Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Odyssey?

  • Super Mario Galaxy

    Votes: 597 68.5%
  • Super Mario Odyssey

    Votes: 274 31.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 5, 2017
Odyssey left me cold, for the first time of any Mario game. The movement options were, dull in levels the use of them in unconventional ways tended to just be doing super long jumps and bouncing off walls for height making the moment to moment gameplay painfully linear and one dimensional. In a really great SMG2 or 3DLand level you had to juggle enemies, coin placement, platforms, secrets and use of power-ups all layered together, some of Odyssey did that but it was few and far between and often only if you followed the main path, the more you path-find the duller the moment-to-moment stuff tends to get, and only the Lost Kingdom really felt like it captured the vertical oriented layered pathways, that combined with 3D being so new, made SM64 great. Even Sunshine had more levels with distinct path finding in mind and Fludd was a more inserting dynamic then what is little more then a double jump in cappy, and double jump is a mechanic that often undermines platforming more then enhances it.

Odyssey's only real edge is being a portable makes it easy to wipe-out in bed and the like, but even then I'd much rather just pay some more 3DLand.

So yeah if ranking:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Mario 64/Super Mario Galaxy/Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Odyssey

Still was shocked to see Galaxy doing so well the love of just open roaming that built in the fandom form around the time Galaxy 2 came out and positioned only SM64 and SMSS as the only "real" 3D marios still seemed to be going strong.
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Oct 26, 2017
I've got to say Odyssey. I much prefer the open world approach to Mario. The linear platforming levels were there too!

I hope they go wild with the mechanics in Odyssey 2 as they did in Galaxy 2.

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
It's an interesting question, and I'm going to take this opportunity to explore my reasoning. It will look like I am working and thus I will not need to be accountable to my irl responsibilities for the time I spend typing on a computer.

The snap judgment answer would be that Super Mario Galaxy is far superior to Super Mario Odyssey, while not diminishing the latter in the comparison.

My personal taste in Mario games is this: I want to have courses that are elegantly designed, creative, and challenging to adults while also not being off-putting to children, AND AT THE SAME TIME, be able to explore and discover hidden things. That's a pretty impossible standard, I admit! But it's a standard that Nintendo themselves have set; a prison of great expectations that comes with the earned pedigree of the Super Mario series.

In that sense, Galaxy is unsurpassed with walking that fine balance in the most graceful way imaginable. Super Mario Galaxy is my absolute favorite in the series (along with Galaxy 2 which I think could be considered a "& Knuckles"-like expansion pack) in terms of the course design, the missions, and especially the challenging post-game stars like the Purple Coin quests which, despite initially seeming like filler content, ended up being some of the most enjoyable parts of the overall game.

On the other hand, Super Mario Odyssey is packed with more post-game content than any other Mario game before it, with more collectable moons and coins than seems realistically possible. The game worlds encourage exploration, which is fun, even if it is especially limited in comparison to the exploration of Breath of the Wild, which came out around the same time. While Cappy is more central to Odyssey's central concept, it's not terribly dissimilar to the transform mushrooms from the Galaxy games (or even 3D World in parts), and so Cappy feels perhaps less exciting than it might, had "Mario turns into X" not already been on its way to becoming as central to Mario's 3D control identity like how wall-jumping and butt-stomping have become standard in Mario's moveset (post-Super Mario 64.)


All of this overlooks the major flaw in Super Mario Galaxy -- it is not available to play without a Wii remote.

Nor is Galaxy available in HD, and obviously it is not available (yet?) on the Nintendo Switch. The reality is that these games do not exist in a canonical void where both can be played on equal terrain, aside from in our collective memory and imagination.

Unfortunately, this must drag down Galaxy from the consideration, because to actually play the game today, requires several pieces of out-of-date & largely unsupported hardware just to experience a game that will look quite jaggy on most modern television outputs. The best way to play would be via emulation, which is difficult and generally illegal in most instances, so the best way is not advised. The second best way would be to connect it to a SDTV, where the graphics' jagginess are smoothed out a bit and the game is played on the hardware that it was intended for.

Let's say you do all of this. Imagine you are coming to Mario Galaxy for the very first time, because of it's status as "one of the greatest games of all time" which as I elaborated above, it truly is deserving of that praise, if it holds up to my memory of the experience in the context of its time.

You then are tasked with one additional barrier of entry -- learning to use the Wii remote and nunchuk controllers. Now even people who didn't own a Wii still played it at least a bit at some point somewhere -- famously even your grandmas were playing it -- so most likely it is not a completely foreign object in 2018 or 2019. But it is not the most intuitive controller ever made. It takes a bit of getting used to, if you are say 8 or 10 years old right now. Pointing, waggling, and coordinating the new spherical world and the different gravity effects -- it's a lot!

Now, all of that precision necessary is part of what makes the game great, also. The game was praised specifically at the time because of how well it proved the concept of the Wiimote/nunchuck for 3D action gameplay that integrated the pointer, the motions, and the nunchuck. Incidentally, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was also praised a lot for these same innovations. But unlike RE4, which is available on enough devices that you can play it with any controller, Mario Galaxy insists that you play it with a Wiimote and nunchuk. Two additional pieces of plastic, in addition to the two massive pieces of plastic that constitute the Wii U, just to play the damn thing.

In that context, Mario Galaxy does not hold up. I would not recommend it as being worth the effort. Unless you already happen to have a Wii U, in which case you likely also had a Wii, in which case you are like me, and you've already played this game in the original context, and so the game is better left served as a memory anyway.

On the other hand, some people like to get into game consoles a generation late. This is the best decision by far from an economical point of view. Everything is discounted, and everything is already available. The system has already established it's top 10, top 50 games to play. All you have to do then is to enjoy the experience, albeit one that is a bit out of sync with the outside world, but if you don't care about video game FOMO, then this is objectively the most rational way to experience video games - with patience, and reasonable expectations that this is a hobby for entertainment, it is an art form, and it is full of life created by artists and developers to communicate a specific experience for you. In this context, when the gaming year of 2007 is happening for you in 2019, then Mario Galaxy reigns supreme again, because you've committed to the Wii-mote controller for this to be a primary device for your gaming.

But for myself, or anyone else that has shelved (but not sold) the Wii and Wii U in favor of Switch, SNES Classic, and an HD console, then the default answer must be Super Mario Odyssey simply because it is the one that is here now.

Mario Odyssey is great on its own merits. I suspect that if Galaxy & Galaxy 2 were to be given the 'deluxe' treatment in 2019, with an HD upgrade, and you can use the Pro Controller and turn off motion and the pointer, then once again Galaxy is king. Until that happens, if ever, then Mario Odyssey is the better choice, with everything considered.

TL; DR -- omg SMG 1&2 HD on switch plzzzz


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I didn't think Odyssey was a masterpiece when it first released, and time has made me even less impressed with it tbh. Don't get me wrong - it's a good game and a solid 8/10, but it's no masterpiece in my eyes, and there are a lot of problems with it overall.

The main issue is that 90% of the Moons just aren't interesting to find. There are so many braindead and repetitive ones. Smash a box. Plant a seed. Find a picture. Ground-pound this sparkly spot. Find a chest. Spin your hat on something. Hell, many of the Moons are just sitting in plain sight. Where's the actual platforming? Even the DSotM levels leave a lot to be desired. I know this is meant to be a sequel to the sandbox-style games, but even Super Mario 64 (a game from 1996) had more Stars that required genuine skill. And it had like an eighth of the Moons Odyssey does!

I vastly prefer Galaxy. I just enjoy the more focused challenges of those games as opposed to Odyssey's twelve-moons-per-square-meter philosophy. Galaxy has much better platforming sections, bosses and soundtrack imo. I'm praying that we get a HD Switch port soon.

Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > 64 > Odyssey > Sunshine
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Nov 8, 2017
See and your exact reason for Galaxy being better than Odyssey is why I like odyssey more. Odyssey feels like a new 64 which I love. It has that original 3D Mario feel while galaxy feels like a 2D Mario on a 3D plain. To each their own I suppose!

Yeah, I can definitely understand why someone would be more into the Mario 64 style than the Galaxy style. I'm glad that there's such a range of Mario games, even if I don't like one as much as the other. They are all great anyways!
Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy is filled to the brim with variety that keeps surprising and delighting players throughout the journey. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said with Odyssey by its very nature of being a sandbox styles game that relies on traversing the same environments repeatedly to uncover all of its secrets.
Oct 27, 2017
Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > Odyssey.

They're all terrific games but I wish Odyssey was a bit more focused, than having you stumble across one thousand collectibles.

Plus, Galaxy 2 made me cry with that Hightail Falls music.


Oct 27, 2017
I've kinda come to the realization I just prefer the more linear 3D Marios -- Galaxy 1,2, and 3D World and Land were a ton of fun to me.

I didn't like Odyssey or Sunshine as much.

Mario 64 I love, but I think there's also nostalgia there.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Galaxy. Both it and its sequel do nothing but throw cool new stuff at you nonstop and it's wonderful.

My ideal 3D Mario game is one with Galaxy 2-esque levels but with Odyssey's physics and the capture mechanic.

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Odyssey has some neat ideas but truly fails via lack of refinement and focus. The shine bloat and level design really hurt that game. So much of the levels were wasted space.

It was just the new hotness. Odyssey is going to age worse than sunshine, I guarantee.


Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy for me. It's hard to compare level design objectively in my head because both go for completely different things.

However, Galaxy just comes together better in my opinion. It tells a great story that's supported by it's gorgeous soundtrack and space theme. It just has a very strong atmosphere.

In addition, the sense of progression feels way more rewarding in Galaxy. I don't think Nintendo should've taken away content in Odyssey, but tiering the moons more would've helped instead of, like, two multi moons and 70 regular moons per level. Another big hit to progression was how the total moons to unlock the next world was only from the current world, not overall number.

Lastly, I think the lack of a hub world hurt that sense of progression for me too. However, I can't really fault it there because Odyssey was about going on a journey across the world.

Also Galaxy's soundtrack blows Odyssey's out of the water.

And yes, nostalgia for the most important game in my childhood is also a factor here

Greatest Ever

Aug 25, 2018
Galaxy 2 for the level design consistently being spectacular. I don't really prefer one's moveset over the other, but the way Galaxy's levels prop up its less technically demanding player moveset (and Wiimote usage) more often than Odyssey takes advantage of its is reason enough for me to put Galaxy over Odyssey. That Galaxy is the GOAT doesn't hurt it.

I still might give Mario's movement in Galaxy to it over Odyssey to be honest. Whatever it is, neither are as plainly dull and fun-sucking as 3D Land.


Oct 28, 2017

I just prefer more linear 3D platformers and Galaxy has the best levels ever in linear not-really-collectathon platformers IMO.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Galaxy is one of the most special games ever made. It brims with child-like wonder with it's fantastic score and setting. There's absolutely nothing like it.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought odyssey was pretty boring compared to galaxy and probably my least liked 3d mario game ever. Galaxy had a lot more interesting designs to levels. Odyssey just felt incomplete in a lot of places


Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy, the levels, the music, the design. Had a ton of fun with it, Mario odyssey feels disjointed, non coherent. Yes Mario movement is super smooth in odyssey but the rest of the game I didn't like or find memorable.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
*sees poll results*


There may be hope left for you fools.
Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy has the best synergy between moveset and level design in pretty much every game I've played. This makes for such satisfying gameplay when the level design in so tight and creative. Odyssey has the best feeling gameplay of any Mario game, but the more open levels don't work as well with it even though the level design is still really good.

Also, Galaxy wins in overall presentation even though Odyssey looks cooler in areas.


Oct 25, 2017
When I played Galaxy I thought "I think this is the follow up to Mario 64 I wanted". When I played Odyssey I knew it was the follow up I wanted. The linearity in Galaxy is the only thing that makes it rank lower for me. Galaxy has a superior soundtrack and atmosphere, but Odyssey has more fun environments to play in and that's the most important thing.

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy is 3D platforming perfected. Odyssey is a collectathon that wears thin way before you've collected most of the Moons (many of which are lazy and unrewarding). I still had fun with the latter, but it has a severe lack of good platforming challenges.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I voted Odyssey but both games are honestly so perfect as Mario titles that I could go either way.


Oct 25, 2017
I 100%ed Galaxy 1 and 2, purely because of how taken I was by them. Once I reached the post-game of Odyssey, I lost my motivation to keep playing.

Odyssey was fun and had me talking about it with friends with excitement. I also think I enjoyed it more and more as it goes on (the late-game worlds and Pokio transformation were awesome). However, I don't think anything in those games reached the level of joy I had when long jumped between (and circled) planetoids or ice skated on planets. I don't love everything about Galaxy and I might prefer Galaxy 2, but the Galaxy games were very special to me.


Nov 2, 2017
Galaxy and especially Galaxy 2

I prefer more focused platforming levels, Odissey felt too broad and a tad more "casual"


Sep 19, 2018
I want to say 3D World, but it's not an option here. Galaxy is really cool, but never inspired me to unlock everything despite having great level design. It's probably because of the motion controls. I like it when Mario has more movement options such as in Odyssey.

I enjoy 3D World for having great level design like Galaxy, fantastic music like Galaxy, and multiple playable characters.


Dec 6, 2018
Galaxy's level design does it for me. Open hubworld nature fans of 64 and sunshine longed for was never my thing but I loved odyssey still


Oct 26, 2017
Galaxy, no doubt. Odyssey still a good game overall.

I also prefer Galaxy to Galaxy 2, but to be fair I didn't play 2 extensively.

Deleted member 426

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Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoyed Odyssey as I played it, but looking back nothing stayed with me. I tried replaying it recently and it was just all a bit meh.

It's essentially lots of mini semi-linear levels, placed haphazardly in a series of sandbox levels. As a result the sandboxes aren't compelling to explore, they feel like window dressing. The moons were not an effective way to encourage exploration. It's also just not as innovative as previous Mario games. The possession twist was amazing, but it ended up again being just superficial and under utilised.

In contrast Galaxy is a tight platformer with more innovative level design (especially at the time but even still today) and is still more or less unique in its style of meteor based platforming. It has a distinct visual style too! It's one of the most perfect games I've ever played whereas Odyssey is just an 8/10.

Edit: ooh ranking?
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario 64 (when I play old games I can tune out the jank)
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario 3D Land
Oct 27, 2017
Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > Odyssey
I still need to play 3D World and it's been a long time since I played any of 64 or Sunshine. The levels are just better in the Galaxy games. And I prefer 1 over 2 because of the overall atmosphere, story, and level progression.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Galaxy was a better game, but both are masterpieces for me. I don't see the point in choosing because it just diminishes a game that doesn't deserve it.

I had never played anything like either game at the time of release. Never even imagined anything could be like Galaxy and yet it all made perfect sense within a few minutes of picking up a controller. Despite actually pulling off some really complicated shit.

I would say the same thing about Odyssey in that I never played anything quite like it before or since. I have played other games where you can become other characters (i.e kid chameleon) or where you could steal certain powers or power ups (i.e. Mega Man), but nothing like Odyssey where there are so many captures that almost all offer you a totally unique feeling and it is pulled off perfectly. Just the Mario moves alone are pretty amazing but the captures add a ton to the gameplay and I can't think of anything else like it. Odyssey gets some extra points for me because of my personal experience of it being the first game I played with my kids to completion. And it was a blast the whole way through.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Super Mario Galaxy is the best 3D platformer ever made, Super Mario Odyssey is probably the fifth best 3D Mario game. Galaxy is bold, dramatic, and has a generational gimmick that fundamentally challenged what it meant to be a platformer. Odyssey is great but uses its gimmick to avoid platforming, not to add to it, effectively squandering its excellent core mechanics with a lackluster set of challenges and levels to use them in. It's a great game but not a masterpiece like many of its predecessors.

3D World
Galaxy 2
3D Land


Oct 27, 2017
3D world. But Odyssey is probably my least favourite Mario 3D game (though I admittedly haven't played Sunshine), so out of these two, Galaxy wins.


Mar 14, 2018
I think it can be summed up pretty easily by saying that:

-Galaxy has better level design and a better soundtrack.
-Odyssey has a way better physics and movement engine. Mario's mobility is incredible and way better than Galaxy.

For me, the perfect Mario game would take Mario's movement from SMO/SM64 and apply it to more varied levels.


Oct 27, 2017
I still hold Galaxy in high esteem 11 years after its release, whereas I soured on Odyssey a few months after its release. Galaxy was always showing you something new, and the music was incredible. Every star you collected meant something. Odyssey on the other hand kind of blew its load in the first 20% of the game. It felt aimless, moons were handed out like Halloween candy, and the later levels almost feel like they were left incomplete. I'll probably never play Odyssey again.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Galaxy Duology. 3D World style levels but with a more Mario 64/Sunshine style level design. 3D World was too bottlenecked and Odyssey far too open, but Galaxy was a balance between both styles that struck just the right cord. I really want a Galaxy 3 with the moveset of Odyssey though, I'll give it that.


Oct 26, 2017
Huh. My joy cons have never disconnected unless I needed them to. Could there be an issue with your joy cons dude?

I've tried multiple sets, turning off WiFi, moving the unit closer....they just cut out sometimes. I use the pro controller with no issue. 104% in Hollow Knight so I know that it works great, lol.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Love them both but Odyssey gets my vote. I prefer the more exploration based stages and controlling Mario is just so much fun on it's own in that game.


Oct 25, 2017
man, hard choice... Galaxy was way more consistent, but I missed exploration and large worlds so much during the 15 years between Sunshine and Odyssey. When I think about it, I would definitely rather have an Odyssey 2 than a Galaxy 3, so I go for Odyssey. barely.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy, I prefer good level design and actual platforming over collecting/exploring for Mario gameplay. I do love how good Mario controls in Odyssey tho, I'd love to see a more linear approach in Odyssey 2.