
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
I played about 13 hours of The Division 1 and while I enjoyed it, I felt a bit late to the party, having only started it 2 years ago. I also just bought The Division 2 which is just as fun but can you spot the differences?

These games look very similar, with no real leap in graphical quality over the first game.

The Christmas in New York setting is great in D1. Being from New York the recreation of my city is above average, even if they compress the hell out of certain areas.

I've only been to D.C. once, but it is a great location for the game and looks lovingly created. Having shootouts in historic museums is a lot of fun.

I'm only 3 hours into D2 but the story seems just as minimal as everyone suggests it is. At least in D1 we got radio DJs talking about the outbreak, and suggesting more was afoot.

The UI in D1 uses more overlays but it's very similar to D2.

I don't know about mission structure, so far D2 missions seem just as involved as the previous game. In your opinion are the missions more interested in D2 or D1?
Jun 1, 2018
Jep I have over 1000hours in division 1 but keep returning because the setting etc. were just soooo good. especially the isolated christmas level design was so great with all the lights and snow.

division 2 seems just so bland in comparison
Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing D2 since I got it on sale. The breadth of activities and things to do are better so far in D2, but the map is just bleh when compared to NY in the winter

Deleted member 10726

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I only played the beta of The Division 1 and beat The Division 2.

With that said I'd say the first game. 2 didn't really have much going for it. Both games aren't like masterpieces in design by any means, but 1 definitely had the better world.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
TD2 is incredibly boring, mostly because of its setting. Christmas really worked well in TD1.

Deleted member 56580

User requested account closure
May 8, 2019
Division 1 felt like a story taking place after an outbreak which led to catastrophic events. It had the right missions, the cleaners were amazing, the lore was rich and I don't know it felt deadly all around, contaminated areas really gave the creeps and the Dark Zones were really interesting in terms of level design and everything. Like if you play it solo, its a hell of a trip

Division 2 is "what if Michael Bay took the helm of it all but hired the writer of Independence Day" within the universe of Division.

Its all around tragically bad to an unbelievable extent whereas 1 never, EVER felt like that. Also the new faction replacing the LMB just SUCKS. Feels like they didn't understand the first game at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish we got something like Survival or (reworked) Underground DLC for Division 2. Such a missed opportunity.


Oct 27, 2017
Divison 1 with HDR support would be a dream. I hope they return to NYC at some point with the updated engine.


Oct 28, 2017
Is D1 worth playing for singe-player campaign content alone?
I did and had a great time. They're right the setting keeps the world feel alive and unique. The gun play and tactical feel of the game is unique along with the loot. Then there's the dark zone which is tense but can be single player content where you are trying to be stealthy and clear out a group before you get ganked. The loot is so good in the dark zone so that tenseness is also unique and sometimes you get to gank others.


Oct 25, 2017
The atmosphere the first game is unrivaled. Spring in DC just doesn't have the same charm. D2 is still really fun to play though. I really love the shooting in these games.
Oct 27, 2017
I despise the overall tone in TD2 (was my main worry playing the technical preview before release and it proved to be true), just dreadful and unbelievably boring to the point of I rarely want to play the game even though it plays fine mostly and looks good as well.

I wish Massive could take the only improvements (the randomness of the PvE light-zones and the quasi Destiny-like Public Event activities) of TD2 and incorporate them into TD1.

I adored TD1 (the atmosphere, the gear sets, character customization, Incursions, Legendary Missions, Weekly/Weekend Global Events, The Underground, etc), such a shame the direction they took with TD2.
Oct 27, 2017
I feel I enjoyed D1 much more than D2, but I can't really say exactly why.
The city and atmosphere.

They should've stayed in nyc, move to summer and just expanded on manhattan and the other boroughs. They built this huge city and then updated it that A LOT of people didn't play. Survival, Underground, Chelsea Piers, Incursions. Such a waste.


Oct 29, 2017
Played the beta of 2 and couldn't tell real differences apart from the setting. There were also some technical issues (ridiculous loading times for cutscenes, wtf) and the gameplay with a lvl 30 char wasn't that much different than that of a lvl 10 char, with enemies only becoming more sponges.

At that time I haven't played 1 no more than maybe ten hours, paid maybe 15 EUR and still have plenty of content in a world with a waaay better atmosphere with all that snow.

Also the narrative didn't seem to be no better in any way and with the protagonist still being silent there was no gain or improvement I could spot in that department, too.

I see no reason to buy The Division 2 with that much content 1 still has to offer.


Animation Programmer
Oct 30, 2017
I have 200+ hours in both D1 and D2.

D1 does setting and story so much better than D2. NYC at Christmas is such a great setting and the individual stories it tells through the ECHOs are really cool.

D2 does gameplay and specifically shooting much better than D1, Washington D.C. is not as interesting a location, and the lack of care and attention that is given to the story is really disappointing.


Dec 11, 2017
D1 does setting and story so much better than D2. NYC at Christmas is such a great setting and the individual stories it tells through the ECHOs are really cool.

D2 does gameplay and specifically shooting much better than D1, Washington D.C. is not as interesting a location, and the lack of care and attention that is given to the story is really disappointing.

This +1000. D2's gameplay is much improved but the winter NYC setting just can't be beat. Not just the season setting, the NYC map is on the whole better.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
I have 200+ hours in both D1 and D2.

D1 does setting and story so much better than D2. NYC at Christmas is such a great setting and the individual stories it tells through the ECHOs are really cool.

D2 does gameplay and specifically shooting much better than D1, Washington D.C. is not as interesting a location, and the lack of care and attention that is given to the story is really disappointing.
Thanks for the take. This is what I have been thinking about. While I enjoy D2 a lot I am 13 hours into D1 and still really miss the snowy NY feel. But I do think the feel of shooting in D2 may be tigher.


Mar 4, 2019
I think D2 is a very boring game. I lost interest after 10 or so hours completely. Had few issues with connectivity as well.

Also the mission design is just repetitive and boring. Agent is supposedly getting in areas that have been quarantined and on lock down since the outbreak but ofcourse the enemies are already in there and irrespective each mission has 3 phases.

1. Explore the area and find the objective.
2. 2-3 waves while you secure the objective
3. A third escape phase where the mini-boss battle takes place.

And i loved Division 1.


Oct 29, 2017
D1 is better. D2 has some improvements but the location/atmosphere is just not there.
And i didnt even like D1 that much to boot.


Oct 25, 2017
Something about Div1 i liked a lot regarding the atmosphere is seeing the normal pedestrians moving about the streets trying to avoid gangs and survive. They completely removed this from Div2 and all "civilians" are armed and on patrols.


Oct 29, 2017
Something about Div1 i liked a lot regarding the atmosphere is seeing the normal pedestrians moving about the streets trying to avoid gangs and survive. They completely removed this from Div2 and all "civilians" are armed and on patrols.

Yep. Div 1 had INCREDIBLE atmosphere. It really felt like NYC winter. The snow, lights, dogs barking in the distance, civilian groups... I fell in love in the first 10 minutes of playing the beta. Div 2 the world feels so soulless to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. Div 1 had INCREDIBLE atmosphere. It really felt like NYC winter. The snow, lights, dogs barking in the distance, civilian groups... I fell in love in the first 10 minutes of playing the beta. Div 2 the world feels so soulless to me.

Yeah you really got the feel that the world was on its last legs cause you saw people struggling everywhere. Div2 just felt like it was filled with roaming packs of gangs.


Oct 25, 2017
The atmosphere in D2 has completely turned me off from playing it.
Oct 27, 2017
Division 1 is one of my all time favourites. I love the atmosphere; the snow, the decaying Christmas themes etc. The dark zone was a new take on multiplayer and generally worked really well. Division 2 is fun, but it didn't grab me as much as the original, in large part thanks to the lack of snowy atmosphere and I was also hoping they would do something about the lack of truly covetable gear that was lacking in Division 1.

Division 2 also has (on PS4 at least) some of the worst texture pop in I've ever seen on console.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
The Division 2 is a better game but I still prefer the first game. The setting in NYC was just perfect and it had a bunch of great missions. I finished The Division 2 and enjoyed it but I honestly cannot remember a single mission from it.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
Wow, you guys are getting me excited to jump back into D1.

As I said in the OP, I really dig walking around the streets of New York in D1, I guess from the response here I wasn't the only one. I put 13 hours in D1 on the PS4 but now that I have it on Xbox One X I may restart it since I live in NY and it is the Holiday season.


Oct 27, 2017
The division 2 really needed rotating seasons for its map kinda like Forza has. The summer DC setting got boring real quick, and the dark zone atmosphere doesn't touch the first games at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Echoing the sentiment of the majority of people here.

I loved Div 1. I adored the cold winter night atmosphere. Wonderfully executed.
I just couldn't get into Div 2.
Oct 26, 2017
TD1 definitely beats out it's sequel on atmosphere, not just the winter setting but the way the narrative set the tone too.
It had the advantage as it was set just after the fall, so all the narrative pick ups (Echo's mobile phones etc) detailed the actual collapse from the perspective of normal people as society was crumbling around them. Also, Keener's self assured arrogance in his diary entries.
Then there's the characters. Lau, Kandel, Benitez and Rhodes all had really distinct personalities and their in mission dialogue was often pretty good and was another layer helped fill in the world. I actually can't really remember a single person from TD2 other than the scarred amputee woman from the first settlement.

That said there were definitely some points in TD2 where I was quietly exploring the back alleys, rooftops and sewers where the eerie silence made for a great feel. TD2 had much. much netter exploration than it's prequel.
The first game shipped long on atmosphere but short on actual gameplay where as the second was the opposite. The thing is, it's a lot easier to add improved and expanded gameplay after release than world building and atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong, I like TD2 and it was an excellent sequel, just it unfortunately suffers a bit from Ubisoft style gamepay design by numbers.