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Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Right, I'm sure the democrats are to blame and everyone will recognize that while the current president unilaterally dismantled immigrant protections and the DOJ start raiding hundreds of private businesses like the 7-11 store raids. But he insists the dems are the problem, so they must be the bad guys....

Closer we get to March 5th, the more of these that will come out.

Not much makes me emotional, but this shit is lowkey bringing tears to my eyes. Fuck Trump with the biggest dog dick...


Oct 25, 2017
I hope everyone who ticks gets forced into a hell where they have to listen to Sam Smith music forever.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not much makes me emotional, but this shit is lowkey bringing tears to my eyes. Fuck Trump with the biggest dog dick...

A random question i've had about cases like these: do they make you pay for the plane tickets? Do you have to suffer the financial weight of your own deportation along with all of the other problems that go along with it?
Oct 27, 2017
The World



The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City

Right, I'm sure the democrats are to blame and everyone will recognize that while the current president unilaterally dismantled immigrant protections and the DOJ start raiding hundreds of private businesses like the 7-11 store raids. But he insists the dems are the problem, so they must be the bad guys....

Closer we get to March 5th, the more of these that will come out.



Oct 25, 2017
So someone laundered money through Trump?

But did you hear how much a Hillary profited from Haiti? Because you're about to!
Oct 25, 2017
This post makes me sad.

Don't you think DNC are political allies?

Sure, but I don't think that the various constituents that form the DNC's voter base are good at coordinating or compromising. I don't think most of the constituents of the base even like each other. I still read "don't talk about race" as a stated strategy from people who are staunch supporters of Democratic policies or politicians. I'm not giving up on voting, but I'm about to give up on thinking that the different demographic groups in the party will ever figure out how to support one another or even to understand one another.

Also, Haiti shitting on Trump is hilarious. When do we get to the part where Cuomo and Schneiderman seize all of Trump's buildings in New York?
Oct 25, 2017
Endgame Trump reminds me of a small, afflicted biting dog. He'll yap and nip at anyone who crosses his path, even with treat in hand.


Oct 26, 2017
Economist put out a infograph and aritcle on Trump tweet times.

Matthew Gertz of Media Matters, a progressive watchdog, has documented nearly 60 cases in the past three months where Mr Trump appears to be tweeting in response to Fox News segments. The alarming North Korea tweet came 12 minutes after a report on the channel about Mr Kim's "nuclear button". Michael Wolff's new book says the president has three television screens installed in his bedroom; the New York Times reports that he has a "Super TiVo" device, allowing him to record cable news and watch it later; private schedules obtained by Axios show the president takes hours of "executive time"—a delightful euphemism for telly, tweeting and telephoning. The bulk of Mr Trump's tweets as president have come in the early morning when "Fox & Friends", a fawning programme, airs (see chart).

Makes it clear he basically works between 11AM to 3PM at most and then does squat.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else not seeing Twitter embeds at all? They were working fine and now nothing. Just a constant 'Loading tweet,' I'm using Chrome btw.
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