
Oct 28, 2017
Sounds like Avalanche's explosion was just to disable the reactor.

Shinra's blowing up the entire thing to make Avalanche appear much bigger eco-terrorists than they are.

It's basically the same kind of thing (Shinra making Avalanche seem much worse than they are) from the original game just visually shown.
Agree with this 1000 %.

Max has also said she seems really upset at the aftermath in the remake.


Oct 27, 2017
regardless of the specifics of this scenario i don't think you can claim it's a han-shot-first. you can't retcon in a remake. nothing is guaranteed to be the same.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
Eh, it's not my preference but they still intended to blow up the reactor, so it doesn't really change much

The AVALANCHE members will still think they blew the reactor up


Oct 26, 2017
No. They had no idea how BIG the explosion to Reactor 1 would be in the original. They were incompetent. Jessie is shocked after the fact how much bigger the explosion was than intended.

In Remake they are still incompetent. Her bomb is a dud.

They can still absolutely deal with the ramifications of it, because (as of now) only the audience knows ShinRa increases the damage by blowing the reactor up themselves. As far as AVALANCHE knows they still blew the fuck out of it and killed civies.
That's something that absolutely (and hopefully) can be narratively played upon.
The problem is Reeve knows that they didn't, so he can't call Barret out on it later. It totally will mess with Reeve's dynamic with Avalanche and role in the story.
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like they still attempted it and believe they succeeded?

It's a small change, yes, but not one that drastically changes the trajectory of the arcs.


Oct 30, 2017
But... Nothing really changes either way. They fully intended for the bomb to blow. They are still convinced they blew up the reactor. Their "morally gray" attribute hasn't gone anywhere.

If anything, the only thing that the scene does is make Shinra look even worse than they were before and also 100% in line with their previously established character.

Edit: spelling
I agree entirely with this.

AVALANCHE fully intented for that bomb to cause a reaction to blow up the first reactor... If anything it alludes to maybe Jessie's engineering isn't great and sets up the train to Reactor 5 more.


Oct 27, 2017
I hadn't played the demo yet, but that is pretty bullshit. As clumsy as the original translation is, having the dialog where some AVALANCHE members wonder about the toll their actions take gives the story, and the character's actions, more nuance. It also helps broaden Cloud's whole "willing to do anything for pay" outlook at the beginning of the game.

I agree with this completely.


Oct 27, 2017
So, as expected, the whole premise of this thread is just knee-jerking without having access to the full picture? Shock. 😉

About 1:05 Barret talks about how sacrifices have to be made, this is in the og, here is when they chat about what happened just when they're escaping.
Also the reveal of Tifa later in the trailer whe she says she feels trapped.



Oct 27, 2017
"evil corporation seizes an opportunity to do a false flag against the good guys" is a lot different from "well-meaning terrorists deal with the catastrophic consequences of their own incompetence"

like, if it's a story angle you PREFER, sure, that's fine, but acting like it's the same thing is bonkers


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
The problem is Reeve knows that they didn't, so he can't call Barret out on it later. It totally will mess with Reeve's dynamic with Avalanche and role in the story.

Barret can still be called out. Despite the results, the intentions are still there and gave ShinRa a catalyst to fan the flames of another (larger) conflict. I mean, if the results of Reactor 1 blowing up lead to a change in the Remake with Barret saying "we aren't doing this anymore, the cost is too great", yet ShinRa goes on blowing up more reactors independently, still pinning it on AVALANCHE, sure, I could absolutely understand people complaining.

But Barret and Co go off to blow up MORE reactors. The man is still actively setting out to conduct terroristic activities- and his team is following him, no?
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't change the arc but it does change player perception.

I think that's fair, to a degree. But it's not a huge shift in perception either.

They attempted to blow it up, just failed at it. That decision was still made by the characters and was not averted by them, that's a part of those characters personality irrespective of the actual result. They did what they intended to do and believed they did it successfully.

I do agree it's a change but I do not think going from eco-terrorists to less successful eco-terrorists changes much for character motivations and arcs, or even player perception.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
It changes a lot. The bomb was never ment to be that big, but in the original they fucked up yet still continued on to the next bombing mission. Now we the audience don't have to feel any guilt at all nor question our actions. We can just blame it on the big bad Shinra.
I agree. This is lame sanitizing.
Man ownership culture for IP is weird. The original FFVII is still there. They didn't 'ruin' anything they just expanded on a story choice. This isn't a 1 to 1 remake. There will be story changes.
It's not about ruining the original, it's about making an inferior story choice in the adaptation.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I think that's fair, to a degree. But it's not a huge shift in perception either.

They attempted to blow it up, just failed at it. That decision was still made by the characters and was not averted by them, that's a part of those characters personality irrespective of the actual result. They did what they intended to do and believed they did it successfully.

I do agree it's a change but I do not think going from eco-terrorists to less successful eco-terrorists changes much for character motivations and arcs, or even player perception.

AND they intend to do it more after that.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's fair, to a degree. But it's not a huge shift in perception either.

They attempted to blow it up, just failed at it. That decision was still made by the characters and was not averted by them, that's a part of those characters personality irrespective of the actual result. They did what they intended to do and believed they did it successfully.

I do agree it's a change but I do not think going from eco-terrorists to less successful eco-terrorists changes much for character motivations and arcs.
They didn't intend to blow it up like that though. They intended to disable the reactor with a small controlled explosion.


Oct 30, 2017
Cool, don't buy the game then my guy. Don't give your money to Square Enix, cuz clearly you hate everything about it based off of this one thing. Cancel your preorder and throw all your Square Enix stuff away.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly the way the remake is putting more emphasis on the war with Wutai early on is great - it was barely mentioned in the original despite it essentially being a world war.

I also feel it's more relevant to the modern world to have a government manipulating the narrative with terrorists to justify furthering their war effort.

A remake shouldn't be a 1:1 version of the original IMO, the only thing that'll make me annoyed is if Nojima brings in that ridiculous FFX connection

The problem is Reeve knows that they didn't, so he can't call Barret out on it later. It totally will mess with Reeve's dynamic with Avalanche and role in the story.

For what it's worth I doubt anyone at Shinra is gonna tell Reeve about Sector 1, chances are it'll stay between the president and Heidegger.

I do think they'll find out, though, but I still think there's more than enough "blame" on Avalanche for them to feel guilty. They might just think that they kicked the hornet's nest and were planning on damaging the livelihoods of regular civilians, regardless of whether they were directly responsible for this one instance in the end.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Sounds like Avalanche's explosion was just to disable the reactor.

Shinra's blowing up the entire thing to make Avalanche appear much bigger eco-terrorists than they are.

It's basically the same kind of thing (Shinra making Avalanche seem much worse than they are) from the original game just visually shown.
I actually kinda like this. It really drives home how evil Shinra is


Oct 26, 2017
Barret can still be called out. Despite the results, the intentions are still there and gave ShinRa a catalyst to fan the flames of another (larger) conflict. I mean, if the results of Reactor 1 blowing up lead to a change in the Remake with Barret saying "we aren't doing this anymore, the cost is too great", yet ShinRa goes on blowing up more reactors independently, still pinning it on AVALANCHE, sure, I could absolutely understand people complaining.

But Barret and Co go off to blow up MORE reactors. The man is still actively setting out to conduct terroristic activities- and his team is following him, no?
No he can't. Reeve sticks with Shinra because he believes that they are the lesser of two evils. He knows Shinra is bad, but he can work from within to do good. But Avalanche blew up 2 reactors and killed hundreds/thousands of innocent people and he can't forgive that, and when Shinra does the same that puts him in a grey area. He agrees to spy on Avalanche and betrays them for Shinra and plays both sides. If Shinra is 100% responsible for all the bad shit Avalanche did in the original, Reeve has no reason to betray Avalanche and call them murderers, and Reeve has no leg to stand on for his own development.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm pretty sure the player forgot about it as soon as Sephirot became the main treat and the topic shifts entirely.
Yes the players forgot about it so much that 23 years later there's a thread about how they are changing it in the remake. I don't mean to be facetious but this has very much been a relatively important thing for years to people


Oct 25, 2017
Is it really this way? I ask honestly because I don't remember the "we just wanted to disable it with a controlled explosion" this is something I'm reading here.
If you talk to Jessie after the bombing run in the original she says that the explosion wasn't meant to be that big and questions what she did wrong when making the bomb.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like Avalanche's explosion was just to disable the reactor.

Shinra's blowing up the entire thing to make Avalanche appear much bigger eco-terrorists than they are.

It's basically the same kind of thing (Shinra making Avalanche seem much worse than they are) from the original game just visually shown.
That's exactly what I felt when playing the demo. Maybe there's a scene later on where they confirm it like it was implied in the original ?


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
No he can't. Reeve sticks with Shinra because he believes that they are the lesser of two evils. He knows Shinra is bad, but he can work from within to do good. But Avalanche blew up 2 reactors and killed hundreds/thousands of innocent people and he can't forgive that, and when Shinra does the same that puts him in a grey area. He agrees to spy on Avalanche and betrays them for Shinra and plays both sides. If Shinra is 100% responsible for all the bad shit Avalanche did in the original, Reeve has no reason to betray Avalanche and call them murderers, and Reeve has no leg to stand on for his own development.

But ShinRa still isn't 100% responsible. AVALANCHE is still out there setting up reactor bombs, causing public discourse, attempted assassination attempts (? tbd how that plays out).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't find this to be a big deal and think people are vastly overreacting. But everyone can view it their own way. Hardly the worst thing imo


Nov 10, 2017
regardless of the specifics of this scenario i don't think you can claim it's a han-shot-first. you can't retcon in a remake. nothing is guaranteed to be the same.
I know. But it was the only widely known parallel thing which is kinda similiat. Besides that: The title becomes more interesting.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
They can still absolutely deal with the ramifications of it, because (as of now) only the audience knows ShinRa increases the damage by blowing the reactor up themselves. As far as AVALANCHE knows they still blew the fuck out of it and killed civies.
That's something that absolutely (and hopefully) can be narratively played upon.

This, and knowing full well the death that was caused by the first attack, they decide to follow it up by bombing another reactor. So I don't see how it lets the characters off the hook at all. It's like people think intention and motivation have no meaning.


Nov 12, 2017
So I know its pretty crazy to make a own thread about this, but I just played the demo and this made my blood pumping. I have to adress this.

Cloud and Barret set up the bomb in the first reactor. As soon as the counter runs down, the bomb just gets "kaput" and radiates some smoke. Nothing more, no explosion. Then Heidegger orders shinras robot army to go berserk and just shoot up the whole reactor so that it explodes.

What does that mean? That just f***** means that our noble terror heroes didn't kill all these people in the first reactor explosion. No it was shinra! The bad guys! Cloud and his crew don't have any blood on their hands. They think they have blood on their hands, but there will come some stupid story point about, how bad shinra is and they exploded the reactor to find an enemy for midgar population. Its just the same as "Han shot first". -> No no no, the bad space pirate smuggler didn't kill greedo coldblooded, he just killed greedo because he first shot at Han Solo.

WTF. This is bullshit. This is typical disney bullshit. I hate this. If this is a sign that all this stuff which doens't flow well today will just get eliminated in the Remake, I am not interested in it. This is a joke and just as bad as the star wars special editions. F* Square Enix.

(I know it just a game and I am gonna play it anyway, but seriously this is some grad a bulls***. Its this disneyfication of everything now.)

Han shooting first was the original scene.

So they didn't pull a Han Shot First. They pulled a Greedo Shot First.

Went into this thread expecting someone explaining why they were pleasantly surprised that Square Enix kept a story element that people thought they might change.


Oct 26, 2017
This doesn't seem out of character for ShinRa to do considering they drop the sector 7 plate.
Well, the point of that was to try and kill Avalanche by dropping the plate on them. In this scenario they wait until Avalanche has gotten to safety before blowing the reactor when they could have blown the reactor at any time, which makes Shinra look really incompetent. Also, dropping the plate didn't destroy any reactors, which is all Shinra cares about. They've destroyed multiple towns before.


Nov 3, 2017
If you think about it- knocking out the power grid for an entire section of a city is going to get people killed regardless.

Alots of people gonna die from Traffic incidents, lots of patients would die in hospitals.


Jan 12, 2018
I kind of like the change tbh. Avalanche meant to do it, now when it leads to those fatalities they'll still think that it was their fault. They have no way of knowing that it wasn't their bomb so all of the moral dilemmas still fall on their conscious. This just shows you how bad Shinra is up front.


Jun 3, 2019
Can't have our protags be morally grey now, can we? Based on the demo they really ruined AVALANCHE.

They still are though, as they did take an action that would kill those people as collateral damage, it just didn't work out and Shinra ended up doing the job to put the blame on them. And it's not like it was a deep and important plot point in the original anyway, they brush it off and forget about it almost immediately.


Oct 25, 2017
So now they're not just terrorists anymore but also incompetent ones.
This... it doesn't improve their image, it doesn't absolve them from their crimes, it just makes them look stupid. This is a baffling bad change.

They still are though, as they did take an action that would kill those people as collateral damage, it just didn't work out and Shinra ended up doing the job to put the blame on them. And it's not like it was a deep and important plot point in the original anyway, they brush it off and forget about it almost immediately.

This isn't real life, there needs to be a narrative reason for such things, especially when they diverge from the source material. So what is gained from this change? It's not new insight on the good guys or the bad guys. It doesn't effect how the players view the world, or any of the characters view the world... It's just silly.

If they were expanding out the scene to pad the run time I can almost see it, but then you could have just had the entire scene extended versus changing it as they did. It's bad writing plain and simple.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Avalanche are still people you'd want dead if they were in the real world. Again I'm bringing up this point, they kill the equivilent of security guards to blow up/disrupt a factory... and its not like those guards had families or something.
I wish the game kept a counter of how many human enemies you killed and shinra news would more or less say " Avalanche killed 20+ people in an terrorist attack, we send thoughts and prayers to their families/love ones"


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas
I actually kinda like this. It really drives home how evil Shinra is
Doesn't shinra go to blow up some other sector on their own later ... I don't see why this was needed, they do it eventually and then blame avalanche

it was perfectly set up before...
Avalanche blows up a reactor ... people are killed.. they're portrayed as bad guys... "what have I done?"
Shinra levels a whole sector and then blames avalanche making them look even worse... they played em.

now theres no "what have I done?" now it's just boring good guys vs bad guys ...

Hint: AVALANCHE was never good guys... they were terrorists doing the wrong thing for reasons they thought were justified. now they took away their accountability

the line that barret says late game in which he questions how they went about things early will carry less weight since they never hurt anyone and it was all shinra...


Oct 25, 2017
i mean it's exactly the same level of deal as han shot first. it drastically changes characterization by muddying the responsibility.

like if your response to the star wars changes is "who cares" that's valid, but if you care about one granular detail's ramifications it's the same deal here
Yeah, I always question why people think it changes nothing regarding Han there. The point of the changes was to remove responsibility by making it look like he only shot because Greedo did, a "true act of self defense" rather than Han being a smuggler who is morally grey and who would kill just to survive. Han is a hero, so George Lucas scrubbed this out because a hero doesn't do this. The deaths in the original films were always of important figures being struck down by evil or struck down by good, but Han doesn't fit in this narrative because he's a morally grey person shooting a bounty hunter who's job is often to take in notorious and most wanted criminals, which Han is.


Oct 27, 2017
They also hammer the point home that cloud never actually pushes the button to start the bomb, but the guard scorpion turns it on as it flails around shooting it's weaponry as it dies.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't shinra go to blow up some other sector on their own later ... I don't see why this was needed, they do it eventually and then blame avalanche

it was perfectly set up before...
Avalanche blows up a reactor ... people are killed.. they're portrayed as bad guys... "what have I done?"
Shinra levels a whole sector and then blames avalanche making them look even worse... they played em.

now theres no "what have I done?" now it's just boring good guys vs bad guys ...

Hint: AVALANCHE was never good guys... they were terrorists doing the wrong thing for reasons they thought were justified. now they took away their accountability

the line that barret says late game in which he questions how they went about things early will carry less weight since they never hurt anyone and it was all shinra...

They have footage of Avalanche members infiltrating and attacking security at the reactor in this case.

And the Giantbomb video mentioned that

There is a second reactor mission added to the remake, so I guess now we're actively participating in both reactor scenarios.