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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You're asking me to trust a random accusation over a certificate from a health inspector?
You would eat at restaurant that has people outside protesting that it has vermin because he showed you an old certificate?
Where have I done this exactly? Please point out specifically where I assumed the best possible case and insulted the protesters. Otherwise you're doing the same thing here to me, assuming what works best for what you're saying.
I'm sorry I wasn't referring specifically to you but others in the thread, I was just trying to respond to a host of replies at once through yours.


Oct 25, 2017
You would eat at restaurant that has people outside protesting that it has vermin because he showed you an old certificate?

I'm sorry I wasn't referring specifically to you but others in the thread, I was just trying to respond to a host of replies at once through yours.
That's a completely different scenario than here, though. I'd worry if there were vermin. If people were protesting eating meat, I wouldn't care.


Oct 25, 2017
Because I'm irritated, threads like these are always huge circle jerks. I mean fuck dude did you see the original title? I didn't even want to post because I knew I would be alone against it all but I think its worth standing up to the bully threads these always turn into.
You are literally the person trying to turn this into something it isn't. Nothing about this was bullying anybody, it was light hearted, a joke. And yes, you asked why people are saying it being local means it was ethically produced and I responded that it's because they claim that to be their mission statement on their website. Which I have no reason to believe to be a lie or a fabrication and if you do, then you need to prove it thusly instead of being seemingly alarmed and outraged that we are neither alarmed, nor outraged, nor just wantonly assuming that he's lying.

You're trying to make it seem like people are being bullied for being vegans because of the big bad meat eaters when you're constantly shifting what you're trying to say and being willfully obtuse about the reality of what's being said to you. That you made a post that said "the health department certified that I have no rats, but I need to go and see for myself instead of trusting the health department" speaks to where you're coming from on this. You're incapable of objectivity about this and it's obvious and you need to step back and read what you're saying.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaithersburg MD
See, it's the opposite for me.
The thought of being able to grow "perfect" meat, with controlled fat marbling and blah.. Yes please. When we get down to it, nature is chaotic and animals can have all kinds of issues.
Why go natural when we can go good?
Like, I'm not gonna go eat wild bananas when I can have the ones we bred to be great, it's the same with meat, but less about quality I guess.
I agree with this point, but I think lab grown meat is still a ways off from emulating actual meat (or at least the things that people like about conventional meat) and people overestimate how quickly we will be able to develop indistinguishable lab grown meat that can be produced on a scale large enough to replace conventional meat.. Once it does I would totally eat it over regular meat.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
See, it's the opposite for me.
The thought of being able to grow "perfect" meat, with controlled fat marbling and blah.. Yes please. When we get down to it, nature is chaotic and animals can have all kinds of issues.
Why go natural when we can go good?
Like, I'm not gonna go eat wild bananas when I can have the ones we bred to be great, it's the same with meat, but less about quality I guess.

This brings up an interesting question:

Lets say one day "artificial" meat is perfect to such a point that it can emulate the flesh of any animal. Cow, pork, chicken, fish, ostrich, zebra.

Even human...

Would that be cannibalism?


Dec 18, 2017
Brigerbad, Switzerland
Should a pig be given the same moral consideration as a human? If you admit yourself that all life is not equal, then how do you argue for veganism? If all life is not equal, how do you justify drawing an arbitrary line on what life is edible or not?
The same? No. More than they currently get, that's for sure.

The line is arbitrary, of course. Currently, the line is "anything but human". Which, from an ethical point of view, I find difficult to argue for. There is much to take into consideration: Social abilities, the ability to feel pain, self awareness, intellect etc. I don't claim to have all the answers, I just think our current moral understanding of the worth of animal life is piss poor. I would say the goal should be to avoid suffering. We know that certain animals are capable of suffering. So putting them into a box where they can not even turn around should be fucking illegal for sure.

If you disagree and think that "anything but human" is moraly sufficient, what would you say to my alien example I posted earlier? By that logic, it would not be immoral for an advanced alien species to treat us like we treat pigs or chickens. Chances are they would be even more different from us than we are from pigs.

This Video makes a good point:

I don't want to sound overly preachy, I would just like a debate about animal welfare and rights that goes beyond: lololol, now I want a burger

And the environmental debate is another factor as well.


Nov 3, 2017

Well done to the fellow


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
You would eat at restaurant that has people outside protesting that it has vermin because he showed you an old certificate?
You don't know if there are rats. If a restaurant has a good reputation and a solid history of health inspections, I'd need to see more proof like, say, a photo or video of the rats. There is no such thing as an "old inspection." You're either current or you're not.

Regardless, once again, you're basing your opinion off a totally hypothetical scenario. Independent restaurants aren't in the habit of lying about their sourcing, health inspections, etc...I know because I literally reported on this subject for 4 years.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this point, but I think lab grown meat is still a ways off from emulating actual meat (or at least the things that people like about conventional meat) and people overestimate how quickly we will be able to develop indistinguishable lab grown meat that can be produced on a scale large enough to replace conventional meat.. Once it does I would totally eat it over regular meat.
I'm excited for lab grown meat, not only for ethical reasons, but because we'd no longer have any physical and health limitations from the animal. Getting a good marble on a cut take a lot of work normally, but it should be trivial in a lab


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently they are protesting smaller businesses because the protestors feel that it is futile to attempt and sway larger corporations (e.g., McDonalds). So instead of going after the companies that source animals from mass-production "farms" and such, they go after the small businesses which actually source food locally and (hopefully) from responsible producers. Talk about misplaced effort.

Basically like how liberal groups try to attack other liberal groups for not talking enough about what evil shit conservative groups are doing.

Maybe try going after the people actually causing the harm.
Oct 25, 2017
See, it's the opposite for me.
The thought of being able to grow "perfect" meat, with controlled fat marbling and blah.. Yes please. When we get down to it, nature is chaotic and animals can have all kinds of issues.
Why go natural when we can go good?
Like, I'm not gonna go eat wild bananas when I can have the ones we bred to be great, it's the same with meat, but less about quality I guess.

I'm a little torn here. It's like alpine cheese. Half the reason it is so good is because of some of the natural aspects that go into the raising of the cattle. Meat has aspects like that too. The flavor of New Zealand, Australian, and Icelandic lamb for instance varies greatly. I guess theoretically lab grown meat can emulate the overall categories but does it lose the nuance? Who knows. Also, this is not something 99% of diners notice.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Factory farming is a necessary evil until we can grow lab meat. At that point, we will be the only animals to stop sustaining ourselves off of prey, a higher moral standing than any wild animal could ever manage. Once we hit artificial meat, we will keep animals around out of the kindness of our hearts and an active interest in preservation (whereas any other animal would just feed until extinction), and if that isn't the best argument for the advancement of humanity's interests in the meantime I dont know what is.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a little torn here. It's like alpine cheese. Half the reason it is so good is because of some of the natural aspects that go into the raising of the cattle. Meat has aspects like that too. The flavor of New Zealand, Australian, and Icelandic lamb for instance varies greatly. I guess theoretically lab grown meat can emulate the overall categories but does it lose the nuance? Who knows. Also, this is not something 99% of diners notice.
Absolutely everything should be possible. What I worry about is us getting so used to the technology, we start to mess around.
I won't be alive to see it, but I could totally see some kind of weird cheese flavored meat.
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely everything should be possible. What I worry about is us getting so used to the technology, we start to mess around.
I won't be alive to see it, but I could totally see some kind of weird cheese flavored meat.

I guess my biggest worry with it is that it will all taste exactly the same and get monotonous. Frankly I think there will be an enthusiast market for naturally grown meat but at vastly higher costs as it will be needed to offset the environmental impacts.


Oct 25, 2017
Power Move.

I don't see how people can frame him as the bad guy, he's doing his job trying to survive, fuck people protesting his livehood just because they chose to be vegan or whatever.
Oct 26, 2017
The same? No. More than they currently get, that's for sure.

The line is arbitrary, of course. Currently, the line is "anything but human". Which, from an ethical point of view, I find difficult to argue for. There is much to take into consideration: Social abilities, the ability to feel pain, self awareness, intellect etc. I don't claim to have all the answers, I just think our current moral understanding of the worth of animal life is piss poor. I would say the goal should be to avoid suffering. We know that certain animals are capable of suffering. So putting them into a box where they can not even turn around should be fucking illegal for sure.

If you disagree and think that "anything but human" is moraly sufficient, what would you say to my alien example I posted earlier? By that logic, it would not be immoral for an advanced alien species to treat us like we treat pigs or chickens. Chances are they would be even more different from us than we are from pigs.

This Video makes a good point:

I don't want to sound overly preachy, I would just like a debate about animal welfare and rights that goes beyond: lololol, now I want a burger

And the environmental debate is another factor as well.
I just finished watching since I enjoy Dawkins from time-to-time. I honestly can't disagree with much he says in the video. I guess my question for you is what point are you wanting to make with this as the foundation? Because Dawkins talks about pain and suffering, but he doesn't necessarily go anywhere further than making one think about the fact that animals feel pain, and animals can suffer. Completely agreed. So, is this a jumping off point for stating we have a moral responsibility to do what we can to ensure animals don't suffer? Or even further than that---we shouldn't eat animals at all? (Asking in good faith to try and get a conversation going)

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Well this is an all around disappointing thread, but i've only got myself to blame.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You don't know if there are rats. If a restaurant has a good reputation and a solid history of health inspections, I'd need to see more proof like, say, a photo or video of the rats. There is no such thing as an "old inspection." You're either current or you're not.

Regardless, once again, you're basing your opinion off a totally hypothetical scenario. Independent restaurants aren't in the habit of lying about their sourcing, health inspections, etc...I know because I literally reported on this subject for 4 years.
As far as I'm concerned a health inspection is old as soon as complaints start coming in and that's how I was using the term. Anyway I have work now and depending on how the thread looks I might do a response on something other than my phone when I'm done. I got a little upset over time but I wasn't trying to "fit anything into my argument" or whatever I was accused of. I just think that it's very unlikely this guy is using ethical Foie Grad just based on his word and I wasn't accusing him of anything. I think holding down and force feeding an animal is unethical regardless of gag reflex and what not.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
We would still have to shoot deer, because they are bloody pests and we have successfully managed ti hunt their natural predators into extinction.
I was just thinking... imagine "real farm meat" becomes a luxury good because grown meat is cheaper and just better in every aspect besides it being "the real stuff" to some people. Venison could end up being more affordable since they'd HAVE to hunt it, right? Crazy concept.


Oct 25, 2017
I get what you are saying, but people can hold a certain views and not completely live them out in the entirety of every aspect of their lives. I will try not to assume much about you, but I bet you are typing this response on a phone or laptop that is made in a factory by someone who does not have adequate worker's rights, even though you likely support workers' rights. My point is not to call you out specifically, but everyone has to make some concessions on their morals to live life in a modern society. Again, not to say that that means people should give up on fighting for what they believe in, but it is not practical to expect everyone to give up everything to support their ideals.

Also, the practical aspect of protesting prohibits some people from doing so. Whether it is taking time to actually go out and protest, which would take an individual away from work, or buying meat that is from animals grown in an acceptable environment, there are increased costs associated with protesting that some people just cannot afford financially.

Not a good analogy: there isn't a means of buying a phone or laptop that has been made in a factory that has decent worker's rights. I do however use my devices far longer than most do (I have an old Mac laptop that is pushing 15 years that I keep for old software and use of its legacy ports) and when the time has come I don't chuck them in the bin, I make sure they go to electric waste.

Yes you have to make some concessions in life but when there is an alternative to eating animal products that is sustainable, affordable and ethical and you choose not to opt for it, well that's a decision you've made. You can be very healthy on a vegan diet and it doesn't cost the planet, literally and figuratively! FWIW I have been a vegan for over 10 years and have never attended a protest related to this.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Even if we remove force-feeding out of the equation, you are basically giving a duck fatty liver disease. I'm not convinced there's such a thing as ethical foie gras. More ethical, perhaps.


Oct 31, 2017
It was about the fifth time protesters had gathered outside Antler on Dundas Street West, chanting slogans like "Antler has blood on their hands" and holding signs that say Murder. (The initial intent was to stage weekly protests starting in December, after a sandwich board reading Venison is the New Kale drew the ire of activists, though cold weather dashed those plans.)
Maybe they wouldn't be this soft if they ate some meat once in a while.


Oct 27, 2017
We would still have to shoot deer, because they are bloody pests and we have successfully managed ti hunt their natural predators into extinction.

People tend to forget we're a part of the ecosystem.

Also, I've been waiting on someone to do something badass like the chef did. Good on him and I hope business picks up.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Even if we remove force-feeding out of the equation, you are basically giving a duck fatty liver disease. I'm not convinced there's such a thing as ethical foie gras. More ethical, perhaps.
The question should be if ethical foie gras causes suffering (besides the slaughtering, since that's always part of the equation). But I have no idea how I'd go about finding that out tbh.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Power Move.

I don't see how people can frame him as the bad guy, he's doing his job trying to survive, fuck people protesting his livehood just because they chose to be vegan or whatever.

Think about any moral values you hold. I'll let you fill in the blank there, to not distract - "I think XXXX is wrong." Now, imagine someone who makes a living doing that thing. His defense is - hey, you have no right to protest me. This is a difference of opinion, you live your life, I'll live mine.

Would you consider that a valid defense? If not, what makes this situation different?


Oct 25, 2017
I was just thinking... imagine "real farm meat" becomes a luxury good because grown meat is cheaper and just better in every aspect besides it being "the real stuff" to some people. Venison could end up being more affordable since they'd HAVE to hunt it, right? Crazy concept.
I'd say venison would end up being comparatively cheaper, but still not really affordable, because we would still not hunt enough deer to satisfy the increased demand.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure if I asked everyone gloating over that deer being butchered in front of vegans to click a link that led to pictures and video of dogs being butchered, it wouldn't bother them at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Think about any moral values you hold. I'll let you fill in the blank there, to not distract - "I think XXXX is wrong." Now, imagine someone who makes a living doing that thing. His defense is - hey, you have no right to protest me. This is a difference of opinion, you live your life, I'll live mine.

Would you consider that a valid defense? If not, what makes this situation different?

The gravity of his so called flaw doesn't merit protestors.

If meat eaters protested in front of a vegan Salad bar they would be the dicks too.

Being a vegan or a carnivore is absolutely not an issue worth protesting in this manner, why not go protest big agriculture corporations or meat processing factories instead of fucking with some small time butcher's livehood?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure if I asked everyone gloating over that deer being butchered in front of vegans to click a link that led to pictures and video of dogs being butchered, it wouldn't bother them at all.
It wouldn't. At least not me. Hell, I'd eat a dog if it was professionally butchered and I was sure it was free of parasites.

Any other clever gotchas you have there?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
User banned (1 week): attacking other posters, misrepresenting the situation in the OP, accumulated infractions for similar issues.
Fucking deplorable people cheering on a dude for bragging about hunting and killing animals.

It wouldn't. At least not me. Hell, I'd eat a dog if it was professionally butchered and I was sure it was free of parasites.

Any other clever gotchas you have there?

You are fucking disgusting and I pity people who have to interact with you.
Oct 25, 2017
See, it's the opposite for me.
The thought of being able to grow "perfect" meat, with controlled fat marbling and blah.. Yes please. When we get down to it, nature is chaotic and animals can have all kinds of issues.
Why go natural when we can go good?
Like, I'm not gonna go eat wild bananas when I can have the ones we bred to be great, it's the same with meat, but less about quality I guess.

Its the chaotic nature that gives food its good taste. That's why fruit and vegetables taster better pretty much everywhere else in the world


Dec 18, 2017
Brigerbad, Switzerland
I just finished watching since I enjoy Dawkins from time-to-time. I honestly can't disagree with much he says in the video. I guess my question for you is what point are you wanting to make with this as the foundation? Because Dawkins talks about pain and suffering, but he doesn't necessarily go anywhere further than making one think about the fact that animals feel pain, and animals can suffer. Completely agreed. So, is this a jumping off point for stating we have a moral responsibility to do what we can to ensure animals don't suffer? Or even further than that---we shouldn't eat animals at all? (Asking in good faith to try and get a conversation going)
From a personal perspective, I would find it the best solution to just not eat any animal capable of suffering (I don't mean reacting to stimuli, since that is something pretty much every living thing is capable off. I'm talking about pain as a conscious experience, which many animals are not capable off. As far as we know anyway. Insects for example react to stimuli like heat, but there is no evidence that they actually consciously suffer from These stimuli. An insect with a missing leg will walk not different than one with all legs intact and their brain is not complex enough to suggest that they can feel pain).

But I'm aware that that is pretty much a pipe dream at this point. I'd be more than content with us striving for a world where animal suffering is kept at a minimum. I can't believe that most people are still content with factory farming, which puts complex beings like pigs into horrendous situations, often for their entire life. That would mean that we would have to reduce our meat consumption, but I just refuse to believe that it's impossible for people to cut down on the amount of meat they eat. No one Needs to have meat every day. Especially when factoring in the environmental benefits of eating less meat, from greenhouse gases to deforestation.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure if I asked everyone gloating over that deer being butchered in front of vegans to click a link that led to pictures and video of dogs being butchered, it wouldn't bother them at all.
A leg, like in the pictures? Wouldn't bother me I think. I'm actually curious to try, though I imagine it's bad.

Fucking deplorable people cheering on a dude for bragging about hunting and killing animals.

You are fucking disgusting and I pity people who have to interact with you.
Not what's happening here, so you can calm down. This is about a counterprotest. Really don't appreciate that tone, wow.

Cool. How about torturing a dog?
That would be terrible, yep. Obviously. Any more ethical conundrums?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
It wouldn't.


Thats not what he's doing.


You think the deer that was killed to feed this motherfucker wasn't writhing in pain after it was shot? Hunting still involves torturous amounts of pain. Do you know what happens to a human being after they're shot in the stomach?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
A leg, like in the pictures? Wouldn't bother me I think. I'm actually curious to try, though I imagine it's bad.

Not what's happening here, so you can calm down. This is about a counterprotest. Really don't appreciate that tone, wow.

I couldn't care less that you don't appreciate my tone. There's people here laughing and applauding the butcher of dogs and animals just to troll a protestor. Fuck them.
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