Worst thing on a plane?

  • Clapper

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • Babies

    Votes: 531 47.6%
  • Groomer / Shoes Off

    Votes: 151 13.5%
  • Snorer

    Votes: 23 2.1%
  • Recliner

    Votes: 40 3.6%
  • The Drunk

    Votes: 209 18.7%
  • Chatter

    Votes: 153 13.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like sitting near babies. I put my headphones in and go. It's a baby.

I don't like listening to people loudly complain about a baby far more than I do the baby itself. The complainer is an adult. Process your emotions and deal with it. Silently text someone how awful it is. Don't try to rope me and others into bitching openly about the situation to make the parent feel bad.

Sounds like your real complaint is chatters, then? lol. It is indeed weird to hold a whole conversation with a person you don't know and they can't leave.
Oct 27, 2017
Overweight person. I mean like really overweight, to the point where they are spilling over their arm rest and moving into your space

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
As a father who travels with his young son often, I'm sorry you guys hate it so much, but I'm doing my best. A young child doesn't understand why he would have to stay still and quiet for 12 hours, and they don't have on/off buttons.
Don't worry about it, babies and toddlers can't help themselves. Adults who should know better but still can't behave are much worse.
Oct 26, 2017
These options lol. The worst is a person with smelly armpits which you have to endure the whole flight. Alternatively someone so obese he reaches into my chair


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
How is Sneezer/cougher not on there?

Oh, it's on The Ringer's list/image.. just not in the poll for some reason. I don't consider the person sitting in front of me as next to me, so a sick person is the only thing I'd answer in real life.. but I have a burning hatred of recliners and sick people aren't in the poll so recliner it is.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
I can put on headphones, close my eyes, and block out all but the recliner.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol. You seem offended I'm annoyed specifically at baby complainers.

Sure, if you want. "No one gives a fuck about your discomfort" sounds like the kind of thing parents say after having multiple people talk about how they hate sitting next to kids. It's both pointless and rude to do that TO the parent, as they can't really do anything about having had a child. If someone wants to strike out at that, cool.

Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
Babies and it isn't even close

Even a baby several rows away is worse than sitting right next to any of the other options


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Smelly people by a wide margin. And you guys can eat my butt with a knife and fork, I always pop my shoes off on the plane. My feet don't stink and it's a million times more comfortable.


Feb 24, 2018
People who directly try to interact with me and it's not even close.

Just lemme dick around on my phone with my earphones pls.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Babies, because the worst thing about it is you have no moral high ground whatsoever. Parents need to transport children. They're technically doing nothing wrong.

But oh my god their existence is so irritating
Nov 17, 2017
I voted babies but I see in the OP there's also toddler's listed and honestly it's toddlers that are the worst. At worst, a baby can only cry but toddlers possess the traits of several of the examples listed above. They will cry like babies, they're often a hotbed for germs and very contagious, they're as uninhibited and disruptive as drunks, they're very chatty, they're unhygienic and so would likely fit into shoes off and groomer. Toddlers are annoying little assholes who often are accompanied by apathetic or exhausted parents who don't really care to try and stop their little monsters from going on rampages.

Toddlers are the embodiment of everything to hate about passengers on a plane. They should be banned from travel.

Yu Narukami

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
If I ever start talking to you in a plane even if I don't know you, it's only because I'm afraid of dying. Thank you.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll add a wildcard - people with bright-ass laptops or iPads on long haul flights where they turn down the lights

Yes, it bothers me seeing almost everyone leaving their in flight screens on max brightness on red eyes once the lights have dimmed. Like, do they not realize it's bright as all hell?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Babies would actually be my preferred option, because they aren't gonna take up an armrest, the carriers are typically not taking an entire seat and if they start crying I have my headphones in anyway. Toddlers would be annoying tho cause they don't have much concept of personal space, usually (not their fault).

I feel bad for really obese folks since I know it's already uncomfortable for them for a variety of reasons, and they know they may be impinging on others. I've been that obese person before, it's not fun. That being said, I don't wanna sit next to them on a flight if they're like hanging over into my already limited space.

My LEAST desired neighbor on a flight, tho? Smelly people. Like wtf go wash your nasty pits and ass.


Aug 18, 2018
What about the emotional support mini horse?


Oct 25, 2017
A toddler probably worse than a baby, especially if the parent happy to not discipline it and it a little shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, it bothers me seeing almost everyone leaving their in flight screens on max brightness on red eyes once the lights have dimmed. Like, do they not realize it's bright as all hell?

This one's too easy to solve to be annoying - bring a sleep mask on a red eye. Some people just can't sleep on planes, you can't really expect them to just sit idly in the dark.

Edit - Now the one guy that leaves his reading light on at night, that's unacceptable!


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
- Babies/Little kids

- People with disgusting smell

- Assholes that spread all over the seats
Nov 17, 2017
Something that should be on the list is manspreaders. Like the seat in economy are small enough and I'm already locked in by the recliner in front of me. Now I got your leg all up in my space because you think you have the most massive balls in existence that need optimal air to breathe.

Everyone picking babies hasn't down enough.

Worst is contagious. Next is smell. After that comes size (people spilling over into your seat). And then after that comes toddlers.
That's the magic of babies and toddlers though. They can be contagious and smelly. Toddlers have no concept of personal space and will climb into your seat area and touch you.

A toddler probably worse than a baby, especially if the parent happy to not discipline it and it a little shit.
Every loud, disruptive toddler I've seen on a flight has had a parent or parents that just don't seem to care about even attempting to control their little demon. They'll either very passively try to tell them to stop, do nothing or they try to placate them by letting the run up and down the aisle. On one flight, the parents decided to stop their kid from making a bunch of noise by distracting them with some sort of edutainment toy that makes extremely loud obnoxiously repetitive sounds.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
What about the emotional support mini horse?
Wasn't that as a support for a diseased person?
Yes, miniature horses can be service (not support) animals under federal guidelines*. It is of course possible to abuse this since staff generally can only ask what service the animal provides and nothing more, but there are actual service horses used generally by people who cannot use a dog for whatever reason.


The Completely Reasonable Reason People Are Flying With Mini Horses (Published 2019)

The Department of Transportation’s declaration that miniature horses should be prioritized as service animals has raised many questions.

*Animal law was one of the weirdest topics I studied in law school.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Crying babies first, random chatters second. I never took the plane bus I took the bus all my life and the context is similar.

I'll make sure to bring headphones for my first trip in late March.
Oct 25, 2017
People who make a grand show about being obviously upset they're seated next to or near a baby are the among the worst.

Newsflash: your opinion doesn't matter and no one gives a fuck about your displeasure.
This is fair too. There are lots of people who make situations more uncomfortable for everyone around them by making a scene. At some point you have to shut it and power through.


Oct 27, 2017
Why are there that many people that voted drunk? I've flown tons of times and have never sat next to someone that's wasted.

Unless simply drinking alcohol applies, although I don't know why that would be any worse or different than if they had a complementary drink instead.
My thoughts exactly.
I've never had that experience? I mean surely the cabin crew would interfere if there's a drunk and disorderly person on the flight that's causing a nuisance, and surely that's not as common as disgusting smelly people or annoying toddlers?


Jan 23, 2018
Drunk but babies are right there with them. Honestly it's a tie and I would vote for both of those.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I am taking my shoes off on a flight. Socks stay on, but we are subjected to enough discomfort as is on flights.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
The chatter, specifically the man who wont stop trying to talk to you even if you're giving off the most powerful "leave me alone" vibes you can.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Why is there no option for seriously overweight? Worst flight I ever had was being squeezed in between two rather corpulent gentlemen....

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
Chatter would be mine. I sat next to a guy on a flight last week that wouldn't stop talking. I just wanted to relax and listen to music. It sucked.


Oct 27, 2017
The kind of person who asks this question, because they're probably the biggest pain in the ass complainers.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
The type of people that annoy me most are not listed: the ones that encroach on your personal space. You know, elbowing you in the ribs, moving around on their seat and leaning onto your space. I once had a girl do that thing with the hair that sometimes women do (like throw it to one side) and literally threw her hair into my face. Multiple times in a half hour flight. I usually go for the last row on the plane hoping that I won't get anybody sitting next to me, and it sometimes work.

So, I had to choose babies. Not that I hate them (though I don't care for them either), but the problem is when they start screaming because of the pain in the ears, it takes a REALLY good pair of headphones to block that noise out.


Oct 25, 2017
Babies are bad but at least they're cute. Snorers and sick people are worse to sit next to, imo.


Jan 10, 2019
Everything goes but very drunk people. Drunk people are mostly very annoying.

Chatters and babies are the best.


Oct 25, 2017
Where is the morbidly obese option because it's that.
This. The planes are cramped enough as it is. Getting to sit next to someone who's spilling over into your chair is the worst.
i can put headphones on for most other things.

I never understood the hate for having babies or children on board. Even now as a parent, there's nothing worse than trying to console a child on an airplane. Have some empathy and put your headphones on.
Nov 27, 2017
Was going to say groomers but contagious is worse, you know you'll catch it and are stuck next to them

Especially with this new virus it'll make everyone shook on the plane


Oct 25, 2017
What about the emotional support mini horse?

I ain't even mad.
if it is a necessary and trained real service animal I would trade seats to be in horse town. However these days generously 90% of animals on planes are selfish jerks abusing the privilege and defrauding people with real or serious needs.
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