
Oct 27, 2017
What kills me is seriously questioning how he fucked this up? I won't be seeing the film until Saturday. But it's the end of the trilogy. All endings are typically easy dunks, crowd pleasers. ROTS and ROTJ are some of the best reviewed and well liked. How did you just fumble the ending so damn hard when every film prior was at 90%+?

I'm seeing it on Saturday too, I'm now more curious than ever to see how they screwed it up (for the critics at least)

I still say they should have kept one director throughout.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The fact that these criticisms could be leveled against TFA is exactly why I think the audience reception to this film will be fine. It may not be overly enthusiastic as the new trilogy sheen has worn off but I think most will enjoy it. Or maybe I'm just deluding myself.
Nah that's what I'm anticipating as well. A lot of the "problems" being pointed out in the reviews I've read are things I'm actually excited about lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
Snoke is the most boring character ever put into a Star Wars movie and killing him is the smartest thing TLJ does.

It's not Rian's fault that the hack Abrams immediately squanders the narrative potential of allowing Kylo to be the main villain.


Oct 25, 2017
At least we'll always have The Last Jedi 😆.

Seriously though - I'm sure I will enjoy the movie. The only film from the new set that I can't see myself rewatching is Solo.


Oct 27, 2017
Snoke is the most boring character ever put into a Star Wars movie and killing him is the smartest thing TLJ does.


Snoke sucked yes, but just making the point that there's no "Infinite Possibilities. " when you kill off 2 major characters.

To be clear, when I say "infinite possibilities" I mean "new" possibilities. Snoke would've led to a carbon copy of the OT. Then JJ brought back Palpatine...


Oct 25, 2017
we can blame the directors all we want and they deserve criticism but the main issue has been Lucasfilm. They had no clear vision and made the decision to have a film release every year and because of that all the films have had problems.
Lucasfilm and Kennedy as the head of it deserve the blame.


Nov 6, 2017
Surely you have noticed the widespread criticism for TLJ especially? Many people I know in real life, all Star Wars fans and Marvelheads, are also cold towards this new trilogy. I'm not saying they were bad movies, but the critical reception they received does not match the way these movies will be remembered (i.e. not anywhere near original trilogy quality, which the scores would suggest). That's why it feels to me that critics, much like Disney after TLJ, are course correcting.

I've noticed what a bunch of loud people on the internet who say they're a majority say about them, and the people they cite as anecdotes. That's about it. They may have the power to influence the way the movie is seen in the future, but that's because the internet gives these people non-proportional power in being the arbiters of popular culture.


Oct 26, 2017
Just came back.

An unmitigated disaster that literally shits over all previous films. (prequels, ot and sequels !)

As someone who had so many issues with TLJ I am ashamed I thought this would be better.

This is so much worse.

It could be better if the ending itself was satisfying but it ends up being a middle finger and a very cowardly exit so it just sours everything else.
Ouch. Man, I wish I could watch this film legally without going to the cinema. Being surrounded by people I don't know stuffing their faces with nachos, and kids who won't shut up, is not worth paying for a ticket and the time spent travelling. I know, I know, oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg but I really thought Netflix/Amazon/etc would have solved this by now.

I love that we're now heading for a future where Rian and TLJ are heaped with praise though! That's a much bigger plot twist that I was expecting...

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
Wait...the guy who wrote this movie wrote Justice League and BvS? Everything makes sense now, what the flying fuck was Disney doing?


Oct 27, 2017
we can blame the directors all we want and they deserve criticism but the main issue has been Lucasfilm. They had no clear vision and made the decision to have a film release every year and because of that all the films have had problems.
Lucasfilm and Kennedy as the head of it deserve the blame.
That's not fair. The release schedule was put onto them by Disney. And Disney wanted the movies to come out even sooner.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling I will probably still enjoy the movie, but all the discourse over it on the internet will be worse than that of The Last Jedi.


Oct 25, 2017
And RT scores historically only go down after the first wave of reviews. Wow. This is not what I was expecting.


Oct 27, 2017
I dunno I thought Snoke was pretty awesome with his boss display of force powers and Serkis booming voice. I would say the likes of Maul and Dooku were more boring. But I'm just a sucker for good spectacle.


Apr 27, 2018
As soon as the new film opened with a new Vader, new Tarkin, new Palpatine, new Rebellion, new Empire, new Death Star, new Obi-Wan, a droid on some "new" not Tatooine desert planet, it was all going to go down hill. Should have tried something new but just had to re-tell the OT story with new special effects.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
the funniest part about Snoke is that he was basically a dollar store Palpatine and after Rian discarded him like the bum ass he was to further Kylo's story JJ just brought back actual Palpatine anyway


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Hi, I'm the one man who could save Star Wars

He'll save us from Star Wars with his Dune films.


Mar 13, 2019
Lot of assumptions in there, particularly the bit about my supposed incapacity, but I didn't say any of that. It's honestly just about common courtesy, about low-cost consideration for readers. It isn't the end of the world, but it is disappointing, if that makes sense.

It's just a matter of how little it costs to let people experience something fresh, the way people making the articles and some threads probably got to. The stakes aren't high at all, sure, but it costs nothing to at least wait for the broader release so more people can go into it like they did.

This isn't about anyone's experience being "ruined", but of neutral titling being so little to ask. It seems reasonable.
Maybe I worded my first post wrongly, but my point is that people should be able to have a "fresh" experience even if they've read every review under the sun - assuming those reviews didn't spoil major plot points. People shouldn't be so willing to let reviewers colour their own opinions.


Nov 11, 2017
I can't say I envy JJ. He was put in the difficult position of having to start and end a new trilogy (and conclude a saga) of one of the most beloved entertainment properties of all time.

Looks like TROS is a bit milquetoast going by reviews. Seems like JJ played it safe again but I can't say I blame him. I'm still excited though. I just hope JJ didn't backpedal on what Rian did with TLJ too much.

I blame disney for thinking SWfandom is a bunch of fucking morons that just want to see lightsabers rattle.
They could have just done a story line. A thought out and coherent one. Just go with that. Instead, the movies were insulting to your intelligence. Just obvious pandering to nostalgia with nothing else that was going to be meaningful and trying to rework the original which is a cinematic masterpiece. It CAN Be done, 100% someone could redo this -- with an actual vision. That did not happen.

Everyone involved is capable. The films look amazing, but the stories are all terrible. My standards were abysmally low... and even still..
Oct 27, 2017
You know what's gonna be awesome? George Lucas' shit eating grin when he's interviewed about this movie. Oh man I can't wait for the Lucasisms we gonna get in a week or so.

Should've gone with the Whills Disney! Lol.


Nov 18, 2017
Snoke is the most boring character ever put into a Star Wars movie and killing him is the smartest thing TLJ does.

It's not Rian's fault that the hack Abrams immediately squanders the narrative potential of allowing Kylo to be the main villain.

Snoke was boring because they decided to do nothing with him in TLJ


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Just got out of the theater.

Lucas sat next to me at my screening and said "I actually liked this one the most but I paid off critics to give it a bad score, that'll show those white slavers!"

I thought this post was funny and you should know that. Even though it's going to be buried in a sea of vitriol that is this thread lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Hi, I'm the one man who could save Star Wars

No, if such a thing were to happen the universe would collapse in on itself for being too orderly and perfect. We would all burn in the sheer perfection and brilliance of such a pairing. Avert your eyes and cast off such imaginings, our mortal minds and cold world could never accept such magnificence.

Alas, we must take Blade Runner and Dune and be contented.


Oct 25, 2017
"It's all very slick, very polished. What's not there is revelation, mystery or genuine emotional danger. Nothing is at risk. The pictures are made to satisfy a specific set of demands, and they are designed as variations on a finite number of themes." - Martin Scorsese on the Rise of Skywalker.