
Oct 25, 2017
The Only thing i "hate" about disney shows is how important some of those seem to be for the overall Arch (Loki for example) yet others are made just to fill time (Agatha??).

But hey, let's hope i'm wrong.


Oct 30, 2017
I'll watch them all because I am already invested in this Marvel hellscape. Only interest is Loki. Don't even know what Echo is about and I can say I don't see Secret Invasion being as good as it could be.


Oct 27, 2017
No interest in any of them given the quality of the recent shows. I guess I might watch Daredevil but I have very low expectations.
Same here. I wish I am excited about Daredevil born again but I just arent because I doubt it would be anywhere as good as the Netflix one despite same cast.

I get they need to pump out the shows to get people subscribed to the service but I just looked at the list and feel like it's too much. I'd be way more excited if there's less of them but ensuring each shows are actually good.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
They seem really underwhelming on paper IMO. I'm looking forward to Loki S2 and Daredevil coming back. She-Hulk looks whatever to me. Tatiana Maslany is great but the trailers have not grabbed me so far.

Everything else on the list is a wait and see. Nothing there that stands out to me except maybe Secret Invasion. I feel like Agatha did not need a whole show revolving around her, even if she was fun in WandaVision.


Oct 30, 2017
Antalya / Turkey
I Am Groot - meh
She-Hulk - She-Hulk is an awesome character and this has Daredevil in his red - yellow costume so yeah, excited.
What If Season 2 - S1 had some good episodes, will check this out.
Secret Invasion - Great concept, let's see how they will handle this in a smaller scope.
Echo - This also has Daredevil plus Kingpin. So, yeah, excited.
Loki Season 2 - S1 was good, looking forward to see whwre it goes next.
Ironheart - Gotta see more of it.
Agatha - If Wanda is in this, I am excited. If not, whatever.
Daredevil Born again - HE IS BACK!


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I was really eagerly anticipating Moon Knight and Ms Marvel from the last set, and none of these have me excited to the same degree. I'll likely still watch and enjoy most of them, though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I liked moon knight even if they botched it midway. Hawkeye was nice Christmas show but yeah they all been midddddd as fuck.

So yeah I don't really have much hope for these new er shows but still gonna watch all of them

Really curious about secret invasion


Oct 27, 2017
Been disappointed by every marvel show on d+ as they've been straight up boring/bad to ok at best, so I feel literally nothing and have no expectation whatsoever. With that being said, I used to collect John Byrnes run of The She-Hulk and like Tatiana Masley, so obviously that show is of interest still, to me.
Jan 4, 2021
Love it all. I haven't followed comics since the 90s so while most of the characters and plot points so far I've been familiar with, it's finally entering "I know nothing about this" territory and it's fun.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Daredevil and Loki S2 are exciting. The rest seem to be less interesting then the first wave of shows we started with.


Oct 25, 2017
Agatha, maybe secret invasion, and loki.

That's it I guess.

Loki I mostly want to see more Sylvie/Loki weirdness


Oct 25, 2017
I Am Groot: Hyped, looks cute as hell
She-Hulk: Hyped, trailers look great
What If Season 2: Hyped, season 1 was awesome
Secret Invasion: Hyped, more Sam Jackson the better
Echo: Hyped, glad to see some indigenous representation in the MCU
Loki Season 2: Hyped, season 1 was top tier MCU.
Ironheart: Hyped especially since it connects to Black Panther 2
Agatha: Ok might not be hyped for this one
Daredevil Born Again: I fell off on season 3 but I'm hyped for Daredevil to be in the MCU

rusty chrome

Oct 25, 2017
No interest in any of them whatsoever. I really just genuinely dislike the MCU and everything in it.

I just want a TV-MA Blade series or Rated R Blade film with great CGI, good vampire designs, tons of gore, and good fight choreography. I don't care about anything else in the Marvel world.
May 18, 2018
The only ones I'm interested in is Loki and Daredevil

My least is Ironheart. Of all characters why her, still a very brand new character in the comics


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Kamen Rider Geats in September is coming out which seems like something I would enjoy watching more than any of those


Sep 18, 2018
Loki I'm absolutely pumped for, loved the first season. What If, She Hulk, Agatha, and Daredevil I'm excited for. The rest I'm interested in (except Groot, which I don't think is canon but IS short, so I'll watch it anyways).


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
Only Echo and Agatha I'm eeeeh on. Oh, and I guess Groot as that seems more a nice kids show sort of thing.

Agatha was great in Wandavision but unsure if she needed her own show (and I dunno what'd be about) I would have liked her to become a new Loki style character though (showing up in multiple movies) and am glad Marvel didn't kill her off but I dunno if this is set before or after Wandavision.

Echo, I just don't know the character and from watching Hawkeye didn't really see why they would have their own show.

The rest sounds good to great to me.


Oct 27, 2017
I might watch one of them when I end up subbing for some more Star Wars, but I've been so thoroughly burned on every MCU show that I just don't care any more. What If? Season 2 is the one thing that's mildly interesting, I guess, just for how weird it can be.

At this point all of them just feel like extended ads for whatever's coming next. Nothing of consequence happening, just another domino getting into position so they can do it all over again. I'm tired of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I Am Groot - Don't give a crap.
She-Hulk - Looks awesome, will watch.
What If Season 2 - Hope it takes more risks than Season 1, looking forward to it.
Secret Invasion - Will be on the backlog list like Hawkeye and Ms Marvel is now but I'll eventually watch it.
Echo - Definitely interested. Hope Moon Knight and Daredevil both show up, then I'll be excited!
Loki Season 2 - Will probably be good, might be more exciting after Ant-man 3.
Ironheart - Interest depends on the character in Wakanda Forever.
Agatha - Pretty hyped but it's so far away.
Daredevil Born Again - Pumped for them to announce who the showrunner is lol. Hope it's Drew Goddard!


Oct 26, 2017
I'll probably watch most of them but I am most excited for She-Hulk, Secret Invasion, Loki season 2 and Daredevil.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I Am Groot - Whatever, I'll watch it.
She-Hulk - Very excited, the She-Hulk runs where she does Lawyer stuff are some of my favorite comics.
What If Season 2 - I liked Season 1 well enough, I'm down for more.
Secret Invasion - Sure, I like Nick Fury
Echo - Meh. I didn't care about the character in Hawkeye. But I'll give it a try.
Loki Season 2 - Loki was the best Phase 4 show, so yes please.
Ironheart - I don't really know much about the character, so I don't know enough to be excited.
Agatha - Yeah, I'm down, I love the MCU take on Agatha.
Daredevil Born Again - Yep, hyped for this.
Marvel Zombies - I'll give it a try, but probably not going to be into it. I don't care for the comics and I didn't really like the What If Episode.
Spider-Man Freshman Year: Eh. I'll give it a try but I'm not excited.


Oct 27, 2017
Groot: eh I'll watch it but can't say it sparks much interest

She-Hulk top hype: loving the comedy, not phased by the CGI, immensely relieved to get something more than 6 episodes

What-If: I liked pretty much everything after ep1 last time so yeah I'm game and hopefully there's another ep as strong as the Strange one in there.

Secret Invasion: Hell yeah Nick Fury what's not to like, and it should be a pretty big deal story-wise.

Echo: I don't think she was really a strong point of Hawkeye, but still it'll be backed up with more Kingpin & Cox so it still got me eager for it.

Loki: I wasn't as big a fan of s1 as I see many are placing it as a D+ fav, it was quite a rollercoster of bad-good-bad-good -- butttt I mean it's Loki and Mobius and certainly Kang stuff so yeah I'm excited for it

Ironheart: absolutely, probably more-so after her we see her introduced in BP2 but I'm already interested to find out about her story, I've always liked Iron Man and I'm excited to fill that void with an entirely new kind of character.

Agatha: This one's a big 'ole massive questionmark, I have no idea where they intend on going with this but hey I liked the character in WandaVision so sure it could be fun based on that. Perhaps a bit of aftermath of MoM as it relates to the darkhold & Scarlet Witch.

Daredevil: I mean like I already mentioned we're already confirmed to be getting a few more teases of Kingpin & DD through She-Hulk & Echo so this is gonna be quite the culmination story along with how much we've already got between the two in recent spots as well. Not to mention by this point we'll have to get some understanding about how the Netflix stories are being handled so yeah a lot to be excited about.


Oct 27, 2017
Really excited for She-Hulk and Daredevil. Meh on the rest. I am Groot might be fun, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Groot I have no interest in.

She-Hulk I was hyped for but I was just as hyped for Moon Knight and Ms Marvel and those were disappointing so expectations are low.

What-If I again have no interest in.

Secret Invasion I'll give a go but find no reason to be excited for.

Echo I'll give a go because I thought Hawkeye was by far the best MCU show so far but I don't think that character can hold her own show.

Loki S1 was pretty good so I'll for sure watch S2.

Ironheart like Secret Invasion.

Agatha can fuck off. I really didn't like that character and I have no clue why she's getting her own show.

Daredevil I fell off at the start of S3. Didn't like where that story was headed but a soft reboot with the same actors is something I'm for sure interested in.


Oct 28, 2017
Going to watch them all.

I Am Groot: Youngest son loves Groot, looks fun.
She-Hulk: Seems way better after trailer 2, hyped!
What If Season 2: Oldest son likes WhatIf, the kids talk about it at school. I kind of liked the Watcher when we got to know more about him,
Secret Invasion: Of course, obligatory. Hope they really make this one great.
Echo: Was a little hesitant but rumour has it this will be way bigger and better than I thought. Hype rising!
Loki Season 2: Loved the first one.
Ironheart: Hopeful, need to get some Quake, Squirrel Girl, Kamala and America cameos in this. Secret Warriors hype!
Agatha: Not sure where they'll go with this one. Loved Wandavision. Hope they go weird.
Daredevil Born Again: Favorite character with a good series already in the bad. Have no doubt, this will be great.

Marvel is not slowing down for sure. Some great stuff coming out.


Oct 27, 2017
i'll take these

she hulk
secret invasion
loki 2
ironheart maybe
dardevil probably


May 5, 2021
Boring vanilla sludge of content, content, content. Waste of many good actors that I'd love to see in something more daring.

Expect them to take all the edge/grittiness off Daredevil. I might still try watching that, cringing, with slight hope, might give a try to She-Hulk because of Maslany and the concept is interesting, but the trailer was just yikes.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'll watch all of them but I can't say I'm really excited. I really enjoyed WandaVision and Loki, but all the others were decent at best. With the recent releases with Moon Knight being incredible dull despite an interesting premise and Ms Marvel having some of the worst writing and directing I've probably ever sern.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I will not watch any of them, I have very little interest in the MCU anymore.