
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly can't tell if this is incompetence or willingly being scammed to line a friend's pockets
Oct 26, 2017
Wow, how can they not sue/not pay the company for not delivering on their end of the contract? Like those are not test tubes. Does the contract say "test tubes/ or something like a test tube"? Someone gets your order wrong you get it corrected or get your money back.


Oct 29, 2017
"Oh well, whats a couple million dollars wasted by the dipshits on our side." -conservative fucks


Oct 25, 2017
This is like the platonic definition of grift. I hope the jackass running this op goes to jail over it.


Oct 27, 2017
This being due to this administration's incompetence at vetting contractors is the best case scenario.

But I'd bet that it's only a matter of time before we find out that this company is owned or at least partially owned by one of his current or former cronies.


Oct 25, 2017
For reference, this is (roughly) what they sent:


What a fucking grift
For reference those are blanks that get heated up and blown to the shape of the bottle.


Also, to add to this, these preforms or banks don't even typically seal, they have to expand slightly to meet the required dimensions. To add on to that even more, these aren't even aseptically produced, they are tossed into huge boxes and regularly covered in dust and particles.

Source: I consulted for a plastic bottle company.
Oct 28, 2017
The Fillakit deal shows the perils of the Trump administration's frantic hiring of first-time federal contractors with little scrutiny during the pandemic. The federal government has awarded more than $2 billion to first-time contractors for work related to the coronavirus, a ProPublica analysis of purchasing data shows. Many of those companies, like Fillakit, had no experience with medical supplies.
The United States has lagged behind many European countries in its rate of testing people for the coronavirus, partly because of supply shortages or inadequacies. Epidemiologists say testing is vital to tracking the virus and slowing transmission. In at least one state, the shipment of unusable Fillakit tubes contributed to delays in rolling out widespread testing.
"They're the most unusable tubes I've ever seen," said a top public health scientist in that state, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his job. "They're going to sit in a warehouse and no one can use them. We won't be able to do our full plan."

More than two fucking billion dollars to first-time contractors who have no experience.
He is both that dumb and corrupt. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a kick-back thrown in there.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump continues to run the country like his business: a fraudulent, corrupt, inept shitshow that functions by burning other people's money.

On the bright side, this may provide good ad content for the Lincoln Project.

It's insane that FEMA is demanding states find a use for these useless bottles that aren't what they asked for. This country turned into such a joke.
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Oct 25, 2017
Everyone involved in this needs to be thrown in jail. There is no part if this that is an accident.

Not only is this outright theft but to do such a thing in the middle of a pandemic that directly impacts on our ability to save lives? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

(No, I'm not surprised, just angry. All of Trump's people are scum all of the time.)
Oct 27, 2017
I like FEMA's response: "We're encouraging states to find other uses for this garbage so we don't have to look like even bigger nefarious fuck-ups and hopefully sweep this fraud and waste under the rug"

This is the Conservative grift: "Government doesn't work, so elect us to prove that assertion"


Oct 28, 2017
Did the Trump admin make this deal without involving the GAO?

That would determine how pissed off I'll be over this.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Can you imagine the literal amount of stolen money from the govt.

Remember whitefish energy and their shed in the mountains?


Aug 9, 2018
To everyone even entertaining the notion that this is just incompetence, this is how things work in government on most underdeveloped nations.

Just plain open corruption and scams, with the certainty that nothing will happen to them.

How America has reached this level of lack of accountability in such a short amount of time is still baffling to me.
Jan 10, 2018
The Fillakit deal shows the perils of the Trump administration's frantic hiring of first-time federal contractors with little scrutiny during the pandemic. The federal government has awarded more than $2 billion to first-time contractors for work related to the coronavirus, a ProPublica analysis of purchasing data shows. Many of those companies, like Fillakit, had no experience with medical supplies.
The United States has lagged behind many European countries in its rate of testing people for the coronavirus, partly because of supply shortages or inadequacies. Epidemiologists say testing is vital to tracking the virus and slowing transmission. In at least one state, the shipment of unusable Fillakit tubes contributed to delays in rolling out widespread testing.
"They're the most unusable tubes I've ever seen," said a top public health scientist in that state, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his job. "They're going to sit in a warehouse and no one can use them. We won't be able to do our full plan."

More than two fucking billion dollars to first-time contractors who have no experience.

How many Trump campaign donors were rewarded


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
So Trump and his cronies pretty much used the pandemic response to enrich themselves.

Bit crazy when shit like this just flies under the radar.


Oct 27, 2017
This is either two things:

- this is all playing by the Trump Administration in order to funnel money into rich people's pockets on purpose.

-Trump Administration really is idiotic.

After this is all over, Biden needs to really investigate every single thing Trump Administration sign their name on. If Biden let this go and not investigate, then I know he's a part of it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
This is either two things:

- this is all playing by the Trump Administration in order to funnel money into rich people's pockets on purpose.

-Trump Administration really is idiotic.

After this is all over, Biden needs to really investigate every single thing Trump Administration sign their name on. If Biden let this go and not investigate, then I know he's a part of it as well.



Oct 27, 2017
For reference, this is (roughly) what they sent:


What a fucking grift
This is like, "Hey, we got the contract. Somebody jump on Google and find us some cheap shit we can sell them.... Yeah, those look like test tubes alright. And look, we can get them for pennies on the dollar! Ship 'em!"


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
I imagine a lot of folks are going to read this article and think "oh, that darn silly Trump admin at it again", but I don't think many folks in the US realise how strikingly similar the ongoing corruption in the Trump administration is to a lot of our governments here in the so-called "third world". It is staggering. At least over here, our judiciary has held the government to account and criminal trials are proceeding, but the damages are going to take decades to fix.

Give Trump a second term and another Republican candidate a third, and you're all going to see what it is like when private entities loot and gut the state and completely entrench cronyism and corruption to the point that it anything less becomes unrecognisable.

Folks in the US are in for deep shit if fundamental structural changes aren't made in a (potential) Biden administration.


Jun 28, 2018
How come there are no repercussions for this level of fraud. Like some asshole gets away millions richer. Fuck the rules, why am I wasting my time.
Trump and his ilk don't play by the same rules as we do. Trump's entire life, even prior to his presidency*, is proof of that.]

$7.3M completely wasted, the actual test tubes we needed were not supplied, and absolutely nothing will come of it.


Apr 16, 2020
Shouldn't the government get refunded for a completely unusable product? Like how would there not be a breach of contract somehow?
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
The Fillakit deal shows the perils of the Trump administration's frantic hiring of first-time federal contractors with little scrutiny during the pandemic. The federal government has awarded more than $2 billion to first-time contractors for work related to the coronavirus, a ProPublica analysis of purchasing data shows. Many of those companies, like Fillakit, had no experience with medical supplies.
The United States has lagged behind many European countries in its rate of testing people for the coronavirus, partly because of supply shortages or inadequacies. Epidemiologists say testing is vital to tracking the virus and slowing transmission. In at least one state, the shipment of unusable Fillakit tubes contributed to delays in rolling out widespread testing.
"They're the most unusable tubes I've ever seen," said a top public health scientist in that state, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his job. "They're going to sit in a warehouse and no one can use them. We won't be able to do our full plan."

More than two fucking billion dollars to first-time contractors who have no experience.

This is disgusting

All that taxpayer money and all the American lives lost for this sort of incompetence.

New peak stupidity