
Oct 27, 2017
I'm just stunned that he could do something like this for a photo op, it's just incomprehensible. Can't put anything past this POS.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
him moving the bible around in his hand and then deciding to hold it like that is the funniest thing i've ever seen

i hate trump so much of my god how does anyone take this literal clown seriously


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
using the military for a photo opportunity

this is going to be a long road to November


Oct 27, 2017
....I want to say some things but they are ban worthy.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe people still fall for these stunts. He's so obviously fake.
At least him holding up the bible with nothing on the cover is meme material.

Mr Jones

Oct 25, 2017
Did you guys see what he did? How all of the people scattered? How do they coordinate stuff like that? It looked so real when the smoke bombs went off. The effects were AMAZING. I can't wait to tell all my friends. Trump having that calm collected look like "who's the bitch now" before cutting to credits was the highlight of the show. This totally DESTROYS Game of Thrones.

I don't know how they are going to top this season - I've been binging all week. The finale in November is going to be EPIC.



Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
So I didn't know alot about the Insurrection Act so I decided to do some research and found it has mostly been Democrats who have used it. And one Republican who was a staunch abolitionist.

Lyndon B Johnson used it the most for the 60s riots.

It was most famously used by Eisenhower to to protect the Little Rock Nine.

This part however was interesting to me...

"In 2006 the Bush administration suggested intervening in the state of Louisiana'response to Hurricane Katrina despite the refusal from its governor, but this was considered unconstitutional. In response, a secret amendment was made to the Insurrection Act by an unknown Congressional sponsor, allowing such intervention against the will of state governors. Bush signed this amendment into law, but some months after it was enacted, all 50 state governors issued a joint statement against it, and it was repealed in January 2008, returning the Insurrection Act to the language of its previous revision in 1871."

So basically, there is precedent for using it without request or real need being unconstitutional. Not that it will stop Trump but I found it interesting that it was secretly ammended (seriously that's a thing? Fuck that shit) and then changed back because every governor in the union was like "Fuck that shit!"

It shows that even Republican Governors had some backbone back in 2006, and it could have been even worse because Trump could have just done it right now and then completely in the right.

Indiana Jones

Oct 27, 2017
I was down there about an hour before this happened. It was totally peaceful—I saw families and old people. I'm furious. This was pure evil.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
I just realized based on the side of the book he's showing... He's holding it upside down.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
This really feels like one of those historic moments that marks the start of a turn for the truly terrible.

Not to say that anything that came before wasn't bad, but that could have had any number of outcomes. All bets are off after something like this.

Mr Spasiba

Oct 26, 2017
Not sure if this is low key or high key the most insane thing he's ever done or somehow both. The high key is using the military and police to brutalize a crowd of peaceful people, but the low key is that it was all just to awkwardly hold a book in front of a building. Not even a speech/statement or anything else, just go and pick up a bible that isn't his from a church he's probably never been to and stare blankly into some cameras. Did he think no one would find out how he got there?


Aug 22, 2018
Unless my news is not correct, and please let me know if I'm wrong, this Tweet is factually incorrect.

The last time Insurrection Act was used was by HW Bush, not 200 years ago. Also, Trump didn't enact it yet. The law is 200 years old, it wasn't used for the last time 200 years ago.

It seems so. Jim Acosta retweeted it along with another tweet saying the same thing minutes after the presser, so I took it to be him using it to publicise his own quotes whilst official CNN footage was still unavailable. Both retweets are gone now.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm just ignorant of the significance of that church in particular, but that White House video makes no sense to me as to what it's trying to convey. He walks to a boarded-up church, awkwardly holds up a bible, and then walks back.

Terra Torment

Jan 4, 2020
You'd think one of these days he's actually open it and read it.

I identify as a Christian. I believe the politicization of Christianity by the racist right is appalling. What of forgiveness, of the Lord sending His only son for us, of it being harder for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel going through a needle's eye. Trump is a tumor.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Nah, he'd still not read that.

Do you reckon he could get his aides to make an audio book of the cliff notes, interspersed with messages about how Trump is great?

How to turn that in to a photoshoot though, hmm. Have to get back to you on that one.

Maybe I'm just ignorant of the significance of that church in particular, but that White House video makes no sense to me as to what it's trying to convey. He walks to a boarded-up church, awkwardly holds up a bible, and then walks back.

I mean, there are two messages wanted to convey I think.

Trump wants to convey "Woo look at me I'm outside I'm no bunker boy democrats and protesters are the real bunker boy", and the church happened to be in walking distance.

Trumps direct handlers probably wanted it in front of the church because that could play to the racist Evangelical crowds who like the idea of it being us vs them and "god is on our side, see, and trump went to a church despite the chaos, because he also is a representative of god!" or some other horseshit.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think all the pundits who said people were overreacting when they called Trump a fascist and compared him to Hitler, should look for a new career. As far removed from politics as possible.

For the past 80 years, academia has worked out everything we know about fascists and how they grab power. Trump checked every box ideologically, rhetorically, and when it came to his actions.
And still, people didn't listen to the experts.

As a german, I would urge every American who knows people who work in government or law enforcement to reach out to them and remind them that this is now high time to think about which orders they are willing to carry out and which ones they won't.
"I was just following orders" is not a valid excuse afterward.