
Oct 26, 2017
I shower every morning. I just feel gross if I don't shower, but if we're camping it's fine. I also run 5-6 days a week and I'm not allowed to sit on the couch until I've taken a post-run shower. Most days I'm a two shower guy.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought that was just a white people thing.
Could be, but regardless, I'm sure it's more common than people would care to admit, even amongst the twice a day people in this thread.

So a ye olde whores bath in between showering once a month? Nah don't think so you crusty ass mfer
Do people in hospitals getting sponge baths every day stink? Could you tell the difference between a low PSI pressure wash vs a gentle scrub with a cloth? Clean is probably clean regardless of how you get there I'd think, though the shower sounds easier lol.


Oct 27, 2017
If your crotch smells so rancid after 24 hours that it's potent enough to be noticeable, let alone offensive to others, it's probably grounds to book a doctor's appointment to get some type of prescription that fixes crotch rot.

The space between your balls and thighs (the crotch) can start to get smelly after 24 hours, especially in the warmer months - not unlike armpits. Sweat starts to stink after it's dried, and gets moist again due to the bacteria in it. It has nothing to do with an infection. Will people notice it? Probably not. But what about on day 3?

I'm also not so sure that people that don't wash their bodies regularly are washing their clothes regularly. I ride the bus and train often, and you can smell the human stink. Sometimes it clearly obvious who it is, but other times it isn't. It's just somebody that doesn't wash, and let's the rest of us suffer for it.


Shinra Employee
Nov 9, 2017
I wash armpits, groin, ass and feet thoroughly every day. Body only after exercising. I haven't used shampoo in over 3 years. Hair start getting greasy after 3/4 days, 1min of lukewarm water and I'm good for another 3 days. Skin and hair are silky smooth. No need for moisturiser either. Never felt itchy, never felt dry.

I don't get why you people insist on using so much water AND tons of fucking lotion with god only knows what crap inside just to counteract the effects of the tons of water you just used, when some soap applied with a cloth to key zones does the job. Makes no fucking sense.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought that was just a white people thing.

Its a white collar white people thing. I've noticed a ton of people that work those kinds of jobs think simply lathering up in soap somehow scrubs the dirt off you. White folk that get a little dirty at their jobs know damn well you need to scrub with something be it a wash cloth or whatever have you.

Could be, but regardless, I'm sure it's more common than people would care to admit, even amongst the twice a day people in this thread.

Do people in hospitals getting sponge baths every day stink? Could you tell the difference between a low PSI pressure wash vs a gentle scrub with a cloth? Clean is probably clean regardless of how you get there I'd think, though the shower sounds easier lol.

Yeah a sponge bath helps when you cant get a shower sure but come on. If you are capable of showering/bathing why wouldn't you go that route? No reason to scrub your pits, ass and cock/vag then walk on like you are golden.


Oct 16, 2020
once again, reading era shower threads makes me want to shift my politics from social democracy to fascism for making people shower daily until the lesson is learned lol

Solid SOAP

One Winged Slayer
Nov 27, 2017
your mom's house
here's how yall controllers be lookin if you dont shower and game hard



Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
That time I made a thread about how I "only" shower 3-4 times a week and people went berserko 😅


Oct 27, 2017
The space between your balls and thighs (the crotch) can start to get smelly after 24 hours, especially in the warmer months - not unlike armpits. Sweat starts to stink after it's dried, and gets moist again due to the bacteria in it. It has nothing to do with an infection. Will people notice it? Probably not. But what about on day 3?

I'm also not so sure that people that don't wash their bodies regularly are washing their clothes regularly. I ride the bus and train often, and you can smell the human stink. Sometimes it clearly obvious who it is, but other times it isn't. It's just somebody that doesn't wash, and let's the rest of us suffer for it.
People who shower every second day would be showering on day 3, after a mere 48 hour crotch rot fermentation period. A birdbath like the article in OP probably resets the clock on the crotch rot epidemic anyway.

My point through most of this thread is that the people in your life who obviously fucking reek, whether it's on the train, at work, etc., probably aren't showering as frequently as every second day, it's a combination of completely infrequent showers, a lack of any type of washing in the meantime, and grungy laundry. In my experience, particularly at work, it's damn near always a laundry problem. Work jackets that haven't been washed for weeks? Fuck no. I worked with a guy who didn't smell at all in the cab of the truck unless he wore his jacket to work, in which case our eyes watered and nose burned so fucking bad we had to hang it on the headache rack outside with the shovels and axes.

Yeah a sponge bath helps when you cant get a shower sure but come on. If you are capable of showering/bathing why wouldn't you go that route? No reason to scrub your pits, ass and cock/vag then walk on like you are golden.
There's nothing to stop you from washing everything rather than just your pits, crack and crotch during a bird bath, other than ideally having a wash cloth that doesn't touch both your asshole and your face.

That time I made a thread about how I "only" shower 3-4 times a week and people went berserko 😅
Same people who would tell you you're filthy on era and claim they'd talk shit behind your back in public wouldn't actually have a clue. Turns out you likely wear clean clothes, probably deodorant and it turns out they aren't German shepherds.


Dec 1, 2018
These threads are always helpful to see whose opinions are not worth reading afterwards. Since I didn't see it mentioned in between pages I skipped, pet ownership of multiple pets solidifies the need for daily showers even beyond the social contract.

Dogo Mojo

Oct 27, 2017
There is probably a correlation somewhere between this and the amount of threads that have been made about people not cleaning their ass…


Oct 30, 2017
I still remember in basic that some people would skip showering to save time and the DI would flip out on them and make them go wash their nasty ass. 😂


Oct 27, 2017
That time I made a thread about how I "only" shower 3-4 times a week and people went berserko 😅
Projection. Some people smell bad really fast. They could shower three times a day and still smell. Especially teenagers.
But it also depends on the bacteria you carry. And how active your sweat-glands are, thyroid function, etc. People are different. Do you work out? What type of work do you have? Deskjob, very physical job? But as always, people try to make themselves the blueprint for mankind and act like everyone should do the exact same thing as them. .
The people who say you HAVE to shower every day simply say that from a personal experience. Someone they know or themselves. But it IS wise to check your body odour. As in many cases, you don't really smell yourself. Get that hand under your armpit and in your ass-crack and take a deep sniff. And it is wise to wash your smelly parts anyway, every day. Ass, private parts, armpits, feet, etc. It's not fun to sit next to a smelly person.
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Nov 1, 2017
Is the professor in the article a historian? It's a common mistake to say that people didn't bathe. People back 500 years or whatever sure didn't take full on showers because there was no indoor plumbing, but they did bathe just as much as today.


Nov 20, 2017
I appreciate this thread making me realize that the reason I have oily skin is actually just because I live in a place that's constantly 80% humidity. Always thought I was just naturally greasy. I think I will continue to shower every day, thank you.


Aug 27, 2020
I cannot work every day, even remotely at home, without showering every day. Otherwise, my hair just looks and feels like garbage and I can't stand that.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I cannot work every day, even remotely at home, without showering every day. Otherwise, my hair just looks and feels like garbage and I can't stand that.

Same. SPD means that if my hair feels even slightly "off" (bedhead, sticky from sweat, messed up by wind/rain/etc) my brain stops functioning properly.

I'm the kind of person where if I get caught in a freak rainstorm on my way home, I will get into my house and take a full shower and dry my hair just to do a total brain reset. I can't be comfortable in my own body otherwise.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Most people who desire a shower once a day or your a smelly piece of shit actually sit next to people and converse with people who don't on the daily and do not notice.

You cannot actually tell who showered that day and who didn't. I will actually give you a large lump sum of cash if you can do pass a blind study.

You can't though cause you're a human and not a conscious doggo.


Aug 27, 2020
Same. SPD means that if my hair feels even slightly "off" (bedhead, sticky from sweat, messed up by wind/rain/etc) my brain stops functioning properly.

I'm the kind of person where if I get caught in a freak rainstorm on my way home, I will get into my house and take a full shower and dry my hair just to do a total brain reset. I can't be comfortable in my own body otherwise.

I have really soft, thin hair, and part of the reason why I keep it short is to pretend that my hair has some volume to it. But, I completely feel you. I fix my hair, get it to be the way that I want it, go outside into wind or rain and it's automatically ruined. It will drive me nuts for the whole day, not to the point of re-showering but more towards the point of self-loathing like "Why did I even bother to do my hair".

If I don't wash my hair every day, it just turns into this greasy mess that makes me so self-conscious and gross feeling. All of my stylists are like "You should wash your hair every other day" and I'm like "No, I can't" each time. Even stuff like gel, mouse, and hairspray will make it greasy.... the same thing with too much conditioner...and the kicker is if I don't use conditioner somehow my fine hair gets knotted so badly.


Oct 25, 2017
Stinky Era trying it's hardest to defend not showering, the weird holier than thou mental games of saying shit like.
*Yeah well ha bet you twice a day people don't ACTUALLY wash yourselves, you don't wash your clothes and that's why you smell. You can't smell people who haven't showered!* Like playing politics with conservatives.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Gee whiz, I wonder why so many media outlets keep pushing stories about showering less/conserving water.

… I'm going to keep bathing daily until someone stops me tbh

Get ready for you weekly shower and daily ration of insect protein, pleb…

Don't you know clean pits & cracks are for the elite. You can collect rain water for your weekly wash.

Could be, but regardless, I'm sure it's more common than people would care to admit, even amongst the twice a day people in this thread.

No way don't assume we just as nasty as these barely bathing people lmao. Bend the fuck down and wash your legs, back of your knees, calves, feet.

Like, what?!? I bathe and exfoliate all over. How do some of yall function?
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone showers to avoid disease, and I don't think people give a shit how often you shower if you stand before them and let them bear witness to your cleanliness. I know people who go days without showering and I'd never be able to tell. But if you stink or look like a greaseball, people will treat you accordingly.

I'm glad that the bar for cleanliness is higher than it was 100 years ago. The smell of other people's BO makes me physically gag.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Most people who desire a shower once a day or your a smelly piece of shit actually sit next to people and converse with people who don't on the daily and do not notice.

You cannot actually tell who showered that day and who didn't. I will actually give you a large lump sum of cash if you can do pass a blind study.

You can't though cause you're a human and not a conscious doggo.
It's the morning you could have spent the time typing this scrubbing! 🛀🏼


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like shit if I don't shower in the morning. My wife showers maybe every 3 or so days and I've never thought she smelled bad or anything. So just depends on the person. People getting SO UPSET either way here should chill and eat an ice cream cone.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I don't think anyone showers to avoid disease, and I don't think people give a shit how often you shower if you stand before them and let them bear witness to your cleanliness. I know people who go days without showering and I'd never be able to tell. But if you stink or look like a greaseball, people will treat you accordingly.

I'm glad that the bar for cleanliness is higher than it was 100 years ago. The smell of other people's BO makes me physically gag.

If someone gave me a choice of spending a few hours next to a person with bad BO in an elevator or death, I'd choose death. This could actually be a separate thread with a poll.

"Well are you allowed to wear a gas mask in the elevator? I mean, it all depends. When did the person last shower?"


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah nah. I shower daily and will continue to shower daily. I feel gross if I don't. Even if I ain't doing shit but hanging around the house all day I shower.


Oct 27, 2017
It's weird that a lot of people will take these as gospel but reject science that pushes back against daily and/or multiple baths/showers.

Is it a vanity thing because you can show off nice hair and facial clarity but your clothed body is less obvious?

Yeah I've noticed these threads tend to have a weird anti-science slant to them. A general sense of "ignore what your dermatologist says, do what I say or we'll smell your reek from blocks away".

Add me to the list of people that very rarely actually smell others BO. Maybe I'm just blessed with a bad sense of smell, heh.
May 25, 2019
Yeah I've noticed these threads tend to have a weird anti-science slant to them. A general sense of "ignore what your dermatologist says, do what I say or we'll smell your reek from blocks away".

Add me to the list of people that very rarely actually smell others BO. Maybe I'm just blessed with a bad sense of smell, heh.

You rarely smell others BO because they are taking regular showers

There's no anti science slant here. People who smell tend to find any excuse or justification for why they don't need to bathe regularly or wear deodorant and they're almost always wrong. It's not that hard to shower daily and apply deodorant before you leave the house

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Yeah I've noticed these threads tend to have a weird anti-science slant to them. A general sense of "ignore what your dermatologist says, do what I say or we'll smell your reek from blocks away".

Add me to the list of people that very rarely actually smell others BO. Maybe I'm just blessed with a bad sense of smell, heh.


Mar 11, 2020
A lot of people here haven't experienced skin breakdown from all that bacteria on you that makes you smells like crud. Wash up people, smelling bad for too long means you're covered in stuff that would kill you before modern antibiotics. All it takes is a paper cut or a pimple.