
Nov 11, 2017
I'm not making up anything nor did I say white supremacists use it maliciously. And in this particular case it does look bad/malicious and I'm glad Universal took action, I was just making an observation that a vast majority of the time people aren't using it in bad taste.

I know you didn't say white supremacists use it maliciously. Thats the reason its a hate symbol, because they use it maliciously. By design, when you hijack a symbol for hate, its something that was widely used and can now blend in with society. As its a secret code for white supremacists. Its the point of these symbols.

Wouldn't that be obvious, that if its a secret code that most people using it aren't using it for white supremacist reasons?

Plus you're asking if they're all white supremacists for using the symbol. Not sure you're clear on what it is you have an opinion about.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I had actually never heard of the circle game until this symbol became co-opted a few years ago. It's weird that I just totally missed out on it.. but I definitely know some people my age and even slightly older that are familiar with it so it isn't a generational thing. Maybe it just wasn't big in Florida back in the day? I dunno. [Edit: Article from Vice on its supposed origins..]

Anyhow, I don't think people use the "ok" symbol very much these days anyway. Thumbs up seems to be the defacto gesture in instances where that might have been used in the past. This guy's intent was very clear and good on Universal for doing the right thing.
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AYF 001

Oct 28, 2017
Hey, c'mon guys, it's just a cartoon fro...whoops, got my harmless memes mixed up there for a moment.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
4Chan and other hiding holes are right there for you to have a talk with them. I'd love to see some of those in here complaining and trying to defend or hand wave this actually go over there and try to finger wag them for a change.
Why the hell would I go to 4chan? I'm not going to change their minds or anything.


Oct 27, 2017
You know the best part of all this?

Instead of talking about the blatant racism against this biracial girl, and how she has a permanent reminder of it instead of a fun day at a theme park, we're talking about how we can never be sure if something racist is racist. Like always in threads about racism, the racism disappears as soon as a select few posters show up to derail and deflect.

Zwarte piet? - Europe doesn't have racism like the US. This is a tradition, not hatred.
Confederate flag? - Same stuff about heritage, not racism.
WP symbol next to a brown girl? - What about the circle game that he was playing with nobody? Can we talk about how I'm the real victim because I lost this game that I can still play?
Soccer hooligans throwing banana peels at soccer players? - What do you mean soccer? We should make this conversation about how it's football to all cultured peoples.
White nationalist throws up Nazi salute? - What if she was just waving?

Getting angry about thread derailing non-sequiturs is playing right into the hands of the alt right. Drive-by posts and not reading any of the conversation before interjecting are the things to do.


Oct 30, 2017
Of course not everyone knows what this gesture can stand for but he obviously does.
I mean context is important and i don't think it's a coincidence that he did that while posing with a biracial girl.

Glad that he got fired. Maybe he will start using his brain from now on.


Oct 25, 2017
So I mean, here's the 'rational' take even if you want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt:

Even if he's just playing the circle game, WHY IS HE DOING IT IN A CUSTOMERS PICTURES. When the best case scenario is still something you'd likely be fired for at Disneyland as well, why is anyone mad.

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
Leave it to a bunch of ignorant fucks to turn a harmless hand gesture into something hateful. I was raised with the notion that when someone meant that hand gesture, it meant OK.

On topic, the hateful fuck deserved it.


Oct 25, 2017
hell, sometimes it's on the nose instead of sneaky

Are you sure the photographer didn't ask a question and they're actually providing a show of hands?
Oct 27, 2017
Kinda crazy I read this news while I was at HHN in Orlando. I'm glad Universal made swift and decisive punishment for such a thing.


Dec 6, 2017
Who is he? I just want to make sure he's not working at the Chuck E Cheese that I take my kids to.


Oct 28, 2017
Some people in this thread are arguing against a nonexistent opinion.

No one here said that the ok hand is a hate symbol regardless of context. No one here posted that the symbol is unusable.

Yet I'm seeing folks post stuff like "I remember when it wasn't malicious! Why are we giving our symbols to fascists? I still use it and I'm not calling for an ethnostate!"

Like Slayven said, it's all about context.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Some people in this thread are arguing against a nonexistent opinion.

No one here said that the ok hand is a hate symbol regardless of context. No one here posted that the symbol is unusable.

Yet I'm seeing folks post stuff like "I remember when it wasn't malicious! Why are we giving our symbols to fascists? I still use it and I'm not calling for an ethnostate!"

Like Slayven said, it's all about context.

Hell, it's the fact that they're arguing against this in spite of the fact that nobody else is even considering this a reasonable opinion to begin with that has me thinking they might actually be telling on themselves


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
Man, this is just... wrong. And really, it's scary to think someone like this is working at an amusement park as one of the characters/mascots. Also, I'm all for giving someone the benefit of the doubt, but this is pretty cut and dry in my opinion and the intention is clear. He wasn't playing the circle game...
Jan 1, 2018
I wouldn't even know this was a racist symbol of it weren't for Resetera. With that said, I would say it's highly likely that guy knew and snuck it in the picture on purpose.


Dec 3, 2017
Y'all are literally playing into the alt rights plans with this shit it's actually ridiculous.

While you shit talk and put on blast anyone who questions this type of thing they're going to point at us and say "see this is why these liberal cucks are blah blah blah".

This is the problem with people who consider themselves so woke. You're not going to win hearts and minds, change behavior, or have a positive effect on anyone when your first reaction is to immediately get pissed when people don't know a hate symbol that literally just became a hate symbol.
It's been a hate symbol even during chartlotsvill where American nazi's conducted torch night march, chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil". Shit is not hidden or new neither is the idea that good faith people are going to go Fash because people were mean to them for defending/running interference for fascist bullshit. They were not good faith if they are that close to becoming a white supremacy dickhead.
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Oct 25, 2017
Who is he? I just want to make sure he's not working at the Chuck E Cheese that I take my kids to.

We have no idea, this is why this story smells of USA today pumping this out in hopes of getting clicks. There's no attempt to ascertain the identity, we don't know if it's even a he. We don't know if Universal fired him for this or something else, and i'm not totally sure if this person was fired at all since in one sentence it says fired but then the statement from UO says "they no longer work there"


Dec 3, 2017
Wasn't this used as part of the circle game, where if you look at it, you get a charlie horse? When did racist fucks steal a childs game?!
On April 9th, 2015, conservative Viner Pizza Party Ben[1] posted a video of himself making an OK hand gesture while saying "We should chill" with the description "White guys be like" (shown below, left). Sometime during the 2016 United States presidential election, Pizza Party Ben and Milo Yiannopoulos began making the gesture together at various events supporting the candidacy of Donald Trump.

4 Chan then ran a hoax operation to link the ok hand symbol to white supremacy to troll the media in 2017... after it had already been used by white power types in their support of white power candidate Donald trump two years prior.



"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Lol ain't no one tossing out the "OK" symbol like that but stealth racists

It's a racist symbol. It's been classified as such regardless if you had to google it beforehand.
So I'm a racist now? Well, according to the random asshat on the street last week I am, but I also didn't give him any handout change when he asked for it.


Oct 28, 2017
edit: Wow at the post above me. Shit is blatant.

I'm still trying to figure out who throws the ok symbol upside down. The eddie murphy pic and the chef pic are the only actual ok symbols. Being from Texas horns down and horns up have totally different meanings. It's clear to differentiate the ok symbol from the white power symbol. You'd have to be purposefully trying not to tell them apart. And playing a nut tap a game is not a valid reason to be doing it in a photo.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
I'm no expert by any means, but I'm guessing probably .000001% of all humans on planet earth using this symbol are doing it with malicious intent. More often than not it is used in a jestful "made you look" sort of way. Why do we automatically have to go to the assumption that this individual is some racist? I think it's far more likely he is just some jackass making a "made you look' symbol thinking he's clever and funny. Even if this was his intent and he's a shitbag, why give it a platform to grow into something bigger?!!! It truly feels like this story is being used to instigate a media frenzy and racial tensions, and people eat it up hook, line and sinker.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
On April 9th, 2015, conservative Viner Pizza Party Ben[1] posted a video of himself making an OK hand gesture while saying "We should chill" with the description "White guys be like" (shown below, left). Sometime during the 2016 United States presidential election, Pizza Party Ben and Milo Yiannopoulos began making the gesture together at various events supporting the candidacy of Donald Trump.

4 Chan then ran a hoax operation to link the ok hand symbol to white supremacy to troll the media in 2017... after it had already been used by white power types in their support of white power candidate Donald trump two years prior.

wow. unbelievable. Thanks for sharing this. :o


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
Why would you say "ok" in a photo anyways? it doesn't even make sense. Somehow people on this forum still shock me.


Oct 25, 2017

That's a hate sign now? I remember when it was just "okay" or part of the circle game.

I'm getting old.


Apr 9, 2018
I must be old, when I was a kid that symbol was just a game then you got punched. When did it turn into a hate white power symbol?


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Racism, Blaming the Media for the Spread of Racism, and Trolling Over Multiple Posts; Prior Severe Ban for Dismissing Concerns on Racism and Trolling
Why would you say "ok" in a photo anyways? it doesn't even make sense. Somehow people on this forum still shock me.

Search google for "made you look game" and browse the images.


apparently Micky is racist too and this girl is advertising for the alt right....or not.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Really? The "OK" symbol is as wildly considered racist as Nazi symbolism now?


This is the New Zealand mosque shooter who killed 50 Muslims in a single day


The Gateway Pundit is a far-right conspiracy site, debatably worse than InfoWars


Milo Yiannopoulos, far-right shock-jock known for hanging out with white supremacists and being a pedophile apologist


Roger Stone, racist extraordinaire, palling around with the Proud Boys, founded by known racist Gavin McInnes


Melted Barbie doll Faith Goldy, flashing the symbol and wearing a MAGA hat despite being Canadian

I would have looked up sources on why these people are racist, but a simple Wikipedia search for these people should tell you everything you need to know.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
That's not official Disney merchandise.

Make-your-own-tshirt sites use a computer-generated model with the shirt image superimposed onto it.

My point is for most people, "gotcha" or "made you look" is what it means and has meant for a long long time. It's unfortunate that it's now used as some sort of racial weapon and the media is helping to solidify that.