap it. Standard Time sucks.


Mar 9, 2021
Reno, Nv.
Move it forward 78 minutes every 2 and a half weeks. That'll teach you regular sleepers to handle the irregular sleep schedules and sun-day cycles!


Jul 15, 2018
Long evenings in the summer are the best, the only thing that makes winter slightly less depressing is knowing those glorious times are coming, so I'll keep them thanks.


Oct 25, 2017
The current "normal" time is so ass-backwards over here. Pitch-black in the morning, pitch-black in the evening. With permanent daylight savings you might actually catch a glimpse of the sun after work/school.


Oct 27, 2017
I love DST. I live on the far western edge of the Eastern Time Zone and the summer days where we have daylight until 9:30 -10 are the best.

DST is silly, but I really don't understand why it bothers people that much.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I still have not heard 1 positive of standard time, yet several for DST in this thread. Wonder why?

I mentioned several. Not only is changing the clocks twice a year annoying, the lack of sunlight in winter is mostly just a problem for those of you way up in the arctic circle, not really a problem for those of us in the south. Also in summer its too hot in a lot of places to really do outside activities while the sun is still up.
Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans
We are one world. We should have one timezone.

But seriously, I'm for permanent DST. I used to be for ending DST, but I've come around to just keeping it all year.

Though in the end I'm fine with either choice because the time change still gets scrapped.