
Oct 25, 2017
That's probably the best attitude to go in with. As I've said to another poster, you definitely need to see it yourself to make a judgement call. For all you know, you'll like it, even if you don't like some of the story beats.

I'm enjoying The Witcher and it's getting the same mixed reviews, so I'm easy to please I guess.
Nov 11, 2017
Just saw on twitter someone saying that people are positive review bombing the audience scores for this movie out of spite for TLJ. Lol.

can't be that audiences had fun.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Cross posting because the OT is moving faaast:

Is the YouTube reviewer " I hate everything" a secret alt right person like so many turn out to be? Friend sent me his review and his pointed, fair, succinct thoughts on the entire trilogy pretty much mirror mine. I would post his video but yea, don't want to make that mistake


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the movie, it was fun, which is what I look for in a Star Wars movie, after all my favorite one is Rots. I'm just sad that Sheev wasn't given more space to shine, but I did enjoy what they did to Kylo's character. Not the best or worst thing ever, pretty good.


Oct 30, 2017
Just saw on twitter someone saying that people are positive review bombing the audience scores for this movie out of spite for TLJ. Lol.

can't be that audiences had fun.
I dunno dude, SW fans are fucking weird.

Cross posting because the OT is moving faaast:

Is the YouTube reviewer " I hate everything" a secret alt right person like so many turn out to be? Friend sent me his review and his pointed, fair, succinct thoughts on the entire trilogy pretty much mirror mine. I would post his video but yea, don't want to make that mistake

I feel like I shouldn't watch any reviewer on YT but DoubleToasted, especially for a SW movie. There's so many alt-right shitheels out there that make a living off this shit.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I have to say, this is probably one of the dumbest films I've seen in the past couple years.
The visuals and some of the fights were cool, but damn it's like they tried to write the shittiest script and dialogue they could think of, while shoving in as many hollywood cliches as possible. Uninspired to the max. Makes the previous two movies look sophisticated


alt account
Jul 2, 2019
I have to say, this is probably one of the dumbest films I've seen in the past couple years.
The visuals and some of the fights were cool, but damn it's like they tried to write the shittiest script and dialogue they could think of, while shoving in as many hollywood cliches as possible. Uninspired to the max. Makes the previous two movies look sophisticated
It's such a step down, bad even for abrams

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
Bruh I just got done with a 2:30 am screening and holy fuck I am still cracking up at how comically bad it was. Please point me to some memes so I can keep this party going.


Mar 25, 2019
John Williams is just amazing, his score can (and consistently does) carry anything these films do. As for the fight? I just can't stand the whole thing. I just watched it again last week as I made my way through the prequels and I hated it. All of the drama of the moment is sucked away once all of the sword twirling and ballet goes overboard like this. It pushes the spectacle and style of fighting found in the Qui Gon/Obi/Maul fight (which was already pushing it) far too far and they cease to look like they're fighting with any impact or real emotion. From there it just gets progressively more ridiculous until they ride down a river of lava for nothing more than the silliest of spectacle. The only redeeming moment of the whole thing comes as Anakin screams and burns on the shore.

I would take any fight from TROS over it - though I'm not huge on Rey and Kylo's fight on the remains of the Death Star either because the setting feels like some fan-fiction "ISNT THIS COOL GUYS???" bullshit.

I guess for me I always loved the sp3ctacle fornthe fights. The more flips the better lol. I mean they are jedi I always thought the fights should look like that. I found the original trilogies lightsaber battles really boring.


Oct 28, 2017
I thought it was quite good. I very much disliked the previous movie so I was just happy that it improved upon that significantly

Still a lot of things wrong with it though sadly. Some puzzling moments that simply did not need to be there

My order is now
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Oct 25, 2017
so it's just science fiction then.

the force, Jedi, mandalorians, bounty hunters a large empire etc IS Star Wars
Did you read my post or were you in a hurry to respond? Where did I say no force or Jedi or bounty hunters?

I was specifically talking about all the stuff in the original trilogy. The empire, the rebels, the skywalkers, etc.

You can do a Star Wars setting without all that. The Old Republic is a good example. The question is how they'll go about doing it and how Star Wars fans will react to it.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, got my tix for tonight. Gonna try to just go in with the mindset of a popcorn blockbuster and just kinda turning my brain off. I bet it'll be fine.


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
If I had to rate it would probably be a 5 or 6 out of 10. It's a dumb crowd pleaser and there's fun to be had but the fanservice felt way more egregious that it did in either tfa or tlj. Introducing Lando felt like a TV cameo where the other characters go "Wow it's Lando from Star Wars 5 and 6".

If this film succeeds I don't think we'll ever get a star wars film without lightsabers.
towards the end it got so ridiculous it felt like lightsabers had become the main character of the story

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
Empire Strikes Back - 9
Rogue One - 9
Return of the Jedi - 7
A New Hope - 7
A Force Awakens - 7
The Last Jedi - 6
Rise of the Skywalker - 4

they need to just retcon this franchise. Move on from sith, Jedi, skywalkers, etc. it's in shambles.


Oct 26, 2017
Just saw on twitter someone saying that people are positive review bombing the audience scores for this movie out of spite for TLJ. Lol.

can't be that audiences had fun.
We know TLJ was review bombed by salty fans. And we know that culture war hasn't subsided in the years since release. It's not outside the realm of possibility. But of course it's also not worth getting hung up about.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Did you read my post or were you in a hurry to respond? Where did I say no force or Jedi or bounty hunters?

I was specifically talking about all the stuff in the original trilogy. The empire, the rebels, the skywalkers, etc.

You can do a Star Wars setting without all that. The Old Republic is a good example. The question is how they'll go about doing it and how Star Wars fans will react to it.

I think that was the big mistake in doubling down on nostalgia right in this sequel trilogy. They could have made a fairly different setting from the OT while still heavily appealing to nostalgia through the returning characters. Now, if we skip ahead (or back) to a different setting, I fear they will need to latch onto the OT aesthetic and conflict even more since they will have no characters to connect the future movies to it. If they abandon both the setting and cast people might as well ask what makes it Star Wars since there will be such a big gap from these movies.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just watched TLJ again and damn does it hit highs. I don't understand how the Luke sequence doesn't land for people. It's amazing. I agree the casino sequence is a bit of a diversion but it does have a good message. Not enough to make the film a bad film at all. Overall it is extremely well done. Like I might put it above ESB, or they are very close. I feel like it's a combination of muuuh get politics out of Star Wars, which is idiotic (yes it's so terrible a movie points out that slavery and war profiteering are bad things), and then just completely missing why luke does what he does. He chose to go, his time was done, just like Obi wan did. There is plenty of set up for ep 9.
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Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Just watched TLJ again and damn does it hit highs. I don't understand how the Luke sequence doesn't land for people. It's amazing. I agree the casino sequence is a bit of a diversion but it does have a good message. Not enough to make the film a bad film at all. Overall it is extremely well done. Like I might put it above ESB, or they are very close. I feel like it's a combination of muuuh get politics out of Star Wars, which is idiotic (yes it's so terrible a movie points out that slavery and war profiteering are bad things), and then just completely missing why luke does what he does. He chose to go, his time was done, just like Obi wan did. There is plenty of set up for ep 9.

I don't understand how it can be close to esb.
And it's not because of themes, where it does well, but it's highly flawed execution to put it lightly.

The whole Poe side story is based on miscommunication... That's just lazy writing. Mutiny happens... But it's fine... People are literally leaving and coming back from a ship that people are trying to save.. talk about contrived. It's not Rey that changes Luke's mind, but Yoda. Well that was easy. Finn and crew have magical plot armor! Yay.

ESB is just so much tighter and superior in basically everything. Writing. Soundtrack. Masterful cinematography. Editing. Pacing. Etc.


Oct 29, 2017
TPMAoTCRotS all equally awful.

Rogue One and Solo I feel have actual better writing than the ST. The fact they were not a trilogy helped tell a more concise story. I really don't like Solo much, but I didn't feel like I watched a broken movie, whereas the ST are three broken movies with plot points going nowhere, characters that should have never been introduced, characters that make no sense, and throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks. They're the worst aspect of comic book movies, but with worst writing.

TLJ was the best written of the three but the bar was at the ground level, and it just didn't fit at all as a sequel to TFA, RJ should have been given something new and not allowed to take things off course instead of polishing what TFA had started, which had been a bit messy. RoS is like an AI was asked to make the last movie. But still, TLJ still sucked on so many levels I don't think it would have been any better. Yes the movie has a "theme", but it's boring, full of characters I couldn't care for, boring plots, etc. It didn't just screw up as a follow up to TFA, it did a lot of boring stuff of its own.


Oct 29, 2017
Just watched TLJ again and damn does it hit highs. I don't understand how the Luke sequence doesn't land for people. It's amazing. I agree the casino sequence is a bit of a diversion but it does have a good message. Not enough to make the film a bad film at all. Overall it is extremely well done. Like I might put it above ESB, or they are very close. I feel like it's a combination of muuuh get politics out of Star Wars, which is idiotic (yes it's so terrible a movie points out that slavery and war profiteering are bad things), and then just completely missing why luke does what he does. He chose to go, his time was done, just like Obi wan did. There is plenty of set up for ep 9.

The planet of Canto Bight is awesome.

Luke's entire arc is awesome.

His ending is awesome.

The brushing off of the shoulder is not awesome. It is awful.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The planet of Canto Bight is awesome.

Luke's entire arc is awesome.

His ending is awesome.

The brushing off of the shoulder is not awesome. It is awful.

Yeah that is a bit cringe but it's a joke. Most movies, and all Star Wars movies, have a bad joke or 2.

And yeah I liked the canto sequence but it did sort of feel like it could have been cut and the film wouldn't have suffered.

And yeah the shoulder brush does land for some viewers.


Oct 28, 2017
I have decided to not even see it. This trilogy is a wash and not even worth remembering anymore. I just think they all suck in one way or another and there is no reason to ever rewatch them. So I'm just gonna pretend the last 3 movies never existed.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand how it can be close to esb.
And it's not because of themes, where it does well, but it's highly flawed execution to put it lightly.

The whole Poe side story is based on miscommunication... That's just lazy writing. Mutiny happens... But it's fine... People are literally leaving and coming back from a ship that people are trying to save.. talk about contrived. It's not Rey that changes Luke's mind, but Yoda. Well that was easy. Finn and crew have magical plot armor! Yay.

ESB is just so much tighter and superior in basically everything. Writing. Soundtrack. Masterful cinematography. Editing. Pacing. Etc.

Same thoughts.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Saw it this morning.

Solidly mediocre, worse than TFA. JJ just isn't that good.

A shame that a movie as good as TLJ is saddled with TRoS and TFA as its bookends.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Luke in TLJ is 100 times cooler than Luke in TROS. Mark's acting included.

The Luke scenes in RoS were not well directed.
Force ghost in bright daylight scenes, with Mark being directed to just be super loose and open--I understand the desire to have it come across that Luke is in a better place emotionally now, but JJ went too far with the comedy and lack of gravity that Luke's presence deserves.


Nov 15, 2017
I mean this in the nicest way, but whoever places SW8 at last place needs to reevaluate their lives! 😂😂

Fair enough not liking it, but you gotta be kidding when you say it's worse than Solo and the presequels.