
Oct 25, 2017
The Touhou Project | ResetEra Community Thread

Artist's Pixiv Page

(Thanks to shockdude for the part 1 image, and both upandaway and LeleSocho for the original community thread!)

Welcome! This thread is here to talk about anything Touhou, whether it's your experience with the main games, news, fan content, hamburgers, and MIDI trumpets.

But I know Touhou is about creepy porn/waifus and impossibly hard bullet curtains for masochists. That's not for me!

Well, wait a second. When you hear "Touhou" on the internet, it's probably about the fanbase or fan content, and the characters are sometimes naked… and after that there are the ridiculous bullet-filled screenshots/videos that try their hardest to intimidate outsiders, but that's only the end if you want it to be! The image of Touhou in the eyes of passing observers is not even half of it. The games are really good, even if you aren't very good at danmaku bullet hells, on Easy and Normal - those crazy Lunatic-difficulty videos are intimidating, but if you ever played games like Gradius III, Touhou isn't in an entirely different universe. The art and story are PG-rated innocence, charm and fun, the music is great, and the gameplay is tight and arcadey and refined to the maximum degree year by year since 1995.

Beyond any fan material or ridiculous Lunatic 1cc runs, I think the games can stand on their own as a great franchise. It's a bit of a shame that on GAF ResetEra and most places, Touhou is only associated with porn and moe - the main series goes a long way back and it's super fun and is worth the attention! This OP is here to hopefully present this subtler side of Touhou for the people who don't know about it, or just satisfy the curiosity of whoever cares. Give it a try!

But I don't know what Touhou is!

Touhou, or the Touhou Project as it is officially known, is a series of 2D Shooters (abbreviated STGs), all made by 1 person commonly called ZUN, from art, to music, to coding. Originally, the games were made with inspiration from DoDonPachi and Darius Gaiden, designing shooters around a greater number of bullets in beautiful patterns. All games have difficulty levels, the easier ones being more like old school shooters if you'd add some more bullets and make them slower, and the harder ones completely filling the screen with fireworks.

ZUN makes repeated comments that the Touhou games attempt to fight the persisting trend of STGs overly complicating themselves with options and features, opting to let players simply have fun dodging bullets. And true enough, the series remains fairly simple and consistent throughout.

The charming art, setting and dialogue, and captivating bullet patterns and music, caught on with the Japanese doujin scene and Touhou became the subject of trillions of fan works, including music, manga, games, videos, cosplays, conventions, tropes, graffiti on abandoned walls in Mexico, and every other man-created division of entertainment. Some of them retain the original innocence and charm of the original series and some of them don't. It's safe to say that there are as many types of Touhou fan entertainment as there are types of entertainment in general.


The Touhou Project series currently has very large number of characters. Due to the nature of the series, not all of these characters are terribly important (with most serving as filler characters) but as far as the official works go, these are the two to be aware of:

  • Reimu Hakurei
    The Shrine Maiden of Paradise

    The shrine maiden at the Hakurei Shrine and the main main character, and her job is exterminating or sealing off youkai, but with her easygoing attitude she ends up befriending whoever she defeats. She's cheeky and really full of herself and youkai troll her endlessly. Solidly the most popular Touhou character (evidently). She and Marisa are BFFs.
    Her shot type is usually homing or high spread, and she's pretty balanced overall, great for beginners in most games.

  • Marisa Kirisame
    The Ordinary Human Magician

    A human magician who lives in the Forest of Magic. It's kind of a major point that she's a "normal" human in the sense that she wasn't born with crazy powers like Reimu, and isn't a magician by species like Alice. She's childishly condescending and obsessively likes to steal or gather interesting things for no reason (her signature laser Master Spark was copied/stolen from Yuuka).
    In the games, she's always one of the fastest characters with high attack power and penetration but extremely small spread, so she's usually used by more advanced players.


He's called ZUN (actually Junya Ota), he likes to drink beer, his music has trumpets. His art is terrible in a good way. He made all the main games by himself! His circle is called Team Shanghai Alice and he's the only member. He's collaborated with other circles and artists to produce other official works (like the fighting games and the print works).

Part 1: The Main Games

Artist's Pixiv Page

The main games are generally divided into the Retro Era (1-5), Modern Era 1 (6-9), Modern Era 2 (10-13), and Modern Era 3 (14-Present)

The series follows Reimu, a shrine maiden in Gensokyo, as she cruelly beats youkai into submission for messing with her. Sometimes she just beats people for no reason, too, but the important part is that they always deserve it. Each game follows a different incident.. but that's the gist of it. The stories are always fun and the dialogue is hilariously silly and charming. Whether you read up on it or get it through playing the game, it's enjoyable.

And you can buy them! Classic Era and up, there are plenty of places selling them physically (the Touhou Wiki has a purchasing guide here!). They're not too expensive, but obviously more expensive than they are in Japan. The games are also available on Steam now! As of mid 2020, all games starting from Touhou 10 can be bought from there (except for Touhou 14.5). Fair warning: all of ZUN's shooters lack official translations... English patches are available, however!

For any newbies: Scher had a short beginners' guide for the Touhou games back in the old thread. This MotK post is also a bit more comprehensive.

Retro Era

The Retro Era games were all made for a computer called NEC PC-9800/01 (or short PC-98), which means it's nigh impossible to find them, much less run them authentically. There are emulators to emulate the computer, provided the games (if you go that route, please use the emulator T98-NEXT, because it's the only one that can do the audio properly). The games have also been translated into English, so don't forget to download the English patch!

  • Touhou 1: Highly Responsive to Prayers (1996) Wiki / Video


    Technically finished in 1995 and released in 1996, it was only really made available alongside the second game in Comiket 52 (1997). Combined with the fact it's a completely different game from the rest of the series, this game is easily forgotten or just never discussed with the others to begin with.

    The story follows Reimu as she looks for the culprit who wrecked her shrine, and the game plays a bit like Arkanoid. Notably it has the surprisingly good pixel art for the bosses, it's hard as hell, the music is catchy, and.. it's the start of everything. It's a neat little game. And even though it's really hard, the very very useful bombs lighten the pain significantly.

  • Touhou 2: The Story of Eastern Wonderland (1997) Wiki / Video


    It's generally regarded as the weakest "proper" (excluding HRtP) Touhou game, but it's not bad overall. It introduces most of the ground the entire series stands on. Like with HRtP, you probably won't see it mentioned anywhere ever again.

    In the game Reimu investigates the sudden increase of monsters in her shrine, fights Marisa (who then stays next to Reimu as pretty much the second main character), and re-fights Mima who appeared as a small boss in HRtP. And it introduces these lovable ghosts:


  • Touhou 3: The Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream (1997) Wiki / Video


    Once again a completely different game from the previous two! A versus shooter in the vein of Twinkle Star Sprites, PoDD features multiplayer, lots of characters and endings, and.. insane difficulty. The computer is a notorious cheater, the gameplay is unnecessarily complicated to an apathetic level, and the RNG decides who wins and dies. But even so, it's a really fun shooter, especially in multiplayer.

    For the premise, many different ladies in Gensokyo independently discover a cave, and decide to fight among themselves for the right to investigate. The game is second only to HRtP in how the plot and characters are ignored by the fandom, so anything you see there will stay there.

  • Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story (1998) Wiki / Video


    Either this or Mystic Square are regarded by most people as the best Retro Era Touhous, and more often than not, this one edges the other out. It has really good music, almost as many gameplay foundations as SoEW (such as focus and grazing), it made score more competitive/relevant, and is pretty replayable. All in all, as dated as it is, it's a good game. Also, this is the game with the original Bad Apple that was famously remixed here!

    As the story goes, youkai swarm the shrine area, and both Reimu and Marisa go off separately to give the culprit a lesson. Yuuka is introduced here and she appears later on too.

  • Touhou 5: Mystic Square (1998) Wiki / Video


    The final Touhou for the PC-98, and it's a pretty big send off. The gameplay is smoothed out, the stages and bosses are unique and fun, there's a bunch of playable characters, and all-in-all it's the shiniest and sleekest Touhou for the PC-98, although it's somewhat limited by the hardware. Like mentioned above, for most people it's a close choice between this and LLS for the best PC-98 Touhou game, just for perspective.

    Once again, demons and monsters flood out of a cave, prompting Reimu, Marisa, Mima and Yuuka to confront the one behind it all. Alice appears here first, too.

Modern Era 1

One innocent day in 2001, Touhou 6 - EoSD got released on Windows (finally!), and shortly after, all previous games stopped being sold. It was a serious reboot, with only 4 PC-98 characters appearing ever again, no more cheeky ghosts, an entirely separate canon, and much higher quality art, music and gameplay. This is where Touhou started growing to what it is today. As far as the grand majority of fans are concerned, Touhou started here and the previous games don't exist. From here on, every game has tons and tons of characters that are everywhere in the fan content. You'll recognize them all instantly if you look anywhere else Touhou-related.

Most people will tell you that games 6-7-8 are the "golden trilogy" of Touhou, introducing most of the popular characters, being everyone's favorite games in the series, with really good music and gameplay. You could say the combo of those 3 games one after another (and yearly, at that) is what made Touhou explode so big. These are the games to check out if you want to see a snapshot of what Touhou is, although for the most part, the whole series is consistent.

  • Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (2002) Wiki / Video


    Even among the Windows games, it's a lot of people's favorite Touhou game. The extra stage boss music, U.N. Owen was Her, is one of the most popular Touhou tracks (on the western side, at least), with crazy remixes left and right. The patterns, music, dialogue, are all amazing, and it's a really fun game. In terms of features, it introduces auto-collect and counter-bombing (bombing on death to avoid it), both really important features. It's a great complete package all around, and there's even a patch to make it slightly more up to date with the latter games.

    Reimu and Marisa set off to find the source of an (annoying) red mist blocking the sun. They notice a very suspicious mansion...

  • Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom (2003) Wiki / Video


    It's somewhere around being the most referenced Touhou game in general. The most gameplay videos, the most fan content, the most everything. It's safe to say that it slightly edges out EoSD and IN in being everyone's favorite, too. If you can only check out one Touhou game, make it this one. Score is really competitive, music is great with one of the largest OSTs in the series, the story and characters are iconic, the player choices are diverse, two extra stages, and the first instance of a Touhou game having a game-unique feature... it's all here! Also notably, the first Reitaisai (Touhou convention) happened in 2004 after the game's release, with a score attack competition of the game's extra stage, and things snowballed from here.

    When winter has gone on longer than normal, Reimu, Marisa and Sakuya realize it must be an incident. It's worth mentioning that Alice, originally from Touhou 5, returned in this game. Also let it be known that the villains of this game caused everything by stealing the essence of Spring itself. No, seriously.

  • Touhou 8: Imperishable Night (2004) Wiki / Video


    It might have a tiny tiny bit less of a following than EoSD and PCB, but it's still the most refined of the 3 of them, with the biggest and most diverse/unique player selection in the series, and is generally regarded as having the best gameplay in terms of stages and bosses. Plenty of people confidently swear by it as being the best Touhou game, bar none. There are two stages which have 2 versions, depending on how you play, so it's really fun. Also introduced here is the Last Spell system which, in boss battles, is a no-risk, hard pattern for points and bonuses if you clear it, and for the player, it's just a more powerful counter-bomb that uses two bombs instead of one.

    This time, somebody has replaced Gensokyo's moon with a fake moon. No, that is not a joke. Though it's fooled the human population, Touhou's setting has many non-humans who don't buy it. Four separate youkai who have noticed the incident team up with their human allies to investigate the Fake Moon incident.

  • Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (2005) Wiki / Video


    More multiplayer! In structure it's really similar to PoDD (the only other game in this style) , except.. even harder. You will live and die by the AI's whims. With all the enhancements of the Classic Era, and with tons of characters (a whopping 16, almost double of PoDD), it's a fun game. Just like PoDD, the gameplay system is completely over the top complicated, but it's a good game nonetheless. There's also a patch to play this over LAN or over the internet.

    In what is the complete opposite of Touhou 7, there is now too much Spring. Flowers bloom everywhere, and that's really annoying, so everyone set off to see what's going on. Yuuka makes the jump from PC-98 in this game, being the 4th and currently last character to do so.

    Available on Steam

Modern Era 2

There were some notable changes from this point on. Starting here, bombs get critically changed, 1cc becomes doable to more people, and the game-specific features start to get a more involved. Some of the games are liked more than others, some more than the classic trilogy of games, and others less so. Also from Touhou 10 onwards, there is a conscious effort to connect the games, with the events of Touhou 12 and 13 being caused by the domino setup in Touhou 11.

  • Touhou 10: Mountain of Faith (2007) Wiki / Video


    By consensus it is the easiest of the Windows games, and it's a good entry game into the series. Bombs are completely spammable (as you can see in the video), and 1cc isn't really any harder than beating it with continues. It has some really cool spell cards and stages, so it's a fun game. If you're not very good and are looking for a Touhou game you can 1cc, this would be your best bet.

    Reimu is at her (declining) shrine when a mysterious stranger threatens Reimu to quit or be crushed. Reimu takes this as well as you'd expect, and flies off to the new shrine she believes is responsible. Oh, and I guess Marisa is here too, despite not having any personal stakes. This game introduces Reimu's job rival, Sanae. Sanae, and the Shrine she is associated with, is a big player in this era of Touhou.

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism (2008) Wiki / Video


    As far as consensus goes, this one is considered on par with 6-7-8. Great music and bosses (insane final boss), interesting player diversity, et cetera. One nice thing about it is that you can play through all stages and endings by playing on Easy, so it's very accommodating. Also noteworthy, is that this game has a really important graze system for score - score is all about grazing. Grazing is this game's soul. It makes for some very funny and intense 1cc runs on the internet.

    A suspicious geyser pops up, and with the help of Yukari, Reimu and Marisa go underground while communicating with their partner youkai. The setting and story is somewhat popular in the fandom, and for good reason; it's really neat!

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object (2009) Wiki / Video


    As Touhou gets older, modern games get more and more involved game-specific mechanics, and UFO has a pretty noticeable one. You collect combinations (in 3s) of UFO things to get various rewards for it, either letting the UFO absorb power or just shooting it down. It's a fun mechanic, and the music and stages are not bad, but it's mostly regarded as a weaker Touhou. Important to say, the old bombs come back for this game, which is a nice change. Also, bombs and lives are collected in pieces, and this trend is here to stay.

    A strange flying thing appears in the sky and either out of curiosity, to plunder it, or to beat the one responsible (who knows which, really!), Reimu, Marisa and Sanae launch at it.

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 13: Ten Desires (2011) Wiki / Video


    With lots of new characters and very diverse player choices, it's more Touhou, and they say it's a good one. The mechanic involves collecting Divine Spirits from fallen enemies, which grant points and the Trance Gauge, which is like a temporary boost.

    Lots of spirits show up, but something seems a bit off about them, so the heroines (including Reimu, Marisa, Sanae and Youmu) go looking for answers.

    Available on Steam.

Modern Era 3

The current Era of Touhou. This Era has continued to be a bit more inter-connected than the classic games (with the new benchmark being "a manga-only character becoming playable in one of the official games). With that said, it's still Touhou, so the games are still light on plot and not too continuity heavy.

This Era is also the most accessible Touhou has ever been. Whether it's the canon mainline games or the fan made titles, more Touhou games have been made available outside Japan. Specifically, you can now buy (most) Touhou games from Steam. As of this edit all Modern Era 2 and 3 shooters are available on Steam.

  • Touhou 14: Double Dealing Character (2014) Wiki / Video


    The unique mechanic of DDC has to do with how many points you can collect with auto-collect, but for the most part, the game was purposefully kept simple in the face of danmaku games getting more and more complicated.

    Youkai start rebelling, things get crazy in chaos, and Reimu, Marisa or Sakuya take their weapons and march ahead to settle whatever's happening.

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (2015) Wiki / Video


    Inspired by the likes of "I Wanna Be The Guy", Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom does away with conventional lives, now using checkpoints for its main "Pointdevice" mode. Though this sounds very forgiving, the game compensates by having a much higher base difficulty than normal. While the game does have a classic "Legacy" mode, it is sadly not re-balanced, making this shooter one of the tougher ones in the series

    This game's plot is kicked off when Gensokyo's otherworld neighbor, the Lunar Capital, is attacked by a mysterious third party. While it's not the worst thing ever (the Lunarians are kind of jerks) it becomes our heroine's problem when the Lunarians start invading Gensokyo as their backup plan... With the aid of Ultramarine Orb (i.e. the in-story reason for Pointdevice mode), the four heroines set out to settle things.

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons (2017) Wiki / Video


    Hidden Star in Four Seasons is themed around Seasons (doi!). More seriously, each character is associated with a Season (e.g. Spring for Reimu and Summer for... Cirno?!) and gameplay revolves around collecting Season Items and "releasing" their power. The exact effect of these releases depends on which other, Sub-Season you specialize in. Basically, you can pick (Spring-themed) Reimu and give her a Spring shot, or a Summer shot etc.

    The Seasons are once again out of control. Fairies (who embody nature) are going berserk and there are extreme weather events, like Spring at Reimu's Shrine, Winter near Marisa's House etc. The protagonists, including longtime favorites Cirno (Touhou 6) and Aya (Touhou 9), set out to find the cause. The game has a fairly unique twist on Touhou's typical six stages + extra structure...

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature (2019) Wiki / Video


    Wily Beast and Weakest Creature is like a mashup of Touhou 7's Cherry System, and Touhou 12's UFO system. You collect Spirit Items (which are like UFOs). And collecting enough Spirit Items puts you into Roaring Mode (which is like Supernatural Border). The unique spin here is that Roaring mode also powers up your character, offering a defensive or offensive boost, depending on your SI combo.

    Anyway, all is well in Gensokyo when Beast Spirits begin to pour in from Hell, warning of a plot to take over the surface world. Reimu, Marisa and Youmu decide to join up with three Beast Spirits (Otter, Wolf and Eagle) to curb this threat… but are things really as simple as they say?

    Available on Steam. (Fun fact: Toby Fox personally asked ZUN to release a demo of this, and ZUN obliged)

  • Touhou 18: Unconnected Marketeers (2021) Wiki


    Instead of Point Items (the usual blue tokens), bosses and enemies in Unconnected Marketeers drop Currency (the yellow tokens). You use Currency at the end of every stage to buy Ability Cards, which can do anything (like give extra lives/bombs, grant you passive boosts and even give you extra abilities to play with). The more Cards you buy, the more options you have at the start of a run, and the Cards really let you hone the game's level of challenge.

    This time, Magical Ability cards based on real people in Gensokyo have become popular. Four veteran heroines, Reimu, Marisa, Sanae and Sakuya, all set out towards Youkai Mountain to find the ones responsible...

    Available on Steam

  • Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost (2023) Wiki


    Like Touhou 3 and Touhou 9 before it, Unfinished Dream is a Phantasmagoria / Versus style shooter. The plot is surprisingly continuity heavy for a Touhou game, but long story short: the "plot to take over the surface world" that was talked about in Touhou 17 is finally happening due to the events of Touhou 18.

    Besides Reimu, Marisa and Sanae, the game features longtime fan favorites like Rin, Ran and Suika and generally features a lot of Beast themed characters from recent games. The Animal Realm spirits from Touhou 17 and 17.5 are particularly important to the plot.

    Available on Steam

And in case you're not sure with what game to start, here is a useful video:

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Part 2: Side Games & Other Official Material

Artist's Pixiv Page


The Touhou Project also has several spin-offs that (until recently) could be cleanly categorized as either shooters (with unique gameplay twists) or fighters. The shooter spin-offs are made by ZUN (like the main games), while the fighters are made collaboratively with a doujin circle called Twilight Frontier (aka Tasogare Fronter, or "Tasofro"). Tasofro are also behind the series' first action game spinoff!

When it comes to the availability of such games, ZUN and Tasofro seem to have their own individual release plans (i.e. ZUN has released his spin-offs in reverse chronological order, and in Japanese only, while Tasofro has been more willing to try and localize their collaborative titles). UPDATE: Touhou 15.5 will be releasing on PS4 and Switch! And it'll be releasing outside of Japan, no less!

Modern Era 1 Spinoffs
  • Touhou 7.5: Immaterial and Missing Power (2004)


    Immaterial and Missing Power (IaMP for short) is the first spinoff (and first fighter collaboration) of the series that was developed at the same time as Touhou 8. It is a ground based fighting game that differentiates itself through its emphasis on projectiles and its "graze" mechanic (where you can bypass projectiles by dashing, airdashing etc.). (The official Touhou Wiki and Mizuumi Wiki have more in-depth info on the gameplay).

    The plot sees the cast of Touhou 6 and 7 investigating the source of the unnatural, never-ending cycle of feasts that takes the form of a strange mist.

  • Touhou 9.5: Shoot the Bullet (2005)


    Shoot the Bullet is the first spinoff shooter. Despite being a shooter, it is a very different game the main shooters. While you are still expected to dodge the enemy's bullets, you do not have a normal shot to damage bosses. Instead you "shoot" the bosses with an old-school camera (that even needs to be charged after every shot).

    To help you out, your camera has the ability to remove bullets it captures in its cross-hairs. The game also forgoes Touhou's typical six-stage structure. Aya, the tengu journalist extraordinaire introduced in Touhou 9, is the star of this game.

    Available on Steam

Modern Era 2 Spinoffs
  • Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (2008)


    Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (SWR) is the sequel to Immaterial and Missing Power. Despite using the same foundation as IaMP, as well as retaining most of that game's cast, SWR has a very different gameplay feel between its system changes, gameplay improvements and Weather system.

    The cast of the previous fighter, joined by newcomers from Touhou 8 and 9, are prompted to investigate events when bizarre weather events affect Gensokyo. Things really come to a head when an earthquake totally busts up Reimu's shrine.

  • Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku (2009)


    While the game is functionally an expansion pack for Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Hisoutensoku is a true sequel to SWR with new characters, gameplay changes and content. It is the last "sequel" to Immaterial and Missing Power and the last ground-based fighting game (so far). Of all the fighter spinoffs, it is also the most popular by far.

    When a mysterious giant, with the seeming ability to appear and disappear at will, is sighted in Gensokyo, several characters (specifically, the ones added to this expansion) set out to find the truth behind this mystery.

  • Touhou 12.5: Double Spoiler (2010)


    It's the sequel to the first photography spinoff game. Double Spoiler adds an unlockable playable character (Hatate, Aya's journalistic rival) and features newer bosses from Touhou 10 onwards

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 12.8: Great Fairy Wars (2010)


    Great Fairy Wars is the game continuation of an event from the Fairies manga. The game is closer to a traditional shooter than the photography games, but it's still very distinct, with unique mechanics like choosing boss routes, the ability to freeze bullets and a motivation system that replaces the typical life system. Though Cirno is a long-time favorite who has appeared in several spinoffs, this is the first to see her in a starring role.

    Available on Steam.

  • Touhou 13.5: Hopeless Masquerade (2013)


    Hpeless Masquerade is the first of the aerial Touhou fighters. HM's system sees players fighting entirely in the air; both players are now tethered to a central axis and have the new ability to jump "down" (which is like jumping up, just downwards. If you've ever played Astra Superstars, it's basically that but with 100% more bullets). Old mechanics like grazing and spellcards return, alongside newer systems like Skill Cards, Faith and the controversial Popularity System.

    The human villagers of Gensokyo seem to have lost hope due to the string of incidents from Touhou 10 to Touhou 13. Sensing an opportunity to ease the minds of the villagers (...and also an opportunity to increase their own influence), the religious leaders begin engaging in flashy, public duels that become known as the Religious Wars.

    Due to the gameplay revamp, only Reimu and Marisa were able to return in this game. As you can guess from the Religious War theme, the game's cast comprises of the Buddhists (Touhou 12) and Taoists (Touhou 13). Some other stragglers from Touhou 10 and 11 also appear here.

Modern Era 3 Spinoffs
  • Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card (2014)


    As implied by the game's title, Impossible Spell Card sees you fighting back against normally impossible attacks with the aid of cheat items. While there are some madmen that have actually beaten the game without them, playing with cheat items is expected and this fact makes ISC an approachable game for Touhou newcomers.

    Since the events of Touhou 14, Seija (the true mastermind of that game's incident) has been deemed a rebel. With a bounty on her head and all of the rules out the window, Seija has to survive unfair and normally impossible attacks from her would-be bounty hunters.

    This game is available on Steam.

  • Touhou 14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo (2014)


    Urban Legend in Limbo is the sequel fighter to Hopeless Masquerade. Gameplay now revolves around Occult Balls (which hold mysterious powers) and Urban Legends (which the characters can draw power from). These two phenomena are also the focus of the plot, since it's said that gathering seven Occult Balls may allow its user to make a wish..

    Kasen, previously a manga-only character, makes her game debut here. This game also ups the creative ante, including, not just art from one of the official manga artists, but also musical contributions from various doujin circles.This game also had a Japan-only release on the PS4, complete with a console exclusive character, Reisen.

  • Touhou 15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers (2018)


    Antinomy of Common Flowers's main gameplay additions to the aerial fighter formula is the tag ("Master" and "Slave") system. The Urban Legend subplot of ULiL continues as a new phenomena, Perfect Possession, and a new rumour of the "strongest duo", hit Gensokyo. The cast of 14.5 returns and includes Yukari, Tenshi, Reisen (from the PS4 version of 14.5) and newcomer Doremy (from Touhou 15)

    This game is available on Steam and has an official English translation.

    UPDATE: This game is also available on PS4 and Switch. It actually has a newer (better) English translation from the Steam release

  • Touhou 16.5: Violet Detector (2018)


    Violet Detecter is a strange mishmash of Impossible Spell Card and the two photography shooters. While you "shoot" enemies Aya-style, you will also actually shoot enemies and make use of abilities like teleportation and bullet cancelling.

    Sumireko, first introduced as the antagonist of Touhou 14.5, is the star of this game. This game follows her as she fights off mysterious attackers resembling our main characters. While the game's plot is ultimately very simple, it does reference a few subplots from previous works (mostly with Sumireko's own personal arc, which is spread over several works)

    This game is available on Steam.

  • Touhou 17.5: Gouyoku Ibun / Sunken Fossil World (2021)


    Touhou 17.5 is a spinoff that's... not a shooter or a fighter?? It's actually not too far from the fighters (though the game is 100% single player). The plot (which follows directly from Touhou 17) involves a mysterious black water that leads our heroines into Former Hell and beyond. There are six playable characters, including Reimu, Marisa, Shion and Jo'on from the later fighters, Kanako from Touhou 10, Murasa from Touhou 12 and a certain, shocking fan favorite...

    This game is available on Steam. A Switch version also released in 2022.

  • Touhou 18.5: 100th Black Market (2022)


    It only took 20+ games, but Marisa finally gets a leading role! Anyway, 100th Black Market takes the Touhou formula, the Ability Card system from Touhou 18 and combines it with a roguelike style gameplay loop. It's a more replayable experience compared to previous spinoff shooters.

    This game is available on Steam.

...And that's basically it for the official games (phew).


...But the official version of Touhou doesn't just end at the games! There are plenty of other official / canon works. Some of these works are made solo, like the CD's, while other works are like the fighters; collaborative efforts between ZUN and other talented people. With the exception of the official books, these stories tend to star a new character or two (or three) though ZUN usually ensures series regulars (like Reimu or Marisa) are still around to ground the story.

It needs to be said: these works aren't *essential* to enjoying the series. However, if you have even a bit of interest in any of these works; if you want more factoids about your favourite characters; even if you only want to navigate the fan stuff, I'd still recommend checking these works out.

Current, Ongoing Series:
  • Touhou Suichouka ~ Sobering of the Lotus Eaters (2019 - Present)


    Sobering of the Lotus Eaters centers on Miyoi Okunoda, the whale-hat wearing, self-proclaimed "mascot" of the village pub, Geidontei. As the series is surprisingly story heavy (for a Touhou manga anyway) I won't spoil the full premise. All you need to know is that our mascot girl, and her unassuming pub, gets more than she bargained for when she gets involved with a certain, mist-manipulating youkai...

    This series has an official English translation via Ebook on Bookwalker Global. But as this translation is a bit contentious, there is also an unofficial fan translation too.

  • Touhou Chireikiden: Foul Detective Satori (2019 - Present)


    Foul Detective Satori stars the titular mind-reading youkai from Touhou 11. Unlike the other series, this manga features a serialized, murder mystery plot. The conspiracy so far has included the casts of Touhou 6, 7 and currently 8. This series originally went on hold early in 2021 due to the first artist's (Ginmokusei) health issues, but it returned in the same year under the same title, with a new artist (Akimaki Yuu)

  • Touhou Kourindou ~ Curiosities of Lotus Asia (Original Run: 2004 - 2007, Current Run: 2015 - Present)


    Curiosities of Lotus Asia is a series of illustrated side-stories featuring one of the *only* named male characters in the series, Rinnosuke. Rinnosuke is a half-youkai shopkeeper who has the ability to know the name and the purpose of any object... but not much else. Cue the crackpot theories! The series was originally serialized from 2004 to 2007 but returned in the magazine, Strange Creator of Outside World. The second run of CoLA added a second lead character; Sumireko, who originated in the later fighting games.

Completed Manga
  • The Touhou Sangetsusei series (2005 - 2019)


    First starting in 2005, the Sangetsusei series is a multi-part series that follows a group of fairies as they get into hijinks. Though the series started with three manga original characters (Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire and Luna Child), the latest and most recent part also added Clownpiece (from Touhou 15) as its fourth protagonist.

  • Touhou Bougetsushou (2007 - 2012)


    Touhou Bougetsushou is a cross media storyline about the characters introduced in Touhou 8. It includes Silent Sinner in Blue (2007-9), Cage in Lunatic Runagate (2009) and Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth (2007-2012).

    Silent Sinner in Blue is a manga where Reimu, Marisa and the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion (from Touhou 6) attempt to go to the Moon. Cage in Lunatic Runagate is a short story collection which focuses on a specific character for each chapter. Despite how it may look, these two works should not be read separately. They're supposed to be read at about the same time (aka in publishing order) for the best effect.

    Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth is a comedic 4koma manga set shortly after the other two. Inaba's canonicity is debated due to ZUN's more relaxed involvement.

  • Touhou Ibarakasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit (2010 - 2019)


    Wild and Horned Hermit is the longest running of all the manga series, running for almost a decade. Illustrated by AzumAya, the series focuses on Kasen Ibara, a mysterious self-proclaimed hermit. The series features a general, almost detached, worldview of Touhou. A large number of characters have appeared in the series, though Reimu, Marisa, Nitori and Sanae (and sometimes Komachi) are the most common recurring characters. The series is a bit infamous for its portrayal of Reimu.

  • Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery (2012 - 2017)


    Illustrated by Moe Harukawa, Forbidden Scrollery loosely focuses on Kosuzu Motoori. Originally just a normal book renter, Kosuzu recently gained the ability to read anything in any language. Supervised by Reimu and co, she begins engaging in the dangerous hobby of collecting youma books (supernatural books related to youkai). Aside from the usual suspects, Akyuu (from the lore books) and Mamizou (from Touhou 13) are part of FS recurring cast. This manga uniquely views Touhou from a more human perspective, and includes darker undertones compared to the other series. It was the first official Touhou print work available in English (via Yen Press)

Other Official Works
  • The Official Books


    There are too many books to list in specificity. All you need to know is that most books are in-universe collections usually set from the POV of a single Touhou character. Marisa, for example, gets to be "author" of Grimoire of Marisa, a book that actually recognizes and contextualizes all the fancy attacks bosses throw at you in the game. Meanwhile, Aya has a tabloid-style magazine in Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia. Most notable of these POV characters is Akyuu, the reincarnating human scribe who originated in and narrates the larger lore compilations (like Bohemian Archive and Perfect Memento).

    ZUN can get really creative with the book's formats, though they're worth reading anyway for their expansion on the characters and setting.

  • ZUN's Music Collection aka The Secret Sealing Club CD's


    With the exception of the very first CD, the Music Collection are mostly what they say on the tin; albums of ZUN's music, whether it's remixes from the games or full-on original compositions. These CD's also contain short stories loosely connected to Touhou. In the ambiguous future of Touhou's setting, there is the Hifuu (Secret Sealing) Club. The club only has two members: Maribel Hearn and Usami Renko. Despite being humans who live in the modern world, both characters possess suspiciously Touhou-like abilities; Maribel can see boundaries, while Renko can tell time and location just from the stars.

    Their connection to Touhou proper is mysterious, though certain present-day characters have links to both heroines. This also hasn't stopped fans from putting these two into all kinds of fan works and games.

  • Strange Creators of Outside World


    Started in 2015, Strange Creators is an official Touhou Project magazine fully supervised by ZUN. Not everything in the magazine is 'canon', though the parts that ZUN contributes (such as official interviews) certainly are. While it's not officially released in English, dedicated fans have translated parts of these releases anyway.

    Strange Creators is also home to some official works, like the new Curiosities of Lotus Asia.
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Oct 25, 2017
Part 3: Fan Games & Other Fan Works

(From Touhou Project Tribute Arts, by Sumaki Shungo)

We've covered Touhou in its official capacities, but Touhou from the fan perspective really is a different beast. Context: Touhou has a ridiculously dedicated fan following. No one, probably not even ZUN himself, knows how Touhou became such a mainstay of the Japanese doujin scene, but it is and has been since... at least 2004 (some interesting Wikipedia stats here)

To address the elephant in the room: yes, certain fans do take the series into NSFW directions. However, Touhou's proximity to that stuff is overblown. Part of it is a misunderstanding of the term 'doujin' and Touhou's status as a 'doujin series'. For the record: doujin doesn't mean porn. 'Doujin' is closer to is Japanese "amateur works" and while "amateur works" can include porn it doesn't refer to *only* that. "Doujin" is more like "indie" though the two terms should not be used interchangeably. Tofugu has a great article on the term and topic.

The other reason for the bad rep is all the smut that does exist... but don't misunderstand it: Touhou is not the only big series to be cursed with horny fans. The series is NOT inherently skewed to towards NSFW content and the series does not have a higher ratio of adult to non-adult fan content. From Wikipedia:

Wikipedia's Page on Doujinshi said:
The Touhou Project series for example, is known to be notable for the large amount of dōjinshi being produced for it that are not pornographic in nature. Some groups releasing adults-only themed materials during the annual Touhou only event Reitaisai in 2008 were only estimated at roughly 10%.

Basically, Touhou has that NSFW reputation, despite the NSFW making up a smaller percentage of fan works, because Touhou just has so much fan content period. That... and there are too many weirdos ready to admit how they first "discovered" Touhou. Seriously, if you admit to recognizing the characters because of the smut, I think *you* should be getting the weird looks, not the rest of us

While Touhou is not unique in having an active and dedicated fanbase, Touhou is remarkable because: 1) it has been going for so long while staying grassroots; and 2) it has a unique fan culture cultivated by ZUN's relaxed attitude. Forget about Touhou-only conventions; the Touhou fandom's had that since the mid-2000's. Touhou is at the level of "fan concerts", "fan-made mobile games" and even "fan-made anime" (three of them in fact!). Suffice to say, Touhou has a quality following with quality fan works.


And when it comes to the fan games, Touhou has, dare I say, quite the fan game following

...But seriously. While companies like Sega have only recently been opening up to their fans, ZUN has been ahead of the curve for ages. And in recent years, he's gone far and beyond what most fans ever dreamed of; in less than a decade, we've gone from "you can definitely sell fan games, but only at doujin fairs like Comiket" to "you can sell Touhou games on Steam, so long as you follow all my guidelines." Here's the most comprehensive [though outdated] source we have on this topic in English. UPDATE: And here's another, more recent version of those same guidelines on the Garakuta site (thanks to shockdude for mentioning this.) That's not even getting into the fan games themselves.

While a lot of fan games fall into the category of "amusing parody featuring Touhou characters", others skirt the line of being legitimately good homages. Some even manage to be amazing AND original!

Fan Games With Official English Releases

Here are games that are fairly easy to access for Western fans.
  • Touhou Luna Nights (Because in the unlikely situation that you're actually in this OT, you've probably actually heard of this one)

    Developed by Team Ladybug
    Steam, X-Box One, Switch
    Touhou Luna Nights is a slick, 2D pixel-art Metroidvania game featuring Touhou 6's time-stopping maid, Sakuya. TLN unsurprisingly has several time manipulation systems along with other Touhou-style mechanics (like the graze system from the Touhou fighters). The game is so popular on Era, that it's responsible for almost half of all Touhou mentions on this forum. It's even popular enough to have it's own OT... uh, two OT's apparently (thanks to SiG and Dancrane212)

  • Labyrinth of Touhou: Gensokyo and the Heaven-Piercing Tree

    Developed by Nise-Eikoku Studio
    Labyrinth of Touhou 1: PC (Dlsite) / Labyrinth of Touhou 2: PC (Steam), PS4 and Switch (Japan only)
    Also known as Labyrinth of Touhou 2, LOT2 is an Etrian Odyssey inspired fan RPG. The DRPG elements are admittedly very light, but what LOT2 lacks in story and budget, it makes up for with its complex, robust and extremely satisfying ATB battle system. There is also the original Labyrinth of Touhou 1. Though far rougher (and far less accessible) than LOT2, it still has its sequel's complex battle system.
    (UPDATE: The developer is planning an English PS4 and Switch release. LOT3 is also apparently in development.)

  • Touhou Spell Bubble

    Developed by Taito
    Switch (Physical for Asia, Digital for other regions)
    Spell Bubble is like a rhythm game, Touhou-themed version of the Puzzle Bubble games. More impressive than the selection of fan remixes (all of the big ones are here, like Bad Apple, Night of Nights and IOSYS's most popular / viral tracks) is the fact that Taito (yes, that Taito. Of Space Invaders and Bubble Bobble fame) developed this.
    (Fun fact: ZUN actually worked for Taito from 1998 to 2007)

  • Touhou Genso Wanderer (and it's updated re-release, Genso Wanderer Reloaded)

    Developed by AQUA STYLE
    Base Version: Vita, PS4, PC (Japan Only) / Reloaded: PS4, Switch, PC (Steam)
    Genso Wanderer is a Touhou-styled take on dungeon crawlers like Shiren the Wanderer. It's actually third in the Mystery Gensokyo series. While the game can be a little impenetrable to newcomers (Touhou's huge, huge cast is put to good use in this game), it also has some very forgiving / newcomer friendly mechanics for the genre, like retaining all your equipment on death. It's best to pick up the updated re-release (Genso Wanderer Reloaded). But don't fret if you did pick up the base version; Reloaded has the ability to import saves
    (UPDATE: GW's sequel, Lotus Labyrinth R, was recently released for Steam, PS4 and Switch. Of those three, only PS4 and Switch have English support)

  • Azure Reflections

    Developed by souvenir circ.
    Switch, PS4, Steam
    This game is a (sorta) fan remake of Touhou 6. It differs from the original with its horizontal shooting gameplay, its extra mechanics (like a dress up / power up system, a bullet cancelling barrier mechanic, and a second chance mechanic if you get hit) and its extra characters. It is actually an updated port of an older fan game (called "Uniting Barrage Action"). The game has a bit of a learning curve but its forgiving, casual friendly mechanics make it playable to shmup newcomers.
    (UPDATE: A Boss Rush and Co-Op mode have also been patched into the game)

  • Touhou Makuka Sai ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival

    Developed by StarX
    PC (Original Release), Steam (Newer Release)
    A well made fan shooter with Touhou characters and remixed music featuring the cast of Touhou 6. Its harsh difficulty and insistence on stream patterns makes it a lot more niche than the main games, but boy, is it beautiful to look at. This game is a contribution from the Chinese Touhou fandom.
    (UPDATE: There is now a sequel based on Touhou 7, also available on Steam)

Some other noteworthy fan games with official English support include Scarlet Curiosity (available on PS4 and Steam), Takkoman ~Kousetzu World~ (available on Steam!) and Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony (aka Touhouvania, also now available on Steam. Also on Switch)

This is a small fraction of all the fan games with English support / releases. In general, you can find more fan games for purchase on Steam than on console. But since the fan games on Steam are self-published, the quality is mixed. Good resources for keeping up with console / big-name published fangames are Play, Doujin's official site, the Touhou Wiki's page on Play, Doujin and Gematsu's Touhou Tag.

Fan Games With Unofficial English Support

Though Touhou fan games are more accessible than ever, there are some excellent titles yet to break past their doujin status. While most fan games already have fan translations (the Touhou fan translation community is super reliable!) these are the best titles that are less accessible than they should be:

  • The Gensou Shoujo Taisen series (aka Fantasy Maiden Wars)

    Developed by Sanbondo
    PC, Switch (Japan only)
    This four-game series can be summed up as "Super Robot Wars but Touhou". The series loosely adapts the Modern Era 1 games and it's apparently rather good from a writing POV! As of this edit, there are currently four main games and a compilation release (Complete Box). The fourth game is currently unpatched and a full translation for the Complete Box is still in the works, but the first three games (Kou, You and Ei) are currently playable with English patches.

    While the series has come to the Switch in Japan, it is unclear if an English / Western release is in the plans too.

  • Touhou Souzinengi V: The Genius of Sappheiros

    Developed by Strawberry Bose
    PC, Vita (Japan only)
    A traditional RPG that many in the western side consider one of the best Touhou fan games. This was actually ported to the PlayStation Vita via the "Play, Doujin" initiative but alas; the Vita release did not make its way outside of Japan.

  • Marisa & Alice's Trap Tower (and Marisa & Alice 2)

    Developed by Desunoya
    PC, PS4 (Japan only)
    This is another game to get a proper "Play, Doujin" release for only Japan. MariAri, or Marisa & Alice, is infamous for its incredible difficulty in the post-game stages. It's a game in the style of Mario & Wario (where you click with a cursor on blocks to manipulate the world around a fragile, auto-walking character). From the same team are MariAri 2 (explanatory video) and Fantasy Explorer Nitroid. All three titles have English patches.

  • Touhou Soccer Moushuuden

    Developed by hachikuma

    Touhou Soccer is a sports/RPG hybrid based heavily on Tecmo's Captain Tsubasa games on the NES and SNES. Infamous for its over-the-top shot animations, Touhou Soccer is surprisingly fun, even for non-soccer fans. As an older title, the game lacks newer fan favorites but it does make good use of the Classic and Retro era casts, and even features characters from Touhou's sister series, Seihou Project. There is a Main Scenario, extra Scenarios as well as a CYOA-style mode letting you build your own team. The game can be quite esoteric and difficult at times, so make sure to look up the very comprehensive online guide.

For most of these titles, there's no official way to buy them outside of Japan, though sites like Akiba-Hobby or eBay have some. DLsite also has all the above titles in digital format (thanks to Pellaidh for pointing this out!). NSFW links: Fantasy Maiden Wars, Labyrinth of Touhou 1, The Genius of Sappheiros, Marisa & Alice, Touhou Soccer Moushuuden

Again, this is a very small selection of Touhou fan games. This isn't even getting to the endless amount of Touhou parodies including, but not limited to: Super Mario, Megaman, Pokemon, Age of Empires, Castlevania and even... Earth Defense Force?! If we extend the breadth of fan games to mods, hacks and scripts in engines like Danmakufu, the list of games never ends~

Fan Games on... Mobile?!

It was mentioned previously, but the current Touhou fad seems to be mobile fan games. Since ZUN gave his blessing for the 2017 mobile game, Touhou Cannonball, we've only been seeing more and more announcements of mobile games every year. As the mobile game industry is brutal, not every game is still up and around (RIP Touhou Cannonball and Touhou Danmaku Kagura). So far, only Touhou LostWord (a gacha RPG) has managed to have any staying power, with the Japanese version hitting its second year.

All That Other Fan Stuff?
Originally, this thread included recommendations for other fan content. Unfortunately, I underestimated how much space this topic would require. Because I don't want to make this OT big (well, bigger than it already is), and because this is meant to be a Gaming OT, I've opted to cut out that section. With that said, if you are looking for recommendations (of the SFW variety), feel free to ask for them in this thread.

If you've managed to get to the end of this three post long OP, then congratulations! If this OT has been overwhelming, first off: I'd like to apologize for this monstrously huge OT orz. I've always been bad at condensing posts, and Touhou is such a big topic to try and condense. Secondly, if you are overwhelmed, you really shouldn't be. Despite how I've made it sound, Touhou is an extremely relaxed series and fanbase. While nobody knows what put Touhou into the spotlight, there's also no doubt that ZUN's relaxed attitude is what's helped cultivate the series' dedicated community, even as other series have become popular in the doujinsphere.

The main point of this OT is less that "there is more Touhou content than anyone can deal with" and more that there is more to Touhou than just moe and smut. That there is more than enough SFW content to accommodate people looking for a fun, modern fantasy shmup series.

Regardless of whether you've now got an interest in this series or not, please have a good day and remember to take it easy~


(Last one! A link to the full picture and artist's account)
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Oct 25, 2017
Hey ibyea! I'm glad I'm not the only TouhouGAF member to have gotten in so far

I'm still working on the OT so I won't be posting a lot right now. There's just so many shiny new options (we can actually change typeface and size now!) that I'm starting to feel a little inadequate for the job lol

Anyway welcome! Also do you have any suggestions for the thread title? I still haven't come up with something clever :/


Oct 25, 2017
Touhou friends, we meet again!

I'm Captain Rage Quit from the old place. I like to think of this as the separation between PC-98 and Windows canon lol. How about "Boundary Between Age and Era"? Maybe a little too on the nose there.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey CRQ. Yeah I also thought maybe going HRtP > EoSD/Modern Era could be another angle

I wouldn't mind "Boundary Between Age and Era" (just because the current thing I picked is awful/was meant to be placeholder)


Oct 25, 2017
Actually, I also like the idea of making a play off one of the modern game titles, if only because I really liked Highly Responsive to Posts


Oct 25, 2017
I will try to come up with something, but coming up with something clever is hard.


Oct 25, 2017
After double checking, it seems that
-LeleSocho actually also seems to no longer be on GAF (even though they haven't been banned)
-Upandaway actually seemed to have done the work on the old OT (LeleSocho just seems to have posted it)

Luckily it seems like Upandaway might be coming here, judging from their last post. I guess I'll just have to wait and work on the other bits for now. I sure hope they let me reuse most of the old OT. Tbh, I only planned on using the old one and then updating with info about the spinoffs, newer titles and the new Play.Doujin titles. And also a section on other official works. I don't think I could actually do a whole OT from scratch, unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
Legacy of Lunatic Forum
Swallowstone Naturalis Historia
Bohemian Archive in Purple
Undefined Fantastic OP
Changeability of Strange Threads
Bunbunmaru Thread

I dunno, I actually like CRQ's suggestion.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I wish there was an english translation of it. Oh well.

Touhou Kourindou is usually translated over at the wiki.

And it's usually the most important part of the magazine. The manga and stuff can be enjoyed with relatively little knowledge of Japanese. For me, I'm just happy that my local Kinokuniya supplies them at a not-horrible-at-all price.

And for the OT, I'd suggest Boys and Girls of a Scientific Era. (From 科学世紀の少年少女 )


Oct 25, 2017
Hi everyone!

Also we might as well get a new OP done, Lele's old OP had a few errors (classifying Ten Desires as Windows 3 era for instance).

Let's start with some info!

Cover for the next Strange Creators is released!

Coming out this 31st

GoodSmile also announced a Reisen nendroid.


I don't have any experience in building OT's. Unless someone wants to make one from complete scratch, I think it'd be better to just correct the errors and update the older OP.


Oct 25, 2017
Touhou Kourindou is usually translated over at the wiki.

And it's usually the most important part of the magazine. The manga and stuff can be enjoyed with relatively little knowledge of Japanese. For me, I'm just happy that my local Kinokuniya supplies them at a not-horrible-at-all price.

And for the OT, I'd suggest Boys and Girls of a Scientific Era. (From 科学世紀の少年少女 )

I really like this title suggestion.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually dig that suggestion Narumi posted too. Sounds like a real Touhou-ish title to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, my favorite bullet hell where I am bad at. <3

I think I completely missed that a new game was released. The last I played was with Clownpiece.


Oct 25, 2017
Hidden Star in Four Seasons introduced some very important characters to the overall lore. I suggest reading up on them. Matara Okina especially can be linked to several other characters. (Miko, Kokoro, Yukari, Kasen, etc).

Also the songs are great, get back into the series!


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, I think I've got the first part of the OT done (though we still have to wait for Upandaway)

I don't mind PM'ing a mod to have the title changed. Are you guys all okay with this or should we wait for some of the others first?


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a ton about Touhou throughout the years of hanging out with the anime and Vocaloid community, and while I know that their soundtracks are very influential to a lot of composers and that every single fan art of Touhou looks better than official art I don't really know anything about the games themselves. So, which game should I start first?


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a ton about Touhou throughout the years of hanging out with the anime and Vocaloid community, and while I know that their soundtracks are very influential to a lot of composers and that every single fan art of Touhou looks better than official art I don't really know anything about the games themselves. So, which game should I start first?
Controversial answer, but for mechanics alone, go with Impossible Spell Card (Touhou 14.3) to practice on refining your dodging and shooting. Upon death you immediately get to try the spell card again so it's good for practice. Otherwise generally you can start with Touhou 15 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, its checkpoint system (absent in other games) makes for a much more tolerable experience. Storywise, if you're familiar with bullet hell and stuff, start with Touhou 6 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and work your way up. The earlier games (PC-98 games) are optional since the series had a soft-reboot of sorts with Touhou 6.

Or you can be like me and just buy the games to display proudly with your figurines (I'm garbage). Personally, the lore and official manga/light novels are brilliant enough to stay a fan. If you need a guide on Touhou lore, I'd be happy to provide good starting points and character bios.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a ton about Touhou throughout the years of hanging out with the anime and Vocaloid community, and while I know that their soundtracks are very influential to a lot of composers and that every single fan art of Touhou looks better than official art I don't really know anything about the games themselves. So, which game should I start first?
Ten Desires, mainly because it has the easiest bullet patterns. It is the game I personally learned the bullet hell basics starting out. Hidden Stars in Four Season has the release mechanics that will allow you to get out of tight situations very easily, but in exchange the latter three stages are really tough. Imperishable Night give you a ton of resources, and it has the most fun mechanics.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard a ton about Touhou throughout the years of hanging out with the anime and Vocaloid community, and while I know that their soundtracks are very influential to a lot of composers and that every single fan art of Touhou looks better than official art I don't really know anything about the games themselves. So, which game should I start first?

I personally started with Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and I think it's a good starting point. The gameplay is very solid (though lacking in later refinements), the cast and music of the game are still very popular with fans and while Touhou has never been a super sequential series, EoSD is intentionally designed to be a clean break from the first five games, so it's quite easy to jump into.

After thinking about it, if you're a complete newbie to shmups, Narumi's recommendation might be a little better. While I did technically start with EoSD, I actually got my first clear with ISC.
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Oct 25, 2017
Controversial answer, but for mechanics alone, go with Impossible Spell Card (Touhou 14.3) to practice on refining your dodging and shooting. Upon death you immediately get to try the spell card again so it's good for practice. Otherwise generally you can start with Touhou 15 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, its checkpoint system (absent in other games) makes for a much more tolerable experience. Storywise, if you're familiar with bullet hell and stuff, start with Touhou 6 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and work your way up. The earlier games (PC-98 games) are optional since the series had a soft-reboot of sorts with Touhou 6.

Or you can be like me and just buy the games to display proudly with your figurines (I'm garbage). Personally, the lore and official manga/light novels are brilliant enough to stay a fan. If you need a guide on Touhou lore, I'd be happy to provide good starting points and character bios.

Impossible Spell Cards is actually a really good answer.

I really disagree with Touhou 15. Yes, it has checkpoints, but starting from stage 3, the game gets really rough. You lose 0.01 power every time, and after 50 losses, which can easily happen on normal, it really makes a difference. And there are too many moments, starting with some of stage 3's enemy placement, that can be maddeningly difficult. I guess it depends on how you manage your bombs, but having two of them left for the final spellcard is pretty much mandatory unless you are really good.
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Oct 25, 2017
OP, it's Doujin works, not Doujinshi works. Doujinshi refers to fan made books.

And I'm sure you don't want a list of all those. (I'm happy to provide several reading material though)


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the correction, I still get confused over how to use the term properly

I'm not going to be updating or working on the OP for the next few hours (since I'll be asleep, and as soon as I'm up, I'll be busy with other obligations). If you're all fine with the new title, feel free to PM a mod for a title change.


Oct 25, 2017
Just throwing in my two cents and suggesting either Perfect Cherry Blossom or Mountain of Faith as two good places to start playing Touhou, I found both to be somewhat easy relative to other games in the series and also I just really like the OST for MoF.

I actually got decent at dodging from playing a bunch of Phantasmagoria of Flower View, maybe I should give ISC a shot too.


Oct 25, 2017
Hello. Was locked out of my account since this morning, but I'm glad to see the new community thread was built so quickly. Great job Evilisk!

I mostly lurked in the last community thread, and didn't participate much. I hope to do it more often this time around!

And hopefully more users will also join in!
Oct 26, 2017
Hi! Old poster mostly lurker here. I recently got back into Touhou after a con had some deals on them. Mostly hopping at random in the past I decided I should to go in order starting with The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (I wanna save the PC98 ones when I actually own one). It feels really weird without the QoL improvements but its still really fun. I've gotten really rusty.


Oct 25, 2017
Hello! I never really posted in the old thread, but I actually like Touhou games a lot for their gameplay and music. I want to pick up 16 later, but my 3ds breaking blew up my gaming budget sadly, so I'm gonna have to wait for a bit.

I only really played the main bullet hell games as well, wonder if I should get into some fan games, hmmm...


Oct 25, 2017
Hiya, only a casual player of Touhou games, but love the music to play in Jubeat, Groove Coaster, etc. And Touhou Eurobeat. I'm putting this on my watch list. :D


Oct 25, 2017
man it's been so long since I've been seriously into Touhou, last I played UFO was still new and even then I only played a lot of 6-8. I need to catch up

heard there was a new fighter coming out, might be fun to play that also. played a lot of Hisoutensoku with friends back then though I always sucked at it (and fighting games in general)


Oct 25, 2017
To all the lurkers/new posters, welcome! Sorry about the mess in the OP :/

Update: I got approval from LeleSocho as long as I give upandaway credit so I'll be posting the updated parts of the OT when I get back home.

Does anyone have any recommendations for the fanwork part of the OP? Games, musical circles, artists would be all fine. With the latter, mostly SFW stuff. It doesn't need to be all PG stuff, I even plan recommending Warugaki with a light warning. But it'd be good to have more SFW rec's here than NSFW ones. Also, the main intent is to show a good variety of works, so different genres not already covered would be welcome


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Finally avatar'd up. Great to see you all.

I think we can come up with an original title using "Era" as a basis. Imo "Boys and Girls of a Scientific Era" is a good starting point for a thread title (props for being a ZUN song title), but it shouldn't be the title verbatim.
"Touhou Community Thread: Dreams of Fantasy in a Scientific Era" or something, I dunno.

For fanworks you gotta put in Demetori for music and 0minusT for animation.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys I love touhou and I love you all

but I can't get Faith is for the Transient People out of my head, send help


Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone have any recommendations for the fanwork part of the OP? Games, musical circles, artists would be all fine. With the latter, mostly SFW stuff. It doesn't need to be all PG stuff, I even plan recommending Warugaki with a light warning. But it'd be good to have more SFW rec's here than NSFW ones. Also, the main intent is to show a good variety of works, so different genres not already covered would be welcome

Touhou Rhythm Carnival Scarlet is a pretty good Rhythm Heaven/Touhou cross-over. At the very least it shows the diversity present in fan games.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
For animation there's:
  • Memories of Phantasm (A loose adaptation of the games' plot, featuring some fanservice)
  • Summer Day Dream (Original story, Slice of Life)
  • Hifuu Club Esoteric Record (Original story, a bit more on the serious side)
Personally I really liked Hifuu Club Esoteric Record but the rest are great as well. Summer Day Dream and Hifuu Club Esoteric Record also feature professional seiyuu voicing assorted characters. HanaKana is Maribel Hearn and it's great.

Also, for general fanvideos, you can't go wrong with Touhou M-1 Grand Prix. Translations are scattered throughout, but the series is pretty funny.

There's a ton of doujinshi I could recommend but there's not easily available and even if they are they're only in Japanese. Here's a few that have English translations somewhere in the web:
  • Soga No Tojiko Cannot Speak by carcharias (A brilliant backstory starring one of the most underlooked characters in the series, sadly in hiatus)
  • Vector Spectacle by Hokuto Scichil (A cute Seija x Shinmyoumaru story, ongoing)
  • Omoito by Morino Hon (A book about Hourai. Pretty good stuff. Ended)
I'll add more as I can think of them. And I don't wanna be recommending music, cause I'd be here all day. But here're some artists whose stuff I liked that haven't been mentioned yet.
    • In particular, the Genmu album by them (a collab between several other music artists)
  • Shinra-Bansho
    • In particular, Doppel, The Dream of Alice That Day, and On That Day I Looked Up To The Sky. All Touhou musicals roughly 40 minutes long. Great stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
In terms of fan made shooter, there is also Marine Benefit and Book of Star Mythology.


Oct 25, 2017
Bad player of Touhou here, nice to meet you guys!

To all the lurkers/new posters, welcome! Sorry about the mess in the OP :/

Update: I got approval from LeleSocho as long as I give upandaway credit so I'll be posting the updated parts of the OT when I get back home.

Does anyone have any recommendations for the fanwork part of the OP? Games, musical circles, artists would be all fine. With the latter, mostly SFW stuff. It doesn't need to be all PG stuff, I even plan recommending Warugaki with a light warning. But it'd be good to have more SFW rec's here than NSFW ones. Also, the main intent is to show a good variety of works, so different genres not already covered would be welcome

I haven't followed the doujin scene since circa 2012, but there are two aauthors that I still remember to this day.

  • Gensoukoumuten. He has a knack for a making a cohesive world build, and what better way to do that than tons of crossover? Seriously, the one title starring kid-Rumia has Moomins in it and it doesn't feel out of place. There is also that one shoujo-flavored chapter starringPatchouli and a friggin' OC, and I'm totally sold on the romance I still remember it 5 years later.
  • Karaagetarou. Very unique art-style, and the sotry can feels like Childred books at time. The Chirei de books about the Komeiji sister and thir familiar is very good. Go check that out.
There are a lot of good doujinshi back in the day, but the names escape me. I'll add it when I remember.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys I love touhou and I love you all

but I can't get Faith is for the Transient People out of my head, send help

Gensou Shoujo Taisen version of her theme is too good :X

Also, Captain, you really went out with a bang on the last forum. I loved your final post.

Oh, and Evilisk, your Oni Miko avatar was way cooler. Seiga sucks. Sorry :X
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