Oct 31, 2017




I'm pretty sure a majority of people hate this game but it's whatever

The cast has some occasionally very odd banter but I just love the "vibe" they exude, and it makes them entertaining. Lailah is fucking odd and awkward and I love her so much for that. It also does some unique things with its party that I actually REALLY appreciated as other Tales games usually don't bother doing anything interesting in this regard

The story is somewhat generic and has some messy moments (and some odd pacing), but it also throws in some elements that elevate it from "generic" to "unique" imo. Like yeah, it's a story about light vs. dark, with a hero being chosen by being able to pull a sword out, and the hero has to visit 4 shrines, but it's also a story where the hero travels with 4 ghosts and demons eating people and people transforming into dragons and beasts and etc. etc.

It's also very much a "feel good" story despite some fucked up shit happening along the way

The gameplay is also fun IMO. It's a little messy thanks to the battle camera but I still find it enjoyable because it's basically an altered version of Graces' combat system. I LOVE Armatization and the variety it brings to the combat. I also love how both a character's regular form vs. Armatized form has its ups and downs.

Traversal is more fun than other Tales games simply because Sorey runs so fucking fast lol. The elemental skills are also not really used in interesting ways, but they're still a nice touch, and slightly more interesting than the Sorcerer's Ring.

The equipment system is a MESS AND A HALF but it's honestly easy to ignore. I just equipped whatever had the highest stats most of the time and called it a day.

The soundtrack is also top fucking tier

While Go Shiina composed the best tracks, I also think Sakuraba's contributions to this soundtrack to be a lot better than previous Tales entries.

And I actually like the visuals. Characters are expressive, environments are colorful, and the anime cutscenes are gorgeous.

I love Zestiria

I think it's my favorite Tales game TBH

Oct 26, 2017
I thought it was fine. 'Not the worst Tales game I've played, though I did really enjoy the cast of Zestiria. I enjoyed my time with it!

I think it's better than Xillia, but not as good as Berseria.


May 17, 2020
It was a bit of an unfinished experiment but I had fun despite the shortcomings. I would never say it's my favorite but I do really enjoy Edna as a character and Berseria improves Zestiria retroactively.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like it that much, but I suppose I wouldn't say I hated it either. Although it is without a doubt in my bottom 3 Tales games.

Edna best girl tho.


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
Soreys character arc from overly "smite the malovelence" "we will save everyone" to a world weary man who begins to understand things are out of his control and even the big bad has a purpose made him my favorite tales protagonist.

A lot of the character development is told through optional side quests though


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
One of the few Tales I never finished. I just got horrible bored at some point in the game (when Dezel dies and Zaveid joints the party) and decided to trade the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Best soundtack in the series. Some great characters. Horrible camera. Horrible story.

Edna is love.


Jun 17, 2019
If you do not like controversial statements that are in favor of Zestiria, do not click on the spoiler.

It has the best cast in the franchise, and it's not even close


Oct 25, 2017
Don't worry, OP. I stand with you.

I quite liked Zestiria as well, and combined with Berseria, I think the two make for a wonderful little duology.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I love everything about it except for the equipment system, which unfortunately did severely impact my enjoyment of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally hate the game with a passion to the point where I'm done with the series, but everyone is going to have their own opinions. Some will like it and some will hate.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't have a problem with the seemingly generic story or characters or anything like this, but there's something really wrong with the combat in this game. The weird camera take part in this, sure, but dunno, the way you move towards the enemies, that fusion system, everything combat wise works weird in this game.

Not being a Tales of purist, as i really really love Berseria. Dropped the game for these combat related stuff, tho i'm always thinking of trying again sometime.


Oct 25, 2017
Zestiria was the one with the atrocious stat grid system that completely sucked all the fun out of levelling up, right? If so fuck that game.


Apr 30, 2018
I should finish the game one day. On steam it shows I played 34 hours but I remember absolutely nothing outside the opening sequence and some wind power dude with a hat lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
I wasn't typically into Tales games all that much ever since they went 3D, so I was quite surprised how much I got out of it. It was the right game at the right time, I guess. I liked Berseria even more too, so maybe the series is just in a good place for me these days.

I do agree with a lot of the criticism though. The equipment system can be messy and confusing, and they can still do a whole lot more with their giant open area map design.

Era Uma Vez

Feb 5, 2020
It's the only Tales game I've played.
I thought the combat was pretty decent (great when the camera didnt get in your way), the RPG elements were good, the story was meh, the characters ranged from annoying to actually quite good, and had a solid soundtrack.
Overall it was a good 7.5/10 game.
I wanted to play other Tales of games but this is the only Tales game that I can bare the aesthethics.
The design in the other games is just... bleh... Why do they all look 5'4? And like they're all 12? Its so weird.
I'm with you OP, it was a good game, I almost didnt play it because of the general response to it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
I like Zesteria better than Berseria despite the janky equipment system. The characters are all great, Edna specially.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I love Zestiria. Playing through it and Berseria back to back is one of my favorite RPG memories. I like the party members a lot and the world in general.

Deleted member 12555

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Now wait just a goddamn second. Graces-like fighting system? I really enjoyed Graces and it was basically thanks to that, the battle system carried the game on its back.

I had no idea this played like that, I have always ignored it thanks to overall impressions being just "meh" rather than "shit" or "great", and of course, nothing of note that I could see.

But if this plays like Graces, I'm getting it next sale.

Era Uma Vez

Feb 5, 2020
Hmm, Berseria has very similar aesthethics and is the better game, it fixed most of the issues people had with Zestiria.

In fact, they both take place in the same world. (but they're 1000 years apart)
That's entirely possible. someone recomended me Graces F for the gameplay, but no amount of tight gameplay would make me want to play with those "cartoons".
I might have to do better research on the rest of the games, but from the quick look I had 5 years ago, most games were pretty "chibi".


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks, I just remembered that unholy skill or progression system or whatever the hell that was. Man that was just the fucking worst lol

Dlanor A. Knox

▲ Legend ▲
Apr 6, 2018
That's entirely possible. someone recomended me Graces F for the gameplay, but no amount of tight gameplay would make me want to play with those "cartoons".
I might have to do better research on the rest of the games, but from the quick look I had 5 years ago, most games were pretty "chibi".

Berseria pretty has the exact same artstyle as Zestiria, you might wanna take a look at it!
Oct 31, 2017
Hmm, Berseria has very similar aesthethics and is the better game, it fixed most of the issues people had with Zestiria.

In fact, they both take place in the same world. (but they're 1000 years apart)

I disagree. Battle system is messier and I absolutely hate how elements were utilized, the equipment system was more of a pain in the ass, it had more annoying backtracking, and literally every location was boring/tedious to explore (not as bad as the Xillias, but still).


Oct 25, 2017
That's entirely possible. someone recomended me Graces F for the gameplay, but no amount of tight gameplay would make me want to play with those "cartoons".
I might have to do better research on the rest of the games, but from the quick look I had 5 years ago, most games were pretty "chibi".
I wouldn't really call Graces chibi. The characters have pretty normal proportions.

Probably the most ridiculous video game controversy I can think of lol
My issue is more the writing for the two characters than the controversy, though Baba trying to act like they didn't deceive people was annoying.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I liked the game but unfortunately not enough to stick with it to the end. Especially after coming right off of Xillia and experiencing some of the same problems I had with that game in Zestiria, e.g. with regards to the overworld. I was just too burned out at that point.

For anyone who's playing it on PC, make sure to apply the 60 FPS patch, it's really great.

(Favorite Tales is still Graces f, though.)


Nov 12, 2017
Now wait just a goddamn second. Graces-like fighting system? I really enjoyed Graces and it was basically thanks to that, the battle system carried the game on its back.

I had no idea this played like that, I have always ignored it thanks to overall impressions being just "meh" rather than "shit" or "great", and of course, nothing of note that I could see.

But if this plays like Graces, I'm getting it next sale.

It's Graces like, but not actually as good as Graces. You might still like it.

This game isn't bad, has a good cast, great soundtrack, messy but still decent storyline. The world design is also better than some other Tales.

Play Berseria OP if you haven't.


Oct 27, 2017
Like I said in the "Black Sheep of the series" thread, it's my 3rd favorite Tales of game in general. And it's the most fun I've ever had with a Tales of combat system.

Edit: For reference, I've played every main line Tales of game since Symphonia.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
I mainly play Tales co-op and the camera in this one was the most broken of any Tales since OG symphonia on GameCube. For that alone it is dumpster tier. If they had ever patched it I would probably have finished the game as I thought the cast was alright.

I also found the maps to be rather visually unappealing and kind of empty in comparison to old games. Its follow up Berseria is up there w/ my favorite Tales games.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably my least favorite Tales game in recent memory. The thing is in my head I always compare it to Berseria which I like significantly more.
Oct 27, 2017
Zestiria will always be a Tales of Legendia 2.0 to me in so many ways.

Fantastic Shiina soundtrack, gorgeous art direction, an interesting world/lore to explore, and some of the best characters and story in the series; only to be worsened by some of the worst gameplay. Legendia I was able to deal with though, Zestiria I ended up putting the game on auto-play in order to beat it.

But it really was such an amazing experience, and I'm glad we got to see it expandee upon through Tales of Berseria and its anime adaptation (still hilarious that the anime was what made Alisha a permanent playable character).

Going to be interesting if Arise ends up being a third game in this world given what we know so far about the plot -kind of- seems like a take on what we found out in Berseria's EX dungeon.


Oct 28, 2017
I was okay with it up until the final boss with invincibility and a one-shot-kill-whole-party attack. That should never be a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Was Zestiria the one with the fucked up equipment/skill system where skills were linked to the equipment you were using? If so, I hate that one.