
Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Sony also publishes The Show on current gen Xbox platforms, as well as Destiny. At this point, there's enough weird edge cases that I'm sure there's some firewall policy in place, or they're throwing their hands up in the air for corporate espionage.

EDIT: quoted the wrong person! Excuse my stupidity.
Yea. For all the debates about animosity between ABK, MS, Sony, etc, there's really more cooperation in the industry than there has been for a long time - maybe ever. And I'd like to see that continue and expand.


what? everything they do is day 1. the amount of day 1 stuff is the big differentiator of Game Pass from other subscription services.
Yea, I said that. My point is in that paragraph isn't that MS doesn't care about Day 1. It's that Day 1 isn't the only thing that is of value there. So it's impossible to tease apart the relative value of one piece over another piece. But now we're in a situation where there's an opportunity to break those two things apart, at least for a little while. Like I said, I agree with most of you, I just think it's not necessarily so cut and dry. Diablo 4 is already almost definitely missing day 1 release, just because of the timing of the deal. Is the difference between day 15 and day 45 actually that big? I say eh.

I think people overrate the idea that "lots of day 1 games" = value for most gamers.

There were times in the past when this would have been true. But for the past decade or so, I'd argue that most core gamers have backlogs / more games to play than time to play them. And casual gamers play one or just a small handful of games each year. For these people, they're not really interested in paying $180/year for "a bunch of games." They need these to be games that they would have otherwise paid or considered paying full price for.

That's why it's important for MS to have not just a regular cadence of quality games, but to be releasing at least 1-2 blockbuster-style games each year. That's why COD is so important. You have 15-20m gamers who are already throwing down $70 each year to play that game. Game Pass becomes a much easier sell in a year when it includes COD and, say, Elder Scrolls VI.

So being able to include Diablo IV in a year when you're also offering Starfield is the kind of 1-2 punch that will really drive Game Pass subs. So it's critically important that Diablo be included if at all possible.

My hope is that, to the extent MS gets comfortable that they're going to close, they make an arm's length deal to bring the game to Game Pass so that they can make the announcement with sufficient lead time ahead of release. Just figure out a price that is clearly fair to Acti-Blizz, and pay it because ultimately you're paying yourself.
I agree with this. They do need to get D4 out this year. Probably before the holidays IMO. I'd say they could kick off their run up to Starfield (and Forza?) with an early drop of Diablo in like.. July or August.

A huge part of their marketing is Day 1. In thier 2021 June showcase, they highlighted 27 games that were day 1 on gamepass. In 2022 June showcase, they highlighted 28 (I think) that would be day 1 on gamepass.

This is the clear differentiator between Xbox and PS subscription services. I'm not saying it's not viable. I'm saying it's Xbox's business model and they clearly believe (via their marketing and statements) that Day 1 matters significantly. I agree a constant back catalogue is important, but if that provided enough growth they wouldn't be putting their games on 1st party games on there day 1.

I think everyone else's assumption that Diablo 4 wouldn't drop onto gamepass as soon as technically feasible post acquisition are making a bigger assumption. I am assuming that Xbox will continue to be consistent with their business model without exception. The bigger assumption, imo, is that they'd somehow view Diablo 4 differently than Starfield. Or that they would somehow treat ABK back catalogue differently than BGS back catalogue. I think it's the much more reasonable assumption to make that they will add the games as soon as they are able to post acquisition.
I certainly didn't say Day 1 isn't important. But in this scenario, when "day 1" is a moving target that has no fixed date (except the actual release date, which is exceedingly unlikely for MS to hit), I think there's more room to play with when you actually drop the game onto the service. After all, even if they get full approval with CMA and EU, they have to close over FTC. There's plenty of legit reasons for them to delay for a couple months or more.

And they can make DIablo 4 on GP a big deal regardless. With a service like Game Pass, it's not that "Day 1" is inherently so important and marketing value in and of itself. No, it's that day 1 games tend to make bigger moments. And those moments are marketable. But Diablo 4 can be a huge moment whether it's day 15 or day 60. The next ABK game will 1000% be on Game Pass day 1. But I think there are other possibilities for Diablo.

Hehe, I'm not making a prediction one way or the other. (My track record of rationalizing seemingly crazy decisions from MS in this thread has been surprisingly decent.) We'll see how this goes haha. I certainly won't complain if D4 comes out sooner :D


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
Again, why at this point do you think MS cares about "missing out on sales" due to GP day one 1? They've already demonstrated, time and time again, that their business model prioritizes putting their biggest titles on Gamepass, and that they are willing to sacrifice sales on the front end in exchange for expanding and maintaining the user base.

Whatever potential PC issues there may be are completely irrelevant because MS could delay the Win10 release until it's ready - like they do any other time there's an obstacle between PC and Console version….which is what they would do regardless of whether or not the game launches on Xbox Gamepass.

What engineering and UX considerations are you talking about?

D4 IS looking like a sure fire hit. And just like it will be a sure fire hit for retail, it will also be a sure fire hit as Gamepass Day 1 title, and MS would immediately use it as such if given the opportunity.

After the deal closes, there's nothing unusual about the circumstance. MS owns the IP, and they would use it like the rest of their IP. The only question is whether or not the deal will close before Diablo releases.
Again, Diablo 4 does not fit into any other scenarios that we've seen with GP so far. People are literally expecting Microsoft/Blizzard to refund millions of dollars worth of sales for people who've already pre-ordered the game. There's no precedent for that and imo, there's no reason to expect that Microsoft or Blizzard's highest priority is giving money back to GP subscribers rather than making as much as they can.

PC GP growth has seemingly exceeded console GP growth, so there would be an incentive to get D4 working on PC asap. In order to do that, they would need to find a way to integrate B.Net with the Windows Store and the PC GP application. That would take time and development resources. So with the PC version needing a while to get setup in addition to not wanting to have to refund millions in already banked sales, delaying the release until a later date would make the most sense from a technical and economical perspective.

I think people are forgetting that Microsoft is a business first. Rushing to get the game on GP day one would cost them money that Blizzard has already made. Anyone subscribing to GP just because of Diablo 4 would need to be subscribed for at least 7 months to get that $70 equivalent value (assuming no GPU). That's a long time for a casual gamer who subscribed to GP just to play D4 to remain subscribed. Feel free to @ me if I'm ultimately wrong, but I feel pretty good about my position (especially because the ABK deal likely won't close until after D4 is already released).


Oct 26, 2017
Again, Diablo 4 does not fit into any other scenarios that we've seen with GP so far. People are literally expecting Microsoft/Blizzard to refund millions of dollars worth of sales for people who've already pre-ordered the game. There's no precedent for that and imo, there's no reason to expect that Microsoft or Blizzard's highest priority is giving money back to GP subscribers rather than making as much as they can.

PC GP growth has seemingly exceeded console GP growth, so there would be an incentive to get D4 working on PC asap. In order to do that, they would need to find a way to integrate B.Net with the Windows Store and the PC GP application. That would take time and development resources. So with the PC version needing a while to get setup in addition to not wanting to have to refund millions in already banked sales, delaying the release until a later date would make the most sense from a technical and economical perspective.

I think people are forgetting that Microsoft is a business first. Rushing to get the game on GP day one would cost them money that Blizzard has already made. Anyone subscribing to GP just because of Diablo 4 would need to be subscribed for at least 7 months to get that $70 equivalent value (assuming no GPU). That's a long time for a casual gamer who subscribed to GP just to play D4 to remain subscribed. Feel free to @ me if I'm ultimately wrong, but I feel pretty good about my position (especially because the ABK deal likely won't close until after D4 is already released).

Is $70 the profit MS would make from a sale? Genuine question, I really don't know.

In the grand scheme of all things gamepass I don't think MS place as much importance on sales volumes and revenue as some of you do, times are changing and this is not a model theyre focused on. When it comes to OKRs I would guess they're more interested in new GP acquisition, churn reduction and subscription retention, all of which they can model with reasonable confidence. If these numbers stack up they won't care about cancelled preorders.


Oct 26, 2017
there is zero chance they would put D4 on gamepass even if the deal happened to go through just as the game launches (which I doubt it would anyway).

they have PLENTY of acti bullshit to put on gamepass and really bloat out the library without having to canabilize sales of a game that probably came out recently at that time, not to mention pissing off all those buyers of the game.

The COD games alone are gamepass-selling healiners alone, they dont need anything else for a while.

edit: I could deffo see D4 on gamepass a few months after the deal happens and its all settled tho.


Feb 17, 2023
And they can make DIablo 4 on GP a big deal regardless. With a service like Game Pass, it's not that "Day 1" is inherently so important and marketing value in and of itself. No, it's that day 1 games tend to make bigger moments. And those moments are marketable. But Diablo 4 can be a huge moment whether it's day 15 or day 60. The next ABK game will 1000% be on Game Pass day 1. But I think there are other possibilities for Diablo.
I don't think they close before it launches. And I don't think they have to deal with refunds. But I do think Day 1 matters the most to Xbox. It is 80-90% of their marketing. 15 days post close would be consistent with their business strategy. If it takes 60 days, the narrative online on twitter and games media will be hugely negative. If they wait that long, it won't be a positive moment. Sure it will be forgotten in a year (or maybe even a few months), but you lose the narrative of how amazing gamepass is once again.


Oct 29, 2017
If Microsoft decided to not put a new 1st party title on Game Pass day one there would be a huge uproar. Do the people who are arguing that ABK titles won't be on Game Pass day one realize that every MS first party title has been on Game Pass day one over the last three year or so (outside of Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop due to preexisting contracts)? It's a basic rule. It isn't something MS wants to break imo.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
If they close before the showcase, I wouldn't be surprised if the huge Game Pass announcement at the show is all Diablo games, including 4, on Game Pass.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Any purposeful delay beyond technical or contract negotiations for games hitting day 1 would undermine game pass completely. It would bring it down to the level of ps+ and then Xbox would lose their entire advantage.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021

Microsoft getting another shot at discovery with Sony:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's funny how we have Phil's words, which were again shared in this thread by a MS employee/Era poster, and yet those are brushed aside as if they're not important. D4 will be on GP as soon as it's feasible/permissible for MS to put it there. Missed sales is not a major factor in this, as we saw with Halo, Forza, and Starfield all going to the service on day 1 when they could have milked fans for extra money if that was their goal.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
It's funny how we have Phil's words, which were again shared in this thread by a MS employee/Era poster, and yet those are brushed aside as if they're not important. D4 will be on GP as soon as it's feasible/permissible for MS to put it there. Missed sales is not a major factor in this, as we saw with Halo, Forza, and Starfield all going to the service on day 1 when they could have milked fans for extra money if that was their goal.
Microsoft getting 70% cut of Call of Duty 2023 sales on PlayStation alone probably cover any loss sales from Diablo on Xbox. Like others have said, I do think console Diablo 4 will be added before PC while they work out linking with, so the loss sales are really only for Xbox. Have that announced at an Xbox event with a bunch of other announcements, and the goal isn't to just give away Diablo, it's to drum up hype for Game Pass and the Xbox ecosystem.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Again, Diablo 4 does not fit into any other scenarios that we've seen with GP so far. People are literally expecting Microsoft/Blizzard to refund millions of dollars worth of sales for people who've already pre-ordered the game. There's no precedent for that and imo, there's no reason to expect that Microsoft or Blizzard's highest priority is giving money back to GP subscribers rather than making as much as they can.

Upon closure, what scenario doesn't it fit in? In terms of opportunity cost, someone refunding a preorder due to Gamepass is no different than someone who has Gamepass not preordering due to game pass. The priority is never about giving money back to GP subscribers, it's gaining new subscribers and convincing existing subscribers to stay subbed.

PC GP growth has seemingly exceeded console GP growth, so there would be an incentive to get D4 working on PC asap. In order to do that, they would need to find a way to integrate B.Net with the Windows Store and the PC GP application. That would take time and development resources. So with the PC version needing a while to get setup in addition to not wanting to have to refund millions in already banked sales, delaying the release until a later date would make the most sense from a technical and economical perspective.

Withholding the game from Xbox Gamepass does nothing for PC Gamepass growth. They'll delay the PC Gamepass release, while making a ton of money from sales across all platforms, while also maximizing the games' potential to draw in new subscribers. There's no time like launch for this purpose, not even a second wave.

think people are forgetting that Microsoft is a business first. Rushing to get the game on GP day one would cost them money that Blizzard has already made. Anyone subscribing to GP just because of Diablo 4 would need to be subscribed for at least 7 months to get that $70 equivalent value (assuming no GPU). That's a long time for a casual gamer who subscribed to GP just to play D4 to remain subscribed. Feel free to @ me if I'm ultimately wrong, but I feel pretty good about my position (especially because the ABK deal likely won't close until after D4 is already released).

Microsoft didn't just become a business… they were a business when they started GP and they were a business when they decided to launch all of their 1st party games on the service despite the likelihood that it would impact preorders and retail sales. I'm not sure why you think this calculation somehow changes due to the nature of Diablo's sales potential. MS knows how long they need to retain a player to maximize the value proposition. And they know how many people will buy the game retail, despite its availability on GP.

The ONLY reason this game wouldn't launch on GP is if the deal doesn't close on time.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
While I do think they'll likely release console Diablo 4 on Game Pass before PC, I think Xbox cares a lot about PC Game Pass as it allows them to enter new markets without much investment.

Microsoft opens up PC Game Pass to 40 new countries in big subscription push

A big expansion for a growing subscription service.

Xbox Game Pass growth is ‘slowing down’ on console, claims Phil Spencer | VGC

Xbox Game Pass growth on console is “slowing down,” according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer.
The Xbox platform on PC is so barebones that you need a deprecated app to fully engage with Xbox social stuff, two years after it was first replaced. This year, they've seemingly just stopped making patch notes for updates to the Xbox app most of the time, something that neither Windows nor Xbox consoles have a problem with.

PC GP growth has seemingly exceeded console GP growth, so there would be an incentive to get D4 working on PC asap.

On that growth statistic, it was estimated that there were under a million PC-only GP users when Microsoft made that statement.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
The Xbox platform on PC is so barebones that you need a deprecated app to fully engage with Xbox social stuff, two years after it was first replaced. This year, they've seemingly just stopped making patch notes for updates to the Xbox app most of the time, something that neither Windows nor Xbox consoles have a problem with.
Oh I agree that the support is awful but Microsoft absolutely sees value in PC Game Pass. It's a shame that it's so neglected.


Oct 25, 2017
That's easier said than done. Sony will have to withheld core details of any new hardware, giving only raw perf/spec goals or risk having their plans discovered early. Thats one more reason why the oppose the deal so much; the days were they benefitted from being the development lead machine at Activision are numbered.
It happens all the time with 3rd party developers. I don't think that would change because MS owns them. MS getting caught up in an NDA legal battle after a high-profile acquisition would be a very bad look for any acquisitions in the future.

Deleted member 133522

Mar 20, 2023
Saying that Microsoft wouldn't put D4 on GP day 1, if feasible, is misunderstanding everything they've been doing. The scenario is unprecedented, sure - Diablo 4 is a huge game, probably the biggest game to ever potentially be day 1 GP. They aren't doing it out of kindness - it's literally their business model. To them, the retained and new subscriptions to GP that would result are far more valuable. The sales don't matter to them in this context anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I agree that the support is awful but Microsoft absolutely sees value in PC Game Pass. It's a shame that it's so neglected.
I wish they'd just create a separate store for XGP/Game purchases. The Xbox app is super slow, and you can definitely tell it is using higher level integration with Windows store with cloud backend as its backbone instead of local processing. As opposed to Steam that has a lot more local integration and a much faster cloud backend, especially for downloads (probably because it doesn't have to jump through several hoops to pull requests).


Jan 19, 2022
Assuming the deal successfully passes regulators MS will put Diablo IV on Game Pass as soon as they legally and technically can. Full stop.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Imagine not clicking what's clearly a Twitter thread with added context that even Stephen seems surprised needed to be added.


Are we sure? Sony provided the documents to the plaintiffs and not to Microsoft. Did the court get to see them? I'm sure this will all work out in the end, but that's why I hadn't commented on this. I wasn't quite sure what was going on here. Seems surprising either way. (Literally surprising)

Eh. Maybe not. Either way, it'll work out fine. The question is just how much Sony and MS have to reveal in addition to what they may already be revealing for the FTC case - if anything at all. Curious to see how this plays out.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Are we sure? Sony provided the documents to the plaintiffs and not to Microsoft. Did the court get to see them? I'm sure this will all work out in the end, but that's why I hadn't commented on this. I wasn't quite sure what was going on here. Seems surprising either way. (Literally surprising)
In lieu of Jim Ryan being deposed. The documents will be shared with Microsoft.

It's nothing, lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Sony didnt fight it at all and was glad to help im sure. Relax lol.
I was curious about why you're telling me to relax to a post that points out added context and uhhh... I think I get it now. 😬
😂😂😂. This has to be sonys lowest low in terms of just embarrassing themselves. This whole purchase makes me look at them in such a pathetic light its honestly just sad at this point.



Oct 25, 2017
I wish they'd just create a separate store for XGP/Game purchases. The Xbox app is super slow, and you can definitely tell it is using higher level integration with Windows store with cloud backend as its backbone instead of local processing. As opposed to Steam that has a lot more local integration and a much faster cloud backend, especially for downloads (probably because it doesn't have to jump through several hoops to pull requests).
Fundamentally, they're never going to move away from the Windows Store. Beyond Microsoft still trying to make Fetch happen, it uses the same backend that's used for the digital store on Xbox consoles. That's how they get cross-platform purchases and such to work; both bits of hardware are pointing to the same app on the same multi-device app platform.

That's why I keep saying they're gonna be moving ABK games away from BNet and onto the Windows Store. Microsoft have been trying really hard to not have a seperate PC games platform, they want all of the software under their purview to be within one giant ecosystem.


Oct 25, 2017
Fundamentally, they're never going to move away from the Windows Store. Beyond Microsoft still trying to make Fetch happen, it uses the same backend that's used for the digital store on Xbox consoles. That's how they get cross-platform purchases and such to work; both bits of hardware are pointing to the same app on the same multi-device app platform.

That's why I keep saying they're gonna be moving ABK games away from BNet and onto the Windows Store. Microsoft have been trying really hard to not have a seperate PC games platform, they want all of the software under their purview to be within one giant ecosystem.
They'll never compete with Steam until they change it. Calling home for every action through a super inefficient cloud backend is not a good way to entice PC gamers on your platform. DRM is another issue with the Gamepass library, If it doesn't call home within 24 hours or so you have a blank library through the app.


Dec 11, 2019

I get that in hindsight your comment, which I didn't see till after you replied to me, aged terribly but are you trying to throw curveballs at me rn.
"Imagine not clicking what's clearly a Twitter thread with added context that even Stephen seems surprised needed to be added." - Who was this directed too? What i said about Sony hasnt aged since its been about a few hours since i last posted it. Dont know why its bad that i made that post that i feel is true since they look real sad atm where theyve gained nothing from their silly tactics as the console slc was dropped. Whats your problem with me? Spell it out for me since they didnt fight the subpoena when they absolutely could have.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
"Imagine not clicking what's clearly a Twitter thread with added context that even Stephen seems surprised needed to be added." - Who was this directed too? What i said about Sony hasnt aged since its been about a few hours since i last posted it. Dont know why its bad that i made that post that i feel is true since they look real sad atm where theyve gained nothing from their silly tactics as the console slc was dropped. Whats your problem with me? Spell it out for me since they didnt fight the subpoena when they absolutely could have.
I genuinely don't have an issue with you lol, you replied to me to relax which caught me off guard cause I didn't think I did anything worthy of relaxing. That comment was more so directed at Agent Icebeezy and Clippy cause all they had to do was click the link to get further context after how the original tweet was immediately framed in here. It's not a new thing on Era to point out when people ignore easily available added context and proceed to drop a scorcher despite it or immediately jump on early info with takes that age bad.

Looking from the outside in as I don't spend too much time in here it feels like people are getting a bit too invested in this acquisition and that sometimes leaks outside of this OT but luckily (hopefully) it's almost done. That being said that's about enough of this OT for me (I feel like a broken record at this point) and if you took it personally that's my bad.


Dec 11, 2019
I genuinely don't have an issue with you lol, you replied to me to relax which caught me off guard cause I didn't think I did anything worthy of relaxing. That comment was more so directed at Agent Icebeezy and Clippy cause all they had to do was click the link to get further context after how the original tweet was immediately framed in here. It's not a new thing on Era to point out when people ignore easily available added context and proceed to drop a scorcher despite it or immediately jump on early info with takes that age bad.

Looking from the outside in as I don't spend too much time in here it feels like people are getting a bit too invested in this acquisition and that sometimes leaks outside of this OT but luckily (hopefully) it's almost done. That being said that's about enough of this OT for me (I feel like a broken record at this point) and if you took it personally that's my bad.
I didnt no worries, yeah the relax was my bad i didnt mean anything by it the first time have a good one.