
Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Just figured maybe we could have a space to get things off our chest. These aren't great times for anyone, a lot of people are going through a lot of problems. What's different in your life, and what hasn't really changed much, and how do you feel about all of it? It doesn't have to be all negative either, I'm sure good things have happened too, let's talk about all of it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm nervous for my parents, but I'm largely OK. As far as I know, my job is safe (PR for higher ed) so my livelihood is protected. I just work from home, eat, work out, play games and see my GF. Not the worst routine.


Jan 6, 2018
ups and downs. I'm on unemployment right now which is chill cuz i'm making more now than when i was working. The isolation stuff is whatever, i've dealt with that before so i can get thru it somewhat easily. I have to go back to work soon though which is making me pretty nervous. I'll have to take public transportation and I'll be making way less because I can't imagine our business will be nearly the same as pre pandemic, plus there won't be much of anything in the way of tips. Luckily my family is pretty safe and being careful but there's always a layer of dread underneath ya know?


Nov 3, 2017
Had back surgery mid Jan. Really had no services (like PT) afterwards, still don't. I desperately need to go to the dentist. My dad died a couple of months ago and my elderly mom down in S. Fl keeps going out even though I tell her not to.

Oh, I also need the trigger finger operation.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm stable right now. Feel bad for my children though. Mainly worried about the all but guaranteed depression looming on the horizon.


Oct 31, 2018
Grimsby, GB
I've been going to work all this time and I think if I wasn't i'd be going fucking nuts. I've only been working 4hrs a day in a mostly empty workplace so it's different but being able to leave the house every day is pretty sweet. Other people waltzing around like they own the place is bumming me out though.


Oct 28, 2017
Medieval folks had it way worse, not to mention all the cholera and flu outbreaks within the past 200 years. That's basically what helps me cope.


Nov 11, 2017
Medieval folks had it way worse, not to mention all the cholera and flu outbreaks within the past 200 years

Medieval? pffft. This is nothing compared to the neanderthal genocide.



Yeah im just thinking what a shitty new normal for my 3 year old. I already knew climate change was going to suck the life out of generations, but there is no coming back from this. Maybe we will get a vaccine, but for America -- it will be at a fee. Which will just make the problem a social one that keeps popping up from time to time.

Theres also the weird child sicknesses happening that is breaking my heart. I hope that one day we can both celebrate and piss on trumps grave eventually.


May 31, 2018

Compared to how I was a few weeks ago I'm doing great, but honestly it kind of feels like I'm just 'bottling stuff up' instead of healthily dealing with shit. Lets see, but right now I am 'holding up' in a sense.

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
I've used all this as an excuse to do more exercise. Just doing pushups and squats atm since I haven't found a proper exercise routine but at least it's something. I've found it's definitely helping me sleep a lot better, I'm keeping more of an actual sleeping pattern.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Not really. Can't find motivation to work out, definitely gaining weight. Work fucking sucks but I have to suck it up and be grateful to have a job.


Oct 25, 2017
Sanity is very questionable, and I know I'm already lucky to have what I have. It's a rough time.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing better than most as I still have a job and can pay all my bills. My mother did catch the virus but she's almost fully recovered at this point though she also didn't exhibit any of the more dire systems. Otherwise I've tried to use this time to focus myself. I've lost weight and started working out again and I've been trying to do cheap fixes and upgrades around my house and gardens. If anything I've become much better about my finances after I was furloughed for a few weeks, pretty much cut out all frivolous spending like eating out and I've managed to cut my food bill to just $50 to $60 a week. Its been both a dire and also beneficial in some ways.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly i'm holding up pretty well, but god damn do I wish I could stop procrastinating on all the projects I want to get done, ha.
Oct 27, 2017
With each passing day i find myself experiencing an ever growing hatred for people who've been gaslit into believing that any sense of normalcy has to be grabbed by the ball, covid19 be damned.

From the AR driven protests to the aggressive reopening of the economy. No one needs to be at the beach during a pandemic. No one should be jeopardizing their life and the life of countless others for a fucking haircut.

And fuck the US government being complicit in this gaslighting. Rather than actually trying to take care of people and providing it's citizens with a proper safety net, they instead want to play the "there are so many hard working americans that are dying to get back to work" Of course people want to get back to work in the middle of a pandemic when their government is shitty enough to not provide them with any protections. Not to mention it dogwhistles the idea that if somehow you aren't eager to get back to work that you're just being lazy.

Fuck Off


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Today was a life saver. Social security got a hold of my employer to finally fix my unemployment problem and im now getting all my unemployment payments this week. :) I was really worried i wouldn't be able to get this resolved until much later. I can not worry about dipping into my savings to pay rent and rest well.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Worried for older family members and angry at younger ones that don't take it seriously. Just hanging in there.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been incredible lucky to be honest, and its made things easier.
I work for a UK based pet insurance company and the business has completely moved into working from home, so I am still working full time hours and making my full time wage.
In fact, as a consequence of the quarantine I've been promoted to the Team Leader role, so I'm making more and spending less.

Of course this does mean I have kinda been placed into a position of authority to support the team without the same level of support I'd receive if I were in the office and they had time to do everything via the normal procedures. So my stress has been different from a lot of peoples.

Still, incredibly lucky and feeling quite happy overall.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
It used to be that when I got particularly lonely, as often happens to me being the NEET I am, I could drive 2 hours to visit a friend of mine and get drunk with him.

I haven't done that since the quarantine started. I haven't spoken in person to anyone but family in ages. I'm really lonely.
Mar 18, 2020
I was all right until I had to get my office PC put in my apartment and now there's literally no separation between work and home.

I kind of want to die.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know.

I think generally, I had a lot of life plans that I was finally executing right around the time everything happened. That's been hard to deal with emotionally and mentally because it feels like I stagnated substantially, though I have the perspective that that's hardly the most important thing in the world considering people are losing their lives and loved ones. But I think it's important to acknowledge that.

The first month or so I was kind of a nice adjustments and change of pace considering I'm typically overwhelmed and burned out by my workload. I found myself more productive than ever but I think now I'm finding myself fatigued more often than not. It's probably normal to a large degree.


Oct 28, 2017
I discovered that I really enjoy abstract painting, and I've also been dabbling with liquid pours, modelling paste, and blowtorches.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm (or rather: we. My girlfriend, my son and i, are) doing alright, all things considered. How are you doing OP? You're a teacher, right?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm worried about my mother, since she's in the middle of the risk group, and while she's taking care of herself it angers me to see people (specially young) take this lightly.
A bit stressed about work, too - I'm lucky that my job is so far secure, but the workload has increased a ton since the beginning of the pandemic and WFH means that it isn't that easy to disconnect at the end of the day.

Good points are that I'm eating healthier food at home and doing more exercise since I'm not commuting, and I've got more time to spend with mom.


Oct 28, 2017
Not really. 6 months ago my fiancé & girlfriend of 8 years cheated on me. I was completely blindsided. I had no choice but to end that relationship.
I live alone, have no siblings or family my age, and every single day feeling crushingly lonely and lost.

I feel like a ghost. I don't have many IRL friends because I focused all of my energy on my fiancé and work. I had just got to restarting my life after the break up, and then the pandemic hit. Every day is a challenge to not completely give up. On the brighter side, working out keeps me hanging on. I lift everyday and walk every evening.

I'm keeping faith that the pandemic will end, and I can meet new people. I can resume normal life. If it doesn't end by September I might just give up completely.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Financially and economically, yes — I am considered an "essential" worker (911 dispatcher) but mentally, not really as of the last 2 weeks or so. I was able to weather the start of it just fine, but it's starting to drag for me.

I already worked the night shift prior to pandemic but I definitely did take for granted how much even my tiny bits of being able to get out and about and my tiny bits of sleep schedule overlap (i.e. the slim time frames in which my sleep schedule overlapped with normal people and business schedules) helped.

I hate that I feel on edge when I go grocery shopping. I already thought grocery shopping was kinda unpleasant even prior to pandemic and now I extra dislike it — it's the one thing in my life that's pretty much necessary but also the highest risk of exposure.

To make things worse, we've been understaffed going on for a year and a half — my center isn't exactly the most competitive regionally on pay and our recruitment process is like 5-6 months, so the vast majority of our candidates usually find other jobs while they're waiting to hear back about this one. It's a known problem but it's been very difficult to try and cut the bureacratic tape. It's also been bad for retention as we're trained at my center at the same level as the neighboring centers, but we pay so much less, so a lot of people just eventually make lateral moves for increased pay (but same exact workflow, just difference in call volume). ONE of us getting sick right now does actually potentially mean 24 hour shifts, I'm not kidding. It hasn't happened yet but we're that low on people. And the current economic collapse is starting to suggest that we can't open up a new hiring process (even though there would likely be a lot of candidates).

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
I'm too warped with the stress of completing my final year University studies to truly comprehend the gravity of this pandemic right now.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Nothing has changed. Was supposed to be in Japan for a month right now, but oh well. I'll just hang out here instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Doing good. I worked from home anyways and I do well in solitude. I signed up for a bunch of art classes this summer that I'm doing online. My gf is doing a bunch of coding classes.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I'm (or rather: we. My girlfriend, my son and i, are) doing alright, all things considered. How are you doing OP? You're a teacher, right?
Yeah, school is done for the year though, which is for the best. They are still paying me a pittance because it was budgeted as I work for the district so I couldn't get unemployment which sucked, but on the bright side I did find a temp gig and I have an interview for full time next week, if I get it the money is real good and I'd be in a really good spot financially for the first time in my life so fingers crossed. My kids are bored and miss their friends, I miss the students, I felt like as one of the few male staff members I was really able to be a positive influence for at least some of the kids. My grandmother died from the virus the other day but we weren't close really, just sucks to live through WW2 and get taken out because you're stuck in a nursing home where the breakouts are real bad. Wife is an RN and has been floated to the Covid floor a few times. I dunno, life is weird right now.

Is your son real young? It's tough on the kids to not have that socialization with their peers.
May 31, 2018
We had a Teams meeting with a parent for her daughter's IEP and the entire time the mom said this COVID-19 response was all the Democrats' trick to make it sound worse than it is and to push us to be a socialist country with the stimulus checks. Can you cuss out a parent?

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Me and my grandparents are doing good. Nobody is sick, I'm working from home, my brother continuing to do what he wants while my grandparents refuse to deal with it is the only problem.

But alcohol and music is the current dream. I love my friends to death, would die for em, but for some reason the lack of needing to interact and see each other, and just be able to get drunk at home on a saturday night is amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking miserable. Can't work, can't live. I'm angry at everthing and everyone and I don't even know why. I just want my damn life back.


Oct 27, 2017
I've become much more nihilistic as the trump era has continued, especially since covid. Like, what a fucking joke country the US is at this point. Republicans are all fucking racists and murderers.

Democrats are utterly useless. Decades of failing at being an opposition party, and literally rejected the guy trying to get us medicare for all on the eve of a pandemic. Get fucked.

I don't even see how we could get rid of the electoral college in the next 200 years. So fuck it. I'm fully of the opinion that the path that involves the least amount of human misery is to just let the whole fucking thing burn down and start over fresh. America is broken and cannot be fixed.

So yeah we live in a nightmare and my mind is in a dark place.

It's not all bad though. I bought a house at the beginning of the pandemic and don't have to worry about losing my job because I'm the dude that does the covid testing¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oct 27, 2017
Just figured maybe we could have a space to get things off our chest. These aren't great times for anyone, a lot of people are going through a lot of problems. What's different in your life, and what hasn't really changed much, and how do you feel about all of it? It doesn't have to be all negative either, I'm sure good things have happened too, let's talk about all of it.

We're doing fine, I feel blessed. My wife is struggling a bit teaching remotely. I've been working from home for the past 5 years. We're both thankful that we are gainfully employed and we are using this time to build up our savings.

Also being home since March, there have been no colds or anything these past 8-9 weeks, which is rare.

The dog and my son are getting more activity through the day, but I know my son misses going to school. The daughter has recently been allowed to go back to daycare, which helps.

I'm getting some therapy, so believe it or not, with all the extra walks and therapy, I'm in a better place physically and mentally. I've also been researching more about gardening, chickens and raising goats as well as gotten more politically active as one of the admins of Indivisible Puyallup.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
No, I'm im hell. Over the last 4 years the entire world, on a macro and micro scale has been in a state of complete entropy and I only see it getting worse. It's like someone's entering cheat codes to trigger Jumanji style events, and if it weren't for my wife and kids I would probably have killed myself by now. I think my wife and kids have had enough of me too, so that's fun.

Have a nice day.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Realizing just how fucking stupid everyone is has definitely implanted an underlying rage that is there daily now.

Other than, I'm actually going pretty ok at the moment. I am extremely fortunate and have the support of my family right now.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
I still got my job, eventhough payday was late than ever...

Definitely gaining weight, but healthy fortunately.

Sometimes bored at home most of the time.

Just tired of the situation these days...


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
My summer internship was cancelled, and I'm losing hope for landing another one so short notice. I'm coming to terms with not having the $10K that would have helped me pay for living expenses for my final semester. It also sucks because it seems like no one else in my cohort had their internship cancelled so I really feel like I'm missing out. Makes me feel like I don't belong in this field (data science), and will have a much harder time landing a job I actually want once I graduate.

I know it's not a huge deal compared to what other people have to go through, but it's still really upsetting. I bottle it in because I feel that I have no right to complain.