
Oct 25, 2017
I've watched the first seven episodes. The show definitely gets better the deeper it gets, but it rarely leans into its weird potential, only offering glimpses of what could be. It also has the (typical Netflix) problem of being light on plot and heavy on run-of-the-mill interpersonal drama. Hopefully the concluding episodes pick up.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, finished and enjoyed. Read vol one years back, but adaptation wise, the thing it most reminded me of was A Life Less Ordinary. And yeah, that soundtrack could not have been cheap.
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Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
finished. liked it.
white violin costume wasn't used. I know it's a little overtly sexual, but I still think it looks cool
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. Felt like they could have condensed it into 8 episodes to better effect but still enjoyed it for what it was.

Great cast and surprisingly high production values. The last episode felt a little fast for my tastes and the abrupt ending was a bit annoying. But I really enjoyed it and hope a season 2 happens.


Oct 28, 2017
Just finished and I loved it too, all the main characters were interesting in their own way and I enjoyed the use of music throughout.
I used to read the comic when I was younger, I should catch up with it really. And I am glad I heard one Gerard Way song in this show, I was hoping for it.

One character I got annoyed with near the end for his dumb decisions making things worse was Luther. Guy was the final reason Vanya went wild for locking her up when the other siblings wanted to give her a chance.

Metal B

Oct 27, 2017
One character I got annoyed with near the end for his dumb decisions making things worse was Luther. Guy was the final reason Vanya went wild for locking her up when the other siblings wanted to give her a chance.
That's the problem of being a leader. You have to make the tough decision, when there is just limited information at place. Seven was unstable and almost killed Three, who wanted to talk her down before. He wasn't going to take chances, if the world and the rest of his family was at stakes. But he still didn't wanted to kill her. First he tried to buy some time in impression her and then stopping her in taking away her instrument. We as the audience had more Informationen than him. At the end One enabled Three to knock out Seven. Being the leader is hard and an unthankful job … its the same with the there father. Even so he went too far and forgot that he was more then just there operator.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
I think that was...
more about the backstory of the violin rather than Hargreeves. It shows that the violin was something that was actually important to him, and yet he gave it to the kid that he supposedly didn't care about. I think it was meant to show that he may have actually cared for Vanya the most.

Holy smokes... I didn't think about that. I thought it was alluding to (comic spoiler)
Hargreeves being an extraterrestrial, just not handled very well. I guess that would explain how the violin also amplified Seven's abilities.


Oct 26, 2017
We watched through episode 3 and while I can't speak for my GF... I am definitely NOT digging this show. The pacing is languid and haphazard which I'm normally fine with if the characters are interesting but unfortunately so far they haven't seemed to do any of the characters justice. Nothing has actually happened. I can definitely see a path forward to redeem the show by focusing more on giving the characters a chance to shine but I have little hopes. Klaus and Diego and Number Five are all impossible to enjoy, especially so for Klaus who's just a walking trope given sentience. I care VERY VERY little about any of these people and when Klaus is on screen I actively look for other things to focus my attention on, like my phone.

We're sure to finish it because there isn't much else to watch and I think my GF is enjoying it more than me... but it's extremely telling that the only thing so far that's stood out to me as really fantastic is the CG on an ape.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I watched all of it and it's just a bunch of meh. For a show with such slow pacing, they really don't build up certain characters before they get offed.

And fucking hell they love to use licensed music.


Oct 26, 2017
And fucking hell they love to use licensed music.

The worst part is that it's edited so poorly you get tired of the licensed music before the end of the sequence so you're sitting there waiting for it all to end and you still have 30 seconds of incongruent music left. I should make a bingo board for the remaining episodes with expected musical sequences so I can get all my eye-rolls out of the way now.
Nov 1, 2017
Some tv critic once diagnosed Netflix's marvel series as "death by a thousand six minute scenes" and I think that applies here too. Scenes keep going long after you get the point of them and it keeps the show from gaining momentum.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As a fan of the comics i have no fucking idea what kind of story this show is trying to tell. Is it too slow or too fast?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Definitely agree on the pacing issues and I was also pretty underwhelmed by the finale. Overall I enjoyed the season though. Klaus and Five were the highlights for me.

I feel similarly about this show as I did with Altered Carbon. Both flawed shows that I still liked. There's a lot of potential here, hopefully it gets a second season.


Oct 26, 2017
Some tv critic once diagnosed Netflix's marvel series with "death by a thousand six minute scenes" and I think that applies here too. Scenes keep going long after you get the point of them and it keeps the show from gaining momentum.

With so many characters you'd think the pacing would be peppier but instead it feels like unrelated and lengthy vignettes randomly strewn together with little connective tissue.


Oct 25, 2017
I know. Still a close enough resemblance for Page to feel they ripped off her likeness. The similar names and likeness are too burned into my subconscious lol.

How about that Ellen Page freakout psychic water bubble explosion that they ripped off directly from Beyond Two Souls, with the same actress and everything. That got a good eyeroll from me

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I swear to god in heaven the only reason I am watching this series tonight is because Tom Hopper is in it. Not even remotely joking. I only know that poor sap from the Eleventh Hour episode of Doctor Who when he is essentially a joke character and I have felt awful for the guy ever since.

The premise is ridiculous and the trailer looked meh, but I feel like I owe the guy for all the times I laughed at him during that episode.


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
show started strong but ended up being quite disapointing. klaus was the highlight of the show, I watched til the end mainly to know what the deal with him and ben is. also the weird music sequences sucked, ended up skipping through most of them. part of me still wants to watch s2, but not expecting good things
without adult kraus
Oct 26, 2017
A few eps in and I don't think I can do this. Dialogue is too capital Q quirky for me and comes off as trying way too hard - klaus in particular makes me want to die.

There are bits of intrigue but I can't see myself caring about anyone enough to want to see it through. Pacing is all over the place too.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
It was good, but not great. Diego/3 and Luthor/1 were really hit and miss, but mostly miss. Page as Vanya/7 fell out of place and just poorly developed. Allison/Rumor/3 was OK, but not that good. Her and 7's interactions got tiring after a while cause they were so predictable. Klaus, #5, Ben, Hazel, Cha Cha, Mom and Pogo were the best and most interesting when on screen. Klaus and Ben really needed a lot more screen time. Their dynamic and everything way was more interesting than the melodrama of 1, 2, 3 and 7.

One thing that irked me is just how kind of dumb they all kind of were. They were these wunderkids and fantastic heroes in their youth, but as adult barely seemed capable of putting on their own shoes, this was really clear in the final episode and conflict where they just seemed so inept at devising a plan of attack. They let minor emotional slights and issues completely side track and overwhelm them despite clear and present danger all around them. I get part of it is to show how damaged they were by the upbringing but it broke my suspension of disbelief a few too many times.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm up to episode 8 and I've been enjoying it. The show has issues but I find it more than watchable. If I had issues its that the story itself isn't all that interesting in of itself and its more the world at large that I find cool and want to learn more about. I actually don't mind the music choices or the extended scenes, some of them worked very well for me especially the first episode where everyone was dancing by themselves.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If Klaus is the highlight of the show I really should just stop watching now :-/

I mean, personally I really like Robert Sheehan's smarmy weird humor in general so I get a kick out of his portrayal of Klaus and that's why he was a highlight of the show for me. He's fun. Especially since most of the other Hargreeves are pretty dry and humorless. I could see how people might not like that kind of humor but idk I think Sheehan does a great job in this.
Oct 25, 2017
I saw Number 3 in the LA leg of the Hamilton tour. She was a fantastic Angelica.

Show's all right so far (I'm on episode 4), I feel like the things it finds interesting aren't the things that I find interesting. It's funny to me that in a show with a talking chimpanzee and a time traveler, the least believable thing is Ellen Page dating a guy.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, personally I really like Robert Sheehan's smarmy weird humor in general so I get a kick out of his portrayal of Klaus and that's why he was a highlight of the show for me. He's fun. Especially since most of the other Hargreeves are pretty dry and humorless. I could see how people might not like that kind of humor but idk I think Sheehan does a great job in this.

It's just so incredibly on the nose and uninteresting and one note. I do like the dynamic between him and Ben but there isn't nearly enough of it and he doesn't have a true foil (at least so far in my viewing) to give him ANY depth. Like, I know if he's on screen there's going to be some flamboyant physical acting with some kind of flippant dialog that's meant to really drive the nail in that he uses humor and drugs to cover how incredibly emotionally scarred he is, probably because of his superpower and his upbringing... like, we get it.

I saw Number 3 in the LA leg of the Hamilton tour. She was a fantastic Angelica.

Show's all right so far (I'm on episode 4), I feel like the things it finds interesting aren't the things that I find interesting. It's funny to me that in a show with a talking chimpanzee and a time traveler, the least believable thing is Ellen Page dating a guy.

They really have zero chemistry and the guy who plays the dude is so dreadfully uncharismatic.

I don't wanna completely poop on the show, the action is great most of the time and the shot sequence of them all dancing in their individual rooms was actually pretty great.


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't going to give this a go since I didn't like the trailer, but I saw people saying it was good, so I decided to try the first episode and it hooked me. It's a lot better than I thought it would be (so far). I also like the music direction.

Considering how dumb I think the whole "family with superpowers" trope is, they do it well enough to keep me watching. Also, the kid that plays number 5 does a good job making his predicament believable.

The Emperor

Oct 25, 2017
Terrible first half then got really good.

Casting was fantastic

But the characters were meh. All of them acted really dumb most of the time. And very annoying. Luther & the dead people guy were especially annoying characters. Vanya and rumour were good. Number five was great but also annoying half the time. DIego was annoying.

Vanya's power reveal with number 5 barely happened..he just suddenly seemed to know what was going on

It felts the show had immensely slow pacing yet some scenes were missing.

Love Ellen Page in anything

Reminded me a bit of House on the Hill with the family dynamic but done a billion times worse.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
One thing that irked me is just how kind of dumb they all kind of were. They were these wunderkids and fantastic heroes in their youth, but as adult barely seemed capable of putting on their own shoes, this was really clear in the final episode and conflict where they just seemed so inept at devising a plan of attack.
Their "plan" was really fucking stupid considering that they basically did the same thing right before it and completely failed

Turns out that the person who can attack in multiple directions isn't going to have much trouble in attacking for stupid guys running at her from a general direction.

I will say that, Elle Page looked great in white.
Oct 27, 2017
I like how 5 killed all those goons in the donut shop, but in the theatre he just hid in the seats.

Then teleported like 15 feet away from Vanya to stop her instead of right by her.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Klaus is hands down the best character in this show.

I've also noticed a shit ton of Canadian Actors in this show. Their Father is the guy from Bon Cop Bad Cop and the Boxing Guy was Brent Butt's Dad from Corner Gas. Is this a Canadian Production?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Half way through and I really like it. The youngest is also the best character and actor. I was surprised by that.

Don't know how it ends but right now I would love another season.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
I find interesting. It's funny to me that in a show with a talking chimpanzee and a time traveler, the least believable thing is Ellen Page dating a guy.

I choked on my saliva laughing at this, but it's so true. Maybe it was the love interest that threw me off... I can only see him as Lorna Morello's boyfriend from OITNB. He just didn't seem to fit.

I can't complain much about Page's acting... Vanya is supposed to be withdrawn. Her flashbacks
show her to be irrational and violent... especially when fed oatmeal.
It was just, due to how she's written
falling for a stranger so fast seemed out of character, especially given her history with nannys. You write a woman as being distant and not connecting to loved ones and strangers alike... then have her grown attached to a guy out of the blue in 2-3 days?
Ehhh... what?


Oct 25, 2017
Soooo... what the fuck was going on in the beginning of episode 10.

What where all those rockets being shot off while Hargreave's wife(?) died?
Oct 25, 2017
It was just, due to how she's written
falling for a stranger so fast seemed out of character, especially given her history with nannys. You write a woman as being distant and not connecting to loved ones and strangers alike... then have her grown attached to a guy out of the blue in 2-3 days?
Ehhh... what?

Right, it's absurdly quick.

I think I get what they're going for, with her finally feeling seen by someone, but it's still just hard to believe that she would be so head over heels immediately.

I'm liking the show, thoug. It's started to pick up as the pieces fall into place.

Uh oh, we got ourselves a Syndrome.


Oct 25, 2017
Really enjoyed watching this, although it absolutely does suffer from the "netflix syndrome" aka "maybe 2 episodes too long"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Haven't seen the show yet but loved the comics. For those that have read the comics and seen the show, is it based off the first volume? Or is it different? Saw a preview and didn't really feel it that much. I will hop in and check it out eventually though.


Oct 26, 2017
Really enjoyed this one, another winner from Netflix I think.
I am glad to Robert Sheehan in something again, I loved him as Nathan in Misfits.

I had never heard of the comic before, I think I will check my local bookshop and see if they have it in stock.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't finished the whole season but am I the only one who actually likes Diego's character? Err well after the first episode..


Oct 28, 2017
I swear to god in heaven the only reason I am watching this series tonight is because Tom Hopper is in it. Not even remotely joking. I only know that poor sap from the Eleventh Hour episode of Doctor Who when he is essentially a joke character and I have felt awful for the guy ever since.

Whoa ! I never realized Jeff was Tom Hopper...

If you want to see more from that actor, i'd recommend you to check Black Sails, he's quite cool in there (and the show is actually very good passed the first few episodes).