
May 16, 2019
This appears to be some questionable reporting by ESPN. Think they may have gotten a little ahead of themselves.

If Garrett is somehow not fired, this would be an all-time black eye for ESPN. Like people need to be fired.


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone knew he should have been canned in 2013, yet he lasted 6 more years. How the fuck did he do it. He actively cost us games, either with poor 2 min drills, bad use of timeouts (or lack their of) and poor challenge decisions.

I also can't believe he didn't play romo in 3016 when he got healthy. I would have him into the ground. That was his best team ever and we didn't get to witness it. Prime zeke with Romo. Yeah let's play this 4th rounder who averages 200 yards a game. What a waste.

Anyway this is a huge boost to the team, you almost can't do worse. I'm excited for the possibility of a good coach. When does Cheats contract expire? Ha!


Nov 30, 2018
Nah, fam. I don't see this happening at all. Like, who's coming for Jason Garrett? A guy who's had awesome players and managed to go 8-8 three years in a row.
Oh I'm not saying it's deserved but dudes like Garrett and Marvin Lewis usually bounce back through their connections. Look at Josh McDaniels;he burned indy last year and now he's in the browns mix. Tom cable sucks yet he's around. Even in college lane kiffin is still coaching


Jan 11, 2018
No more excuses now. When the Cowboys inevitably fail again next year it's going to be hilarious to see who people blame then.


Oct 27, 2017
Still won't matter until Jerry steps his ass away and just sticks to being the owner and having an actual GM. Team is going nowhere until he's out of football. Dumbass would have at least another 3 Super Bowl rings if he didn't fuck around with Jimmy Johnson in the early 90s.


Oct 27, 2017

That shit was entertaining as hell from a non-fan's perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a surprise, they've been talking about him like he had a guillotine over his job for a while now.


Oct 25, 2017
You can hear the screams from New York, Philly and Washington.

This is like a few years too late. They had their window the last 3 years where they were underpaying key positions. Dallas is going to be pretty bad the next few years too.

They have no QB unless they're willing to overpay Dak.
They have no receivers unless they're willing to overpay Cooper.
Zeke with his play style is only going to get worse.

They already overpaid a bunch of players that are under performing.

The NFL isn't the NBA there's a hard cap. That's why draft picks are so valuable to NFL teams, its not so much about the talent is about the talent per dollar.

Plus they were barely decent this year. They only beat 1 playoff team all year and 6 of their 8 wins came from the worst 5 teams in the league.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Time for Jerry to get another yes man, lame duck coach. I have a feeling that Garrett won't be unemployed for long. It might be possible that he takes the gig in New York while bringing in Jay Gruden as an OC


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
Umm is it just me or has Jason Garrett not actually parted ways:


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
I'm actually afraid the Cowboys might be good now. If they hire Greg Roman then Dak's gonna have an awesome career.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I'm amazed that he kept his job this long. Jerry must've really liked the guy because he really didn't deserve to be HC as long as he did.


Nov 15, 2017
Only mediocre white men are allowed to keep their jobs for far longer then they should have. If Garret was a minority he would have been fired in year 3 after posting bac to back 8-8 records.


Jul 18, 2018
You can hear the screams from New York, Philly and Washington.

This is like a few years too late. They had their window the last 3 years where they were underpaying key positions. Dallas is going to be pretty bad the next few years too.

They have no QB unless they're willing to overpay Dak.
They have no receivers unless they're willing to overpay Cooper.
Zeke with his play style is only going to get worse.

They already overpaid a bunch of players that are under performing.

The NFL isn't the NBA there's a hard cap. That's why draft picks are so valuable to NFL teams, its not so much about the talent is about the talent per dollar.

Plus they were barely decent this year. They only beat 1 playoff team all year and 6 of their 8 wins came from the worst 5 teams in the league.

I would reserve judgement on that perceived "doomed" take

They will have a QB, once they pay or tag Dak. Who was having a statistically good season compared to his previous three. "Overpaying" is moot once you consider Goff and Wentz got paid but have not set their respective franchises back as well as the anual Cap increase.

Cooper is a solid receiver with questionable road game stats, but is not a bum and again "Overpaying" isn't a nail in the coffin, as suggested.

Zekes got a long contract that he honestly probably won't fully complete, but is young and still a top back. FYI I totally follow the school of thought about NOT paying RBs(also Pollard looks to be the real deal and compliment to Zekes excessive contact style)

Only paid players they've done is Lawrence, Collins and Jaylon Smith. They have over 10 free agents possibly leaving BECAUSE they don't pay out so easily. Only Smith, would I agree isn't paying up to his contract.

Lastly, they definitely were outplayed by formidable teams BUT they had such a outstanding point differential total that history shows SHOULD have led to different results.

I can totally see validity in your points but I also see how easily the turn around could be as well


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Long overdue, but don't worry! Jerry will hire another yes man and the Cowboys will continue to underperform.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
It's a done deal Garrett has been let go. And former Packers coach Mike McCarthy is the new coach.