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Oct 28, 2017
This is not news. This is actually even fine. Biden shouldn't be immune to investigation. The investigation itself isn't the problem.

Edit: Assuming of course that there are grounds for it. We do not know what information they have. Obviously the motivation to investigate is terrible but if the investigation is justified in evidence and it uncovers criminal acts, then it's a big deal.
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Oct 25, 2017
I fail to see how a domestic counterintelligence investigation into a campaign and election where you're not a candidate is equivalent to calling world leaders to investigate a political opponent and then using the information gained by foreign governments in political ads for your re-election campaign.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
When senators were being yelled at by town hall attendees about healthcare awhile back, Cornyn moved his to the smallest Texas town he could find. And he still got yelled at.


Oct 25, 2017
Having our own authorities investigate something is totally fine. However, getting another country and withholding aid as ransom is a crime.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Good. That's exactly how it should be done... you know, not using foreign governments to dig up dirt on political opponents....

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
In my fantasy, this entire drama poisons both Trump and Biden in the eyes of the swing voter electorate... leaving Warren as the only decent option, ushering a new era of sensibility and resetting the ubercapitalist status quo.


Oct 25, 2017
Obama's administration was made aware of Russias attempts to manipulate our elections, and had been provided evidence that Trumps campaign may have been working with them.

Literally light-years away from a POTUS reaching out to foreign leaders to open investigations into shit that has already been debunked, and has literally nothing to do with our country or our elections.


Oct 27, 2017
Biden: "All the Republicans will turn back to normal when Trump's gone. Pence is a great guy!"


Oct 26, 2017
Well, if the Justice Department is going to investigate Biden, let's investigate Ivanka Trump getting patents in China.


Oct 25, 2017
This is not news. This is actually even fine. Biden shouldn't be immune to investigation. The investigation itself isn't the problem.

It really depends on where the investigation came from and why.

Biden shouldn't be immune, but the DOJ should be immune from politics. If Trump or Guilliani pushed for this and Barr went for it because of that then that's a problem. If Barr pushed for it to appease Trump that's a problem. The Justice Department should be independent.


Nov 14, 2017
Trump's entire gameplan is not so much to disprove that he's dirty, but to show that everyone else is equally as dirty. "Yeah there are dozens of allegations about me, but hey, look over here!"

The president directing the AG to harass and investigate his political opponents is a horrifying turn for this country. It should have horrified everyone when he tried to push charges against McCabe, Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and HRC. Anyone cheering this because they don't like Biden is missing the point, this won't stop with Biden.

He's already got the Ukrainian government to announce an "investigation" into Biden in return for his ransom demands. He's creating headlines using the power of his office, not rooting out corruption.


Oct 27, 2017
This is not news. This is actually even fine. Biden shouldn't be immune to investigation. The investigation itself isn't the problem.

Nah. Biden's being investigated so that Trump can bully foreign countries to 1. Produce false evidence so Trump can use it in his campaign and 2. Exert influence over foreign countries that he can use in the future.


Oct 27, 2017
It seems that people have bought into the bullshit.

So, for those that aren't aware: Biden has done *nothing* wrong, nor has his son. This was already investigated and nothing was found.

Any credible news source explains why the story is BS. Stop doing the Trump Admin's work for them. This is Benghazi/emails 2.0... And people are falling for it yet again.


Oct 29, 2017
This is not news. This is actually even fine. Biden shouldn't be immune to investigation. The investigation itself isn't the problem.

GTFO of here with this nonsense.

The Biden "corruption" is a debunked conspiracy theory being peddled by Gulliani and two former Ukranian prosecutors who were wildly recognized internationally for their failure to prosecute corruption. And one of the two prosecutors has already walked back their story of the "dont investigate" list publicly as having been a fabrication.

Biden should be investigated if there is actual evidence he did something. Like what happened with Trump. You don't just start investigations into political rivals and then try and find out if there way anything worth investigating in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
then let them waste time and resources finding this out and then coming out and having to admit that to the public that this is a giant conspiracy theory.

Do you remember Benghazi? They are going to dig until they find *anything* Biden ever did even remotely wrong, then blow that up beyond all belief and use it as proof that Biden was corrupt and Trump was the real hero.

They are manufacturing a counter-narrative before our eyes that Ukraine *did* need to look into Biden, and half this forum is ok with it because they prefer another Dem in the primary, which is exactly the sort of anti-American shit the Republican party has been using to excuse undemocratic shit for decades (ends justify the means - as long as the ends are my personal preference).

Biden is like my personal 5th choice in the primary, but this is high level horseshit that needs to be called out and not normalized.
Oct 27, 2017
This is not news. This is actually even fine. Biden shouldn't be immune to investigation. The investigation itself isn't the problem.
I can't believe you guys are buying into this bullshit. You're as gullible as Trump's supporters. The Ukraine already investigated this and found no wrongdoing. It's why during this whole situation they don't know what to do and why it's been implied Trump wants them to just make up dirt, because they didn't find any


Oct 29, 2017
Having our own authorities investigate something is totally fine. However, getting another country and withholding aid as ransom is a crime.

Not really. Having a presumably independent Justice Department investigate political rivals at the behest of the President while making public announcements of such, is in fact, not fine.


Oct 27, 2017
It's pretty obvious some folks just don't like Biden and are willing to carry Trump's water if it damages his chances in the primary.
Dec 22, 2017
It seems that people have bought into the bullshit.

So, for those that aren't aware: Biden has done *nothing* wrong, nor has his son. This was already investigated and nothing was found.

Any credible news source explains why the story is BS. Stop doing the Trump Admin's work for them. This is Benghazi/emails 2.0... And people are falling for it yet again.

I think it's less falling for it, and more "This tired shit again? Bring it".



Oct 27, 2017
So what's next? Biden suddenly passes away due to poison. This is a very dangerous Direction this country is going into. This is getting near Putin level corruption.

Problem is is that Trump wants to have investigation on all of the democratic nominees, but would fight and Claw if you even try to look into his history. If this becomes normal, next step is when people start dying randomly or starts to disappear. When that happens, this country is a land of no conscious.
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