
Oct 25, 2017
Zuko's redemption arc is one of my favorite in fiction, in large part because it is actually fulfilling and well-earned unlike most redemption arcs which are too fast, don't deal with the consequences of the redeemed character's previous actions and/or end up hand-waving away or white-washing those bad actions no matter how ridiculous it is (compare Zuko's organic growth over dozens of episodes to Kylo Ren's "redemption", for example). So many other great characters - both major and side - and so many nice touches throughout.

I guess perspective is everything. I don't recall ever seeing anything other than his history of being a brilliant war general who was really driven for power and was the one originally orchestrating the attack against Ba Sing Se which got his son killed and ultimately destroyed him and lead to him losing his position as the next fire lord, his emotional journey and eventually to the wise Iroh we grew to see in the show. It wasnt like his personality had a 180 either considering we see him a flashback of him with his son playing around. The fire nation itself was on a conquest and he was the next fire lord. He was described as wise and powerful not necessarily ruthless from all I remember.

Iroh talks about burning Ba Sing Se to the ground at some point during the siege (it's been awhile so I forget the exact context), though he's generally speaking a much more compassionate/better person than most in the Fire Nation's ruling elite. I don't recall them really going into too much depth about how much of a warmonger Iroh was in those days, but I admittedly haven't read all the supplementary materials.

And to be honest even if he was a 'warmonger', it makes the character all the more interesting. Humans arent perfect creatures by any means. Normally former enemies who change their ways tend to be among the more beloved characters in fiction. Hell, Zuko is basically going through this journey in the show itself and is most definitely among the more beloved characters.

I'd agree in principle, but the show doesn't really delve too deeply into that side of Iroh and the fandom largely whitewashes him as well. It's kind of a shame, because I think Iroh's full arc is a lot more interesting and meaningful when it incorporates his full story which includes having to learn and grow himself rather than just focusing on him as a wise/loving mentor.


Oct 25, 2017
Zuko's redemption arc is one of my favorite in fiction, in large part because it is actually fulfilling and well-earned unlike most redemption arcs which are too fast, don't deal with the consequences of the redeemed character's previous actions and/or end up hand-waving away or white-washing those bad actions no matter how ridiculous it is (compare Zuko's organic growth over dozens of episodes to Kylo Ren's "redemption", for example). So many other great characters - both major and side - and so many nice touches throughout.

Iroh talks about burning Ba Sing Se to the ground at some point during the siege (it's been awhile so I forget the exact context), though he's generally speaking a much more compassionate/better person than most in the Fire Nation's ruling elite. I don't recall them really going into too much depth about how much of a warmonger Iroh was in those days, but I admittedly haven't read all the supplementary materials.

I'd agree in principle, but the show doesn't really delve too deeply into that side of Iroh and the fandom largely whitewashes him as well. It's kind of a shame, because I think Iroh's full arc is a lot more interesting and meaningful when it incorporates his full story which includes having to learn and grow himself rather than just focusing on him as a wise/loving mentor.
"[Voice-over.] If the city is as magnificent as its wall, Ba Sing Se must be something to behold. I hope you all may see it someday, if we don't burn it to the ground first! [Laughs.]"

This is the only time he says something like that.

I don't think it was his intention to do that. Ran and Sha, the two Dragons who he spared gave him the vision of Taking Ba Sing Se, which he was focused on as a General. The reality of that vision was that he was going to take it back from the Fire Nation.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I loved the show, but I thought Season 3 was weak and hated the finale. Not only that, but the more I think about Uncle Iroh the more of an asshole I think he is. The guy was a warmonger that only changed after he was personally affected by the death of his son.


Gameplay Programmer, Sony Santa Monica
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't initially watch the show as it aired, only really saw it two-three years ago, as an adult, and honestly it was every bit as quality as everyone had suggested it would be. The show is just a masterful mix of comedy, action, and meaningful character stories rooted in a quality of writing any story should be proud to have.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Such a great show, the fact that it is as good as it is seems like a happy accident.

When the creative team behind it split off and made different shows (Korra and The Dragon Prince) both were good, but not quite the level The Last Airbender achieved.

It was lightning in a bottle that may never be reached for a long time.


Dec 25, 2017
Best animated show imho. It was treated like a mini series and allowed to have a proper ending. More shows should do this .


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I should watch this for the third time... it deserves to be watched many many times


Mar 4, 2019
This show was amazing and it was a fucking masterpiece. My childhood. I loved it then and love it now
May 26, 2018
Lightning in a bottle, caught by a miracle team that intersected at a crossroad at a specific moment in time. Will never happen again, not in that way, and not with those feelings.


Mar 4, 2019
I guess Avatar's 15th anniversary is the time for me to mention my elementary school self sequel fanfiction series "Avatar Chronicles"which I never wrote


Oct 25, 2017
An underrated part of AtLA is how versatile a show it could be with respect to mood. It's obviously light hearted and action based most of the time, but it could transfer that energy flawlessly into serious or somber ways. Moments like when Aang met Koh expand the mythology while also showing a side to the show that before hand hasn't really been felt - that mysterious tension.

It's why Avatar's "filler" episodes aren't really filler. This supreme execution of mood allows for effective character moments, which is why Tales of Ba Sing Se is a critical episode even though it doesn't advance the plot at all. The Beach does more for Azula's character definition than any other episode in the show, which allows her fall in the finale to be that much more complex.

It's the little things - the details - that add up to make AtLA stand a cut above the rest.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
Here's my Avatar hot takes from a guy who started watching the show in 2006:

Season 1 finale is the best of three. Makes the world feel large, that the stakes felt more than just the main cast with a large scale LoTR style battle and a plenty of powerful emotions.

Season 3, despite having the highest highs, also had the lowest lows. It really felt like they have day of black sun and the comet to get to and didn't know how to get there so they spun their wheels for 14 episodes.

Korra isn't nearly as bad as hyperbole says it is, and most of the bad parts of Korra season 2 were from the first half of the season. Once she regains her memory Korra becomes more of the type of person she was meant to be.

Also, I think it's funny that Tales of Ba Sing Se was widely considered of the worst episodes at the time of release but time has been nothing but kind in the last decade and a half. Now i see it constantly in top five lists but I suspect it's due to Irohs story and nothing more.

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
I would give so much just to feel something remotely as good as ATLA made me feel again.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched the whole thing as it was released and all love it. The world, characters, music, themes, etc. were all so incredible.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America

Thanks for posting this. I shall check it out shortly.

Personally, what stuck with me about Avatar is just how "grounded" it all felt. Nothing in the show ever felt "forced" and every shred of redemption or further descent into chaos felt like it had some authentic chain of events behind it.

I loved Legend of Korra as well (it really fares better on rewatch, especially as the seasons go on) but the first one was the pioneer and perhaps that's why it will always be just a bit more special to me.

Perhaps it is a bitter sweet moment then to realize that while it opened the floodgates for similar very well thought out animations, there may not be another equally groundbreaking series.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
I still remember watching the premiere. I was 11 I think. Man, crazy how good the show became but the potential was there from day one. Sokka and Zuko were my favs.

Happy Anniversary


Oct 27, 2017
Fantastic show. I loved watching it with my young daughter. I hated the stupid fart joke advertising and lack of Katara/Toph/any girl toys from Nickelodeon.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely bloody amazing show and man is it good. That finale with Azula is insane!

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
Props to the female characters, they were always excellent. I wish more "shonen anime" could write its female characters like it.


Oct 26, 2017
Currently watching this with my partner as I bought him the bluray collection as a gift awhile ago. He's never seen it and we just got to season 2. I'm very excited to see his reactions to the series from here on out!

One of my favorite shows ever. Reading the artbook gave me a whole new appreciation for the show too. Lots of great stories and details that give fun context to the show.