El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who went to K-12 in the 90s remembers this:


Well, to make a very long story short, it was all bullshit. For non-US people, know that the meat and dairy industries in the states has a VAST lobbying industry, rivaling and surpassing at times the gun lobby. When the US Gov proposed a food guide, they lobbied hard to make sure they each got their own section, which is the result you see above. Fats and oils are essential for a healthy diet, eating meat and drinking milk 2-3 times a day is not only not necessary, it could actually be bad for your health depending on which kinds you consume. Now the US Gov switched to the "My Plate"

So this got me thinking, what other things from the 90s did we learn that was wrong?

Some things off the top of my head:

D.A.R.E. - Too many to list, but the biggest one probably was that marijuana was a "gateway drug" and just as bad for you as Cocaine and PCP.

"Just talk to the bully, then he'll leave you alone!" - Basically, once again putting the burden on the victim to solve bullying.

Christopher Columbus - Just...everything.
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Nov 16, 2017
I won the DARE essay contest. 1st place, took a vow I would never do drugs.

Lmao...... Bruh where the trees?! Lmao
Oct 26, 2017
"You'll need cursive when you're a grownup!"

And a lot of bullshit about college, such as:

"You won't get accepted into college without good grades!" My classmates with straight Cs had a fun time in high school, and they still went to college. And graduated.

"You better study hard now, because college only gets harder!" Getting my bachelors was ten times easier than high school.

That "community college" is for dummies.
That's a great one. We have one around here named LLC for short. Just about everyone in school called it, "Loser's Last Chance" because it was a community college. Except the people who went there spent half as much on tuition, got a degree, and still have great jobs.


Oct 25, 2017
Stranger danger and DARE, certainly. Both things that exasperated and made worse the problem they were trying to solve.

Cursive is a good one, but that wasn't harmful, it was just pointless.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm going to toss out one more I learned in my Wednesday Youth Group.

"If you stop seeing color, racism will go away."

This was after we were asked to describe Tiger Woods, and when someone said black, the pastor/teacher went into "gotcha" mode calling my friend racist.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
That's a great one. We have one around here named LLC for short. Just about everyone in school called it, "Loser's Last Chance" because it was a community college. Except the people who went there spent half as much on tuition, got a degree, and still have great jobs.

I don't wanna be too tin-foil hat-like.... but i swear it was pushed to put us into debt.


Oct 25, 2017
"Group projects will make you better at working with other people and prepare you for a job in the real world"

Thanks, now I hate other people.


Oct 25, 2017
"We will set foot on Mars before 2010"

ahahahhahahahahahaha the space dream is dead



Oct 27, 2017
The Civil War was mainly about state's rights. *

* Might have just been one teacher with an axe to grind though.


Mar 9, 2018
This was 00s but my junior high and high school drilled it into everyone's heads that the only way to be successful in modern life is to go to college and if you don't choose to go to college you're ruining your future. It was really irresponsible advice due to college not being for everyone & massive student loans just making things worse for a lot of people.


Oct 25, 2017
"You need to learn how to write a check"

I write maybe one check every three years and have to Google how to do it right 🤣


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Elementary teachers: "When you're in high school they'll make you write all your papers in cursive!"

High school teachers: "Print, do not write in cursive."

Basically the American high school version of knowing rudimentary of French, going to France, trying to speak it, and everyone saying, "No, no - please: speak English."

They taught us how to write cursive, but never how to write it well haha


Oct 28, 2017
That all the computers and electricity would shut off at midnight on Jan. 1st, 2000 and chaos would ensue.
El Bombastico

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
This was 00s but my junior high and high school drilled it into everyone's heads that the only way to be successful in modern life is to go to college and if you don't choose to go to college you're ruining your future. It was really irresponsible advice due to college not being for everyone & massive student loans just making things worse for a lot of people.

The sad things is he was right though: By forcing everyone to go to college, the US had made it so that you NEED a BA just to have a chance of getting a decent job.


Oct 25, 2017
"Group projects will make you better at working with other people and prepare you for a job in the real world"
To elaborate more on this:

"Group projects in school with lazy group members who don't care about their grades are completely comparable to projects in the work force where you need to do well at your job because you have a family to feed and if you screw up you could get fired... so the motivation in entirely the same!!!"