
Oct 31, 2017
I knew I made a topic on gaf a while back about this, and it looks like I made 2 while looking on google search lol (2015 & 2016).. I will copy some stuff and add on it so we can get a discussion on what can be improved for the MP which last gen for me was the best/most competitive. I'll start with the issues I had and then move on to improvements and other aspects to evolve the online multiplayer. Would love to hear other peoples' thoughts.

- Game Modes:
The main, noticeable issue with the online. There needs to be more.
- Map Quantity: They should not launch with so few maps as they did last time around. It came out with 7 maps, and had 2 DLCs with 4 maps apiece. Looked at COD Ghosts for ex, came out with 14 and had 4 DLCs with 4 apiece.
- Weapons: Most are fantastic, but a lot of people do think some of the DLC weapons were .. noob friendly guns that were bit stronger than the usual. In such a skill based MP game, it hurts the game IMO.
- People in Factions: The amount of people you gain or lose depending on progression. Seemed very undercooked and not something I cared about. Which is one of the main talkings points under the Settlements segment.
- Matchmaking: This has to be fixed by launch. In the first game, there were too many times we would get kicked out during matchmaking process, or it would take minutes for it to happen. Also the skill system is still broken on the PS4 version, 3-4 years later. You can get 3-4 people in skills of 100-300 and then everyone else in lower levels, and it's not just because they're in clans. At least match up the noobs with the experts evenly if this happens.



Here we go.. Looking at what Kojima has done to Mother Base in MGSV online, I think ND can learn a lot from that and expand it much further. One thing that I can speak for myself and most friends is that we don't generally care if our people, or how many people we get. For those that don't know, you get points every game based on how well you do (and get supplies) which in turn is content for your people in your settlement. In the original game, your menu screen had a bunch of dots (that were people) that increase/decrease based on how you do per game. You have certain weeks to keep your settlement alive and the further you get, the more content, and harder it is to survive. I think a real cool feature would be to have a 3D camp with actual people walking around the camp. ND can just copy and reuse assets of something from their SP campaign. Since you can customize your character, you start online on the camp. Simply click options and the UI menu appears for game mode, options etc while you're in the camp.

example of mother base in MGSV

You have the people walking by you, saying a word here or there. They converse with one another, look like they're busy cutting wood, cooking, etc. You feel like you know these people, especially if you add the facebook names. You can also have adjustable names for some, for the lulz. So if someone you have seen dies, you might care more about their health. They can also get more creative with what happens to your camp. You can have infected attacking, hunters attacking, disease, loss of food, natural disasters (weather, earthquake), etc. And you suck during an infected attack for example, you might see someone shooting a person who is bit get shot in the face by a family member while you're in camp, just to add to the tension. Graveyards being shown at one side of the camp as well. People sick in beds being taken care of, etc etc.. Also more natural disasters such as weather (snow storms, heavy rain, heavy hail, storms etc) continue to happen the further ahead you go through your factions levels. These "events" begin to happen the further you progress throughout the weeks, adding a sense of accomplishment and feeling of progression.

Parts playing a more RPG role then before. Lets first start with upgrading guns/perks in TLOU. You get overall 3,500 parts for example, gun x gets unlocked. I think a better way to go about it is choose what you want to upgrade. You go to your shopkeeper at camp, and you choose what you want with the parts you have. So you can get a burst rifle early into the game rather than wait so long if you wish, but know that the gun costs a lot more than something else for example. So you're in charge of what you want (or spend real money). You can also use parts to improve the visuals of the camp. Spend parts at the mechanic to get better looking houses, walls, etc. Basically, there's a ton of ways so you're always spending parts which you get by playing. It would also be cool if you buy camp improvements, and you have to play several games to see the final built results, with ND basically


This way, there is a constant sense of progression, action to keep the user keep coming back or playing longer. Don't charge for maps/guns/perks. I still think improving the camp should not affect attacks from infected or hunters. But if it does affect it, the difference is not big and the amount of parts for it should be absolutely massive. Also, ND can salivate at the idea of taking more money from you, you can spend real money to buy more parts. That means you can get your guns/perks faster and improve your camp at a much faster rate. There can also be a ton of cosmetics for camp visuals added later on that you can unlock some, buy others. But if ND wants to have a special "event" for a week for example, they can implement the Settlements on what happens. They can make weeks/weekends where you earn 2x parts, the idea is that this gives more freedom and options for ND to continuously change this up and keep it fresh for people to constantly be playing it without affecting the core gameplay.

The last part is implementing some sort of clan with actual people. So you have a camp, the people in there and lets say 6 friends that are part of your clan. In my view, the best option is to have 3 characters (or slots) that are your own, and you choose who to play with in terms of how many clans you can join. 1/3 characters is part of settlement "clan x" and another character is part of settlement "clan y", that way you're not forever stuck to only one settlement. The idea is that you can be part of more than 1 clan without creating a new account for this.

Also with this, everyone involved is important because every actual person that plays affects your settlement. So if you have a good team of 5 but your 6th friend is a scrub, he's going to be the one that holds you back. The camp will need certain parts each week so him screwing up keeps ruining a lot of the good work that the other 5 keep doing. This forces you to play together more, since he will have a chance of doing better that way. Because even if your bad friend plays a basic 4v4 with no other clan members, it still accounts on how many parts you win/lose. It's also a way for me to ruin your friendships if you make a tough decision. Cut your friends from the camp and your real life friendship, you're welcome. Also you gotta pick a leader of the camp, so logically speaking the best player from your crew of friends. You can replace them only when they accept to lose their leadership to someone else.

You can also give gifts (parts) to clan mates in the same camp, so giving extra parts to your 6th scrubby member so he stops holding the team back might be something you do as teammates instead of improving the camp. There is a tax to gifting parts % to your friend, so it's more expensive of just buying a gun for a friend then if you normally would do it for yourself. Also, playing together with people in the same camp will give you more parts and special %+ bonuses on parts. This will be a huge incentive to get the crew playing together regularly so your camp stays in good shape. I'm sure there's so much more possibilities that I haven't thought of and expanded, but the general concept of it is as written above.


Oct 31, 2017
Game Modes

A big issue with the franchise is the lack of game modes. You start out with 3 and have to deal with that aspect.

Original 3:
+ Supply Raid: Each team starts out with 20 respawns, and the goal of the match is to eliminate the opposing team.
+ Survivor: Each player has one life per round without any respawns. The first team to win 4 rounds wins the match.
+ Interrogation: The teams must locate a Lockbox holding supplies by capturing an enemy and "interrogate" them. This is like an execution, except it takes slightly longer to kill the enemy.

My Suggestions:
+ Supply Raid 3v3v3 = I don't want TLOU to take too much from Uncharted since they need be their own thing. However a 3v3v3 in this mode would be very quite intense and fun.
+ Search & Destroy: Copy/pasted S&D from Call of Duty 1. S&D with TLOU mechanics might be the GOAT game mode in TPS. I want this so bad without some sort of "spin" ND might give, though I realize this is a selfish request. I legitimately think this mode in the TLOU segment might be the most competitive skill based online mode on any system. Call of Duty 1 and Counter Strike for S&D to me is the absolute apex of this, and I think TLOU could join the fold.
+ Deathmatch: Everyone for themselves with supply boxes The main issues would be fixing the spawns and supply locations. You don't know want some douche to stay in one spot and try to spawn kill for example. This would be my go to mode for a few games before I jump in more tactical modes to loosen up.
+ Horde/ Co-op Mode: Having a game mode specifically just for infected where your goal is survival would be brilliant in this. Add co-op and different difficulty levels, and we would have so much content to play with.
+ Battle Royale: Yes. Battle Royale. I have a lot of fun with my friends on Fortnite, and I would love to see what ND can come to make their own spin to it. Insert cryingemojihere for a game mode that you don't have to play for people who are sick of it..

I would be cool with it if BR and Horde modes were to come out as updates 3-9 months post launch, as long as we get them.

+ Customization: This was very disappointing not to see much of it. It should be very easy to invite one another, set up clan battles, pick maps and keep it going. I think part of the problem is that they likely didn't have as much time on the MP, but the UI/UX work needs to be better for the multiplayer (if ND is looking, wink wink). This is for friends/clans set up. Decide what modes to play, whether anyone can join your custom server, whether you need a pw to enter, or only via invite.

Allowing very specific options in private servers to remove listen mode, and/or traits for your character. Again, this is allowing us to give us more options. I know some twitch/youtube streamers in particular would fawn over these options when they go 4v4 vs other youtube/twitch squads. I know U2 fans wanted the same for U4, but that took a very long time.


Handling DLC. Micro-transactions, etc.

This is a hot, hot topic. A lot of people were pissed about the map and weapon DLCs in TLOU and looking at Uncharted 4 MP, we've got to presume that is not happening again.

+ Character Customization: This for me was something missing in TLOU and even Battlefield, is that you have your own, custom character you can modify. Uncharted 4 finally changed things, and then so did Battlefield V. TLOU needs to do the same. You can still have the two separate factions, but you choose your character. And this here is how ND can make its money.

Things you can buy at your Settlement store:
+ different clothes, shirts, pants, shoes, gloves, hats, etc
+ different taunts, either VA related or basic taunts via Uncharted 4
+ different emblems, clan content, etc.
+ different finishes for when someone is down
+ different visual looks for your weapons
+ new characters, also different skins for the same Joel (young, TLOU Joel, TLOU2 Joel)

I've never liked the loot box system of getting a case and hoping you get what you want for 30th time. Give us the option to play and earn points to buy it. Or straight up spend money on it directly. The 1-5% whales will print money, while the 10% that play MP a ton can unlock most things. Make it fair.


Other Notes

+ Iconic Characters: One BRILLIANT fucking idea in Uncharted 4 was using its iconic characters from the series, with heroes like Drake, inferior Elena, and superior Chloe for ex. Naughty Dog here has tons of options, both heroes and villains from TLOU and TLOU Part II. On top of that, they can also use generic grunts as they have in the current TLOU MP games. This just gives more options so you don't always see the same character, and they are your character.

One aspect I thought ND didn't take advantage of in U4 MP was allowing other classic characters to be used online. Imagine seeing Punished Drake, Punished Chloe, etc. as DLC characters. Or a 3 character DLC with Punished Kratos, Freya, and Stranger. Obviously, you make all these characters look tired and fitting in the theme of TLOU world, but ND has some of the most incredible artists so you know it can be done. And unlike Uncharted 4, they don't need to add the awesome dialogue they have mostly because hearing your character talk online will give away your location, which is huge for a tactical MP like this. This would be free money because people would be down to spend money. At least in this manner, they don't have to charge us for maps or guns while making money on skins, etc. Everyone wins. This is also a way to bring people back with updates who have to play with x character, keeping the MP alive more and more.

+ Dedicated Servers: I would love it if Sony goes all out, and we got dedicated servers for this series.

+ 30/60 FPS: Uncharted 4 was great. 30fps for SP, 60fps for MP. Expecting ND to nail this aspect again.

+ Competitive or Casual: My biggest fear is them tweaking too much, or improving what works. This gameplay is simple, but that's what makes it better than other games. I like BF for tanks and horses, but I want this to stay at its core about 4/5 guys in a team vs another where their weapons, creativity and team work solves issues. I always found it aggravating that I can call in an air strike in COD, that has nothing to do with me and the other guy. But again.. this is coming from a guy that fell out of love for competitive FPS after Call of Duty 1, 2, and Counter Strike. I just want this to remain as Sony's competitive MP game, there is a reason people play this game online 5 years later. If they advertise this aspect at PGW and PSX this year for example (since I expect SP content at E3), this has a chance to blow up more than Uncharted's MP.

+ Too many weapons: I can already hear the boos from people reading this, but I don't want too many new weapons online. They started to break some of the balance of the game, and the shot gun is still the worst offender in that game as the most casual weapon. I dig playing Fortnite, but I (personally) think this doesn't need 50 different weapons for the sake of having them.

and done.


Oct 30, 2017
Get rid of the fucking hackers and care about keeping your multiplayer clean from them instead of forgeting about your damn game. Exactly what they didn't do in the first one. That's the main thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Balance the goddamn weapons, and don't add stupid shit like you did in UN4 and I'm all in. TloU was perfect as it's just build on it.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The sequel has to let go of the P2W microtransactions if ND wants it to be taken seriously. Just fund the development of free DLC weapons/maps through cosmetic stuff.

This was by far TLoU1 MP's biggest failure.


Oct 28, 2017
Your suggestions are fantastic, OP. I played the TLoU MP for quite awhile, but honestly, it was simply because there was no other satisfying, highly populated third-person shooter on the PS3 in 2013. Compared to Uncharted 3, I really didn't like it very much, it got old super fast. The content disparity between U3 and TLoU's multiplayer components is gargantuan. It didn't feature the maps, nor the modes, nor something equivalent to the treasure system, there was no skin variety (you couldn't even choose your character, let alone what they wore beyond a lame hat and mask), no cinema mode, it was missing the little touches like Uncharted TV, I could go on. Naughty Dog may not be particularly adept at creating a balanced and hardcore multiplayer experience (not even under the context of a post-apocalyptic backdrop), but U3 MP had a high content density, and nobody can deny that. TLoU MP, comparatively, sucks at both content and game balance. I'm aware that this opinion counts as a hot take, as there were many who liked it.

HUGE commendations for going into the tremendous failure of the laughable "keep your population alive" metagame, by the way. I remember saying pretty much exactly the same thing, at the time. Prior to launch, I'd assumed we'd get to walk around our settlement, greet people here and there, see the place grow, maybe rearrange things a bit. Instead, we get a glorified Petri dish of "survivors", that we're expected to babysit... and if your population gets wiped out, you get to restart the entire Firefly or Hunter journey. Yay! Not that I thought it was particularly tough to keep them alive (the missions and tasks are quite simple), but it's just a needless imposition that prevents you from playing the way you want.

Now that they know there's a demand for a solid TLoU MP component, I'm rooting for them to deliver.
Thats alot of text, you should have made a youtube video instead
That would work too, but a lot of text (either reading or writing it) is no problem for people who are passionate about something.


Oct 31, 2017
Thats alot of text, you should have made a youtube video instead
I warned you with long text :S My youtube stuff is strictly drawing only breh.
Your suggestions are fantastic, OP. I played the TLoU MP for quite awhile, but honestly, it was simply because there was no other satisfying, highly populated third-person shooter on the PS3 in 2013. Compared to Uncharted 3, I really didn't like it very much, it got old super fast. The content disparity between U3 and TLoU's multiplayer components is gargantuan. It didn't feature the maps, nor the modes, nor something equivalent to the treasure system, there was no skin variety (you couldn't even choose your character, let alone what they wore beyond a lame hat and mask), no cinema mode, it was missing the little touches like Uncharted TV, I could go on. Naughty Dog may not be particularly adept at creating a balanced and hardcore multiplayer experience (not even under the context of a post-apocalyptic backdrop), but U3 MP had a high content density, and nobody can deny that. TLoU MP, comparatively, sucks at both content and game balance. I'm aware that this opinion counts as a hot take, as there were many who liked it.

HUGE commendations for going into the tremendous failure of the laughable "keep your population alive" metagame, by the way. I remember saying pretty much exactly the same thing, at the time. Prior to launch, I'd assumed we'd get to walk around our settlement, greet people here and there, see the place grow, maybe rearrange things a bit. Instead, we get a glorified Petri dish of "survivors", that we're expected to babysit... and if your population gets wiped out, you get to restart the entire Firefly or Hunter journey. Yay! Not that I thought it was particularly tough to keep them alive (the missions and tasks are quite simple), but it's just a needless imposition that prevents you from playing the way you want.

Now that they know there's a demand for a solid TLoU MP component, I'm rooting for them to deliver.

That would work too, but a lot of text (either reading or writing it) is no problem for people who are passionate about something.
Thanks. I think the issue was lack of time. That's why there was such disparity between all of ND's games like U2, U3 and U4 vs TLOU. I expect this game to have a lot more content come release.


Nov 20, 2017
Excellent ideas. I played very little the multiplayer of The Last of Us, but I remember thinking it had great potential. I see someone suggested BR and man, I have to agree. The game has the setting for it. Now, would you guys think having PVE elements mixed with a BR mode could work? Imagine being in BR and having clickers around. And you have to lure them to the enemy or kill them if they are becoming a threat, etc. Sounds cool, but I could see the people that love to blame everything but themselves when they lose salty over this. "I would have won if it weren't for the stupid clicker!"

Looking forward to what they do with this multiplayer.


Oct 31, 2017
Excellent ideas. I played very little the multiplayer of The Last of Us, but I remember thinking it had great potential. I see someone suggested BR and man, I have to agree. The game has the setting for it. Now, would you guys think having PVE elements mixed with a BR mode could work? Imagine being in BR and having clickers around. And you have to lure them to the enemy or kill them if they are becoming a threat, etc. Sounds cool, but I could see the people that love to blame everything but themselves when they lose salty over this. "I would have won if it weren't for the stupid clicker!"

Looking forward to what they do with this multiplayer.
Yeah I'd love that as well. I was thinking of that but hope if runners are included, that they're not in every game mode but exclusive to only 1 or 2 game modes. Or at least have the option to keep them/remove them on a private match.
Last edited:


Apr 18, 2018
Just don't fuck it up. The first game's multiplayer is as damn near to perfect for competitive multiplayer as it comes since CS 1.6.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
Just fund the development of free DLC weapons/maps through cosmetic stuff.

Problem with that is the more relatively grounded setting doesn't allow for outlandish cosmetics.

I wasn't cool with how they handled the additional weapons but whatever scheme they end up going with will be tricky.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Problem with that is the more relatively grounded setting doesn't allow for outlandish cosmetics.

I wasn't cool with how they handled the additional weapons but whatever scheme they end up going with will be tricky.
TLoU MP already had dumb looking cosmetics, though.

Games like Rainbow Six Siege have some of the most ridiculous looking cosmetics for a super serious setting, I think most people don't really care as long as it means that they don't have to pay for maps and operators.