
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Looks like you're from the UK. Resources are here:

Help for suicidal thoughts

Where to get help if you are having suicidal thoughts, and what to do if you are worried about someone else.

Please consider them.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Yeah, it's going to hurt quite a bit. And if you don't die right away, that's pretty much a lifetime of some kind of major injury to live with

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
OP, there have been other posts like yours on this forum along these lines. Please understand that this means that we're all struggling now, and you're not alone in feeling this way. You can make it through this. Speak to those that you love.


Nov 11, 2017
There's always a chance of survival, in which case, uh... yeah. It'd be excruciating and you'd probably be crippled and way worse off than you are now. Don't do it.


Oct 25, 2017
A terrible curiosity, one whose answer you can't take back. This sadness and feeling is temporary, GummyBear, don't let sorrow get to you. We're all going through pain, and we're here to hear your pain, because with so many of us here, I'm sure more than a few of us can understand your pain.

Talk to us, we're listening for you here; you made a topic and we should talk!


Oct 25, 2017
Death by blunt trauma is one of the more painful ways to go. Hope you reconsider and stay safe.


Jan 9, 2018
I was dragged to hospital. There's a bridge on the way home. I was a coward. If I go back, will it hurt?

Please don't choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Please hold on and get some help. One day you will be much happier and think back and be happy you did not go through with ending it all.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I am sorry for any pain I caused.I hate being people's enemy, I just want the endless dark,

It's OK - from your post history you seem like a really awesome person. It takes guts to own up to that thing you mentioned about your family situation/environment in that Trans thread, and you wouldn't be doing that if you weren't a good person. We need allies like you!


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
i guarantee the second you jump you would regret it even if you can't imagine doing so right now. literally all people who survived jumping from the Golden Gate in SF will tell you that.


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018
Suicide by jumping is one of the worst ways to go, OP. Physically painful AND there's a high chance you'd feel immense regret before impact no matter how hopeless you're feeling right now.

That being said OP, I've been there and as cliched as it sounds it DOES get better if you allow yourself to get better. There's comfort in the sadness when you're depressed, but once you start making even the slightest progress and start climbing it's incredibly rewarding and you'll no longer find normalcy in the darkness. You'll appreciate how strong you are, looking back at how you managed to get better even in such a dark place. And things will finally be better!

You got this, OP; keep on fighting! :)


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Please don't consider this, there's a chance of surviving and you'll be in insane agony for the rest of you life.

Please talk to someone vent you need to do this to help, they dragged you to a hospital because they want you to be okay.

Makoto Yuki

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I am sorry for any pain I caused.I hate being people's enemy, I just want the endless dark,

I hurt some innocent people in my life, I know it sounds cliche, but I know how you feel. I just wanted to end it because I didn't feel like I deserve to live after hurting good innocent friends. Hurt by my recklessness. Though you will hurt many more people if you jump.

I felt like taking my life but I kept going, 10 years later, I'm glad I stepped away from that ledge. So please reach out. We are here for you.


Nov 2, 2017
I get it man. But as far as we know this is the only life we got. Death will come eventually, it is out of your control, all you need to do is live. Just by living you are adding meaning to the world. Look at this thread for instance, you are helping us make a forum to talk about this stuff, we need people like you around. We gotta stick together man :-).


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Don't do it.

Also, all the people that have survived jumping from a bridge, say that they regretted it on the way down and there was nothing they could do despite no longer wanting to die as they fell.

Talk to someone, don't ever give up.

I have a friend that is 34. She tried committing suicide 5 times from the age of 14 to 31. She now has a family and 3 kids. She talks all the time about how she would have thrown everything she has away if she had succeeded.

You always mean something to someone, reach out.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
We are rooting for you and care about you, life is not it's darkest moments, you can find light as hard as it feels. Please please please seek out help, it's there I promise
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing I can say right now will change the amount of pain you're feeling at this moment, but I can promise you a better future that has you in it if you'll stay. There are things you haven't done yet, people you have yet to meet, things that need to be seen by you -- if you leave, you'll leave a hole in the universe that gets bigger and bigger and swallows the people you care about. You're not defined only by the worst things you've ever done and the worst state you've ever been in -- as long as you're here, there's time to become better and learn how to move forward.

Give people here a chance to show you how big that hole would be if you were gone. Stay.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, but not as much as it will hurt for those who get left behind.
I'm sure you're already hurting if you're seriously considering this. I wish I could be of help. But please, find someone that can help you. You can do it! We're here if you need us.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
My ex left me alone. My family left me abandoned. I became an abusive piece of shit. I just want people to be happy.
Things can feel dark, but those moments in life are temporary. Do everything you can to not let it get to you, use this as an opportunity to start over and become a new person. It's not an overnight change and you might stumble along the way but this is a path you can only walk if you stay here in the world with us. Become a person who can make themselves happy, who can look back and be proud of the changes you have made in your life, and after you are down that road then start worrying about others. Life is what you make it, not everyone is delt a good hand but become the person who can be proud of winning with the hand you were delt. There are plenty of people who are willing to help you down that road, take the help there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Mar 10, 2018
I mean, that video is all about a character regretting his decision to commit suicide from a bridge. As useful as any half-baked Ted Talk stuff is going to be in this situation.
I know what the video's about, I've seen the show. It's not helpful in a situation such as this. It's essentially guilt-tripping OP to not go through with it. Using the wrong methodology to arrive at the right outcome. Whereas the Ted talk I linked has to do with empathy.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. It hurts horribly. All methods do. The least painful option is talking to someone and seeking help.


Oct 27, 2017
The moment you leap off that bridge, you will immediately regret. Whatever you're feeling right now, death is not the answer.


Jan 9, 2018
My ex left me alone. My family left me abandoned. I became an abusive piece of shit. I just want people to be happy.

Ending it all will only make people more sad. No one will be happy if you take your own life. If you get help and over time work on yourself and improve little by little, you will love yourself and others will love you too. I am not saying it is easy, but it can be done Gummy.