
Oct 25, 2017

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Release Date: April 25, 2024
Release Time: 9AM PST / 12PM EST -- Update is live

Price: FREE

  • Steam (Including Steam Deck Verification)
  • Xbox PC App
  • GOG
  • Epic Games Store
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PlayStation 5

Official Patch Notes

  • Widescreen and ultra-widescreen support
  • Stability improvements and bug fixes
    • Resolved issues preventing Japanese and Chinese users from connecting to (this restores access to Mods).
    • Resolved issue preventing saves being made under Windows Usernames with Cyrillic, Chinese, or Japanese characters.
    • Resolved issue preventing save data from properly loading during the prologue.
    • Resolved issue that could prevent the Vault 111 Door from opening on new games.
    • Resolved issue that could prevent the quest "Go Home" from advancing.
    • Resolved issue that could result in Codsworth being broken on the ground after fast traveling.
    • Resolved issue with mipmaps in DLC.
    • Resolved issue that could result in a softlock when in dialogue with Prestson Garvey.
    • Resolved issue preventing autosaves while fast traveling in Power Armor.
    • Fixed issue where text would occasionally disappear in the Creation Club menu.
    • Resolved issues with text formatting in the credits in Japanese and Chinese.
    • Resolved issue causing the camera to fail when leaving furniture after an extended time.
    • Fixed issue that could misplace quest markers while the VR Workshop Creation was installed alongside Automatron.
    • Resolved issue with player movement in some underwater areas at Thicket Excavations.
    • Resolved issue that could cause corruption within the Settlement system resulting in wrong resource counts and/or destroyed settlements.
    • Resolved issue where the "Level Up" notification would display even if there was not a level up available.
    • Fixed some flickering in Vault 111.
  • Creation Kit fixes
    • Removed non-functional "Hot Load" button. Removed non-functional "Material Editor" button.
    • Editor IDs longer than 99 characters will no longer crash the editor.
    • Resolved crash that could occur while viewing a quest's Objectives tab.
    • Resolved hang that could occur while adding a reference to a layer.
  • Added "Installed Content" menu.
  • Native applications for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5
  • Performance Mode and Quality Mode
    • Performance mode: 60 FPS target, 4k resolution, standard settings, relying on dynamic resolution scaling.
    • Quality mode: 30 FPS*, 4k resolution, ultra settings, should not require dynamic resolution scaling.
      *When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS.
      *When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode
  • Up to 60FPS and increased resolutions
  • Stability improvements and bug fixes
  • Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will also receive a free update with stability improvements and various bug fixes
  • Added "Installed Content" menu.

New Quest: "Echoes of the Past" - Stop remnants of the Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth. The quest starts on the road north of Saugus Ironworks.
  • Enclave Workshop Objects
  • Enclave Colonel Uniform
  • Enclave Weapon Skins (previously released as Creation Club content)
  • Enclave Armor Skins (previously released as Creation Club content)
  • Tesla Cannon (previously released as Creation Club content)
  • Heavy Incinerator (previously released as Creation Club content)
  • X-02 Power Armor (previously released as Creation Club content)
  • Hellfire Power Armor (previously released as Creation Club content)
New Quest: "When Pigs Fly" - Whether it be grenades or piggy banks, there's no shortage of objects you can transform into murderous projectiles with this collection of unique weapons. The quest starts at a merchant workshop northwest of Greenetech Genetics.
  • Makeshift Weapon Pack
    • Two new grenade launchers
    • Nail Gun
    • Baseball Launcher
    • Saw Blade Launcher
    • Piggy Bank-based weaponry
New Quest: "All Hallow's Eve" - On the eve of the end, the New England Technocrat Society has thrown a spooky Halloween gala for anyone with the nerve to attend. Drop in on this fa-boo-lous pumpkin-lit soiree replete with witches, cauldrons, and ghouls, and unlock 38 new spine-tingling Halloween props to decorate your settlement! Includes new wearables, such as the iconic De-Capitalist helmet! The quest starts by tuning into the Mysterious Signal on your Pip-Boy.
  • Halloween Workshop
    • 38 Halloween themed props


This update is incompatible with the current version of the Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE). The full extent of changes that BGS implemented is not currently known, but members of the F4SE Team have stated that this update is equivalent to the Skyrim Anniversary Edition Update. As such, it is highly likely that it will take some time before F4SE can be made compatible with the PC version of the Next-Gen Update. With that in mind, everything present below is only going to be applicable to the pre-Update version of Fallout 4 (Patch 1.34). If you want to dip your toes into the modding scene early, you can find instructions on how to revert the update in the second post of this thread. A notice will be made when the new version of F4SE has been available.

The Golden Rule of Modding is to READ!
Channel your inner LeVar Burton and read!
  • Read the guide's installation instructions!
  • Read the guide's FAQ!
  • Read the mod's installation instructions!
  • Read the mod's FAQ!
Mod authors can only help those who help themselves.


Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
- F4SE is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout 4. It does so without modifying the executable files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects. A large number of Fallout 4's mods are F4SE-dependent and need to be updated alongside it. F4SE is compatible with the Steam and GOG versions of Fallout 4. The Xbox PC App is locked down in a similar way to consoles and does not allow necessary APIs to function so F4SE will not be compatible with that version of the game.

- A master file using the .esm file extension (short for Elder Scrolls Master). ESMs serve as the primary database of Game Files that plugin files can reference, modify, or add to. They are loaded prior to plugin files.

- Plugin files using the .esp file extensions (short for Elder Scrolls Plugin). ESPs are largely identical to master files in structure but are loaded after them and are unable to modify other plugin files. They are intended for use with player mods, as base games and their DLC are both packaged with ESM files.

- The Light Master file, using the .esl file extension, is a new optimized file format introduced in 2017. Using ESLs allows more plugins to be loaded than previously possible due to the 8-bit plugin ID limit of 255. An ESL does this by using more of the Form ID range for load order, while also sacrificing its maximum capacity for form records. It is primarily used for Creation Club content. Some EPS mods can be tagged as ESL files by their creators, thus bypassing the 255-plugin limit.

- Recent innovations have seen the establishment of new processes that significantly improve the modding experience. What used to take a whole day to accomplish can now be done in a few hours or less thanks to modlists. Different applications have different terms for this such as Nexus' Collections, but for simplicities sake, I will be referring to these as modlists. So, what are modlists? The simplest explanation is that a modlist is a collection of mods that have been bundled together in such a way that they can be downloaded and installed with a few simple clicks. Currently there are two main methods by which modlists can be installed, Nexus Collections and Wabbajack. Nexus Collections are designed for the Vortex mod manager and supports 134 games such as the various Fallouts, Baldur's Gate 3, Stardew Valley, The Witcher 3, and more. Wabbajack is a community-made tool that utilizes Mod Organizer 2 and also supports the various Fallouts and so on.

Best Practices
Now, with that out of the way, let's go over some best practices when it comes to modding BGS games. 90% of this OP will only pertain to the PC versions of these games as that's what I play on. A general rule of thumb when it comes to modding BGS is that you SHOULDN'T add or remove mods in the middle of a playthrough. There are caveats to this, but in general, try to avoid it if you can. A super simplified way to look at this is as follows:

Simple mods = Safe
Complex mods = Unsafe

What constitutes a simple or complex mod? Again, a simplified way to look at is by looking at what they are adding to the game. In these terms, a retexture mod is simple because it's essentially applying a new coat of paint to a preexisting asset. A complex mod would include a project that adds new systems and scripts or drastically alters an existing system or script. Sim Settlements 2 would be an example of this, a huge mod in terms of both filesize and new systems.

Are Mods Safe to Use?
If you installed them correctly, then yes! Generally speaking, mods are perfectly safe to use. Sites like Nexus Mods have a built-in virus scanner to ensure that nothing malicious is available to download. The modding community is also very diligent at pointing out malicious or unsafe content.

Fallout 4's Creation Club Content
Is Creation Club (CC) content safe to use in conjunction with regular ol' mods? Yes! BGS puts all CC content through a stringent quality assurance process before approving them for distribution. All CC content is 100% optional and standalone with respect to each other. Mods for CC content exist so you obviously need to own them in order to use said mods. CC content is either made by a handful of BGS employees or verified mod authors who've been paid a commission. The new Creations initiative introduced in Skyrim should make its way to Fallout 4 sometime in the future and verified mod authors will be able to receive a royalty in the place of a one-time commission.

Console Mods
Fallout 4 is notable for being one of the biggest games in the market that allows mods on consoles. But as consoles are closed systems, various technological restrictions exist that will forever prevent them from being on par with computers. In addition to tech restrictions, artificial restrictions exist as well especially with regards to PlayStation consoles. Sony does not allow mods that contain external assets on their consoles. Because of this, the types of mods available on PlayStation are significantly less complex and interesting than those on PC or Xbox. Restrictions do exist for Xbox consoles like only allowing 2GB of dedicated mod storage, but the use of external assets is allowed. As such, a large number of mods that are available on PC are also available on Xbox. Weapons, armors, quests, you name it. Mods that unlock frame rates or tweak the game engine are obviously not allowed on Xbox though. All that to say, if you want to have the best possible modding experience on console, Xbox is the way to go. Mods for the consoles versions of Fallout 4 are exclusively available through

Do not concern yourself with this section unless you have rolled back your Fallout 4 installation to the pre-Update version, Patch 1.34.


Fallout mods can be found all over the internet, but these are the most popular sites where they can be found.

Nexus Mods


BGS modding concerns itself with two mod managers. Vortex, which is developed by Nexus Mods, and Mod Organizer 2 (MO2) which is a community-made project. Each one has its pros and cons, but in general, Vortex offers a simpler user-friendly experience while MO2 offers more control and finetuning. My personal recommendation to anyone new to modding is to start with Vortex, familiarize yourself with things like load orders, and then move to MO2. Links to download these applications is included below. Most mod guides include instructions on how and where to install them. A good rule of thumb is to install them and the games you're modding onto an SSD other than your C: Drive as Administrator Privileges can get in the way at times.

Mod Organizer 2


A StoryWealth - Nexus Collection - Vortex
Official Discord

"A StoryWealth brings you the best Quests (25+), Settlement play, Companions, Sim Settlements 2 INCLUDING Chapter 3 and SS2 Addons. For new and experienced users all in a STABLE and SMOOTH to play package."

Roam the Commonwealth the RPG way! Make your own stories!

  • Enjoy a new way of experiencing Fallout 4!
  • Rebuild the Commonwealth, live the Tales!
  • Quests galore! Custom immersion, continuation, lore-friendly patches!
  • Build settlements the StoryWealth style!
  • Mix and match Sim Settlements 2 - Addons- Vanilla - Prefab!
  • Travel alone or choose some companions!

Sephrajin's Modules - Nexus Collection - Vortex

"Modules are small and specialized mod-collections that aim to be interchangeable to tweak your per-game preferences."

Immersive Wasteland 2 - Nexus Collection - Vortex
Note from OP - I haven't played IW2 but I did play IW1 and had a blast.

"IW2 is an improved version of IW, which greatly enhances the exploration elements, adds new locations and quests, brings you a more Immersive and more realistic survival mode experience."

Journey into the wasteland again
  • This is an updated version IW based on my old Immersive Wasteland, but with more.
  • Compared with the old version, IW2 simplifies the gameplay, improves the smoothness of the gameflow.
  • The design of this collection is closer to the classic Fallout atmosphere, and more Lore Friendly overall.
  • Deeply adjust the combat and treatment mechanisms in survival mode.
  • Weapons and equipment are more balanced.
  • More complete patched modules, more optimized performance, and a large number of bugs fixed.
  • More modular, better compatibility with other mods.

The Midnight Ride - Manual Installation - MO2
Official Discord

TMR was put together by the same folks behind Viva New Vegas.
"The Midnight Ride is a modding guide for Fallout 4 that will carefully walk you through how to install all the mods you will need for a perfectly stable, smooth and enjoyable experience.

The guide is highly accessible for everyone, no matter your modding experience. It is still incredibly important that you read all the instructions very carefully, even if you believe you are experienced enough to skip them. There are many small instructions that are vital for your game to function, and could be easily missed if you aren't careful. Although you don't need any modding experience to use this guide, it is expected for you to be relatively experienced with operating a computer in general."

  • Stability: The guide includes all essential stability enhancements and no placebo/dangerous mods.
  • Performance: Every tool, setting and mod in the guide has been carefully selected and play-tested to ensure maximum possible performance. With the recommended specs listed below, you can expect ~60 FPS in the heavier areas of Boston.
  • Customizability: The guide is split into 2 sections; all the mods required for the game to work and perform better are contained in the first section. The mods that can be considered subjective and that alter or add game content are in the TMR Extended section.
  • Better Gameplay: As part of the TMR Extended section, the guide includes many mods that greatly improve the gameplay without drastically overhauling the core experience or straying away from the game's original intent.


Fallout 4 is technically* the second most popular game on Nexus with over 48 thousand mods available to download as of this writing. As such, I could spend an inordinate amount of time recommending mods to everyone, but I will restrict myself to core gameplay systems only. Fallout 4 changed the formula a lot, especially in comparison to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The majority of mods listed below either reimplement a system that was available in prior games or adds new ones introduced in Fallout 76.
*Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition are listed separately and have more mods between them.

Fallout 3 / New Vegas Gameplay Systems
Fallout 76 Gameplay Systems
Assorted Gameplay Systems
New Lands

- Fallout 4: Point Lookout
A fan recreation of Fallout 3's Point Lookout DLC, fully realized in Fallout 4, including all quests and NPCs.


Fallout 4 is almost a decade old and in that time the community has collected a wealth of information pertaining to it. If you're new to the game and you have questions regarding a quest, faction, companion, or anything else, these wikis have you covered.

The Independent Fallout Wiki / Fallout Wiki YouTube
Nukapedia: The (Fandom) Fallout Wiki

If you have questions about the other games in the series, stop by the Franchise OT and we'll do our best.
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Oct 25, 2017
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Dec 23, 2017
Do saves carry over? I've been playing Fallout 4 from the Windows Store since March.


Dec 9, 2020
It looks to be out on Xbox.
22.65GB for the base game. Each DLC has a separate update too.


Oct 25, 2017
Do we have any idea what the Performance and Quality modes are on Xbox? I have to admit I'm a little disappointed it's not just 4K/60 across the board.


Dec 3, 2018
Remaking point lookout is such a funny idea, definitely need to check that out. All of Fallout 3's DLC would benefit from the same treatment, that game cannot handle the amount of combat they throw at you lol
How does it work on PS5? Is it a patch for PS4 version or separate SKU?


Oct 25, 2017
while awaiting the update.. Just stumbled upon a few new ones. Wonder how many locations left to discover :P



Oct 27, 2017
56GB on PS5.

Upgrade may be broken at the moment. My disc copy can upgrade for free, my PS+ Game Collection version is not allowing an upgrade yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Update on Xbox Marketplace, dayum and all the DLC needs to be redownloaded too

Beaten ^


Nov 3, 2017
Moment of truth! Is Downtown Boston still stutter city or have they fixed it!


Oct 28, 2017
Just downloading the PS5 I right that we need to download all the DLC individually as well?


Jan 15, 2020
I was hoping the PS+ version would work for the sake of digital but fortunately I still have my disk laying around.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm actually thrilled for this update - more than I thought I would!

I think I'm going to build a sniper/sneak gal who doesn't put up with anyones bull. Also, I've missed Valentine as he sounds exactly like my wife's much loved grandfather, who passed away several years ago.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Dang. They aren't honoring the PS+ version... Bullshit.

Edit: looking at my receipts I might have a disc laying around if I didn't trade it in.

Edit 2: disc found, personal crisis averted. Still BS though.
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Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if a new paid mods system similar to Skyrim is coming with this.


Oct 27, 2017
I expect an update from Berhsda and/or Soy about how this is an "error" after enough people complain.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I should give it another go. Played the game twice, and enjoyed it for sure but somehow completely lost steam half way through the game. Maybe third time is the charm?

The Gamepass version doesn't have all the DLC, does it?


Mar 7, 2022
Very annoying, I had the disc and the season pass originally, sold it when the plus version came out. Now I don't have anything


Oct 30, 2017
Bombs fell on Oct 23 2077, so shortly before Halloween, which I believe is why you see decorations here and there. Not that I've ever met anyone who decorated 8 days before Halloween.
I'm sorry, when do you decorate for halloween then? I'm in Canada so my Thanksgiving is in October, and my Halloween decorations are probably starting to go up around the start of the month