
Oct 27, 2017
Each item will be offered as an audio/visual collectible, with a personal narration from Julian. Descriptions and videos of the items appear below; the items themselves are not up for auction.
"I've been collecting these personal items for about 30 years, and I was getting a bit fed up with them being locked away in a vault, where I've had to keep them because I didn't want them to get damaged," Lennon tells Variety.
"I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad's legacy and to show people the collections I have, and with the videos and narration, to give people a little more than they would normally get and hear some stories that they haven't heard before in a new art form and a different medium," he continues.

A portion of the sale proceeds from this NFT collection will benefit Lennon's White Feather Foundation, which will use the funds to purchase carbon removal from Nori in the form of Nori Carbon Removal Tonnes (NRTs). According to the announcement, each NRT represents one tonne of CO2-equivalent heat-trapping gas that has been removed from our atmosphere and stored in a terrestrial, subsurface, industrial or aquatic reservoir.

Unique Beatles and John Lennon Items From Julian Lennon’s Collection Up for NFT Auction (EXCLUSIVE)

NFTs of John Lennon's coat from 'Magical Mystery Tour,' Paul McCartney's notes for 'Hey Jude' are more will be auctioned next month.

Help! if old.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
"I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad's legacy and to show people the collections I have, and with the videos and narration, to give people a little more than they would normally get and hear some stories that they haven't heard before in a new art form and a different medium," he continues.

Or.....just take photos of them with your phone and post them online to share? Like....what? This is just disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
You know…he could have just done a gallery or a show and donated the proceeds.

The Omega Man

Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
These people are not buying anything, except the change to sell this "nothing" to another fool for a profit


Oct 27, 2017
"I've been collecting these personal items for about 30 years, and I was getting a bit fed up with them being locked away in a vault, where I've had to keep them because I didn't want them to get damaged," Lennon tells Variety.

More like hes frustrated how hes not making bank off his fathers legacy.


Oct 25, 2017
A portion of the sale proceeds from this NFT collection will benefit Lennon's White Feather Foundation, which will use the funds to purchase carbon removal from Nori in the form of Nori Carbon Removal Tonnes (NRTs). According to the announcement, each NRT represents one tonne of CO2-equivalent heat-trapping gas that has been removed from our atmosphere and stored in a terrestrial, subsurface, industrial or aquatic reservoir.
Sounds counterproductive...


Oct 26, 2017
I feel that this is some kind of karma for John being a piece of shit father. Julian was also improperly excluded from John's will, so as far as I'm concerned he might as well get paid.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
look at that crystal clear image quality



Oct 27, 2017
lmao @ "Help! if old"

this site is slowly but surely being taken over by NFT (threads) lol


Oct 30, 2017
"I've been collecting these personal items for about 30 years, and I was getting a bit fed up with them being locked away in a vault, where I've had to keep them because I didn't want them to get damaged," Lennon tells Variety.
"I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad's legacy and to show people the collections I have, and with the videos and narration, to give people a little more than they would normally get and hear some stories that they haven't heard before in a new art form and a different medium," he continues.

Just shamelessly lying. Any explanation they offer always falls apart with even the slightest consideration.


Oct 31, 2017
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No, not non-fungible tokens
Those are a fucking scam


Oct 31, 2017
Diehard Beatles fans are probably some of the easiest marks you can think of for this type of stuff. Same goes for pretty much any boomer rock group tbh


Oct 27, 2017
"I've been collecting these personal items for about 30 years, and I was getting a bit fed up with them being locked away in a vault, where I've had to keep them because I didn't want them to get damaged," Lennon tells Variety.
Disingenuous garbage.


Nov 3, 2017
On the one hand, people dumb enough to pay for this deserve to lose their money.

On the other hand, a grift this obvious shouldn't be rewarded, but punished.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
I have no idea how much money Julian actually has but Sean essentially is in charge of Apple Corps and probably way way way more money just due to Julian being cut off in the will.

But like, having access to money doesn't keep people from trying for even more.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Hot pink skulls wearing Hawaiian shirts with their tongues out in ahegao poses are the epitome of manliness. Not for little babies. I'm not insecure shush.
I kinda hate that knowing just how much Julian has been screwed out of being able to benefit from his father's legacy is impairing my normal "NFT=No Fuckin' Thanks" policy. So I'll settle on think he's an asshole for this on principle, but I can't hate him for doing this knowing what it's been like for him for decades now and does deserve a bit of compensation here. And I guess he's at least concerned enough about the optics of this for the carbon offsets that are being made with each transaction, even as it's questionable as to how much that helps in the long run.


Oct 25, 2017
As this goes on I realized that a great opportunity has shown itself.

I own an awesome retro gaming collection, but I really don't want to sell my awesome retro gaming collection.

But now I CAN sell my awesome retro gaming collection and also get to keep my awesome retro gaming collection!

Edit - IN FACT, I can now sell my awesome retro gaming collection, keep my awesome retro gaming collection and then add MORE to my awesome retro gaming collection, thus making it an Awesomer Retro Gaming Collection.

Then I can sell the new parts of the collection, keep them too and grow even more!


Oct 25, 2017
As this goes on I realized that a great opportunity has shown itself.

I own an awesome retro gaming collection, but I really don't want to sell my awesome retro gaming collection.

But now I CAN sell my awesome retro gaming collection and also get to keep my awesome retro gaming collection!

Edit - IN FACT, I can now sell my awesome retro gaming collection, keep my awesome retro gaming collection and then add MORE to my awesome gaming collection, thus making it an Awesomer Gaming Collection.

Then I can sell the new parts of the collection, keep them too and grow even more!
I've suggested it before, but someone seriously needs to try to start selling Nintendo game ROMs/ISOs as NFTs, if only because the resulting legal shitstorm might kill this once and for all.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah the Nintendo assassins will just make that disappear before it starts
The "Nintendo Ninjas" only work if the people involved are smart enough to know that they're fucked. Cryptobros seemingly never know when to stop and will twist themselves into pretzels trying to prove what they're doing is totally cool and totally legal. It'd almost certainly end up going to court.


Oct 25, 2017
His more musically talented brother tried NFT all the way back in Dec 2020, sadly.

Sean Ono Lennon sells NFT art piece for $3K in crypto

Sean Lennon has sold his first piece of NFT art for $3,200 in Wrapped ETH.

It won't stop me from going to the next Lennon-Claypool Delirium show in my area though.
Eh, fuck him too, NFT's aside. Dude is a centrist both-sidesy clown on twitter and Little Fishes is a song that works in some casual transphobia in the middle of all that old men shaking their fists at the cloud lyrics.