Oct 26, 2017
Via The Nib:


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I was hanging with the comic for the first two panels but did that thing where a dog tilts its head to the side quizzically at the end.

What's the logical fallacy where your conclusion doesn't derive from the premisses? Because this is that (I get (hope?) that it's mocking this and not a serious endorsement).


Oct 25, 2017
You guys should read the NYT opinion piece on this. It's utter garbage.
I posted this very comic in that thread at one point.
Is "incel" literally just "guys that can't get laid"?
Involuntary Celebate... so yes. Though they are often times militant and have been linked to violence lately.

What's the logical fallacy where your conclusion doesn't derive from the premisses? Because this is that (I get (hope?) that it's mocking this and not a serious endorsement).

It's supposed to be a joke, unfortunately it hits a little too close to the truth of the incel 'community'


Oct 25, 2017
It's wild to me that we're seriously debating MRA bullshit with their terms, in common/mainstream media. How the fuck did we get here?


Mar 2, 2018
I mean just pay for an escort? It's consensual, who cares how your first time goes. Doesn't make you less of a man.

Rose Red

Oct 26, 2017
The same garbage gets carted out whenever there's a shooting by a young man. "Oh if only he'd had a girlfriend we wouldn't have had the massacre." Except a) Who the fuck wants to be the girlfriend of a borderline psychotic individual who could snap after one bad day b) why do people assume they wouldn't be violent towards their quota girlfriends c) women are humans and this would be sexual slavery.

I can't even believe I had to type that out.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, that's pretty much what Elliot Rodger's manifesto* was, and he was an incel (that apparently they venerated like a saint/martyr both ironically and straightly), so that's pretty accurate.

* If you wanna read something that'll make you angry, this is it. It's got all the elements of misogyny, entitlement, sociopathy, racism, and fascism that go along with such a "magnificent gentleman" like him.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Comic's dumb, but that just comes with the territory when discussing incels in any capacity. No sane conversation to be had with them being the premise for it... To be clear, no one is ACTUALLY taking any of this "redistribution of sex"/"appointed girlfriend" stuff seriously, right? Because I've suddenly started seeing it come up in places and in way more serious tones than I'm used to and refuse to believe there's any sort of serious talk being had about it.

No kidding? I never heard of incels until earlier this year. I mean I know exactly the kind of people they are, I just didn't know they had a label.
Stop by the Cringe thread. You'll learn about all sorts of things you never wanted to know existed...


Dec 22, 2017
The same garbage gets carted out whenever there's a shooting by a young man. "Oh if only he'd had a girlfriend we wouldn't have had the massacre." Except a) Who the fuck wants to be the girlfriend of a borderline psychotic individual who could snap after one bad day b) why do people assume they wouldn't be violent towards their quota girlfriends c) women are humans and this would be sexual slavery.

I can't even believe I had to type that out.
It just shows the absurd perversion of their privilege: They pretend to be discriminated but their privilege basically allows them to murder people wich in turn opens up a discussion of the merits of giving them sex slaves. Like what the fuck!?


Oct 25, 2017
Incel was actually first created by a bisexual women to describe her life before she had her first relationship at 24. It was a very inclusive term. Then angry white men hijacked it to describe themselves.

"Something good is hijacked by angry white fuckboys" is pretty much the story of the internet, isn't it?


Oct 25, 2017
What happens when an incel meets one of those pickup artist / negging people like from the video game Super Seducer



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
This whole incel thing is so dumb and pathetic it's making me rethink my stance against "humanity was a mistake".


Oct 29, 2017
I think the way it is viewed with north Americans is interesting in how it has developed into a problem. Given population difference amoung thr sexes for the most part is pretty avg.

Now when we look at populations where it is heavily skewed towards males, you run into issues at a grander scale, places like India and China. Bride kiddnaping from neighbouring countries, more acts of violence, higher rates of depression among young single males.

North America can address the issue and hope work towards a way of deescalating these acts of violence. I have no idea what China and India are going to do.


Oct 27, 2017
People are honestly labeling themselves losers now? I don't understand the kids these days
That's what's so scary about it. You have guys giving up hope and willingly accepting the designation of incel. It can then be easily infected with an even more disgusting ideology blaming others. With enough numbers and the ability to connect to each other over the internet - this shit becomes fucking dangerous.

It's also what makes the gender balance data coming out of China so alarming. We'd all like to believe that 30 million men will healthily come to accept that there will not be a partner for them, but what in our history and society says that will actually be the case?
Oct 28, 2017
Is "incel" literally just "guys that can't get laid"?
That's what the term was originally for, but an entire poisonous ideology has formed around the term in the last few years. So now, "incel" refers to a hate group within a larger group of people who just can't get laid for whatever reason.

I mean just pay for an escort? It's consensual, who cares how your first time goes. Doesn't make you less of a man.
For many of them, and the guys they try to recruit, it's less about the physical act of sex and more about them not being good enough to get any the normal way.

People are honestly labeling themselves losers now? I don't understand the kids these days
When society as a whole constantly reminds you what a loser you are, it's kinda hard to shake the label. If you've never been valued or desired by your peers, what are you supposed to call yourself if not a loser?
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Jan 20, 2018
After the Toronto attack, I decided too look into this whole incel thing out of curiosity one lazy afternoon and after visting some of their websites and sub reddits (and losing serveral braincells in the process). One thing I noticed was for a group of supposed hetero males they sure have a weird obsession with this mythical chad fellow and his 'ahum' member .


Oct 25, 2017
Sexbots arent going to do anything about this. i dont know if anything can to be honest. i mean, outside of removing the internet.

thought i was posting in the NYT opinion thread. Bah.


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
I just hope the FBI and local law enforcement agencies are keeping an eye on the hives where these assholes congregate. We've already drawn two mass killers from their ranks at a minimum. I assume there will be more. They have radicalized themselves into believing that their dilemma is eternal, and worse than death. That's the kind of young man that's willing to kill himself and others for the cause.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
After the Toronto attack, I decided too look into this whole incel thing out of curiosity one lazy afternoon and after visting some of their websites and sub reddits (and losing serveral braincells in the process). One thing I noticed was for a group of supposed hetero males they sure have a weird obsession with this mythical chad fellow and his 'ahum' member .
This "Chad" thing is really weird. I remember ages back seeing people spam this essay where "Chad" was represented by Ryan Gosling in his Crazy Stupid Love character. The essay more or less described him as a successful, charming, chill dude. There was a counterpart essay to this where some other name (forgot what it was) was given to a less successful guy whose avatar, so to speak, was Adam Sandler.

At the time, I glanced at it and dismissed it as PUA/MRA nonsense. It seemed clear that someone was trying to force a meme and I ignored it.

What's crazy is that I was right - someone was trying to force a meme and that someone may literally have been the FSB. That is an actual real possibility.


Oct 25, 2017
I just learned today what "incel" was in an article I was reading. I had previously just glossed over it or skipped it, I guess. Used to be something you weren't necessarily proud of. You didn't have to be ashamed of it, but no one wore it like a badge of honor. And the spin that it's women's obligation to fuck these guys is just appalling and speaks to why they can't find someone.