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Deleted member 26398

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
So this guy approached me and told me he really needs to pass and I don't know why I lost my fucking mind and let him copy all my exam. It was a university final exam. I heard that they need to have physical evidence of cheating. At the moment I thought they don't have anything but now I realized our answer sheets can be used as one. How fucked am I? If we get caught can the guy come out and say he did it without my consent?
Oct 26, 2017
So this guy approached me and told me he really needs to pass and I don't know why I lost my fucking mind and let him copy all my exam. It was a university final exam. I heard that they need to have physical evidence of cheating. At the moment I thought they don't have anything but now I realized our answer sheets can be used as one. How fucked am I? If we get caught can the guy come out and say he did it without my consent?
Please tell me this dude wasn't stupid enough to copy it 100%.
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
You are totally fucked. You willingly cheated on a university exam. Pray they show leniency on you. You enabled a cheater, which skews grading curves, which makes you directly responsible. It's not just one person or one test. Yes, I know you say you "lost your mind", but you seem to be more concerned about being caught than academic honesty. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Probably very. Unless the person was very, very careful. And even then, you'd be surprised what they catch. I doubt they'd care who copied who either, half my class in one module when I was at University got failed out for colluding on a coursework.


Oct 27, 2017
But you gave him your consent. If you get caught you are on the hook the same as him, if your university's rules are similar to those I am familiar with.


Oct 25, 2017
Hope he isn't so stupid as to copy line by line, or if it's multiple choice hope he swapped an answer or two on purpose.
It goes without saying, but assuming you have the time it's better to tutor these things to people so their answer turns out different and they actually learn what they were supposed to be learning.
Helping someone like this without teaching them is useless to you and them.
Also, pray he's a bro and doesn't snitch on you after you helped them. I'm usually against the idea of a "snitch" being a bad thing but in this case that's kinda dickish. Take one for the team, damn.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
lol you're fucked

in my experience these kind of people usually dont even give a shit and just copy paste most of the stuff
Nov 17, 2017
I don't understand. Who is this person, just a random guy? Not a friend or something? He asked you in the middle of the test to copy?

I'm just confused why you let him copy your entire final exam.


Oct 25, 2017
In my days I know one guy that was automatically flunked in the course for this. They can also consider expulsion, but policies vary by university.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If he copied you 100%, you're probably boned in some way. You're an idiot for giving your answers to someone you don't even know, or even doing your best to ensure that he wouldn't copy you word for word. Really amateur move when it comes to cheating lol.

You are totally fucked. You willingly cheated on a university exam. Pray they go lieninent on you. You enabled a cheater, which skews grading curves, which makes you directly responsible.

jesus fuckin christ lmfao wahhhhhh

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
There is a reasons lawyers tell their clients to not post online about pending litigation

OP you are probably fucked if he copied it verbatim. I hope it wasn't a written exam.


Oct 27, 2017
Bruh. Was this dude at least your friend or just a rando in class? If the guys a moron and didn't change anything then you're probably fucked. But it also depends on how on the ball your T.A or whoever is grading your exam is.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
That seems like a really important exam and really shitty reason to fuck up your future. What the hell were you thinking?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Was the final before the winter break? I can only speak for the US, but if you took the final and already have your grade and they haven't mentioned anything, it's pretty much over. Professors have already moved on to the coming semester


Oct 25, 2017
He copied answer-for-answer and there are only 40 people and it's multiple choice? And you didn't even charge him or anything? Dude.
Oct 25, 2017
USA, Sol 3, Universe 1
jesus fuckin christ lmfao wahhhhhh
It's absolutely true.

Let's say it's an especially difficult final, and even those who have a b or above are struggling, and the teacher says he is willing to curve things to an extent. Say there are a handful of cheaters, enough with very high marks to skew the curve. Benefits that the hard workers can reap become dismissed due to the cheaters.

It was an old physics teacher that first brought this to my attention.


Oct 25, 2017
Was it a multiple choice test or essay? How big is your class.
I mean they probably will see something's up if it's a smaller class. But whether or not they'll care enough about it is anyone's guess really.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It's multiple choice which probably gives you an out if they notice and don't have evidence but yeah you fucked up.

If it was a written exam you would be screwed if he copied answers without changing and matched everything.

They put things through plagiarism programs now and you get a percentage from what I've heard but might not be a thing in other countries and only for main projects I think.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
If its multiple choice and a small class and you get caught you meed to plead ignorance or say something like "I thought he was giving me a weird look throughout the exam, I couldn't figure out what for, now I know he was squinting at my answers."


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I wouldn't even worry about it. No sense in getting concerned over something you don't have control over anymore and may end up not getting noticed.


Oct 27, 2017
You are totally fucked. You willingly cheated on a university exam. Pray they show leniency on you. You enabled a cheater, which skews grading curves, which makes you directly responsible. It's not just one person or one test. Yes, I know you say you "lost your mind", but you seem to be more concerned about being caught than academic honest. Both of you should be ashamed.

Lol fuck all this.

So this guy approached me and told me he really needs to pass and I don't know why I lost my fucking mind and let him copy all my exam. It was a university final exam. I heard that they need to have physical evidence of cheating. At the moment I thought they don't have anything but now I realized our answer sheets can be used as one. How fucked am I? If we get caught can the guy come out and say he did it without my consent?

Hopefully he's not stupid enough to copy your answers exactly.
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