
What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Good idea, dopes.

WHAS said:
Two Adair County High School students were suspended after going to school dressed as the Columbine shooters for Halloween.

The two girls went to school wearing outfits that resembled the outfits Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris wore the day they killed 15 people at their school in Columbine, Colo. in 1999.

Posts on girls' social media showed the two reenacting moments from the Columbine shooting with side-by-side images of the girls pretending to be the two shooters next to real photos from Columbine.

"We take the situation very seriously and our personnel are continuing to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding this matter," Pamela Stephens, Adair County Schools Superintendent, said in a statement. "The students are currently suspended."

The superintendent did not say how long the two girls were suspended, but many Adair County High School parents said they were angry the district only suspended the girls.

"It's ridiculous," Amy Tarter, mother of another student at the school, said. "I think any child that does that should be expelled and any parents who [support] their child [doing that] should have charges brought against them."

Halloween brings out all the stupid.



Dec 22, 2017
I mean, hey, maybe stop normalizing school shootings and actually pass legislstion against it and kids won't be so concerned about school shooters that they all know who these two are.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbine was two decades ago. High schoolers wouldn't have even remotely been alive at that time. Why are they looking up pictures and shit from Columbine? Dressing like some modern shooter is scary and horrifying. Dressing like some from decades ago shows some real crazy intent and worship that's on another level.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah, to be a teenage edgelord again.

These two are dumb as bricks and just further the problem.


Oct 25, 2017
Should be expelled and parents need, at the very least, a visit from the authorities.

If they were minorities, they'd probably be dead.


Dec 22, 2017
I honestly don't think the students should be expelled. They weren't the ones who have normalized school shootings over the past 2 decades to the point where high schoolers now think its a joke.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't know the ethics of it, but I wouldn't let them back on school grounds until the parents showed proof of them visiting a psychiatrist.


May 29, 2018
Idiots. And thanks for more proof that time and distance from terrible things is why we have things like the anti-vaccine movement and literal Nazis in the streets.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Students should be expelled and honestly social services should be giving these parents a call


Oct 26, 2017
Northern VA
if they dressed up as dahmer or gein, perhaps it would've been permissable. really poor judgment for them to dress as harris and klebold given the circumstances.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't think the students should be expelled. They weren't the ones who have normalized school shootings over the past 2 decades to the point where high schoolers now think its a joke.
Except.. treating this lightly is protecting that normalization. "this shit is not a joke or normal" is precisely the message that should be sent.


Oct 26, 2017
It's in the spirit of Halloween and it isn't racist but it is probably peak distasteful

Deleted member 1086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
Columbine was two decades ago. High schoolers wouldn't have even remotely been alive at that time. Why are they looking up pictures and shit from Columbine? Dressing like some modern shooter is scary and horrifying. Dressing like some from decades ago shows some real crazy intent and worship that's on another level.
because they are martyrs and influences to current school shootings. It's one of the most famous school shootings of all time, and many school shooters since have noted the influence of the event on their own decisions. It's not something that is just going to go away over time.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I guarantee if they had done that here in Colorado, they would have been expelled and ran out of town with a quickness.

And to dress up as shooters not even a month after those two black, elderly people were shot in a grocery store in the same state? Nah, fucking expel them.


Oct 25, 2017
I want the logic behind this idea. I want a step by step breakdown where they explain how they never once thought about how bad an idea of this was.


Dec 22, 2017
Except that this only continues that normalization.

Except.. treating this lightly is protecting that normalization. "this shit is not a joke or normal" is precisely the message that should be sent.

It's reasonable to expect a teenager to understand why this is an absolutely horrific decision.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be suspended. I'm just saying that it's a product of the environment they group up in. You expel them, you got two non-violent idiots learning that the world cares more about making jokes about tragedies than actually working to prevent them.
Oct 26, 2017
because they are martyrs and influences to current school shootings. It's one of the most famous school shootings of all time, and many school shooters since have noted the influence of the event on their own decisions. It's not something that is just going to go away over time.
Yep. Societies hero worship of shooters has ensured their legacy to go way beyond reasonable generational shifts. Add to that, that the underlying problems are still the same, and hardly anything has changed in terms of bullying, gun violence, and the lack of serious treatment of mental problems for teens... well it's hardly surprising to have these two idolised.


Oct 25, 2017
I was just thinking about how Columbine was 20 years ago and how we've done absolutely jack shit to change things since then.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll just say it, I dont see the issue with this. They dressed as something that's routinely accepted as a fact of life here, to the point where just last week a school shooting in NC didnt even result in them canceling classes.

America is apathetic to this bullshit so as not to lose their precious gun hobbies. The real outrage should be that Columbine happens several times every year here and nothing gets done about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying they shouldn't be suspended. I'm just saying that it's a product of the environment they group up in. You expel them, you got two non-violent idiots learning that the world cares more about making jokes about tragedies than actually working to prevent them.
High school kids already think it's a joke. They live in danger every day
There's a difference between shootings being common and normalized and somebody doing what was done in the OP. Their actions here are not a result of there being an increase in school shootings.
Doesn't the suspension do that...?
Suspensions are for fighting and smoking weed in the bathroom. Some actions can and should carry heavier consequences. This wasn't just kids dressing up and being dumb. They freakin reenacted a shooting and took pictures of it.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
I'll just say it, I dont see the issue with this. They dressed as something that's routinely accepted as a fact of life here, to the point where just last week a school shooting in NC didnt even result in them canceling classes.

America is apathetic to this bullshit so as not to lose their precious gun hobbies. The real outrage should be that Columbine happens several times every year here and nothing gets done about it.
Yes, no one in America is outraged over school shootings.
