
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't expecting 'that' to be honest. It hit my ass right in the feels and it was nice to have a really good, tasteful, bittersweet series finale for once.

Really great show.

Note: By 'that' I just mean I didn't expect them all to eventually leave.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the better series finales I've ever seen.

Just top to bottom a great show. What a wonderful cast.

It was hard to say goodbye.


Nov 19, 2017
I was sad to see it end, but I have so much respect for the producers and writers to end it when it needed to be. They told an amazing story and seem to have put work into wrapping it up nicely.

The cast really is amazing.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah. It was the kind of ending possible for a series like this. What a weird series.

Also love how the last 2-3 episodes could've work as a series finale, yet they didn't stop there. It's amazing.
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Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
the. whole. time.

The Good Place ending hits me extra hard because if I could have anything, it would be that very eternity with my husband, and it's impossible, and that made me sad in a whole different way, but I loved the show so much and it was such a good ending for everyone.

Except possibly Janet. I think about that a lot, actually.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to use this thread to promote my favorite anime ever, Haibane Renmei. Because the final episode of The Good Place reminded me a lot of this show. It's only 12 episodes.


Everything with Chidi in the end crushed me.

If I have one complaint about the ending it's that I would have liked to see Chidi's afterlife more, and what led to his decision to leave.

Mostly because he was my favorite character and it seemed like we didn't get enough of him in that last episode.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's perfect. Made me cry.

The only negative I can find is the fact that Simone is in only one scene. I feel like she should have gotten proper closure. She was present enough in the last two seasons to warrant that.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
It's really impressive how consistently great The Good Place stayed through its run. It definitely got more serious/emotional as the seasons went on, which usually doesn't really work that well in sitcoms, but The Good Place was the exception. And yeah, a great final episode, which is itself a rarity.


Oct 25, 2017
The Good Place and Schitt's Creek had great endings, which is surprising because they didn't overstay their welcome and knew how to wrap things up emotionally.


Oct 27, 2017
I wasn't sure about it. It was conclusive, at least, but there was something about them inventing a second death (for reals this time) as the only way out that bugged me, but gun to my head I can't quite put my finger on why.


Oct 28, 2017
They all made their peace with the world, it did not feel their departures was too early so I was not sad. Great ending indeed.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
Season 4 was overall the weakest season (largely due to rehashing the season 1 premise with different characters/POV) but they totally nailed the finale. Great ending to a great show.


Oct 27, 2017
It absolutely crushed me, I honestly dont think I can watch it again. Incredible but devastating
Jan 25, 2018
I didn't dislike it, but I found two aspects distracting.

First, to me, the theme of getting to choose the moment when you're definitively done with existence VERY strongly echoed the discourse on assisted suicide that has been a recurring topic in national politics where I live for a few years now. Initiatives have emerged asking to extend the right to euthanasia to non-terminal illness cases as well; i.e. to older adults who simply and plainly feel they are "done with life". Despite it being kind of a controversial topic, I don't really have a strong opinion about it, but seeing the whole debate play out allegorically in a sitcom is a little otherworldly. Viewing it through this lens, all I could take away from the ending was a resounding endorsement of the right to self-termination, which I hadn't expected from a US show... but then again my understanding of the American outlook on euthanasia is minimal.

The other thing is that I thought their reinvention of the afterlife had a bit of a having-your-cake-and-eating-it feel. Under the new system you get an eternity of happiness (Abrahamic religions rejoice) AND an eternity of cold, hard nothingness after that last one AND a sort of rebirth/reentering into the lifestream in the form of positive vibes? Aren't these systems completely at odds with each other? Also, now I may be misremembering the details of it, but I got the impression they made it so that you can still rack up points during the afterlife, so you're not completely boned if you've spent your single shot at life poorly. But then where does that leave "real" life? At that point I'd say your "real" life becomes as insignificant to the entirety of your existence as, say, your time spent in the womb is to your life after birth.

With that being said, the ending suited the show well, including the overall tone, and provided closure in a way that not a lot of sitcoms manage. And it's nice to see a comedy shoot for something a little more conceptual. Doesn't have The Young Ones beat though.
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Mar 9, 2018
It was a nice spectacle but that's about it.

The message of the episode rang hollow. It isn't beautiful to end your existence because you feel "complete". There is no such thing as "complete" in life, even with eternity to explore it. And the show never convinced me otherwise. Never came close to justifying any of it. Just kinda pushed it on you and ran straight to the endzone to celebrate itself.

Very off-putting.

Anyway, feel like they wasted a lot of episodes in the last season. Show had been going downhill for a while, going in circles.


Oct 27, 2017
It was a nice spectacle but that's about it.

The message of the episode rang hollow. It isn't beautiful to end your existence because you feel "complete". There is no such thing as "complete" in life, even with eternity to explore it. And the show never convinced me otherwise. Never came close to justifying any of it. Just kinda pushed it on you and ran straight to the endzone to celebrate itself.

Very off-putting.

Anyway, feel like they wasted a lot of episodes in the last season. Show had been going downhill for a while, going in circles.
Well, no human has ever lived more than a hundred and change years. So at most you can argue it takes more than a hundred years to lead a complete existence. And in their system, if you wanted to stick around forever, you could. But if you felt complete, you could move on.

If you want to take a more clinical look at it, the human brain wasn't designed for infinity. We have no idea how it would react to the removal of those limits. The show gave its interpretation, and your interpretation is just as valid because right now it's literally impossible to know.

But that also means it's absurd to claim one approach to the question is objectively wrong or worse. It's all guesswork. And the show was justifying its take since the gang first set foot in the real good place.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017

This scene. Just this scene. I nearly started crying just watching it again


Oct 25, 2017
Devastated me. I cried and I loved it.
One of the best shows and endings I've seen.
Now to convince my husband to watch with me.


Nov 11, 2017
It was a nice spectacle but that's about it.

The message of the episode rang hollow. It isn't beautiful to end your existence because you feel "complete". There is no such thing as "complete" in life, even with eternity to explore it. And the show never convinced me otherwise. Never came close to justifying any of it. Just kinda pushed it on you and ran straight to the endzone to celebrate itself.

Very off-putting.

Anyway, feel like they wasted a lot of episodes in the last season. Show had been going downhill for a while, going in circles.
But that's what Tahani's ending was for. She just kept finding new things to do and was happy to keep on existing. Maybe one Jeremy Bearimy she'd wake up and decide to go through the door, but maybe she wouldn't. Just because you have the viewpoint that life is never complete now as a mortal human, doesn't mean you'll still have that viewpoint after a million years as an enlightened immortal soul. But maybe you still would, and that's okay, that's the whole point, you can keep on keeping on literally forever.

It just seems like some people interpreted the finale as the though the door was eventually forced onto people, like they have no choice but to eventually go through it whether they want to or not, but that was never the case.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It was a nice spectacle but that's about it.

The message of the episode rang hollow. It isn't beautiful to end your existence because you feel "complete". There is no such thing as "complete" in life, even with eternity to explore it. And the show never convinced me otherwise. Never came close to justifying any of it. Just kinda pushed it on you and ran straight to the endzone to celebrate itself.

Very off-putting.

It was definitely a large hurdle to present to the audience how heaven -> oblivion would be a logical step and the more you think about it there are interesting scenarios that could poke some holes in this logic, but considering the last philosophical hurdle presented, it made sense, no? Comfort in infinity is useless because you lose your frame of reference for what is paradise.

Out of the main cast as well, only Jason really felt oddly 'complete.' Chidi was suffering the happiness-burnout that plagued The Good Place, Tahani kept on truckin, and Eleanor spent the entire finale exhausting every reason why she wanted to stay, so it felt warranted enough.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I really liked it, it was basically one of the few long-running TV finales in recent years that felt wholly satisfying

It's worth remembering that potentially millions of years have passed for them, too. While it may seem abrupt for us as an audience, as characters they've been through a lot more. I do kinda wish another member of the main crew besides Tahani stuck around and found a new purpose (probably Eleanor) but it still worked.


Oct 25, 2017
Late bump but did not feel like making a thread lol. I binged this show starting a couple weeks ago and just finished tonight. Man that finale really hits you. Even Jason leaving was really sad.

Really happy for Michael's ending though, being able to live as a human. One thing I wasn't so sure about though, did Michael know who he was after he got on earth? His scenes made it seem like he was self aware of his afterlife self.

Anyway, loved the finale regardless. In my head canon, Michael eventually becomes mayor of LA :P.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Late bump but did not feel like making a thread lol. I binged this show starting a couple weeks ago and just finished tonight. Man that finale really hits you. Even Jason leaving was really sad.

Really happy for Michael's ending though, being able to live as a human. One thing I wasn't so sure about though, did Michael know who he was after he got on earth? His scenes made it seem like he was self aware of his afterlife self.

Anyway, loved the finale regardless. In my head canon, Michael eventually becomes mayor of LA :P.
I actually thought they were gonna have him start as a baby and live a whole life on earth, not start as an old guy lol.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017

This scene. Just this scene. I nearly started crying just watching it again

This relationship never worked as well as the series pretends it does considering it's the focal point for such huge moments. I never totally bought im, despite how good and charismatic both actors are, because it tells us they are in love much more than they show it which is a shame but not surprising for a high concept show with short seasons and 22 min episodes. This is still such an amazing scene that I only wish I felt more invested in because it's such a perfect character moment both comedically and emotionally for the ending it was going for
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Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
I don't really believe in an afterlife, but if I did this show's version would be quite acceptable.

If you go to heaven (the Good Place) you can basically do anything you want for eternity, but once you're satisfied you can just enter the void and disperse into the universe.

It's oddly comforting.


Oct 25, 2017
One of the few shows where it feels like they had a plan from the beginning, they followed through with it, and then when it was done they ended the show.

This relationship never worked as well as the series pretends it does considering it's the focal point for such huge moments. I never believed it, despite how good and charismatic both actors are, because it tells us they are in love much more than they show it. This is such an amazing scene that I only wish I felt more invested in.

I do kind of agree with this tho


Oct 27, 2017
I was puzzle by the number of people who didn't get the ending, like they thought it was just a metaphor for suicide.

I guess they didn't understand that the characters had lived an unfathomable amount of time?

This relationship never worked as well as the series pretends it does considering it's the focal point for such huge moments. I never believed it, despite how good and charismatic both actors are, because it tells us they are in love much more than they show it. This is such an amazing scene that I only wish I felt more invested in.

I think there's a lot of different ways of expressing love. To my wife and I, Chidi and Eleanor definitely expressed love, maybe to others they didn't in the way that they would?