
Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Via CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/10/politics/iran-attempted-seize-british-tanker/
Five armed Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats unsuccessfully tried to seize a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf Wednesday, according to two US officials with direct knowledge of the incident.

The British Heritage tanker was sailing out of the Persian Gulf and was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area when it was approached by the Iranian boats. The Iranians ordered the tanker to change course and stop in nearby Iranian territorial waters, according to the officials. A US aircraft was overhead and recorded video of the incident.

The UK's Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose had been escorting the tanker from the rear. It trained its deck guns on the Iranians and gave them a verbal warning to back away, which they did. Montrose is equipped on the deck with 30 mm guns specifically designed to drive off small boats.

This is probably a response to last Thursday, when British Royal Marines seized an Iranian oil tanker near Gibraltar https://www.chronicle.gi/syria-bound-oil-tanker-carrying-iranian-crude-is-seized-off-gibraltar/
Gibraltar port and law enforcement officers, assisted by British special forces, last night boarded and seized a supertanker reportedly carrying Iranian crude oil bound for Syria in breach of EU sanctions.

The Panama-flag very large crude carrier Grace 1, which was carrying two million barrels of crude oil, was boarded 2.5 miles off Gibraltar just before 2am on Thursday morning.

The vessel and its cargo have been detained, the Gibraltar Government said in a statement.

The Gibraltar authorities said they had information giving "reasonable grounds" to believe the vessel was acting in breach of European Union sanctions against Syria.


Oct 28, 2017
This is some dangerous shit - Bolton's looking for an excuse to sink a few Iranian boats at this point, and these guys weren't helping exactly.


May 18, 2018
The Iranians ordered the tanker to change course and stop in nearby Iranian territorial waters, according to the officials. A US aircraft was overhead and recorded video of the incident.

The UK's Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose had been escorting the tanker from the rear. It trained its deck guns on the Iranians and gave them a verbal warning to back away, which they did. Montrose is equipped on the deck with 30 mm guns specifically designed to drive off small boats.

So pretty much the Iranians were like - 'Yo, come this way please'
The British were like - 'No. Look at these big guns we have'.
The Iranians were like - 'Ok.'



Oct 27, 2017
Bolton's dick must be rock-hard any time an article like this pops up.

I'm not saying Iran's current regime isn't awful, but if anyone believes the U.S wouldn't love some "regime-change" as an excuse to kill brown people and take oil, you're way too pure for this world.


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Oct 25, 2017
So pretty much the Iranians were like - 'Yo, come this way please'
The British were like - 'No. Look at these big guns we have'.
The Iranians were like - 'Ok.'


This war aint gonna start itself. The media has to do its part.


Oct 26, 2017
So pretty much the Iranians were like - 'Yo, come this way please'
The British were like - 'No. Look at these big guns we have'.
The Iranians were like - 'Ok.'

Man, fuck that shit so much.
That shit get people killed and American media has been doing that crap since forever.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
So wait no attention to british capturing Iranian freighter but this gets attention instantly ?

Not saying it is right, but that freighter violated international law. Ship was boarded in international waters.

There is little to no reasoning for the Iranians to come up to a compliant ship in international waters and order the ship into Iranian water and port under threat of weapons.

So that's why this is news.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So pretty much the Iranians were like - 'Yo, come this way please'
The British were like - 'No. Look at these big guns we have'.
The Iranians were like - 'Ok.'

Trying to force a vessel into your territorial waters isn't attempted seizure?


Nov 6, 2017
Amazing how many anti-Iran articles are suddenly showing up on American media.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Iran continues to act out dangerously, and folks will keep making excuses for them.


Oct 26, 2017
Trying to force a vessel into your territorial waters isn't attempted seizure?
I get what CNN gets from using the most harsh language possible, but what do you?
Like, I can't speak for everyone, but from from the wording I thought this was a bigger deal and I was legit worried, because sooner or later something bad gonna happen there, even without intent.

I assume we both agree we don't mean confuse people.
So why would you do that?

Now if you want some sort of action against Iran then sure, that's a fine thing to do, and if I was talking about Germany in 1941 trying to get the US involved I would use the harshest terms I can to try to persuade people.
But do you want some sort of action against Iran?
Because if not, isn't it better to at least not insist on such language?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
So wait no attention to british capturing Iranian freighter but this gets attention instantly ?
There was tons of media coverage of that. The difference is the British captured an Iranian ship violating EU sanctions. This new event took place in international waters and the British ship wasn't in any violation.

Amazing how many anti-Iran articles are suddenly showing up on American media.
Iran keeps doing dangerous stupid shit and it keeps getting reported. Yeah, pretty wild.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm at the point where for the first time in my life I don't believe a single word that comes from the Federal gov't.

That's sad.


May 23, 2019
Iran continues to act out dangerously, and folks will keep making excuses for them.
They're being starved and bullied under the guise of international law and pushed to the brink of irrationality and insanity. The West will of course use this to their advantage to oust the current Iranian regime and install puppets. Its the same playbook every time. But of course, the West has no culpability, just those crazy brown people who won't fall in line amirite?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I get what CNN gets from using the most harsh language possible, but what do you?
Like, I can't speak for everyone, but I thought this was a bigger deal and I was legit worried, because sooner or later something bad gonna happen there, even without intent.

Why would you do that?

Now if you want some sort of action against Iran then sure, that's a fine thing to do, and if I was talking about Germany in 1941 trying to get the US involved I would use the harshest terms I can to try to persuade people.
But do you want some sort of action against Iran?
Because if not, isn't it better to at least not insist on such language?
I agree with you that there's an agenda at play to portray Iran in the most negative light possible, but I also consider the headline factually accurate (based off of the infomation from this article). The fault is still Iran's for what they did, and as shitty as the current state of our media is, I'm not exactly surprised that CNN went with the most clickbaity title they could think of.


May 18, 2018
Trying to force a vessel into your territorial waters isn't attempted seizure?

Do you think this is headline worthy? The Iranians ordered the British tanker to change course and enter their port. The British refused and carried on. The Iranians were ok with this. End of story.

From the headlines, I expected the Iranian boats and gunmen to attempt to board the tanker or something.


Oct 26, 2017
Iran continues to act out dangerously, and folks will keep making excuses for them.
It boggles my mind that people think that there is any country in the world that is hoping to get into a military conflict with the US.
You really believe that Iran want the US to get angry at them?
Like, the most sinister scenario is them building nukes in hiding now, right? Why would they fuck around with this administration of all before they're ready?
I mean, I don't know, but that implies a level of irrationality that I don't think they have ever exhibited.


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Apr 19, 2018
They're being starved and bullied under the guise of international law and pushed to the brink of irrationality and insanity. The West will of course use this to their advantage to oust the current Iranian regime and install puppets. Its the same playbook every time.
I'm in no way trying to support the sanctions, but Iran is still responsible for their own actions. They are actively engaging in behaviors that makes life worse for themselves. The sanctions are obviously causing great harm to their country - to engaging in behavior that, at the least will lead to more sanctions is not a smart play.

The Iran situation is like someone lit their house on fire, and their response is to pour gasoline onto it.


Oct 26, 2017
I agree with you that there's an agenda at play to portray Iran in the most negative light possible, but I also consider the headline factually accurate (based off of the infomation from this article). The fault is still Iran's for what they did, and as shitty as the current state of our media is, I'm not exactly surprised that CNN went with the most clickbaity title they could think of.
I don't think there's any need for defend click baitey practices like that, I really don't. And while I don't think it's the end of the world, I really don't think we must take exception at someone trying to phrase it a way that will get more people get a clear picture.

I sure I can do a "well technically, some doctor do hate him, like his brother and PCP", but the question is why.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
It boggles my mind that people think that there is any country in the world that is hoping to get into a military conflict with the US.
You really believe that Iran want the US to get angry at them?
Like, the most sinister scenario is them building nukes in hiding now, right? Why would they fuck around with this administration of all?
I mean, I don't know, but that implies a level of irrationality that I don't think they have ever exhibited.
Who said anything about a military conflict? Iran knows the US isn't going to invade them due to the regional and economic carnage it would cause. They're engaging in behavior (both against the US and now likely against their closest ally) that isn't likely to help their cause, though.
Oct 25, 2017
I like that their big plan was to talk a tanker into entering their water. The Strait of Hormuz is heavily militarized, what did they expect lol


May 18, 2018
I'm in no way trying to support the sanctions, but Iran is still responsible for their own actions.

We will keep hitting them with sanctions, cut off trade, destroy their economy and starve their populace and they should silently accept this shit and not react? Is that it?

American imperialism at it's finest.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
It boggles my mind that people think that there is any country in the world that is hoping to get into a military conflict with the US.
You really believe that Iran want the US to get angry at them?
Like, the most sinister scenario is them building nukes in hiding now, right? Why would they fuck around with this administration of all before they're ready?
I mean, I don't know, but that implies a level of irrationality that I don't think they have ever exhibited.
Countries thinking they can call the US' bluff isn't exactly a new thing. Prime example: Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.


May 23, 2019
I'm in no way trying to support the sanctions, but Iran is still responsible for their own actions. They are actively engaging in behaviors that makes life worse for themselves. The sanctions are obviously causing great harm to their country - to engaging in behavior that, at the least will lead to more sanctions is not a smart play.

The Iran situation is like someone lit their house on fire, and their response is to pour gasoline onto it.
Heaven forbid a group of people have any sense of pride or dignity when the Imperialists come to town and wants them to bow down. I can't look past Iran's responsibility for their own actions but I'll be damned if im foolish enough to think that this wasn't the intention from the start.
Oct 27, 2017
They're being starved and bullied under the guise of international law and pushed to the brink of irrationality and insanity. The West will of course use this to their advantage to oust the current Iranian regime and install puppets. Its the same playbook every time. But of course, the West has no culpability, just those crazy brown people who won't fall in line amirite?

When reading articles about the Iranian government and their shitty practices I think regime change is definitely not the worst thing to happen here, keep in mind they are a barbaric theocracy after all, I am against the Trump bullshit though because having a cooling down of tensions would speed up the process of change from within which is what should happen.


Oct 26, 2017
Who said anything about a military conflict? Iran knows the US isn't going to invade them due to the regional and economic carnage it would cause. They're engaging in behavior (both against the US and now likely against their closest ally) that isn't likely to help their cause, though.
If you post vague stuff like "Iran continues to act out dangerously, and folks will keep making excuses for them" you can't complain that people don't understand exactly what you meant.
I still can't imagine any positive outcome for them from starting shit with the US and I don't think there's a ton of evidence that they just act against their self interests.
Oct 27, 2017
Iran continues to act out dangerously, and folks will keep making excuses for them.

We're waging economic war on them. I don't know what you would expect from the Iranian regime. They played by the rules, then we changed the rules, unilaterally.

This seems pretty rational, even if belligerent. We'll find out if Trump is dumb enough to take their bait.


Oct 26, 2017
Countries thinking they can call the US' bluff isn't exactly a new thing. Prime example: Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
But it's clear what Saddam thought he can get in the Kuwait war, right? it's in the name.
But it's really not clear to me what do you think they are trying to achieve here.
I'm seriously asking, I have no idea, and I really can't think of any.


May 23, 2019
When reading articles about the Iranian government and their shitty practices I think regime change is definitely not the worst thing to happen here, keep in mind they are a barbaric theocracy after all, I am against the Trump bullshit though because having a cooling down of tensions would speed up the process of change from within which is what should happen.

Sure. Just remember that with every regime change from the West, millions of extremists are born. None of these people are going to look at the US as saving them. Why should they?


May 18, 2018
When reading articles about the Iranian government and their shitty practices I think regime change is definitely not the worst thing to happen here, keep in mind they are a barbaric theocracy after all

How about the rest of the world also apply sanctions on the US, take away your jobs and make life harder for you lot because we want regime change in the US considering how awful US administrations are on the rest of the world? May not be the worst thing to happen right?

How about the US apply economy crushing sanctions on Israel for their slow genocide of the Palestinian people?

How about the Western world apply sanctions on the Saudis for their barbaric theocracy and stop selling them billions of dollars worth of bombs to drop on school children in Yemen?

How about we do all this?

Or you guys can stop being the world's police man and deciding what's best for others? Your help often times only makes it much worse for the people living in these countries trying to get democracy.

Case in point - Egypt. Where the people actually overthrew their dictator and elected a president. But know what? The US did not like the president they elected and therefore supported the military coup and gave Egyptian military weapons to put down protests where thousands were slaughtered. And currently the US supports and props the military dictator in Egypt.

The middle east is in this mess because of the US.

Americans intensely dislike democracy in other countries and especially in the middle east.


Oct 26, 2017
When reading articles about the Iranian government and their shitty practices I think regime change is definitely not the worst thing to happen here, keep in mind they are a barbaric theocracy after all, I am against the Trump bullshit though because having a cooling down of tensions would speed up the process of change from within which is what should happen.
I'm pretty damn sure the Iranians don't want their regime changed by the US, so don't pretend that oh no the poor people suffering under the yoke of the mulas.
Also, think for one second how many Iranians will die in the best case regime change scenario, and at least try to be a little bit less casual about it. If it goes really wrong, it pretty much can be the worst thing that can happen to a country. Being regime changed by the US is the worst things that happened to many many countries.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
When reading articles about the Iranian government and their shitty practices I think regime change is definitely not the worst thing to happen here, keep in mind they are a barbaric theocracy after all, I am against the Trump bullshit though because having a cooling down of tensions would speed up the process of change from within which is what should happen.
While regime change may be nice in theory, what it would involve is not something you should ever hope for.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
But it's clear what Saddam thought he can get in the Kuwait war, right? it's in the name.
But it's really not clear to me what do you think they are trying to achieve here.
I'm seriously asking, I have no idea, and I really can't think of any.

You are asking what the US are trying to achieve here...

The US isn't involved in this story? Commercial non-US flag vessel and British Naval vessel.

And they did attempt to seize the vessel so the title is accurate.
Oct 27, 2017
Any kind of regime change really should be led by the Iranian people themselves and not by the US fucking with them. Easier said than done when I am speaking in the comfortable circumstances of the West where the government normally wouldn't shoot you dead for protesting. Any protest in Iran would result in the Revolutionary Guards shooting a lot of people dead unfortunately. USA are dirty hypocrites for supporting Saudi Arabia who are an equally shitty regime. If the mullahs were pro US the US would let them do anything they want.


Oct 26, 2017
You are asking what the US are trying to achieve here...

The US isn't involved in this story? Commercial non-US flag vessel and British Naval vessel.

And they did attempt to seize the vessel so the title is accurate.
No, I was talking about Iran. I see zero reason for them to try to start shit up there.
I generally think people in the US really really over-estimate how much countries are trying to get into a military conflict with them.