
Oct 25, 2017
With the announcement of AC Vahalla i realized I haven't played odyssey yet and decided to change that.

Im feeling a bit overwhelmed here. The map is MASSIVE. There are tons of systems at work, cultists, mercs, naval battles ect. There seems to be tons of side content as well which I am actually really enjoying as each has its own mini story line.

I randomly went to an island and found there was an organization called the dagger that was terrorizing the population. And every sidequest mostly dealt with it.

There are tons of ? everywhere with each one having objectives to do.

I just feel like this is a game that will take me hundreds of hours. I am just wondering what I am in for.

edit: Im playing on pc via uplay so there really isnt a universal gamerscore to work through so dunno if ill plat.
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Oct 25, 2017
I did virtually everything in the game (all those ?'s included) on whatever the highest difficulty is, minus the DLC. It took me 280 hours. I don't recommend.

Cool game, you DO NOT need to tackle every ?.


Oct 29, 2017
its big, but you really shouldnt aim to do everything. I did, because i enjoyed the gameplay, but it took over 100 hours for the main game alone. Focus on narrative side quests and cultists, as well as the main story. There's lots of randomly generated side quests (they are marked with a different icon), you should probably not bother with those too much.


Oct 25, 2017
I did virtually everything in the game (all those ?'s included) on whatever the highest difficulty is, minus the DLC. It took me 280 hours. I don't recommend.

Cool game, you DO NOT need to tackle every ?.

would you recommend doing all the different sidequests as well as maybe uncover the ?'s but not actually complete every single objective? Should I even bother with conquest battles if it wont change the story?


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
its big, but you really shouldnt aim to do everything. I did, because i enjoyed the gameplay, but it took over 100 hours for the main game alone. Focus on narrative side quests and cultists, as well as the main story. There's lots of randomly generated side quests (they are marked with a different icon), you should probably not bother with those too much.

yeah, skip all grey markers. But all gold quests are... gold! :D


Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia
It took me ~320 hours to 100% all up, but doing the daily/weekly orichalcum challenges between DLC releases represents a small(ish) chunk of that.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
would you recommend doing all the different sidequests as well as maybe uncover the ?'s but not actually complete every single objective? Should I even bother with conquest battles if it wont change the story?
I would just stick to main story mission and quests with dialogue choices. Don't need to do every fort or battle if you want to save time.


Mar 9, 2018
I adore Odyssey but it is entirely too large. I would play the game as naturally as possible. Do as you have been. Sail wherever. Play what intrigues you.


Oct 25, 2017
doing the daily/weekly orichalcum challenges between DLC releases represents a small(ish) chunk of that.
This is me also. I would really discourage doing this crap. Sailing up and down a stretch of coast trying to find a certain faction of ship, or flipping between a handful of bases so you can spawn the single marksman that lives there in order to kill four of them, is miserable.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing through Origins and feeling the same way. Forced side missions to level up. It's tedious. BUT I'm still having fun with it.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
There are 3 storylines: the main story, Atlantis and cultists.

There are some good side quests, but only do what you feel like. Avoid the random infinite quests.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
DLC adds three (!!) new maps. Not as big as the main, but still...big enough. At a glance it has to be the biggest AC game ever in terms of world size.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Explore. The world is so gorgeous. Take your time and visit the historical places.
May 17, 2018
I've tried to play this and Origins twice now and each time the map just intimidates me.

Games do not need to be this big.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia
This is me also. I would really discourage doing this crap. Sailing up and down a stretch of coast trying to find a certain faction of ship, or flipping between a handful of bases so you can spawn the single marksman that lives there in order to kill four of them, is miserable.

Haha, yeah, I breathed a sigh of relief whenever the quest wasn't naval-related.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Got the Platinum and loved exploring around the map. Went on a holiday to Samos once, fun seeing that island in a game.


Nov 7, 2017
I did almost everything and felt really tired of the game. It's a good example of more isn't always better.


Dec 2, 2017
74h to clear the main story+DLC with some grinding sidequests sprinkled in, definitelly 30h too long.


Oct 27, 2017
What if you're aiming for just the platinum or 1000/1000 gamerscore. Is it obvious what tasks or side quests you should focus on or avoid? Does avoiding anything like that cause a detriment to enjoyment? IE perhaps there are amazing side quests that someone may unwittingly skip due to no trophy or achievement.


Oct 25, 2017
i noticed some of the grey quests also have some dialog. do these start repeating?


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Too big.

I loved the game and it was one of my GOTYs of that year, but I never actually explored the whole damn map. You don't have to.


Feb 25, 2020
Very big, but mind you that Odyssey is NOT the kind of open world where you can do most of the map before finishing the campaign so don't worry about doing everything. IMO, that's one of the great parts of Origins and Odyssey: the map cleanup as endgame. Platinum is easy too.
Feb 10, 2018
With the announcement of AC Vahalla i realized I haven't played odyssey yet and decided to change that.

Im feeling a bit overwhelmed here. The map is MASSIVE. There are tons of systems at work, cultists, mercs, naval battles ect. There seems to be tons of side content as well which I am actually really enjoying as each has its own mini story line.

I randomly went to an island and found there was an organization called the dagger that was terrorizing the population. And every sidequest mostly dealt with it.

There are tons of ? everywhere with each one having objectives to do.

I just feel like this is a game that will take me hundreds of hours. I am just wondering what I am in for.

edit: Im playing on pc via uplay so there really isnt a universal gamerscore to work through so dunno if ill plat.

So your having fun playing it?


Oct 26, 2017
You'll quickly learn what's worth doing and what isn't. The main story and big side quests clearly have a lot more time and effort put into them, while 99% of the content outside of those is a complete waste of time, especially the Athens/Sparta tug of war crap.

As a display of the kind of scale Ubisoft's workforce can produce, it's impressive, but as a game it's extremely bloated.


Oct 28, 2017
I 100%ed Origins and its DLCs. I'm currently out of games to play since i cleared my backlog (multiplayer games aside) and i'm trying to get 100% in Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption 2. Around 170 hours in Odyssey and i still have lots of question marks on the map, at least 10 forgotten tales quest (which are really good), only 2 regular sidequests left, around 5 cultists left, one mythical beast to hunt down...

I'm not getting the DLCs this time so i think it's doable. But yes the game is brimming with content!
That said i really like to 100% games i adore.


Jan 3, 2018
i noticed some of the grey quests also have some dialog. do these start repeating?
The quests marked with gray/white markers are randomly generated and generally forgettable. Some are less random with some flavour dialogue based on a decision you may have made (these quests are marked with what look like black and white curved arrows next to each other I think, presumably to indicate that it stemmed from a choice).

The side quests worth doing are the ones with a gold exclamation mark. These almost all come with unique dialogue and characters (such as that Dagger organisation plot that you mentioned).


Oct 25, 2017
With the announcement of AC Vahalla i realized I haven't played odyssey yet and decided to change that.

Im feeling a bit overwhelmed here. The map is MASSIVE. There are tons of systems at work, cultists, mercs, naval battles ect. There seems to be tons of side content as well which I am actually really enjoying as each has its own mini story line.

I randomly went to an island and found there was an organization called the dagger that was terrorizing the population. And every sidequest mostly dealt with it.

There are tons of ? everywhere with each one having objectives to do.

I just feel like this is a game that will take me hundreds of hours. I am just wondering what I am in for.

edit: Im playing on pc via uplay so there really isnt a universal gamerscore to work through so dunno if ill plat.

It is really massive. Also, unfortunately, if you try to streamline the process, and mainpath a little here and there, you will find that the game level-gates you pretty aggressively. Which can turn certain points into a real slog if you are looking to just progress (though less of a slog if you are willing to pay up, of course).


Feb 25, 2020
What if you're aiming for just the platinum or 1000/1000 gamerscore. Is it obvious what tasks or side quests you should focus on or avoid? Does avoiding anything like that cause a detriment to enjoyment? IE perhaps there are amazing side quests that someone may unwittingly skip due to no trophy or achievement.
Odyssey's Platinum is pretty much map cleanup and ship/character leveling (plus Arenas but they're easy). Regarding side quests, I think there's just 4 trophies for side questlines but I'm not sure. I recommend seeing PS Trophies or PowerPyx roadmaps.


Mar 21, 2018
Juggling Origins and Odyssey right now. I plan to finish both but probably won't tbh lol

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
I think the size of the game is one of its biggest strengths. I could do without some of the repeated quest structures and some other issues, but there is a ton of hand crafted content in the game.

Especially with the added dialogue system. The amount of completely optional "side" quest lines with their own unique choices and stories is insane


Oct 31, 2017
I recommend enabling Exploring mode, which disables every question mark and thing on the map save for important stuff. This lets you discover the world on your own terms and it makes for a more relaxing and less overwhelming experience. Also just ignore repeatable fetch quests and fisherman and farmers asking for stuff.

Take your time, explore and have fun!


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why there isn't an achievement for completing everything. That's the definition of an achievement right there.


Oct 25, 2017
I completed the main game in about 70 hours about a year ago and bought the Season Pass on sale, but haven't yet gone back to it (though I probably will by the end of the summer)

Think of it almost as an MMO. You don't need to do everything to get your money's worth out of the game, that's for sure...

You don't want to just mainline the story quests, imo, because there's a lot of amazing side stuff, but you definitely don't need to do all of the ? quests either.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 35 hours in, and it's hilarious how much of the map is still unexplored. I absolutely love it though. Especially right now, it's a perfect quarantine game


Managing Editor at BunnyGaming
Oct 3, 2018
I put in over 88 hours in the game and only have two more regions to fully explore. I just couldn't do it anymore. Tried going back to it a few times but always felt burnt out a short while after.


Oct 27, 2017
I did everything in the game including DLC, all ?s and all achievements in 170 hours or so. It's a lot. I don't think I even fully uncovered the map until around hour 80.


Oct 29, 2017
Odyssey is the perfect example of "overstay its welcome".

It's a really good game and the gameplay loop is tight as it could be, but the amount of extra content doesn't really makes the game better.

I think Origins is the better game in that regard: one focused story and a big but no so big map.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Played 50 hours and enjoyed my time with it. But I never finished the main story and at best explored only 20% of the map in that time. The game is huge to a point where it overstays its welcome if you're of mind to complete a game, but if you just want to have fun for as long as you can tolerate it, it's good, especially since the sale pricing tends to be very fair nowadays.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
I'm also starting an AC binge, doing Origins rn and the map was really intimidating at first. Kind of just doing whatever quests come up as I make my way to story markers.

From what I've seen of Odyssey, I'm worried about getting overwhelmed. I love open world but what's the point of making such huge worlds if most players aren't going to have the time (even in quarantine tbh) to see most of it? Regardless I'm looking forward to getting to it. Probably gonna go through Syndicate first after Origins.


Oct 25, 2017
I love open world but what's the point of making such huge worlds if most players aren't going to have the time (even in quarantine tbh) to see most of it? Regardless I'm looking forward to getting to it. Probably gonna go through Syndicate first after Origins.

I think the MMO analogy is a good one... Most players won't see everything that a MMO offers, but it really sells the sense of freedom to know that you have that much world to explore, I think.

The last two Assassins Creed games have been impressive not just for the scale, but for how varied the worlds have been given the scale. I'm glad that they took that direction and I'm frankly a little bummed by indications that the next game might scale things down (and downplay RPG elements).