
Oct 25, 2017
Always sad to see magazines close, especially long running ones like these.

GamesMaster has been running for 25 years and say it's 'the UK's biggest multiformat magazine'. GamesTM is also a multiformat product and has been running since 2002. It was originally owned by Imagine Publishing, but the entire Imagine portfolo was acquired by Future in 2016.

"Despite the company's strong performance overall, unfortunately games™ and GamesMaster are no longer profitable parts of the business, which means that their next issues, on sale November 1st, will be the final editions," Future said in a statement.
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Oct 27, 2017
You beat me to the punch!

Real shame, I enjoyed GamesTM perspective more than Edge, which always seemed stuffy, reserved and a bit elitist.


Oct 27, 2017
I noticed SFX magazine got 10 pages shaved off in the latest edition, so it would seem these aren't the only magazines affected.


Oct 27, 2017

I've been a GamesTM subscriber for years, since it was very first taken over by Imagine. Really enjoyed it but the writing was on the wall when they started cutting and cutting from its trademark 180 pages.

They'd best leave Retro Gamer alone.
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Cheeky Devlin

Oct 31, 2017
I was thinking just a few days ago about how dire the Games magazine scene has become. I'd been looking for this months Retro Gamer in WHSmiths and they didn't have any. All they had was EDGE, PC Gamer, a handful of Retro book-azines and about 5 different titles based entirely around Fortnite.

There was such a huge selection of different titles when I was a kid but the Internet has utterly destroyed the market. It's a shame.

Plus the writing was on the wall for GamesTM as soon as Future bought it. Sad to see GamesMaster go as well and I still remember the early issues when it first launched. Good times.


Oct 25, 2017
GamesTM is the last great magazine that i still read. =(

And retrogamer, how could i forget that. It's still alive right? They have to cash in on PS classic at least.
Nov 28, 2017
Well, it's always sad to see businesses fail and people lose their jobs, but...
...gaming magazines are dinosaurs. In the era when all gaming info is available instantly at a touch of a finger, it makes no sense to wait a month for a printed version.
And with the prevalence of gaming videos and especially Twitch, just reading about games is pointless.

Type VII

Oct 31, 2017
Real shame to see any long-running mag go, but GamesMaster is especially sad as it will have been a part of a lot of people's childhood through the TV series.

GamesTM was the last games-related magazine I subscribed to as well (aside from Retro Gamer) up until a year or so ago.

Cheeky Devlin

Oct 31, 2017
Well, it's always sad to see businesses fail and people lose their jobs, but...
...gaming magazines are dinosaurs. In the era when all gaming info is available instantly at a touch of a finger, it makes no sense to wait a month for a printed version.
And with the prevalence of gaming videos and especially Twitch, just reading about games is pointless.
I agree that using a Magazine as your primary source of news, and even reviews, is a pointless exercise. The best magazines have adapted for this by providing more in-depth features and articles that a lot of websites just don't seem interested in.

It's just a shame that what was once (for me anyway) a huge part of my enjoyment of gaming is basically dying out to be replaced by characterless, soul-less websites.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't read either for years so definitely part of the problem... but it's always really sad to see magazine close up shop. Especially something like GamesMaster that has such a history in UK media.


Oct 27, 2017
I was thinking just a few days ago about how dire the Games magazine scene has become. I'd been looking for this months Retro Gamer in WHSmiths and they didn't have any. All they had was EDGE, PC Gamer, a handful of Retro book-azines and about 5 different titles based entirely around Fortnite.

There was such a huge selection of different titles when I was a kid but the Internet has utterly destroyed the market. It's a shame.

Plus the writing was on the wall for GamesTM as soon as Future bought it. Sad to see GamesMaster go as well and I still remember the early issues when it first launched. Good times.

Retrogamer's still about. Latest one has the first Fallout on its cover.
Oct 26, 2017
GM was one of the best, such a shame that its time to close shop.

I used to get it every month when I was a kid, but I haven't bought a copy in years. Just a sign of the times really.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, GamesMaster was a great mag when I was younger.

Well, it's always sad to see businesses fail and people lose their jobs, but...
...gaming magazines are dinosaurs. In the era when all gaming info is available instantly at a touch of a finger, it makes no sense to wait a month for a printed version.
And with the prevalence of gaming videos and especially Twitch, just reading about games is pointless.

I agree.

I think Retro Gamer magazine is a great idea, focusing on exclusive interviews and in-depth articles of old games, I still see a place for gaming magazines like that. Hopefully their numbers are good as I'm a subscriber to that magazine myself.
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Oct 27, 2017
GamesMaster is a great name for a gaming website if someone were to continue it. I wish the TV shows could be bought digitally. I still own the free magazine DVD with the last episode on it.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, it's always sad to see businesses fail and people lose their jobs, but...
...gaming magazines are dinosaurs. In the era when all gaming info is available instantly at a touch of a finger, it makes no sense to wait a month for a printed version.
And with the prevalence of gaming videos and especially Twitch, just reading about games is pointless.

How on earth is reading about games pointless? Videos and of all things fucking streamers do not replace good games writing.


Jun 20, 2018
I liked Games but it was quite expensive where I live. Sad another game magazine takes the dust.

Stuart Gipp

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Cambridge, England
GamesTM has been shrinking and shrinking so this doesn't surprise me at all.

Is Gamesmaster the second longest running UK games mag after CVG, or does PC Gamer predate it?


Oct 25, 2017
Shame, I have a lot of fond memories of these two. I worked on GamesTM for a couple of years and I can remember the very first issue of GamesMaster.

I feel like the writing was on the wall for GamesTM when the Future takeover happened because they weren't going to want it to compete with Edge, given how small the pool of readers they're fighting over is nowadays.


Oct 27, 2017
I was surprised GamesTM was still going. I used to be a subscriber but had to end it a few years back but still remember the magazine fondly. GamesMaster is an institution thanks to the TV show so it's end is more of a surprise. Less magazine presence on shelves is always bad but I hope everyone who works on them is taken care of well.


Oct 27, 2017
Shame. About a year ago I purchased some of my first issues of GM on Ebay. They were in great condition. The E3 Wrap up 2001 issue of GM was what got me into gaming as a real hobby.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
That's a real shame about GamesTM - although I have to admit I haven't bought a copy for a long time. I just know it was fantastic back in the day, and could easily stand next to EDGE as the pinnacle of printed gaming journalism.


Oct 30, 2017
How on earth is reading about games pointless? Videos and of all things fucking streamers do not replace good games writing.
They don't in my eyes, but I thought it was symbolic when Jeff Gerstmann basically said GB will basically be mostly videos from now on. Even their latest reviews are videos of their conversation.

If the audience isn't there, it's less likely we'll get good writers sticking to their craft, sadly.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
Wow, didn't know they even lasted this long. Used to read Games Master on the bus ride back from school. What s shame.


Feb 12, 2018
Sad about the jobs lost, also it won't be of as much interest to people here but the forums will likely go too. I've been on the Games TM forums for about 7 years or so, was my main internet hang out. I'm sad it's going. I've signed on maybe 5 or so gaming forums over the years and this place here (Era) is the last one left.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah shame uses to love reading gm and the cheat code books they used to provide..unfortunately I guess they didn't adapt enough to keep a sizeable enough audience.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ouch. I used to buy GamesMaster all the time as a kid, I must have dozens of copies stored away somewhere. Guess it's not unexpected though.


Oct 25, 2017
They don't in my eyes, but I thought it was symbolic when Jeff Gerstmann basically said GB will basically be mostly videos from now on. Even their latest reviews are videos of their conversation.

If the audience isn't there, it's less likely we'll get good writers sticking to their craft, sadly.
I mean I think traditional games writing/reviews still have a place it's just not as big as it used to be.

Giant Bomb makes sense to be entirely videos really, since the main reason people go to their site is to see them talk about games rather than read the reviews. The hook of their site is their personalities frankly.


Oct 28, 2017
Been a subscriber to GamesTM since issue 10 - gutted.

On the plus side at least my wife will stop moaning at me 'wasting' money on magazines.

But yep, gutted. Really enjoy it popping through my letterbox each month. Much prefer it to Edge (elitist drivel). Ah well, fully digital for me now then :(


Oct 30, 2017
Liked a lot of printed magazines in the past, sadly most are already gone for quite some time in Germany. Talking about Video Games, but mainly translated stuff like Games TM, Edge, etc. Really enjoyed them in the past, but Future closed their German offices a long time ago.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
I suppose it isn't surprising considering how the internet has taken over their roles, but quite sad nonetheless.

Adored GamesMaster as a kid, and I'd still buy an issue every once in a while for whenever I needed to kill time on a train or plane journey.


Oct 27, 2017
With the talk of UK magazines closing, I do hope Retro Gamer is going to be around for a while.

The incentives to subscribe have been crazy. I've been on and off with them and recently signed up for 6 issues delivered plus an 8bitdo N30 controller all for ÂŁ19.76. This is a magazine which is supposed to cost ÂŁ5.99 per issue and the controller itself is worth around ÂŁ22.

GamesTM will be missed, I would rather read that than Edge (which I was a previous subscriber to) any day of the week.

It's all quite sad.


Oct 27, 2017
I still remember the first issues of both of those magazines. Gamesmaster with the Desert Strike cover, and GamesTM had the original Splinter Cell. I've still got that issue as well.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Well, it's always sad to see businesses fail and people lose their jobs, but...
...gaming magazines are dinosaurs. In the era when all gaming info is available instantly at a touch of a finger, it makes no sense to wait a month for a printed version.
And with the prevalence of gaming videos and especially Twitch, just reading about games is pointless.

Reading most articles about games is pretty pointless, to be sure. As you say, there's so much info out there at the touch of a finger, that waiting a month to read the review on the latest big game that you could have already bought and finished is just not something that people are going to be doing, certainly not in large enough numbers to support traditional media that you actually have to pay for!

There's still life in the niches, in writing quality longer form pieces about broader topics, but beyond that, it's bleak for all sorts of traditional media.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised they were still around to be honest. I used to get GM when I was a youngen and I think my Dad bought me one or two copies of GamesTM so I didn't ever read much of that. Still sad to see them go though, off to RIP with PC ZONE.


Nov 2, 2017
I didnt even realise gamesmaster was still going. Used to love reading that and CVG as a kid. Really liked Games TM as well. Hopefully they Retro Gamer and Edge doesnt get shut down.
Oct 27, 2017
GamesMaster going is an end of an era. I used to read it pretty regularly as a kid, it helped get me hyped for N64.

Didn't read GamesTM anywhere near as regularly, but I guess that started up just as the shift towards getting all my coverage online really started to ramp up. The magazine itself always felt like a half step between Edge (targets adults, covers a lot of the business side of the industry) and stuff like GamesMaster, which definitely skewed a lot younger and mostly stuck to previews, reviews and guides.