Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It seems as though you conplete the level once you kill a predetermined number of enemies, and any remaining after thst just explode. I haven't taken note but it seems like 5 or 6.

As the game progresses, these level sequences become longer and longer, both in the amount of levels (there's some with like 15) and in the amount of enemies coming at you and that you need to eliminate. Gotta admit it becomes tedious after a while when you're replaying the same levels for the 10th time with only minor variations.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If there's one thing this game doesn't know to handle, is quantity. There's a lot of great ideas and concepts but it seems like the devs aren't happy until they bash that concept into your skull by repeating it 50 times. By the time you reach floor 3 or 4, you'll see what I mean.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Could it be somewhat intentional given the theme of MORE?

Yes, but MORE for the sake of MORE is not necessarily good. There's a very specific example after the "end" of floor 4, where a very specific action has to be repeated for several minutes, to a point that it became obnoxious minutes earlier and it's still going on. Or even how you need to play the exact same stages like a dozen times because the level pool is small, so you end up repeating the same things, over and over, just to finish the story, not even to get to optional stuff. Those 15-level sequences are just ridiculous because you make one mistake too many and you can repeat like a dozen levels you've already played 10 times each, again. I get the theme they were going for. But just because there's an in-game explanation, it doesn't necessarily mean it's pleasant.


Nov 18, 2017
I bought the combo pack some years ago on ps4, I think it's the base game plus vr? Would this be free for me then?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but MORE for the sake of MORE is not necessarily good. There's a very specific example after the "end" of floor 4, where a very specific action has to be repeated for several minutes, to a point that it became obnoxious minutes earlier and it's still going on. Or even how you need to play the exact same stages like a dozen times because the level pool is small, so you end up repeating the same things, over and over, just to finish the story, not even to get to optional stuff. Those 15-level sequences are just ridiculous because you make one mistake too many and you can repeat like a dozen levels you've already played 10 times each, again. I get the theme they were going for. But just because there's an in-game explanation, it doesn't necessarily mean it's pleasant.

Fair enough. I'm only on Floor/Node 3, so I'll reserve judgement till I get to the end.

Having said that, given the generally head-fucky nature of the game, I'm not sure that pleasant is what they're going for. The game's dialogue with the player (not necessarily the literal dialogue) seems much more combative than the first one.

Like I said, I'm not far enough to have anything like a solid opinion about the whole package. Just splurging thoughts.


Forza Photographer
Nov 9, 2017
More Superhot is always good!

Bought the original for €15 back in 2017 on sale, did not expect for them to offer this "expansion" for free for current owners of the original at all.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who played the original game including a fair amount of endless, the new upgrades are doled out so slowly that I'm losing momentum on the second floor of nodes. The structure does not lend itself to a roguelite nearly as well as I had thought. The upgrades are so fleeting, so few in any given node, that they amount to little more than minor variations rather than game-changing playstyles. The margin of error becomes more slim as you continue, and it sucks to die in the last level of a node and restart from the beginning. As such, It's often in your interest to have more hearts, heal, or start with a gun/katana rather than take some of the actually interesting upgrades like ricochet, deflecting multiple bullets, etc.

I thought I wanted more SUPERHOT, and for the first 30 minutes of playing this, I did, but I'm not quite sure I want /this/ much more SUPERHOT, at least not in this format.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
My Steam version of the original upgraded to this for free, wasn't expecting that!

Is there any VR content?


Oct 27, 2017
Just curious how many nodes are there?

On a side note, I backed the original on Kickstarter and it has easily proven to be the best decision I have ever made when backing a videogame. I have backed some true duds over the years. SUPERHOT is for sure not one of them. Love this damn series and also love the devs.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So... Katana Recall is hilarious.


They've also replaced death stomps with head bounces. Coupled with the Charge Core, I reckon we're going to see some impressive acrobatics when the community gets the hang of everything.
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2017
If I buy the original SUPERHOT on PS4 will I get MINDCONTROLDELETE or is it only possible for those who had already purchased the game ?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Has this shown up in any of your PS4 Librarys yet?

Yeah, on the day of release. They did say on the Reddit FAQ that it might take a few days before it 'pops'. They've got something like 2 million free copies to dish out.

Right? It seems like MCD has a bit more 'tech' to it.

This is probably super basic thinking, but Katana Recall and Charge Cores both work in mid-air, and both can be 'upgraded' with other hacks to string together combos, so add in (unlimited) head bouncing and we've got some interesting little synergies to dig into.

Another example: someone on Reddit found that combining Super Punch and Lightning Reflex meant you could attack quick enough to punch all the bullets fired at you back at people.


Oct 29, 2017
As someone who played the original game including a fair amount of endless, the new upgrades are doled out so slowly that I'm losing momentum on the second floor of nodes. The structure does not lend itself to a roguelite nearly as well as I had thought. The upgrades are so fleeting, so few in any given node, that they amount to little more than minor variations rather than game-changing playstyles. The margin of error becomes more slim as you continue, and it sucks to die in the last level of a node and restart from the beginning. As such, It's often in your interest to have more hearts, heal, or start with a gun/katana rather than take some of the actually interesting upgrades like ricochet, deflecting multiple bullets, etc.

I thought I wanted more SUPERHOT, and for the first 30 minutes of playing this, I did, but I'm not quite sure I want /this/ much more SUPERHOT, at least not in this format.
This describes me exactly. I'm on floor 3 and the slapped-together feel of replaying the same maps again and again while enemies just randomly spawn doesn't feel nearly as good as the handcrafted levels of the original.

That being said it was free and it's still fun to mess with all the new hacks.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm on floor 3 and the slapped-together feel of replaying the same maps again and again while enemies just randomly spawn doesn't feel nearly as good as the handcrafted levels of the original.

I spent most of my time in Endless Mode, so these feel like discreet (and obviously limited) versions of that. It's working for me.

Speaking of which, I do wonder whether they should remove hearts/heals from the new Endless Mode. It makes it much easier. Like, I got to Wave 35 (400+ kills?!) on Garage the other night using Katana Recall (so only two hearts + heals). I think 211 was my highest on OG SuperHOT.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly? I've played for an hour and so and I'm already quite tired. Loved OG SuperHot but this seems way too repetitive, with tiny variables now and then but still too little to engage on the long run... I wish the game had more variety like the bonus campaigns in OG SH. For now is pretty plain, even the levels repeats a lot...

EDIT: ok played another hour and yeah, it's super abusable like OG SH, you stay in one angle and wait them to come to you. I'm at third floor but most of the time it's literally the same levels with a new type of enemy like every floor or so... it's incredibly limited and, honestly, very easy for someone that played OG SH a lot.

I mean, the OG game had so many variables other then the base campaign that would have been great to mix and match in this game... instead we only got some random levels from old campaign and some new levels but the rules are always the same and you even get power ups, so it's even easier.

Totally get why they gave this for free, honestly I wasn't going to be happy if I would have bought this... I'm playing just to see how it will end but it doesn't have much to say as a game, especially after OG SH.
Oct 25, 2017
Got Superhot through a humble monthly bundle in 2017. Does that not count as buying it? I did pay money for it but not in my steam library.


Feb 12, 2019
Check the store page, for some reason it wouldn't show up in my library but when I went to the store page I was able to install from there.
Oct 25, 2017
Had to dig for it, but it was in my library, just had to actually download it. I misunderstood and assumed it was already installed on my PS4.

First time I booted it up, it felt a little bit glitchy in spots. Eventually I started getting invisible enemies and kept losing and was getting frustrated. I legitimately thought it was game design and was shooting at the floating weapons toward me.

Tried it again just now and it played smoothly. Slight things that feel off here and there, but no more invisible enemies and what you get is more Superhot which is great. Just cruising through levels being awesome.


Oct 28, 2017
Invisible enemy bug needs a patchin'. Had to reset the game to fix it.
Damn it! I thought there was some mechanic I needed to figure out to uncloak them! 😂 Was super frustrated.

I'll reset the game when I get back home.

Wait, it's a bug???

I thought it was a deliberate design decision which puzzled the fuck out of me as it seemed to unbalanced. More than once on the 'tutorial' run I was instakilled at the beginning of a stage by some invisible enemy with a katana. And it was a goddamn bug? It took me literally ages to get past the tutorial.


Loving the game otherwise though.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, you can see them on the replay. Plus, red guys without weapons are completely invisible, which is hilariously unfair. Invisi-Slaps are OP. 😁

The game does like to unceremoniously introduce new enemies/mechanics, but it did seem hilariously unbalanced.

Completing the first run took me an embarrassing amount of time... but I did manage it with invisible enemies at least!

I have steamed through the modules since resetting it though.


Jan 22, 2019
Hi guys ! Sorry to bump this thread so long after the last reply. Mind Control Delete is on sale on PSN, does it include Superhot as well ? Or do I have to buy both to have the « whole » package ? Thanks ;)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys ! Sorry to bump this thread so long after the last reply. Mind Control Delete is on sale on PSN, does it include Superhot as well ? Or do I have to buy both to have the « whole » package ? Thanks ;)

Doesn't include the OG. There is a bundle with all three available though (OG, VR, MCD).


Oct 25, 2017